View Full Version : Another observation on current business...

04-25-2008, 10:10 PM
After following the can spam shelleehale fiasco, it occurs to me that I used to post on this very forum about rampant spammers and how they cost us all money. This forum was driven by nick@ilynx and his partner who was one of the biggest "mailers" ever. I used to post how it was costing all of us very large, and was shit on for being a whiner. But I knew that these guys were thieves and lacked real talent. A lot of "old school" guys made a lot of money out of what we are discussing today. And they still talk fondly of those good old days, which I think were actually immoral and criminal, whether you escaped by the skin of your teeth or not. I always maintained that this had nothing to do with acumen...it was more akin to selling crack (any moron can do it), but I have to say that I was dumped on from a very high altitude for saying what is being posted on this board today. Y'all know who posted what (except for Rcourt who has no clue), but it is nice to know that what was so obvious, actually happened. Fortunately, as we know now, guys like the previous owners of this board are not doing so well ...and that is an understatement. There is something to be learned from genuine "old school" which is not just ten fucking years (yeah pat yourselves on the back)....but true wisdom...like the tortoise and the hare.

Hell Puppy
04-26-2008, 02:05 PM
After following the can spam shelleehale fiasco, it occurs to me that I used to post on this very forum about rampant spammers and how they cost us all money. This forum was driven by nick@ilynx and his partner who was one of the biggest "mailers" ever. I used to post how it was costing all of us very large, and was shit on for being a whiner. But I knew that these guys were thieves and lacked real talent. A lot of "old school" guys made a lot of money out of what we are discussing today. And they still talk fondly of those good old days, which I think were actually immoral and criminal, whether you escaped by the skin of your teeth or not. I always maintained that this had nothing to do with acumen...it was more akin to selling crack (any moron can do it), but I have to say that I was dumped on from a very high altitude for saying what is being posted on this board today. Y'all know who posted what (except for Rcourt who has no clue), but it is nice to know that what was so obvious, actually happened. Fortunately, as we know now, guys like the previous owners of this board are not doing so well ...and that is an understatement. There is something to be learned from genuine "old school" which is not just ten fucking years (yeah pat yourselves on the back)....but true wisdom...like the tortoise and the hare.

I've gotta wonder what the true overall cost of spam to the internet is in terms of bandwidth and server power?

Up until the last year or so I hosted my own email for alot of my domains. These domains all had published addresses for auto responders, mail forms, things likes that. It finally got to the point that I was tired of spending the few hours a month it took to stay on top of updating anti-spam tools, tweaking rules and filters just to be able to actually READ the real pieces of mail inbetween the spam.

Where I really snapped was when I realized I was going to have to add additional servers just to host my email, and this is on some high end well tuned boxes. My databases were slowing down because I had multiple domains that were receiving over a million pieces of email every 24 hours. I'm not exaggerating....over a MILLION.... You could tail the maillog and it would spin like a slot machine 24/7.

I outsourced all of my email handling. It saves just little old me over $1000 a month in server and bandwidth. I never realized it was that much or I would've done it much sooner. And that doesn't include the man hours wasted updating the spam tools or trying to wade thru the spam that made it thru anyway.

Now can you imagine how much extra capacity something like gmail or hotmail has to have just to receive reject or delete all this garbage.

Email is one of the most useful tools on the net and it has been rendered all but useless by many of these jackasses.

04-26-2008, 02:50 PM
I outsourced all of my email handling. It saves just little old me over $1000 a month in server and bandwidth. I never realized it was that much or I would've done it much sooner. And that doesn't include the man hours wasted updating the spam tools or trying to wade thru the spam that made it thru anyway..

Wow, thats amazing! Geeeze... it never occured to me that I could outsource our email services for our clients... we have gone through the same thing and added another machine just to hand email which is almost all junk anyway... a VERY good idea Hell Puppy... thank you!


04-26-2008, 08:07 PM
After following the can spam shelleehale fiasco, it occurs to me that I used to post on this very forum about rampant spammers and how they cost us all money. This forum was driven by nick@ilynx and his partner who was one of the biggest "mailers" ever. I used to post how it was costing all of us very large, and was shit on for being a whiner. But I knew that these guys were thieves and lacked real talent. A lot of "old school" guys made a lot of money out of what we are discussing today. And they still talk fondly of those good old days, which I think were actually immoral and criminal, whether you escaped by the skin of your teeth or not. I always maintained that this had nothing to do with acumen...it was more akin to selling crack (any moron can do it), but I have to say that I was dumped on from a very high altitude for saying what is being posted on this board today. Y'all know who posted what (except for Rcourt who has no clue), but it is nice to know that what was so obvious, actually happened. Fortunately, as we know now, guys like the previous owners of this board are not doing so well ...and that is an understatement. There is something to be learned from genuine "old school" which is not just ten fucking years (yeah pat yourselves on the back)....but true wisdom...like the tortoise and the hare.

