View Full Version : Rude.com, DeeCash Announce Acquisition

05-05-2008, 04:23 PM

Ainf that some shit?

05-05-2008, 04:25 PM
so when is dee buying oprano and gfy

hell he is buying everything else

05-05-2008, 05:21 PM
I wonder if he plans to clean up all the stolen content on Rude? The longer clips have been stopped, but still lots of shorter ones.

05-05-2008, 05:32 PM

finally someone will get some shit done over there and clean that shit hole up

i wonder if that is what Brett and Sammy had planned the whole time, build it up and sell it

05-05-2008, 10:11 PM

finally someone will get some shit done over there and clean that shit hole up

i wonder if that is what Brett and Sammy had planned the whole time, build it up and sell it

I think that many of the current business models are built on hoping to building on the backs of others hoping to sell out before the legal tide turns.

Perez Hilton. Need I say any more?

05-06-2008, 01:48 AM
I hate that dude..
cant take away his business sense tho. He turned his 15 minutes into his own freaking show on E! bah!

05-06-2008, 10:13 AM
I hate that dude..
cant take away his business sense tho. He turned his 15 minutes into his own freaking show on E! bah!

Yeah, and it was all done with stolen content, he even got shoved off of hosts because he wouldn't handle the DMCAs and such. Finally he got big enough to run tons of ads, now he pays the same providers for the content (such as x17).

The entire Perez empire is built on stealing shit.

05-06-2008, 10:18 AM
DeeCash Acquires Rude.com - Official Statement
Deecash acquires Rude.com

May 6th , 2008 - I am pleased to announce the acquisition of Rude.com. We feel that this acquisition is great strategic move in many aspects, to mention a few, an excellent testing ground for our new products with traffic, a different interactive / community type product that our affiliates can earn off of. Overall, when we took a look at this product, I was highly impressed with the intensive programming backend, the community, variety of things to do and ownership its members take to the brand to the extent that several of our members even get Rude Tattoos!

Here are a few of the features and benefits of Rude.com :
* Over 2,100,000 active members
* Over 1175+ Live houses. Where our members put up cams in their houses. Watch them cook, clean, fuck and sleep.
* Over 100 live cams with couples, singles broadasting simultaneously at all times.
* A dating community where Rude members meet other members and date or even gat married!
* Rude TV
* An affiliate program to the cam backend, standalone sites, free profile joins
If you browse around Rude, you'll see that there is just so much to do!

Of course, the most common question will be - Tube? Stolen content? To answer:
A. Rude.com is not an illegal tube site. It is an interactive community more than anything.
B. All videos have been capped to 3 minutes in length.
C. Videos can ONLY be uploaded by approved producers. Approval process is intensive for content and producers.
D. Stolen content is not tolerated on the site.

I would be completely against the acquisition if the original business model and reason for growth was the user-uploaded stolen content. But that wasn't the case, just read some of these testimonials.

You can be damn sure that we are going to keep stolen content off the site. If that means we have to stop user-uploads completely, And our approval system isn't working, then thats whats going to happen. As a person that spends millions on exclusive content, I am completely against stolen content or even full length videos being given out for free.

Thank you for your well wishes and support.

05-06-2008, 10:22 AM
I have just one word in reply the "official statement"...


05-06-2008, 12:10 PM
Apparently a press release written by someone who got kicked off of Last Comic Standing.

05-07-2008, 02:50 PM
So, I'm woindering where Sammy and Brett fall, in all this?

05-07-2008, 02:52 PM
So, I'm woindering where Sammy and Brett fall, in all this?

"dumptruck load of cash"

05-07-2008, 03:07 PM
Do you think so?

05-08-2008, 10:46 AM
I heard when dee buys your company he is making you monthly payments. So there is no boat load of cash.

05-08-2008, 11:49 AM
I heard when dee buys your company he is making you monthly payments. So there is no boat load of cash.
I love those deals. Pay them with their own money.

05-08-2008, 12:16 PM
Isn't there anyone else that goes "o, hai, didn't they also just buy up a GIANT WAD of content and programs? I bet they're making a big honkin' traffic machine they'll populate with that content!"

No? Just me, then? 'kay.

