View Full Version : Fucking with commerce

05-15-2008, 12:16 AM
I have to say that this 2muchmark shit brings back memories. You see I think that when you fuck with commerce, everyone loses. Both sides of this deal have slid down a slippery slope of he said, she said shit. I really don't give a fast flying fuck when anyone slags someone for being fat, stupid, moronic, a puppet, or any of the legion of epithets tossed around on boards. That is the game. You either play it or fuck off. I have been in the thick of it for years. But I do draw the line when you try and fuck with people's livelihood which is what I see going on around here.
Most who do this are losers. They run out of words, are not doing well because their business sucks and they are in a financial mess. So what to do? Try and fuck with someone's business.
Past owners of this board and their cronies did it. Current members like Rcourt and Jace are truly guilty of this.
I kind of feel a sense of victory when I see people who I consider losers trotting out pictures and slagging my very successful business on this board. It has happened time and again....Sabby, Amateurmasters...Anyone remember Rollergirl? I think not. Most have crashed and burned or have serious financial problems that were inevitable.
I have to say that I have a grudging...very grudging respect for Shellee who did not bite at Jace and Rcourt's lame attempts at fucking with commerce. Enough of this rant.
But Jace, I could continue to respond to your monkey comments, but I think with sober...or not so sober second thought, that actually what I really have learned and this last tirade convinced me, is that you are not a professional. Like Rcourt, you will never hit the high note nor will you ever make your living doing this.
End of rant.

05-15-2008, 12:21 AM

05-15-2008, 12:33 AM

05-15-2008, 01:12 AM
Oh yeah, and Jace here is a pic from Paris. That is a city in France where you will never afford to go. That's Pigalle, btw, in the 9 arrondissement behind Opera.
That lady has forgotten more about making money on the net than you will learn. It got her around the world a few more times than you have eaten dog nuts. So fuck off and, you, my friend, are the one who should leave gracefully, not me. You have been trumped. Deal with it. And stop sending oprano visitors to adware sites with your aff code.


05-15-2008, 01:20 AM
and rcourt, show us your work dude....

05-15-2008, 01:26 AM
Now, kiddies, I ain't the best snapper that ever looked through glass but I will guarantee you that these pictures make money. At the moment you two are fucking with my business. My suggestion is to come to San francisco and discuss your concerns personally with us. or shut the fuck up and prattle on about me being a moron or a keyboard warrior or a puppet in your hands. But grow up or get out.

05-15-2008, 09:12 AM
Now, kiddies, I ain't the best snapper that ever looked through glass but I will guarantee you that these pictures make money. At the moment you two are fucking with my business. My suggestion is to come to San francisco and discuss your concerns personally with us. or shut the fuck up and prattle on about me being a moron or a keyboard warrior or a puppet in your hands. But grow up or get out.

Rhet - Your wife is beautiful and as you say - enough said. I am just praying she doesn't bring that whip to SF.