View Full Version : Bush Impeachment process begins, American Media Refuses to report

06-10-2008, 07:42 PM
If it wasn't for the fact that I was reading the belfasttelegraph (http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/article3786591.ece)I wouldn't have even known. Social networking sites like reddit are all over the story, but American media sites like cnn.com are completely silent.

I avoid politics, but the lack of reporting here disturbs me. No matter how you feel about Bush being impeached I think you should have the right to know the entire story. How realistic is it? How much support in congress is there? Does the president of the country I live in face the possibility of an international war crimes tribunal? Nothing, not a word, I have to find out what is going on in my own country from other countries.


06-10-2008, 08:11 PM
A single Senator making a motion isn't exactly news, especially when it apparently wasn't seconded by anyone.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated that there will be no consideration of impeachment proceedings against Bush and said the idea was "off the table."

So perhaps the US media skipped over it the same way they also don't replay the member's "minutes" each day either.

06-10-2008, 08:38 PM
Kucinich's resolution has at least one congressional backer.

Florida Democrat Robert Wexler declared support for it in a press release this afternoon. He accused President Bush of creating a "massive propaganda campaign to sell the war in Iraq to the American poeple" and "an unprecedented abuse of executive power."

"It is time for Congress to stand up and defend the Constitution against the blatant violations and illegalities of this administration," Wexler said.

Wexler is a House Judiciary Committee member who launched a nationwide campaign earlier this year to hold impeachment hearings for Cheney, although he didn't cosponsor a Kucinich's Cheney impeachment measure until today.

Wexler doesn't think there's currently enough support on the Judiciary Committee to begin impeachment proceedings, but hopes upcoming testimony by former Bush press secretary Scott McClellan might change members' minds, said his chief of staff, Eric Johnson.

"There weren't enough committed votes to impeach Nixon before the hearings and tapes were discovered," Johnson said. "You need to have the hearings to bring evidence out to make the case."


Are you trying to say nothing George Bush has presided over these 7 years is impeachable?

It isn't there isn't adequate crimes and misdemeanors for impeachment.
It is that congress is a bunch of corporate boot-lickers who don't have a spine among themselves. And evenDennis should have made this move years ago.

06-10-2008, 10:24 PM
Holy shitballs! not . . . .THE Belfast Telegraph :o

06-10-2008, 10:48 PM
It ain't gonna happen....don't hold your breath.

06-10-2008, 10:51 PM
Until Bush gets a blowjob (and you know wifey ain't gonna do it), he won't have any problems.

06-13-2008, 07:57 PM
Just thought I'd share this:

An Amy Goodman interview with Dennis Kucinich.

Despite Opposition from His Own Party,
Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich Vows to
Continue Impeachment Effort Against Bush (http://www.democracynow.org/2008/6/13/despite_opposition_from_his_own_party)

06-15-2008, 04:00 PM
A single Senator making a motion isn't exactly news, especially when it apparently wasn't seconded by anyone.

So perhaps the US media skipped over it the same way they also don't replay the member's "minutes" each day either.

Oh come on, if it was Bill Clinton being motioned it would be all over the television horizon...

Everytime shit like this happens to Republicans, you don't hear about it.

When Repbulicans bring underage male whores to the white house you don't hear about it.

When Gary Hart or Bill Clinton get their dicks sucked, it's absolutely everywhere...

Whose pocket is the media in?

Gimme a break. (at least democrats are heterosexuals - no offence to gays)


06-15-2008, 06:27 PM
Mediaguy, wow... that goes entirely against the vision spread out there of the liberal media controlled by democrats. I mean, outside of The Fox Propaganda Network... the media isn't exactly republican friendly.

I think this is way more about a single nutball senator grandstanding and nobody in the media being stupid enough to bite.

06-15-2008, 07:46 PM
You think the American news media, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN etc... is democrat or liberal-heavy??

Have you seen the difference between just CNN International and CNN US? I have never seen such as right-leaning, govt. dominated news and journalism environment as what is served to Americans.

I feel sorry for them, really, and rarely feel actually affected by their views because I know it's not their fault.They are, almost literally, brainwashed, and it's very difficult to have a normal conversation with an average American because of this.

Smile. Nod. And just remember that they've been exposed to nothing but Fox and softened-by-degree other US information outlets.

It's a pathetic situation.

06-15-2008, 09:00 PM
MG, I am in Canada. Our news ain't brainwashed bullcrap, we don't much be liking Fox News up here (except maybe for the laugh factor). But it is clear that CNN example (even the american version) is very much anti-bush, and especially guys like Lou Dobbs would love a chance to jump on Bush. But the chance has to be a real chance, not a bored nutjob senator looking for camera time trying to push something nobody else wants. In news terms, the story has no legs.

Few in Washington want to see Bush impeached at this point. The Republicans want to look like they leader is a good guy, they are fucked enough as it is trying to keep him away from Senate and House races so he doesn't poison things... and the democrats, well, they stand to be holding all three pieces of the puzzle come January, so why would they want to start a pissing war that could make them look bitter and vindictive?

Impeachment might have been an idea a couple of years ago. Hell, voting the chimp out of office 4 years ago would have been a great idea. But doing it now is a waste of time and effort, so the idea has no supporters, no backers, and it isn't making it into the spin cycle. The media can smell a dead body from miles back, and nobody wants to touch it.

The american media for the most part stopped being about news a long time ago. Now it is about ratings, which means sucking up to which ever group has the power, singing whatever song is the most in demand. Too bad, really.

06-16-2008, 12:01 AM
MG is right about CNN and CNN international. They are world's apart. I travel a lot and watch CNN in hotel rooms around the word and I have to say that it is way more literate and insightful. Even the Americans know that Americans will swallow anything if it is dressed up nicely...oops, that is my business. Forget I said that.