View Full Version : Hey did I win sumthin!

05-18-2008, 09:37 PM
I'm up to a hundred post! Do I get anything for that?

Maybe an Oprano coffee mug or an oven mitt or sumthin?

05-18-2008, 10:10 PM
boot to the head.

05-19-2008, 05:28 AM
A wet sloppy kiss from the man of your choice..at least that's what I was told when I hit 100 ;)

05-19-2008, 11:04 AM
Muah! :inlove::kiss:

05-19-2008, 11:09 AM
A gift certificate from Great Clips.

05-19-2008, 11:31 AM
I'm up to a hundred post! Do I get anything for that?

Maybe an Oprano coffee mug or an oven mitt or sumthin?

You a real gone hep cat, you got yo boots on. You get free copy of the Hepster's Dictionary autographed by Cab Calloway. That's the only jelly you get around here, fo all dat muggin. Slide on yo ground grippers, grab yo fine dinner and get yo melted out ass down to KK and slam yo crumb crunchers into a dog nut.


05-19-2008, 12:28 PM
A wet sloppy kiss from the man of your choice..at least that's what I was told when I hit 100 ;)

WHAT? :blink: Who the fuck kissed you at 100 hits?
All I got was a shitty $3.99 book from GonZo which he probably never even heard of before....:hmm:

So who was the "man of choice" you got to MUAH!! with here at Oprano.
Don't even try sayin "BlueMoney" :nono2:

05-19-2008, 12:31 PM
WHAT? :blink: Who the fuck kissed you at 100 hits?
All I got was a shitty $3.99 book from GonZo which he probably never even heard of before....:hmm:

So who was the "man of choice" you got to MUAH!! with here at Oprano.
Don't even try sayin "BlueMoney" :nono2:

And its apparent you havent read it either.

05-19-2008, 03:08 PM
Hey Buck!

Next time I'm traveling through the "ATL" I'll bring you some "Icebox Wine"

Just don't let it hit you in head when I hurl it from my speeding vehicle.

05-19-2008, 03:10 PM

And its apparent you havent read it either.

Ingrate? :(
Nooo Sir, Not at all.
I'm very grateful for all you've done for me sir, :) I've never seen anyone so dedicated to the adult amateur industry as yourself.
(You'll play underdog to the sex world industry, But you won't play underdog to Google)... i don get it?:doh01:
Yes, I've see all your attempt to assist me with a helpful hand in this Industry from prizes, to invites for private parties for free, :clapping:
Special links you've hooked me up with, and the awesome AEBN links and help you've thrown my way....
(the AEBN girls are awesome, the good one & the evil one both ;))
I'm appreciative and am very grateful for ALL your attempts to help us grow in this market :wnw: thank you
I'm not an ingrate GonZo, I can see what you've done,
Just like I can see what your doing to this board.
but please, don't say I'm an ingrate :(

05-19-2008, 03:47 PM
Ingrate? :(
Nooo Sir, Not at all.
I'm very grateful for all you've done for me sir, :) I've never seen anyone so dedicated to the adult amateur industry as yourself.
(You'll play underdog to the sex world industry, But you won't play underdog to Google)... i don get it?:doh01:
Yes, I've see all your attempt to assist me with a helpful hand in this Industry from prizes, to invites for private parties for free, :clapping:
Special links you've hooked me up with, and the awesome AEBN links and help you've thrown my way....
(the AEBN girls are awesome, the good one & the evil one both ;))
I'm appreciative and am very grateful for ALL your attempts to help us grow in this market :wnw: thank you
I'm not an ingrate GonZo, I can see what you've done,
Just like I can see what your doing to this board.
but please, don't say I'm an ingrate :(

Ingrate - wow I have been called that also like when I told my mother-in-law to stop buying me gifts becuase they really just went straight to goodwill since they were never anything I liked or could use (I did not say the later part to her). I just did not want her wasting her money and I found it stupid to pretend that I like what she was giving me. Well the whole family called me an ingrate and punished me for hurting her feelings.... But I still think I was right and now I beleive she was the ingrate.

05-19-2008, 06:27 PM
WHAT? :blink: Who the fuck kissed you at 100 hits?
All I got was a shitty $3.99 book from GonZo which he probably never even heard of before....:hmm:

So who was the "man of choice" you got to MUAH!! with here at Oprano.
Don't even try sayin "BlueMoney" :nono2:

I never kiss & tell...unless there are pics of course ;)