View Full Version : Re: Looking for help please, total newb

06-09-2008, 12:03 AM
Thanks for responding!

Not sure where you cut and pasted those from but Ill answer.

Actually, from a word doc I typed out on my desktop. I like to try and think through what I'm gonna say before I ask dumb questions.

1. I have personal blue cross blue shield but I think you might be asking from a legal standpoint. You ming want to consult with a lawyer. Micheal Fattarosi who is here in our legal forum is always glad to give you advice and he has a very inexpensive option for a legal retainer at adultbizlaw.com

I did post a couple legal questions there, I guess I'll add the insurance issue to my post there.

2. Yeah its not as easy as it looks. If your stepping into this with a limited budget and hopes of a instant and high payoff --- your about 10 years too late. It takes hardwork and cash flow and if your light on the cash flow then even harder work. And there are lots of scammers that will take your money if you do have the cash flow.

Cash flow is an issue, but I never expected instant riches. I'm thinking/planning in terms of years of hard work to get where I want to be.

a)DVD market is in decline. HD/BlueRay/etc. THey are all in decline and it will get worse before it gets better as we see more stuidos go to a firesale and then out of business.
b)Owing your own websites is the way to go if you haev a winning formula. Selling other peoples stuff as an affiliate has a large degree of theft/shaving built in and we are seeing more of it this year.
c)Producing your other content to sell has its own unique set of challenges. Your better off producing a DVD and putting it on all of the VOD networks unless you have an established base of clients to sell to right off the bat.

a) Thats a bummer really. I'll probably still make some, just as a supplement or side medium though.
b) I do have a couple ideas I think are winners.
c) I actually had not previously thought of utilizing the VOD market(not primarily at least), thanks!

4. Your in the right place! People that frequent this board are in the business to earn.

Right on! :okthumb:

5. If you have the tallent pool,studio and cash flow to support it. Yes.

6. Affilaite programs are the webs version of multi level sells. Think Amway for porn except you dont try to recruit people under you. Your a commissioned sales person. And a lot of companies will steal from you. No checks and balences.

This sounds like something I'd wanna learn a lot more about before I took on the hassle.

Not sure what your looking to do so its hard to steer you but to say hang out on here and ask questions as the come to mind. We are a friendly bunch to a point. And Im availible for consulting!

Welcome to Oprano

thanks again for your insight, I'm sure I'll have tons more questions

06-09-2008, 10:01 AM
To be fair Dave...I am a consultant for the worlds largest adult VOD company. We work with a lot of studios and most of them are in major decline as far as DVD sales.

I can tell you as an affiliate my income increases ever so slightly month to month in a time where gas and food costs are on the rise.

My observation is that the heat and the economy will drive people inside during a time where most usually look to the outdoors for recreation as opposed to the winter months.