View Full Version : Myspace banning users links to porn sites.

04-27-2008, 11:23 PM
I've noticed that my site has been receiving traffic from links that users are sending each other on myspace. Myspace rewrites all of the urls that it's users send each other and it is these custom urls that I'm finding as referrals to my site. My site is a one man show, it's just me and there are no downstream affiliates or anyone with any incentive to post links to my site on myspace other than users who saw something they liked and wanted to share it with a friend. But when I click the referral links I'm greeted with a nice message from myspace informing me that the link was banned because it was either spam, a phishing attempt, or a link to a virus. None of which is actually the case. I have never posted anything on myspace in regards to my site.

Has anyone else run into this? If so did you do anything to rectify the situation? Contact myspace and inform them of their error? It's obvious to me that they banned the link because it led to porn. How do you feel about myspace prohibiting users from sharing links to adult material with each other?

04-27-2008, 11:41 PM
I've noticed that my site has been receiving traffic from links that users are sending each other on myspace. Myspace rewrites all of the urls that it's users send each other and it is these custom urls that I'm finding as referrals to my site. My site is a one man show, it's just me and there are no downstream affiliates or anyone with any incentive to post links to my site on myspace other than users who saw something they liked and wanted to share it with a friend. But when I click the referral links I'm greeted with a nice message from myspace informing me that the link was banned because it was either spam, a phishing attempt, or a link to a virus. None of which is actually the case. I have never posted anything on myspace in regards to my site.

Has anyone else run into this? If so did you do anything to rectify the situation? Contact myspace and inform them of their error? It's obvious to me that they banned the link because it led to porn. How do you feel about myspace prohibiting users from sharing links to adult material with each other?

Myspace probably isnt a good source of productive traffic at least in the conventional format.

Ive done some traffic work by advertising in spaces like that and the key is the page that you push a mainstream surfer on to. Its muck like the adult ads that used to run in magazines in the 70s like Rolling Stone.

The rates on those were high and they wouldnt have been selling them had they not been working.

I think theres some psychology in the sense of its "ok" to look I saw it on Rolling Stone.

However if you want to generate some bulk adult traffic then I would suggest getting a profile on Xpeeps.

Good question and welcome to Oprano.

04-28-2008, 08:18 AM
I've noticed that my site has been receiving traffic from links that users are sending each other on myspace. Myspace rewrites all of the urls that it's users send each other and it is these custom urls that I'm finding as referrals to my site. My site is a one man show, it's just me and there are no downstream affiliates or anyone with any incentive to post links to my site on myspace other than users who saw something they liked and wanted to share it with a friend. But when I click the referral links I'm greeted with a nice message from myspace informing me that the link was banned because it was either spam, a phishing attempt, or a link to a virus. None of which is actually the case. I have never posted anything on myspace in regards to my site.

Has anyone else run into this? If so did you do anything to rectify the situation? Contact myspace and inform them of their error? It's obvious to me that they banned the link because it led to porn. How do you feel about myspace prohibiting users from sharing links to adult material with each other?

They've been re-writing links to anything of an adult nature for a while now - for the most part, they bounce to the MySpace front page. I've had a few friends who run various companies running into this for a while - they would have a link to their corporate entity in their profile, and find their link had been changed to a redirect. Others who mention adult subject matter in a bulletin noting a new blog or similar are having theirs altered as well (prime example: Kevin Smith (of Clerks and Dogma fame) posted a blog about his new movie (Zack and Miri Make a Porno) and created a bulletin linking to said blog; all of his readership found themselves on the MySpace front page.

*smells something rotten*

Oh, hai, you guise! Lookit the censorship!

05-10-2008, 01:13 PM
I just figured out that THIS is what killed my CD sales on my music. Damn myspace, damn the spammers. Now someone using the site for mainstream purposes finds the site useless. My little paypal buttons now cause the surfer to have a big WARNING thrown in their face. Probably scares the shit out of them. :thumbdown

05-12-2008, 02:21 AM
The only thing I can think of would be to create a little flash plugin for your paypal link and have that send them to paypal. I'm no good with flash, or I'd tell you exactly how to do it.

05-12-2008, 11:08 AM
The only thing I can think of would be to create a little flash plugin for your paypal link and have that send them to paypal. I'm no good with flash, or I'd tell you exactly how to do it.
Great idea. Keep that porn away from paypal though. THey will freeze your account.

10-31-2008, 04:30 PM
I have found a way around this little problem without the need for flash.

Hit me up on ICQ if you want to know how.

03-03-2009, 12:15 PM
thanks for the info

04-15-2009, 12:56 PM
The only thing I can think of would be to create a little flash plugin for your paypal link and have that send them to paypal. I'm no good with flash, or I'd tell you exactly how to do it.

Wouldn't even need to do flash, be a simple matter of adding a JScript on your Myspace page that opens in a new window on-click. Even put a blurb on the button that the link won't work if you have pop-ups blocked....