View Full Version : A few random thoughts on Cybernet

Hell Puppy
06-14-2008, 03:50 AM
Nice to see everyone. I'll resist doing the cool kid shout outs...

The Hotel
"Reasonable accomodations" is a bit of a Cybernet trademark. Nothing swank, something everyone can afford. And typically something small enough to appreciate the business. I laughed when I saw size of my upgraded room, but hey it was comfortable, clean and had a good view.

I liked that it was cozy and it was very easy to find people. I initially grumbled about the location being so far from things like North Beach, but cab rides in SF are very cheap, and the cable car being right on the corner was a great short cut over to China Town, etc.

My whiny bitch list: As usual the bar never quite figured it out. Webmasters are in town, they'll drink almost 24/7. And WHAT THE FUCK was up with the pygmy shower heads?

I've long since decided seminars aren't for me. I'm not the target audience. No one in their right mind is going to get on stage and tell a room full of people something useful that I dont already know. These things are for the newbs.

Not a whole lot of newbs at this show, but the handful I sat in on were entertaining. Big props to Kayla Quinn for really adding some personality and a huge dose of reality to every panel she was on. I wanna see the behind the scenes outtakes of a Dave Cummings and Kayla shoot.

Whiny bitch list? Same old subjects. Lots of panel members who were looking for work.

Sponsor Tables
This is one thing Cybernet really does right in my eyes. There's no point to a true "show floor" these days. ROI on trade show booths sucks. Instead, Cybernet gives everyone a table to put out their swag and information and opens it for just a couple of hours one evening. I like this because it funnels everyone into one place for a short period. My typical show floor pass is maybe 20 minutes at even the largest of shows, so this really works for me. Let me see who is there, get a business card for anyone who might have something I want to follow up on, done.

Best swag was Sexy Solo Girls or whatever Celeste is calling her program. Beer and titties, how can you go wrong?

Whiny Bitch List? None.

I didn't do the opening night party, too tired and I do virtually no business with gay sponsors, so I didn't go drink their booze.

Rock the Ball was excellent. I've griped about things like security and admittance bullshit at Players Balls for years. This one was dead on. Appropriate sized venue for the size of this show, we filled it up but fit nicely. Hot asian babes dancing, and a really really great mash up band. Finally D$ booked some music that appeals to grown up business folks instead od drunk college kids and white playas who wish they were rappers.

And Kink.com's party at the castle. Well, this was worth going to just to see what these guys have done with the Armory. Talk about a match of facilities to business needs, this is sheer genius. A venue that I doubt anyone could possibly justify due to makeover needs is perfect for these guys sets and studios. And it's freaking huge. Top notch party as well, lots of food, open bar and people fucking while a bunch of should-be pornographers snapped pics like they've never seen pussy before.

Again, nothing at all to bitch about here for me, had a great time.

Nmbers looked noticably smaller than Tampa last year. SF is a great venue and adult friendly, but it's an expensive town and beyond a handful of big companies doesn't have that local/regional draw you get in places like Tampa. Not a huge independent of small company scene in SF due to cost of living there.

Most of the attendees seemed to be employees of Cybernet sponsors, but there were a smattering of business owners there as well.

If I play monday morning quarterback, I have to think "yet another west coast show" in the current business climate is not a way to draw big nmbers. While IMO I think had it stayed in Tampa, it would've built upon last year's numbers.

But for me, I got to spend some time with some great folks and had a great time just hanging out. It was worth the trip just to meet rhetorical and his lovely wife. Darci being on hand was a great bonus. And me and Toby are the two quiet ones, we probably said more this week than we do in a typical entire month. And as always the AEBN gang.

Highlights of the whole week for me were 3 wonderful dinners. Amazing what all you can get folks to disclose after a few drinks and a big meal.

I had a much better time than I was ever expecting. I went in skeptical that this show would be so small that it would be a complete waste of time. Instead, the size worked in it's favor. Some of the things I liked best about it, such as the parties, couldn't be done without a major investment at a larger show.

LAJ and Connor did a great job. I heard zero complaints about logistical stuff. Well, other than the bar, but tha's not really in their control. This show has been around forever and has evolved. I hope it continues that trend.

06-14-2008, 12:31 PM
I can only add into this recap with a requst for a formal networking area for all shows. I dont think I saw everyone there in one place at one time.

All in all nice show. Solid business. Saw friends both new and old for the first time one those that I seldom see. A special shout out to Graham and his wife whomo Ive never met but certainly am glad that I did. THey were working the show like pros. I saw them working business angles as well as having a blast.

No plonkers here.

And the final night we kicked it old school in the pier at Scoma's to set up some future business. I have to work harder to get ahead of Toby on snagging a check. Thanks for the fellowship and meal. Look forward to the future.

