View Full Version : Jeff Miller JMM what's up with this?

05-22-2008, 11:18 PM
it seems that on another board, Mr. Miller is in a pickle over paying affiliates. Say it isn't so Jeff. You, by all accounts that you have posted, are rich. Could you please explain why this is happening? I am sure it must be a huge mistake. Perhaps a processing error, a bank fuck up, or a server issue.

05-23-2008, 12:41 AM
Does this sound familiar....out of town in a crisis????

I emailed everyone back that emailed me sunday, monday, and tuesday.

I was gone yesterday and today and I am back tonight and will get to the rest of you.

We had a third party handling the payments, 12 accounts were messed up and all 12 will be paid in full and caught up this week.

If I have not responded to your emails, I will get to them tonight, I was out of town. Those that I did respond to, I told you we would get it cleared up and you would be paid this week. If I did not send you a follow up email it was because there was nothing more to say.

05-23-2008, 12:44 AM
We had a third party handling the payments, 12 accounts were messed up
They always trot this out. How many times have you heard this? Jeff, you go girl.

05-23-2008, 12:47 AM
You can say what you like. You can swing your dick in a wide swath. You can prattle on about your brothers and tribe who are lawyers. But when all is said and done, you can never and I do mean never be late on a payment for services. That just puts you in the big shit hole of has beens.
Anyone here disagree? I bet we don't hear a peep from Jeff Miller

05-23-2008, 02:08 PM
Didnt Jeff run Earl Millers program at one time?

05-23-2008, 06:26 PM
I probably get a dozen checks a week from third-party agents. It's not that unusual, but what is unusual is Jeff not being around. He's always been a straight shooter.

05-23-2008, 06:29 PM
I probably get a dozen checks a week from third-party agents. It's not that unusual, but what is unusual is Jeff not being around. He's always been a straight shooter.
We will have to agree to disagree on that one, Pam. You see I never believed he was. Against all odds.

05-24-2008, 11:00 AM
Did he ever fuck you over, or was it just his attitude that pissed you off? I'm owed money and stats say the check was issued today. But, it's not like he's in some third-world country and you can't track him down. If I don't get paid, I'll email or call and not worry about it. Other sponsors who owe me money from countries whose name I can't even pronounce worry me a bit. I know he rubbed a lot of people the wrong way on our old forum. He's outspoken, but so are you, and hell, so am I. Think of it this way. A lot of people don't like you and would say you aren't a straight shooter, right? But you've always been cool with me, never fucked me over, and call a spade a spade. So I'd defend you just as I am defending him, I guess.

05-24-2008, 11:07 AM
Did he ever fuck you over, or was it just his attitude that pissed you off? I'm owed money and stats say the check was issued today. But, it's not like he's in some third-world country and you can't track him down. If I don't get paid, I'll email or call and not worry about it. Other sponsors who owe me money from countries whose name I can't even pronounce worry me a bit. I know he rubbed a lot of people the wrong way on our old forum. He's outspoken, but so are you, and hell, so am I. Think of it this way. A lot of people don't like you and would say you aren't a straight shooter, right? But you've always been cool with me, never fucked me over, and call a spade a spade. So I'd defend you just as I am defending him, I guess.
Jeff and I have had our go rounds, but he told way, way too many lies that bore no resemblance to the truth. He intimated he could do a lot of damage with his in house (re brothers) legal machine. No, I don't trust him on other levels and business would certainly be one of them. But then again, that could be history.

05-24-2008, 12:49 PM
Pam, with due respect, webmasters should never have to chase program owners for payment, no matter the circumstances. if there is an issue, the program owner should have been out there saying "hey, there is a problem, payment delayed 24 hours" and everyone would work with it. Silence is never a good sign.

05-24-2008, 12:52 PM
my aff program is with ccbill. Everyone gets paid. I like it that way.

05-25-2008, 12:52 AM
seems like Jeff, jmm is paying the freight. But it is all way too dodgy imho. No one should ever miss a payment....ever.

05-25-2008, 09:00 AM
Pam, with due respect, webmasters should never have to chase program owners for payment, no matter the circumstances. if there is an issue, the program owner should have been out there saying "hey, there is a problem, payment delayed 24 hours" and everyone would work with it. Silence is never a good sign.

