View Full Version : Shellee Hale: You won't like this....

04-28-2008, 02:05 AM
Shellee Hale:

In the time that I have known you, you have accused us of the following:

- Stealing your traffic
- Questional Accounting practices
- Not knowing what we are doing
- Stoping you from doing business
- Spamming
- Installing malicious code

You have called me
- A thief
- A Liar
- Incompetent

You have demanded that we:
- Extend credit to delinquint accounts
- Give you price reductions
- Give you credits
- Do work for you for free
- Give you more credits
(which by the way, we gave all of the above to you)

You have attacked:
- Me
- My Employees
- My friends
- TooMuchMedia
- Topbucks

You have reposted old news about companies in attempts to stir up drama and traffic for your own site such as

- 2Much
- TooMuchMedia
- Topbucks

You have:
- Offered wrong legal advice to a friend Rachel
- Used content on your site that you did not have permission to use
- Refused to remove that content for months
- Insisted that Kedra quit (and had "proof" that she had done this)
- Failed at your business and blamed us
- Trashed us to everyone who will listen to you.

The list goes on.......

Here you go, Shellee. Are you ready?

I forgive you.


04-28-2008, 02:54 AM
Lame... real fuckin' lame. :thumbdown

If you really, honestly forgive then the itemized list would not have been necessary. :rolleyes:

Hell Puppy
04-28-2008, 03:08 AM
Lame... real fuckin' lame. :thumbdown

If you really, honestly forgive then the itemized list would not have been necessary. :rolleyes:

I'm just wondering if he keeps a notebook like Rainman...

04-28-2008, 08:07 AM
I'm just wondering if he keeps a notebook like Rainman...

Hi Hell Puppy,
No, these are just the things off of the top of my head. There is more but last night I was too tired to think straight.

If you really, honestly forgive then the itemized list would not have been necessary. :rolleyes:

The thing is, there is no arguing with Shellee Hale as you may have seen from other posts. At this point, I have no choice but to just give up. I don't think she realizes what she is doing or what she has done. I am simply deciding to give up fighting with her on Oprano.

I don't know you Toby, but If Shellee Hale had done to you what she has done to us, I think you might react in a similar way.

Shellee has lied to you and everyone else here about us, Toby, and has done lots of damage.

Maybe I feel sorry for her, who knows? The only thing I know for sure is that it is time to get back to work on our products and services and provide attention to our customers who deserve our time.

As a little kid being picked on by the school bully might say, "I'll show you!!!". We'll continue to improve our product, and hopefully load up our system with hotties for webmasters to promote.

Take care,
Mark Prince

04-28-2008, 08:48 AM
Well. :headwall:

You've got that right.

Like I said, lets wait and see what happens. If she can keep her nose out of our business and stop accusing us of one rediculous thing after another then there's no reason for us to respond, right?

And forgive me if I am doughtful. We have known Shellee Hale for more than a year now. But like I said, Anyone can turn over a new leaf. If this is the end of the forum-fight, then it is the end. It won't be started up again by us thats for sure

Shellee: Feel free to call me an asshole in this thread, I won't reply to you. But from now on I would appreciate it if you leave our name out of your memory. If you ever attack us again in a public forum I will be there to put you in your place and defend out product and the good people that work for me.

But there you go. You just could not resist? Could you?

That speaks volumes as I don't see anything from Shellee here.

04-28-2008, 09:53 AM
Well. :headwall:

But there you go. You just could not resist? Could you?

That speaks volumes as I don't see anything from Shellee here.

That's ok Sarettah, I don't expect you to understand. All of a sudden, she wants everything to be "water under the bridge" as you put it. Maybe you think I'm being pety at this point but as I said to Toby, if She had done to you what she did to us, you would be feeling the same way I am.

Unlike Shellee, we have never lied to you or anyone else on this BBS. We have years of experience, wrote our software, business, and websites all ourselves. We are not just another affiliate, with zero experience, using templates for websites, shooting our mouth off, trying to bring others down for our own personal pleasure.

Go ahead and think whatever you like at this point. I'm done with this bullshit and have said all I have to say.

04-28-2008, 10:02 AM
...if She had done to you what she did to us, you would be feeling the same way I am...Back to my original point. You obviously do not forgive, so your statement saying so in the post that started this thread was just sarcasm.

I repeat. Lame... real fucking lame. :thumbdown

04-28-2008, 10:09 AM

I didn't say I accept her apology for all the shit she has put us through (not that she even offered one).

All I said is that I forgive her. I now understand much more about her than I did in the past.

I don't need your approval Toby. I didn't ask for it and don't care if I get it from you or not.

Have a nice day.

04-28-2008, 10:13 AM
Go ahead and think whatever you like at this point. I'm done with this bullshit and have said all I have to say.


But for some reason I doubt it.

I should start a pool or something :yowsa:

04-28-2008, 10:14 AM
Knock yourself out.

04-28-2008, 10:16 AM
I didn't say I accept her apology for all the shit she has put us through (not that she even offered one).

All I said is that I forgive her. I now understand much more about her than I did in the past.

No she didn't apologize, nor did she request one from you.

And she didn't ask for your forgiveness.

She said she would like it to end.

And apparently, you do not want it to end.

Really is that simple.

You are the one damaging yourself at this point.

04-28-2008, 10:19 AM
I don't need your approval Toby. I didn't ask for it and don't care if I get it from you or not.:lmao1: :lmao1: :lmao1:

04-28-2008, 10:20 AM
Trust me, it has ended. I am not talking to Shellee Hale anymore Saretteh, I am talking to you. And hurting myself? No. Shellee has done so much damage to us at this point that anything more I say will be a mere drop in the bucket.

04-28-2008, 10:34 AM
Hi Everyone....

I have been thinking.... I have become one bitter old bastard in the last little while. Like many of you (well, maybe now only a few of you) I have become tired of Shelle Hale's rants and insults toward us.

In any fight, it is nice to feel that you are supported in your arguments. When you don't get the support, you feel like shit, and you strike back at the bystanders around you. Thats what I did, anyway. Sorry about that.

Toby, Saretteh, etc. I have never met you in the past but I have dismissed you for any beliefs in this entire issue that are contrary to mine. Not fair, not fair... Sorry about that too.

Shellee, since you have asked to have this whole thing be water under the bridge, I will give you bennifit of the doubt and believe you. This bbs is no forum for our disagreement. Let's agree to stop wasting everyone elses time with this garbage from now on.

04-28-2008, 09:41 PM
Hi Everyone....

............ This bbs is no forum for our disagreement. Let's agree to stop wasting everyone elses time with this garbage from now on.

Yes, let's "do."

04-30-2008, 12:04 AM

will this douchebaggery and asshattery ever end?