This marks the first D$ event that I have ever attended and I will be the first to say they got it right.

Pictures say a thousand words. Ive offloaded some of the highlights Ive shot at http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/album.php?albumid=4

If you want to see every picture on the system. Click all albums up on the nav bar and see everyones pics.

Next destination. Miami.

06-14-2008, 01:27 PM
An excellent time, great company, great food.

I'm still in SF until tomorrow afternoon. Dinner last night was yet another amazing meal and today we're firing up the smoker to make some beer can chicken.

A more complete report to follow, after I return to Houston.

06-14-2008, 03:10 PM
Hell Puppy you write about your travel experiences so well. You should do like a zagat travel guide for webmasters. :)

06-14-2008, 09:05 PM
Since this was my first trade show, I wasn't sure what to expect. I quickly realized there was business to be done if you were so inclined. For me, it was an experience in lateral thinking. I am not sure what will come of it, only time will tell.
We had a blast. North Beach and the Stinking Rose were awsome..thanks Hell Puppy. The Brazen Head is not a porn site, but a great steak house that Brad Mitchell from Mojo Host treated us to on Toby's most excellent recommendation. Gonzo knows how to party and it went on and on.
The last night at the armoury was amazing. 200,000 square feet of pure kink.

I don't have anything to compare this to, but it was fun and hopefully profitable.
Toby, you gonna post the boot pics? lol

Oh yeah, and Rcourt, we....my wife and I....got to party with April and Liz.....More fun than diesel sniffers in a truck stop, dude.

06-14-2008, 09:12 PM
I don't have anything to compare this to, but it was fun and hopefully profitable.

Follow up. Im pretty certain there is some profit between a few of us alone. And I hope the connections that you made there will also bring you more business in the future.

06-15-2008, 12:09 AM
I'm pretty beat up right now after a week of insanity and 10 months of planning and anticipate my full recovery by tomorrow as I am hard as nails like that :D

Got home and went to bed around 3 am this morning and am trying to get a jump on things so that next week isn't hell. I'm skimming around reading threads, emails, etc. from everyone but won't really have the time to commit to responses until after Monday. But I definitely wanted to poke into this thread and thank Opranos support of our show and for all of you here that attended.

I greatly appreciate the fact that you all had an awesome time and are offering some constructive feedback here. This has always been a tough but usually fair crowd here so I'm digging on what I'm reading, big time. Thanks for it...

06-15-2008, 03:52 PM
I can only add into this recap with a requst for a formal networking area for all shows.

\Great idea!

Solid business.

Really? Very cool! I have not wanted to attend this event very much because this didn't seem a likely eventuality...

And the final night we kicked it old school in the pier at Scoma's to set up some future business. I have to work harder to get ahead of Toby on snagging a check. Thanks for the fellowship and meal. Look forward to the future.

This marks the first D$ event that I have ever attended and I will be the first to say they got it right.

Pictures say a thousand words. Ive offloaded some of the highlights Ive shot at http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/album.php?albumid=4

If you want to see every picture on the system. Click all albums up on the nav bar and see everyones pics.

Next destination. Miami.

See ya there ;)

06-15-2008, 04:13 PM
Really? Very cool! I have not wanted to attend this event very much because this didn't seem a likely eventuality...

I dont attend any show without scheduling business meetings well in advance of going.

Every Cybernet Ive attended has brought back one large deal for the year.

06-15-2008, 11:15 PM
Really? Very cool! I have not wanted to attend this event very much because this didn't seem a likely eventuality...

Huh? Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?

06-15-2008, 11:29 PM
Luuuuuuuuucy I hoooooooooome (in my best Ricky Ricardo voice).

Just got in from the airport after a stop on the way home for Chinese. I'm beat, so that more complete report I mentioned earlier will have to wait until tomorrow.

Toby, you gonna post the boot pics?Yes, I'll be posting that pic and a few others yet. I only have so much patience when it comes to editing photos on my laptop.

I dont attend any show without scheduling business meetings well in advance...:-pearl:
Any show is what you make of it. If you wait for business to just come find you, you're not going to do much business. (especially if you're passed out drunk with ketchup on your head)

Huh? Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?Jay, just consider the source. :rolleyes:

I think Cybernet Expo's biggest strength is that you don't try to be another Internext. Carry on my friend and we'll see you again next year in SF or wherever. :okthumb:

06-15-2008, 11:56 PM
I gotta say after years of fencing on boards with Toby it was a pleasure to meet him. He is still an asshole but a really smart asshole.

06-16-2008, 11:25 AM
T'is amazing what 8 hours of snooze in your own bed will do for your disposition. :)

Now for that promised report on Friday evening's repast.