I agree 1000%. But shit happens. A lot of programs DO use third-party billers and they make errors. Was he wrong for not answering emails? Hell, yes. Should he be posting more about this? Hell, yes. But again, I'm not worried since I know who he is and where he is. And I'll be checking the mailbox next week to see if I got paid, as the admin area says a check was issued on 5/24.

05-25-2008, 03:27 PM
We also use CCBill for both affiliate and partner pay-outs, and stuff does happen. A number of our girls didn't receive theirs weekly checks a few weeks ago, and we didn't know until they started contacting us. We contacted CCBill, and got it all worked out. But we did stay in communication with everyone when we found out about the problem

05-25-2008, 03:40 PM
We also use CCBill for both affiliate and partner pay-outs, and stuff does happen. A number of our girls didn't receive theirs weekly checks a few weeks ago, and we didn't know until they started contacting us. We contacted CCBill, and got it all worked out. But we did stay in communication with everyone when we found out about the problem
We all have hic cups but communication is the key. Laying low is just suspicious.

05-25-2008, 05:32 PM
seems like Jeff, jmm is paying the freight. But it is all way too dodgy imho. No one should ever miss a payment....ever.
I take that back, apparently not all. Just the "lucky' ones and there seems to be a rather large discrepancy over who promotes who and who is working with who. Is this another Pandora's Box?

05-25-2008, 05:50 PM
I take that back, apparently not all. Just the "lucky' ones and there seems to be a rather large discrepancy over who promotes who and who is working with who. Is this another Pandora's Box?
Looks like its kinda sorta getting shorted out.
Blame is laid on a unnamed 3rd party payment handler. Looks like whoever hasnt paid everyone and more interesting is the discrepancy between Biggy and JMM on whos handling "adri"'s website.

I like seeing "whats up with that" seems to be catching on as a catch phrase though.

05-25-2008, 06:52 PM
Looks like its kinda sorta getting shorted out.
Blame is laid on a unnamed 3rd party payment handler. Looks like whoever hasnt paid everyone and more interesting is the discrepancy between Biggy and JMM on whos handling "adri"'s website.

I like seeing "whats up with that" seems to be catching on as a catch phrase though.
Yeah, but I asked what's up with this?

05-25-2008, 08:02 PM
...more interesting is the discrepancy between Biggy and JMM on whos handling "adri"'s website.

It's one of those weird situations that JMM seems to be involved in a couple of times now, example "Real Peachez" versus Peachez18 or whatever. Odd how things work out like that.

05-25-2008, 08:06 PM
It's one of those weird situations that JMM seems to be involved in a couple of times now, example "Real Peachez" versus Peachez18 or whatever. Odd how things work out like that.
If it looks, swims and quacks like a duck. Its a duck.

05-26-2008, 03:26 AM
It's one of those weird situations that JMM seems to be involved in a couple of times now, example "Real Peachez" versus Peachez18 or whatever. Odd how things work out like that.
All I know is when I did some consulting work a few years ago on the back end of a well known Penthouse photogrpaher's prgram that he was managing - it was in total disarray.
Broken links- broken images - no logic.
And you know its bad if Im bitching it was disogranized.

Not sure what to make of it all. As in this case....I dont know enough of the details to make a call.

05-26-2008, 06:40 AM
Didn't the Adri case settle out of court?

05-26-2008, 10:38 AM
Didn't the Adri case settle out of court?

So can someone give me the Cole's Notes on this one. I see hotadridotcom, sweetadridotcom. I see Jeff Miller promoting hot adri, melissa midwest promoting sweet adri, but hot adri resolves to sweet adri, it all looks messy. People are still not getting paid and no one is rushing to Jeff's defense on this, including Jeff who seems to have put on a tin hat and hit the mattresses. Too many lawsuits mean something has gone very Tucker in my books.

05-26-2008, 11:08 AM
http://www.xbiz.com/news/news_piece.php?id=92561&mi=all&q=adri http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?t=813157&highlight=adri

05-26-2008, 07:49 PM
What a mess and Jeff is pretty silent through the whole deal. Not his usual blast of hot air and legal threats. I tell you, something smells.

05-28-2008, 01:17 AM
So now peaches...anyone remember her?....lol... has Jeff's back. Anyone know what her financial interest in this mess is?
I actually thought peaches bowed out semi gracefully. I guess she is still sort of kind of around. Maybe she finally got her new curtains.

