View Full Version : R-Kelly identified in porn video

05-28-2008, 10:03 AM
It’s the R-Kelly trial (http://www.p2pnet.net/story/16016), Day Eight, and someone else has identified him as The Man in the Sex Flick.

“The young girl who allegedly appears in a sex video with R. Kelly visited the R&B star’s recording studio regularly, did her homework there and once brought an overnight bag, Kelly’s former personal assistant testified Tuesday,” says the Chicago Sun-Times (http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/kelly/973794,CST-NWS-Rkelly28.article).

Kelly is pleading not guilty to kiddie porn charges.

“Lindsey Perryman, now a recording company executive, said she met the girl at Chicago Trax Recording Studio one night in 1999 as the girl arrived with her parents and brother,” says the story, going on:
“She had a pillow and an overnight bag with her. She’d, “come there after school and do her homework.”

Perryman “worked sporadically” for Kelly for seven years, says MTV (http://www.mtv.co.uk/channel/mtvuk/news/28052008/422218/r_kelly_trial_assistant), continuing she told the court she’s “110 percent” certain the video tape features R-Kelly, “and the underage girl in question”.

Initially, the story says, “Perryman testified to Kelly being a great employer and said that she had arranged meetings between him and the young girl in question on a number of occasions but was unaware of any inappropriate behaviour until viewing the tape.

“After watching the footage Perryman commented ‘I was shocked … I was disturbed. I didn’t want to see any of this’.”

However, cross-examined by defense lawyer Marc Martin, “Perryman admitted she could not identify either of them the first time she saw the tape,” says the Sun-Times.

“I was in shock,” it has her saying. “I wanted to be 100 percent sure” before making the identifications.

R Kelly faces 14 counts of child pornography; seven for directing, seven for producing, says MTV, adding:

“This could result in 15 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.”
And if he’s convicted, he’ll have to register as a sex offender, says the post.