View Full Version : Mainstream blogs doing better than porn blogs.

Greg B
06-15-2008, 07:15 PM
My mainstream blogs do way better than my porn blogs.

I've done the linking thing with the porn blogs but that is okay but
I just write posts for my mainstream stuff and I get some very prestigious
links to the posts and blogs.

Since most of my mainstream blogs are news, law, science related they
depend alot on the latest news so that may be why.

What are the plusses and minuses of your blogs?

06-15-2008, 11:18 PM
Please define "way better".

06-15-2008, 11:28 PM
I get some very prestigious
links to the posts and blogs.
Do they pay? Prestige comes with a price. No profit, no prestige.

06-16-2008, 12:28 AM
Please define "way better".

double on this. Way better how? more traffic? more income? Better return on time spent writing?

After all, we are in a bottom line business.

Greg B
06-18-2008, 12:32 AM
Do they pay? Prestige comes with a price. No profit, no prestige.

Yes, traffic and adsense! That's the bottom line. What I had to realize is that a topical story or a breaking story will get linked to from around the world. The traffic can last for a few hours to several months! In my case Time Magazine linked to one of my blogs. Other news services and big mags do too. It's only because I cover certain science, legal, mainstream subjects and my writing skills are good. Actually my writing skills are quite awesome and you can read a forward to one of my comic book series by one of the top writers ever in comics who states so.

So I got a double goody whammy of being a good writer and covering things in an interesting and timely fashion.

06-18-2008, 12:59 AM
OK, lets see what you are talking about. I would be very interested.

Greg B
06-18-2008, 02:21 AM
OK, lets see what you are talking about. I would be very interested.

Rhetorical I would love to and maybe in private but recently I've been getting attacks from assclowns in the pornmeister community and after I get done handling them in court I'll show ya. Bottom line is if you are an expert in one or more areas that would interest the mainstream folks from baking to lawn care to dog grooming, all you have to do is blog about it and stay on top of the news. Writing well is a major plus too.

06-18-2008, 09:50 AM
My problem is I can only write good.

Greg B
06-18-2008, 11:07 AM
My problem is I can only write good.

Sometimes good is well enough.

Just for practice I started writing blog posts for other webmasters' blogs and it's turned into a full time biz. My stuff retains and converts. I didn't realize it til the client base grew and when I learned what a blog post is supposed to be I tried it on my own blogs and good things started to happen.

I was blogging before it was invented. I had a page on my toon site where I'd just write about stuff and people came in by the hundreds each day. I stopped and then a few years later blogging was born.

06-18-2008, 11:23 AM
Greg, the sad reality is that 99% of blog owners cannot even write a single decent paragraph, let alone produce anything the media would be interested in.

06-18-2008, 11:30 AM
Sometimes good is well enough.
Now that is funny

06-18-2008, 11:42 AM
Now that is funny


Does he make you horny? or make you feel manly?
which is it??? can you smell it Graham?

06-18-2008, 11:48 AM
I love the smell of leather in the morning.

06-18-2008, 12:27 PM
I love the smell of leather in the morning.
or at night, or in the afternoon, or well, prolly anytime. BTW, Toby, I am working on that little video thing at the moment and will send you a sample later.

06-18-2008, 01:04 PM
Carol started "Blogging" back around 1996, just using the old Matt Krouse Guestbook script. Just a lot of fake sex crap to keep the members happy. It was years later we were told she was Blogging!

I also have lots of mainstream stuff I do that I actually make great money with. I don't bother with that Adsense stuff but get real advertisers to pay monthly for banner and ad display. Some pay extremely well for prominent spots. But I also never mix it with my Adult pursuits. The mainstream in under a different company with it's own nameservers and I don't have any tie-ins between the two. I don't even share privately with anyone what the other stuff is as....I don't trust anyone!

06-18-2008, 01:54 PM
I don't even share privately with anyone what the other stuff is as....I don't trust anyone!


Greg B
06-18-2008, 03:46 PM
Greg, the sad reality is that 99% of blog owners cannot even write a single decent paragraph, let alone produce anything the media would be interested in.

You can say that again! However, what I'm finding out is it's not always how well you write but how topical and how expert you are regarding a topic. I've always said the biggest value on the internet is professional experience. It's worth it's weight in gold and more. A guy who knows 10% about cars but writes like a Pulitzer Prize winner isn't as valuable as a guy who writes like Fred Flinstone but knows 99% about cars. Those keyword searches and traffic go to the guy with the smarts and that coupled with smart marketing equals success.

Now some folks stick with the flashy guy who looks good but then look where they end up, a lemon of a car but it sure looks pretty.

Greg B
06-18-2008, 03:52 PM
Carol started "Blogging" back around 1996, just using the old Matt Krouse Guestbook script. Just a lot of fake sex crap to keep the members happy. It was years later we were told she was Blogging!

I also have lots of mainstream stuff I do that I actually make great money with. I don't bother with that Adsense stuff but get real advertisers to pay monthly for banner and ad display. Some pay extremely well for prominent spots. But I also never mix it with my Adult pursuits. The mainstream in under a different company with it's own nameservers and I don't have any tie-ins between the two. I don't even share privately with anyone what the other stuff is as....I don't trust anyone!

Who's Carol?

Success mainstream is awesome! My mainstream areas were so full of incompetent criminals I had to go into adult to be around safe enterprising people. ( some of you are laughing but you try working in comics, animation, news. ).

Getting advertisers is easy if you have the monthly traffic. I know several folks who do great that way. I also know some people mainstream who get millions of visits a month and cry all about not making money but you mention about them taking ads and they'll bitch about how ads make their sites look cheap. WTF? Bottom line is money and they don't get it.

06-18-2008, 04:29 PM
Who's Carol?

Sorry, I didn't realize you were new to all this