View Full Version : Guide to Mooching and Begging

05-12-2008, 04:31 PM
Since a few of our users have fallen on hard times as the newbie market has dried up and theres no more to fleece as well as the stray gfyer heres this years public service announcement for Oprano.

5 reasons why some beggars earn more money than you

After walking around picking up tin cans to make ends meet I have discovered the 5 habits of successful beggars.

1. Keep your voice down
Ask for some change, but do not be loud! Be soft spoken, almost silent. By keeping your voice down you force the unlucky by-passer to stop to hear what you have to say. Once they stop, your chance for success increases!

2. Be “honest”
They know you are not going to use their change to buy a bus-ticket. Try to give them a likable reason to give you money.
This works: ”Yo, I’ve been doing drugs for 2 days and really need to eat something, can you spare some change so I can buy me some bread?”
This fails: “Yo, can you spare some change, I need to take the bus”
In the first example you are undressing your soul in front of them, who can resist giving you money? In the latter example you are just lying and they walk away.

3. Be clean and nicely dressed
All great salesmen try to imitate the prospective buyer. By dressing similar to the ones you beg from you are bridging the gap between you and them. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but it is easier to give to your own type! If they meet someone very different from themselves it is easier to just walk away.

4. Remember a sucker
If someone gives you money you better remember their face. Then you need to acknowledge them every day you see them by greeting them with “Good Morning Sir!”, “Lovely day, eh?” This will remind them about the day they gave you money, and they know you hope that they will give you more. It is painful to walk away from you after you have been nice to them by remembering their face. Two things happen, either they walk another way to work, or they will give you money to ease the tension they feel inside!

5. Learn to love rejection
95% will not give you money. Love it! You get the opportunity to show how good and clever you are. Shout after them “Have a nice day!”, “Thank you, bye”, “No problem, thank you very much Miss”, “Enjoy the rest of your day Sir!”
The result is that they will think: “Oh.. he was pretty nice.. maybe next time..”

Good luck guys on your new careers!

05-12-2008, 04:35 PM
6. I'll Gladly pay you Tuesday for Blow Job Today...

05-12-2008, 04:39 PM
You are naughty!

05-13-2008, 01:29 AM
damn, I can't do it, #3 has got me!

05-13-2008, 01:49 AM
I can't do #4 since I hit my head the other night I can't remember who anyone is or even what they said about me.