View Full Version : Possible Gay Sex Pictures of Adam Savage from Mythbusters leaked by hackers.

06-04-2008, 12:56 AM
The graphic photo can be seen on Deviantdepot (http://deviantdepot.com/dotd/collection/1449)

The long and short of the story is that some hackers were digging through files found on unsecured FTP servers when they came across the photo. It was then posted the the discovery channel's forums where it was seen by little kids who were fans of the show and thus traumatized for life. Savage was recently announced to be speaking at the HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) conference in NYC next month. I doubt he'll be in attendance after this.

Personally, I doubt it's him. What do you think?

06-04-2008, 01:01 AM
ya gotta love the internet

06-04-2008, 03:04 AM
Similar looking guy with red hair, careful attention to grooming, get the right glasses, and off you go. I don't think it is him, and if it is, well, SO WHAT?

06-04-2008, 03:48 AM
and if it is, well, SO WHAT?

I don't care what people do with their buttholes, that's their business, but if it is him, well these kinds of pictures could be very damaging to his career. Example, on the Discovery channel's forums shortly after the picture was posted an angry father left this message:

this is to whomever is posting the photos of Adam naked, my 11 year old son woke up early and hopped on the computer to come here to see what episodes are coming up (this is one of his favorite shows) and clicked a photo link (i wont post it here)
but the link seems to contain naked photos of Adam Savage, he was terribly upset by these and I feel compelled to contact media sources for scarring my young boy.
this WAS his favorite show, hes been crying all morning.
please look into this, and until i see an apology for this consider my family no longer viewers of Mythbusters OR ANY Discovery channel shows, if these are the kinds of perverts you put on air.

Then, the media including CNN, MSNBC and SFgate started reporting that he'd killed himself over the pictures.

Which isn't true, but kind of funny.

It was just recently announced that he would be speaking at a Hacker conference in NYC next month, I would assume the two are related and I doubt he'll be showing up now and doing so anyways would be a very bad idea as I'm sure it would turn into a trolling free-for-all.

06-04-2008, 04:11 AM
I just read some additional comments on the photos from people who have the entire dump. I'm 99% sure that this is not Adam Savage, but the thread is still relevant because there is a lot of buzz going on about the issue.

06-04-2008, 06:44 AM
Why do they assume it's gay sex? I know a lot of straight men who play with anal toys and have no desire to ever experience a real cock and only have sex with women. As far as the pics, it's not like HE posted them. That mother should not be upset with Adam Savage (whomever he is). They should be upset with the owners of the forums at the Discovery Channel who don't monitor content posted where her children are able to surf the Internet.

06-04-2008, 08:18 AM
Those fucking hackers!
If its true and his career is done someone tell him to follow in Screechs footsteps and contact me about doing a video!

06-04-2008, 02:48 PM
Those fucking hackers!
If its true and his career is done someone tell him to follow in Screechs footsteps and contact me about doing a video!
From looks of things he may have an opportunity as a spokesman for Crisco