1550 Hyde (http://home.earthlink.net/~zootster/) - My brother had made reservations for four well over a month ago. As it turns out the restaurant is owned by a guy that my brother used to work with about ten years ago when they were both working at Plumpjack (http://www.plumpjack.com/plumpjack/), which explains the extensive wine list. We ordered a couple of appetizers, and the owner sent us another complimentary appetizer. Antipasto, a seafood sampler, and a fruit plate. All were excellent, as was the sparkling wine we had with them.

For entrees two of us chose short ribs, two chose pork chops, along with a bottle of Pinot. The short ribs were done to perfection, needing barely any coaxing to remove the meat from the bone. Carmelized onions in a rich beef stock with fresh peas and red potatoes. Fairly simple fare done exceptionally well. The pork chop received similar review, and my brother is a fussy sumbitch.

Dessert was out of this world. I had an arborio rice pudding that was incredible and the others all had the signiture chocolate pot de creme.

A superb meal that didn't break the bank.

I gotta say after years of fencing on boards with Toby it was a pleasure to meet him. He is still an asshole but a really smart asshole.
The sentiment is mutual. (I finally posted those boot pics)

06-16-2008, 11:45 AM
I will have to say this for the panels though and its no offense to Jay but....

1. If your claim for fame is your recently former job it might be more beneficial for you to not run your cocksucker nonstop for an hour and take a breath. The panel I was on I had the same loudmouth as Darci. And as with Darci after he ran to the bar to get a drink we both had people walk up for business.

The meek shall inherit the work.
Noone came to hear you brag about all your gear. No one came to hear you argue which is better a PC or a mac platform for video production. People listening and taking notes are newbies.

They walked away with nothing but the fact that you were a pompous blowhard asshole.

2. If your on a Web 2.0 panel - have an idea of where the term origniated. Dude from Kink.com - you might have a very nice facility and set of web sites but you lost most of us when you said Web 2.0 is a generic term that describes "whats new on the web".

Dont tell Kevin Rose [co founder of Digg and Darci's former production assistant] he might have a breakdown and have to cry on Alex Albrecht's shoulder. Had you taken a breath ...Darci might have bailed you out instead of looking at you like you have no clue as to what a blog is....

Dave Cummings... we love you man. I hope that when Im older that I can preform in private what you do on film. Please leave the "Stripes" at home next time when talking about how to work with models.

I agree that all needs to be organized before and after a photo shoot but you had a 5 page checklist including robes and a reserved parking place. I can say starting out that Ive always tried to treat the models with a high degree of respect and consideration but... like Kayla said... if you plan on asking a woman to jam your dick up her ass ... shes not going to be worried about a reserved parking place.

Fuck em - pay em and let them go.

Matrix Content. Im sorry that your still chickenshit to show your face at a show. You shouldnt have been so quick to joing your boy Ron in selling us all out. Next time have some consideration for your wife and grow some balls instead of putting her on a panel to look stupid.

06-16-2008, 11:49 AM
I gotta say after years of fencing on boards with Toby it was a pleasure to meet him. He is still an asshole but a really smart asshole.

Dude.. I was gonna say that about you! :D

It was def. a pleasure meeting you and your better half Rhetorical.

And Toby... glad you enjoyed yourself, thanks for your support!

06-16-2008, 12:07 PM
Sounds like it was a hell fo a show... :>)) Great job LAJ!

06-19-2008, 10:59 AM
I gotta say after years of fencing on boards with Toby it was a pleasure to meet him. He is still an asshole but a really smart asshole.

It was great to meet and chat with you some, though I am bummed we never got to finish our conversation (my fault completely) - but would love to finish answering questions for you.

You have my card, right? Look forward to working through any concerns you still have and answering your questions.

06-19-2008, 02:09 PM
Hopefully they'll move it back to Tampa next year.

06-19-2008, 02:11 PM
Hopefully they'll move it back to Tampa next year.

I thought the idea was to have it in Tampa every year? and was told it went over well here, So why back to Hollywood?

06-19-2008, 03:58 PM
I thought the idea was to have it in Tampa every year? and was told it went over well here, So why back to Hollywood?

06-20-2008, 01:17 PM
Definitely not moving it back to Tampa. I wanted it there for 2008 but was outvoted LOL. San Fran seems like really the perfect venue for us.

06-20-2008, 02:31 PM
Definitely not moving it back to Tampa. I wanted it there for 2008 but was outvoted LOL. San Fran seems like really the perfect venue for us.
I liked San Francisco.

06-20-2008, 04:32 PM
Definitely not moving it back to Tampa. I wanted it there for 2008 but was outvoted LOL. San Fran seems like really the perfect venue for us.
No biggie, I'm sure no one missed me anyway.

06-21-2008, 12:41 AM
No biggie, I'm sure no one missed me anyway.

Not true dude. Would have loved to have put you on a panel.