05-28-2008, 08:39 AM
Ok, I am confused.

Why is a thread from another board being discussed without actually quoting or linking to the other board?

As far as I know, this isn't the zoo. We will not get banned here for linking over to there.

I spend very little time over there as my brain starts bleeding after about 10 minutes exposure. So, a link or something to add context to this would be quite helpful.

05-28-2008, 08:42 AM
Feel free to link. Im not threatened by it.

05-28-2008, 09:54 AM
If anyone else gets paid, or any of the principals actually show their faces at the zoo, I will paste the link.
Interesting observation, though. I rarely go there but have been following this jmm thread and I notice the turnover of topics and posts just ain't what it used to be. Not as fast and furious. Its just anecdotal, but a feeling I got.

05-28-2008, 11:55 AM
Rhet, if you read some of the other threads around there, you will discover more and more people admitting that they have "real" jobs, that they do this just for fun, weekend warriors, beer money, or even not in the adult business at all. The last few months of reading stuff over there I have seen fewer and fewer people, more people leaving the business in a hurry, and more stuff going underground.

Consolidation takes on all forms.

It should also be pointed out that a few people (including myself) were made very unwelcome by management and moderators who were too busy partying and living it up (and slipping the salami to Sunny Leone) to bother moderating their board in the slightest. I probably would have stayed with doing Sunny too, but I would have found someone else to be a moderator while I was busy.

05-28-2008, 11:57 AM
Rhet, if you read some of the other threads around there, you will discover more and more people admitting that they have "real" jobs, that they do this just for fun, weekend warriors, beer money, or even not in the adult business at all. The last few months of reading stuff over there I have seen fewer and fewer people, more people leaving the business in a hurry, and more stuff going underground.

Consolidation takes on all forms.

It should also be pointed out that a few people (including myself) were made very unwelcome by management and moderators who were too busy partying and living it up (and slipping the salami to Sunny Leone) to bother moderating their board in the slightest. I probably would have stayed with doing Sunny too, but I would have found someone else to be a moderator while I was busy.

Have you seen Playboy's stock hovering around $5?

05-28-2008, 02:13 PM
I know a number of the guys that post over there who are from Montreal. About half aren't involved in the industry at all, yet some have post counts in the thousands and talk like they are big-time players. One guy is a 19 year old neighbour of ours who has been posting on GFY since he was 15, and has a post count of over 8000. He's also shown respect because of that!

The vast majority of people who post on GFY are really small "webmasters" who just do small scale submitting,and nothing more. When you post as much as many of those guys do, you can't possibly be doing work. Unlike most, when I see a really high post count for someone, I don't have respect but contempt, and would never consider doing business with them.

05-28-2008, 02:40 PM
I know a number of the guys that post over there who are from Montreal. About half aren't involved in the industry at all, yet some have post counts in the thousands and talk like they are big-time players. One guy is a 19 year old neighbour of ours who has been posting on GFY since he was 15, and has a post count of over 8000. He's also shown respect because of that!

The vast majority of people who post on GFY are really small "webmasters" who just do small scale submitting,and nothing more. When you post as much as many of those guys do, you can't possibly be doing work. Unlike most, when I see a really high post count for someone, I don't have respect but contempt, and would never consider doing business with them.
Thanx for the "heads up" on that Danny ... I have been 10 years in this biz and just recently started on the boards. Oprano is the main board I frequent because it just "read better" and seemed more business focused. Some of those "high posters" at the zoo would prolly fooled me at first. Only 10% (if that much) of the threads over there are of any interest anyway ...

05-28-2008, 03:01 PM
Thanx for the "heads up" on that Danny ... I have been 10 years in this biz and just recently started on the boards. Oprano is the main board I frequent because it just "read better" and seemed more business focused. Some of those "high posters" at the zoo would prolly fooled me at first. Only 10% (if that much) of the threads over there are of any interest anyway ...
I think Im going to buy boxing gloves.

Looks like a lot of the piss has chilled down here. At least the pissters have even started to laugh about it openly.

Probbaly a good point for all of us to start figuring how to facilitate more business between each other.

I think the best thread over there was the one asking how many people do this for real.

Major tell.

