View Full Version : oops.....or the obvious "oh shit!"

06-01-2008, 09:49 PM

06-01-2008, 11:34 PM
should'a NOT had the taco.

06-02-2008, 09:05 AM
Happens quite frequently actually. Pretty disgusting and embarrassing but winners don't quit.

06-02-2008, 10:31 AM
Happens quite frequently actually. Pretty disgusting and embarrassing but winners don't quit.
I know, my last few marathons, I have come close....

06-02-2008, 10:34 AM
:huh: OMFG! I would have died if that was me..find a lake buddy!:unsure: Do htey not take bathroom breaks? He had to of known that was coming!:scratchinright? YUCK!!!

06-02-2008, 11:45 AM
Marathoners don't stop for anything and sure as heck not long enough to find a bathroom or lake to wash off in. They grab drinks as they run and for the most part you don't have to pee while you're running because you sweat it all out anyway. However, occasionally a runner pushes themselves so far they lose control of their bowels. There's a famous incident that occurred at the Olympics many years ago with a female runner that had pooped her pants and kept going and got to the point where she was actually crawling the last several hundred meters just to finish.

P.S. The world record for a marathon is something just over 2 hours so they don't usually last long enough to worry about bathroom breaks and it's not likely he new it was coming

06-02-2008, 12:08 PM
Marathoners don't stop for anything and sure as heck not long enough to find a bathroom or lake to wash off in. They grab drinks as they run and for the most part you don't have to pee while you're running because you sweat it all out anyway. However, occasionally a runner pushes themselves so far they lose control of their bowels. There's a famous incident that occurred at the Olympics many years ago with a female runner that had pooped her pants and kept going and got to the point where she was actually crawling the last several hundred meters just to finish.

P.S. The world record for a marathon is something just over 2 hours so they don't usually last long enough to worry about bathroom breaks and it's not likely he new it was coming

That is an amazing story..
I use to run a lot when I was in ROTC..we ran for over 1.5 hours straight ..not many of us were left but we kept our poop in place! It was the hardest most exhausting thing I had ever done..I could not imagine running for longer than that! A few did puke...
I could not run that distance now!:o I was great at running when I was younger..I have four brothers so I learned early on..the faster the better! It was all about pace when we ran at school..it was for charity...

06-02-2008, 12:17 PM
The ones that amaze me are the ultramarathoners. They run from 50 to 100 miles in a race and then there are the 24 hours and multi-day races of 1,000 miles.

I used to race bikes and we'd often do 100 mile and 150 mile training rides and then race up to 100 miles in a single race but I can only imagine how painful it would be to run that far.

06-02-2008, 12:49 PM
The ones that amaze me are the ultramarathoners. They run from 50 to 100 miles in a race and then there are the 24 hours and multi-day races of 1,000 miles.

I used to race bikes and we'd often do 100 mile and 150 mile training rides and then race up to 100 miles in a single race but I can only imagine how painful it would be to run that far.
I used to run with the Hash House Harriers and there was one 64 year old doctor that ran ultras. He was a heart surgeon and he didn't have a quarter ounce of excess body weight. But he could drink huge quantities of beer.

06-02-2008, 02:30 PM
The ones that amaze me are the ultramarathoners. They run from 50 to 100 miles in a race and then there are the 24 hours and multi-day races of 1,000 miles.

I used to race bikes and we'd often do 100 mile and 150 mile training rides and then race up to 100 miles in a single race but I can only imagine how painful it would be to run that far.

After I ran I had a hard time walking the next morning..oooo the pain! We didn't have to wear our BDUs thank God!
I would love to be in a bike race! FUN!:clapping:

06-02-2008, 03:40 PM
I used to run with the Hash House Harriers


06-02-2008, 03:42 PM
Actually, getting the "runs" during a race is almost a badge of honour amongst many of the hard-core marathon runners. It shows that you will run through anything!

I'll stay with the HHH and drink beer halfway through my runs (and not the above mentioned "runs") ;)

06-02-2008, 03:47 PM
Here's to Rhetorical. He's true blue.
He's a hasher through and through,
He's a pisspot so they say.
Tried to get to heaven,
But he went the other way.
Drink it down, down, down, down...

Just an old Hasher drinking song.....

06-02-2008, 03:54 PM
I'll stay with the HHH and drink beer halfway through my runs (and not the above mentioned "runs") ;)


06-02-2008, 04:00 PM
HHH or The Hash House Harriers is a world wide thing....it's just a drinking club with a running problem!


06-02-2008, 04:30 PM
Damn, I'm "Dogshit" Danny....You?

06-02-2008, 04:56 PM
"Dirty Old Man" due to my...er...profession (and how I act!). But just known as "Dirt". Carol is "Sweet Caroline" or just "Sweet" due to the fact her real name is Caroline and she hates the damn song so much.

06-02-2008, 05:05 PM
"Dirty Old Man" due to my...er...profession (and how I act!). But just known as "Dirt". Carol is "Sweet Caroline" or just "Sweet" due to the fact her real name is Caroline and she hates the damn song so much.
Unfortunately, I made a film about the Hash and it was supposed to be on tv one night. We all gathered round the bar, whiskey bottles piled high, show came on.....no film on the Hash. Unfortunately...... I said, if this doesn't air tonight, I'm gonna feel like a piece of dogshit.....well I guess shit sticks and that was that.
It aired a week later....lol and I'm still Dogshit.

06-02-2008, 05:40 PM
So.....thats not a grab from a Max Hardcore video?

06-06-2008, 12:34 PM
that was f*** gross! he should take a break first before going back to compete.

06-10-2008, 11:16 AM
OMG.....shit happens ;)

06-10-2008, 06:22 PM
so damn gross!

06-10-2008, 06:27 PM
I think I've seen that guy at races before. What's the source of the pic?

06-18-2008, 06:02 PM
>>>Winners WIN because they NEVER GIVE UP!<<<