05-08-2008, 02:10 PM
A. Rude.com is not an illegal tube site. It is an interactive community more than anything.
B. All videos have been capped to 3 minutes in length.
C. Videos can ONLY be uploaded by approved producers. Approval process is intensive for content and producers.
D. Stolen content is not tolerated on the site.

I just went over and had a look, and I quickly saw loads of "stolen" content. The only difference is that none of the content being used is watermarked. At least when they allowed the watermarked stolen content, the actual producer could get a little credit!

I also see numerous videos longer than 3 minutes in length. And many videos that have been uploaded by users, are users without the "Producer" credit against them. In fact, the vast majority of videos are being uploaded by non_producers and just site users.

I think Deecash has a lot of work ahead of them if they do plan to stick with what they say. If they shut down the ability of non-Producers to upload, they will be losing 95+% of the videos they have. That will alienate the current users, piss them off, and kill the "community" part of the website.

05-08-2008, 03:10 PM
...I think Deecash has a lot of work ahead of them if they do plan to stick with what they say. If they shut down the ability of non-Producers to upload, they will be losing 95+% of the videos they have. That will alienate the current users, piss them off, and kill the "community" part of the website.

Exactly! Which is why I'm so skeptical about them actually cleaning up the site.

05-08-2008, 05:05 PM
Ya'll remember when we had a nice forum and then one day, out of the blue with no explanation, it was shut down and we were redirected to rude.com? They got a good shot of traffic from years of SE listings from that forum, plus all those amateurs who needed publicity signed up quickly. Then the stolen content built the site. Oh wait, they say it wasn't built on stolen content, it was the successful marriages on the site.

05-08-2008, 05:11 PM
Ya'll remember when we had a nice forum and then one day, out of the blue with no explanation, it was shut down and we were redirected to rude.com? They got a good shot of traffic from years of SE listings from that forum, plus all those amateurs who needed publicity signed up quickly. Then the stolen content built the site. Oh wait, they say it wasn't built on stolen content, it was the successful marriages on the site.
Pam you know this but Ill say it publically. Several of us tried to buy that forum before they flushed it down the toilet.

I made what I thought was a fair offer since it had very little revenue. I was told that they had a better offer and they were trying to get out of it what they paid for it.

I guess they did in the end...

05-08-2008, 06:18 PM
We originally were going to buy it in partnership with Homegrown and had a deal worked out with Rick. Next thing we knew, we were blindsided and it was announced that Dan and Robb were the new owners!

We had some good plans for the old AM board and were going to make it a true resource for Amateurs. But alas, it was not meant to be....

05-08-2008, 06:28 PM
...they were trying to get out of it what they paid for it.
Given the state of the site at the time, it wasn't worth anywhere near what it was when they bought it.

05-08-2008, 07:34 PM
Pam you know this but Ill say it publically. Several of us tried to buy that forum before they flushed it down the toilet.

I made what I thought was a fair offer since it had very little revenue. I was told that they had a better offer and they were trying to get out of it what they paid for it.

I guess they did in the end...

Yep, I tried to buy it as well. I believe they asked $20k and the income was $0k. All banners were trades. My banner was there as that was how they compensated their moderators, a rotating banner. I don't remember what I offered but know it was turned down. When it was run by Rick and had a LOT of amateurs it was worth a whole lot more. Then he sold it, and said he was doing a review site featuring ONLY the top 1% of porn sites -- remember?! Then his site took off and I'm very glad for him -- he got out at the right time. (And when I email him about review stuff, he's still extremely helpful and friendly). Then there was the Brett/Sammy/Robb legal bullshit in the open forum ... I wasn't an amateur but still enjoyed that site in the beginning. I learned a lot, found a lot of amateurs to promote, met some interesting people -- JMM had to be my favorite poster of all -- and it helped launch my review site 4 years ago this month because so many of the amateurs gave me access to their sites to review them.

05-09-2008, 10:08 AM
Well, I didn't try to buy it.
I think I'll stick to what I know well.
But, you guys that do know how to run these board things should be understandable upset.

Perhaps they had some sort of revenue by selling it and shutting it down?
I can't imagine how though.
Even if "someone" bought it for the contacts/database/whatever, why wouldn't they, then sell the rest of it?

Something just don't seem right to me.

And as a major contributor, I gotta tell you, I'm a bit annoyed with the way it was handled.