05-28-2008, 03:04 PM
Yeah, once people started to fess up that they were just fooling around with it or only ran a single blog on a free host, things pretty much snowballed. I would say that probably 75% of the top posters over there have little or no true implications in the adult world.

05-28-2008, 03:18 PM
Yeah, once people started to fess up that they were just fooling around with it or only ran a single blog on a free host, things pretty much snowballed. I would say that probably 75% of the top posters over there have little or no true implications in the adult world.
I know we all used to work together on this board.
When Mike and Serge hired me it was "The Family that does business together" and if you were a random spamster there wasnt much business to be had.

I think theres a lot of untapped synergy here.
I plan on using this trip to San Fransisco to see if I can put together some unconventional ways of doing business.

Time has become my most valuable commodity. I dont have enough of it to put some of the other resources to work to make things happen.

With a few of us together we should be able to make a few things happen playing upon each individual strengths.

05-28-2008, 03:29 PM
I would say it's a lot higher than 75%, Alex.

05-28-2008, 10:59 PM

It seems like JMM is in a bit of a pickle.

05-28-2008, 11:02 PM
OK, this is a little more empirical...I saw this jmm thread this morning and it is still on the front page as of this moment. In the old days, lol, this would be third page by now. You guys do the horological numbers on this if you are interested.

05-29-2008, 06:41 AM
Yep, sites are down, seems like a damned good DDOS attack going on.

05-29-2008, 07:12 AM
...I see Jeff Miller promoting hot adri, melissa midwest promoting sweet adri, but hot adri resolves to sweet adri, it all looks messy...
In the mean time, back at the ranch, sweet little hot Adri has grown up.



05-31-2008, 10:20 AM
I haven't been paid but again, he's not in some third-world country and we know who he is and I still trust him. I'm not pulling links, either. I wish he would comment on what's going on ... was it a DDOS attack that took out his sites?

05-31-2008, 11:24 AM
I haven't been paid but again, he's not in some third-world country and we know who he is and I still trust him. I'm not pulling links, either. I wish he would comment on what's going on ... was it a DDOS attack that took out his sites?
Hes also aware of these threads.

Personally if it were me...I wouldnt worry about comments but really about getting paid.

The further it gets into summer the more we will see this happening.

05-31-2008, 12:22 PM
I haven't been paid but again, he's not in some third-world country and we know who he is and I still trust him. I'm not pulling links, either. I wish he would comment on what's going on ... was it a DDOS attack that took out his sites?
Its the silence, apart from one or maybe two posts, that is unusual for Mr. Miller. He usually comes in guns blazing blasting everyone in his path and slinging shit and legal threats all around. Its weird.

05-31-2008, 12:48 PM
Its the silence, apart from one or maybe two posts, that is unusual for Mr. Miller. He usually comes in guns blazing blasting everyone in his path and slinging shit and legal threats all around. Its weird.
I think you can only sue people if its facts when you are in Canada and you have Fed Ex serve the court documents.

05-31-2008, 11:31 PM
I think you can only sue people if its facts when you are in Canada and you have Fed Ex serve the court documents.
Not sure what you mean, but I have just won a two year legal battle (whew) and Fed Ex was never used.

06-06-2008, 09:31 AM
Wow...people still screaming they havent been paid.

06-06-2008, 10:03 AM
I look yesterday, I have a smaller amount pending, the payout date moves with the actual date, so it always looks like the check was sent today... the payout is for the period up to 15 of February. I figure 4 months is long enough to get a check out.

What little I had for this program got turned off yesterday and dropped.

06-06-2008, 10:05 AM
I look yesterday, I have a smaller amount pending, the payout date moves with the actual date, so it always looks like the check was sent today... the payout is for the period up to 15 of February. I figure 4 months is long enough to get a check out.

What little I had for this program got turned off yesterday and dropped.
Im like Graham. Im wondering where that loud arrogant bragging mouth is now.

06-06-2008, 10:21 AM
Anyone know what actually happened here? Is Jeff one step ahead of the shoe shine?

06-06-2008, 12:06 PM
I would speculate that you have a combination of a "matured" program, a slowing down of new promotion, fighting over models... it leads to a lack of bigger webmasters promoting the product, which in turn slows the income. It is a position that many of the past top programs find themselves in today, living off of legacy links and back catalog gallery listings, and not actually up front and getting promoted.