You were seriously dumped on by being anti-spam? Come on!

Ok I may be fairly new to the game (just five years) but I thought spam was just the province of those few who could get away with it.

Everywhere, programs and such, all admonish against email and/or spam marketting...

And it MUST work since I still get so much of it ... but really porn spam has virtually disappeared from my inbox; it's all mainstream stuff now...


04-27-2008, 01:04 AM
Hi -

Does Spam REALLY work? The only people who I think have ever said that Spam works, is spammers themselves.

Is there anyone here who has spammed or has paid for spam, and got positive results back?


04-27-2008, 09:46 AM
Ok I may be fairly new to the game (just five years) but I thought spam was just the province of those few who could get away with it.

Prior to CAN-SPAM, spamming was pretty much legal and many people made a lot of money off of it.

Since CAN-SPAM, there are still many who make some pretty good money emailing CAN-SPAM compliant emails.

04-27-2008, 09:49 AM
Does Spam REALLY work? The only people who I think have ever said that Spam works, is spammers themselves.

Is there anyone here who has spammed or has paid for spam, and got positive results back?


I have never emailed but for the past 14-15 years I have been involved with direct-marketing databases and doing the snailmail version of spam (direct mail).

It does work.

Now our version of it is quite targetted so our response rates usually run between 10-20% which is much higher than you see in a non-targetted campaign.

04-27-2008, 09:50 AM
My argument was never about the legality, but just that it was very bad for the business of porn. The residual effect of all that crap is still being felt. I hate spam, spammers as much as I hate spam phone calls at dinner time. This shit makes everyone look bad and scared a lot of people off the net. Not just spam, but all the other dishonest, quasi legal, and crappy business practices. It all started with the fucking pop up. Which I, and most, hate to this day.

04-27-2008, 01:02 PM
Sorry, what I mean is, is there anyone here who sells a product (say, Porn), and uses Spam to promote it - are you making sales from that Spam?

And speaking of Spam, most of the spam that I get is not porn related at all, but mostly for fake watches and viagra.

04-27-2008, 01:53 PM
Sorry, what I mean is, is there anyone here who sells a product (say, Porn), and uses Spam to promote it - are you making sales from that Spam?

And speaking of Spam, most of the spam that I get is not porn related at all, but mostly for fake watches and viagra.

Would this be considered spam when it's received by one of your licencees users whom you have no right to be emaling or even if it is sent out to your own users, how do you comply with canadian spam laws?Hello! This is not spam. Someone from LiveCamNetwork.com has placed some funds in your e-wallet as a gift to you! From: to: Amount: $ has included the following message to you: -------------- These funds are in your account right now. You may use these funds to video-chat with any performer on LiveCamNetwork.com you like. To do so, simply go to http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com and log-in as usual, and you will see your new E-Wallet Balance. Thank you for choosing LiveCamNetwork.com! The 2Much Crewhttp://www.2Much.nethttp://www.LiveCamNetwork.comToll Free Technical Support: 1-866-662-6824

04-27-2008, 02:43 PM
Would this be considered spam when it's received by one of your licencees users whom you have no right to be emaling or even if it is sent out to your own users, how do you comply with canadian spam laws?Hello! This is not spam. Someone from LiveCamNetwork.com has placed some funds in your e-wallet as a gift to you! From: to: Amount: $ has included the following message to you: -------------- These funds are in your account right now. You may use these funds to video-chat with any performer on LiveCamNetwork.com you like. To do so, simply go to http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com and log-in as usual, and you will see your new E-Wallet Balance. Thank you for choosing LiveCamNetwork.com! The 2Much Crewhttp://www.2Much.nethttp://www.LiveCamNetwork.comToll Free Technical Support: 1-866-662-6824

Hello Shellee,

2Much has a strict anti-spam policy. We do not spam ourselves, nor do we allow our customers to spam.

The message you are referring to above is generated whenever a paying customer gives a gift of money to another user on LiveCamNetwork.com The message can only be sent to one person, at a cost equal to the value of the gift.

So for example, if I am a LiveCamNetwork user and I want to give you transfer $20.00 from my e-wallet account balance to you, I would enter your username into the system as the recepient. The $20.00 is debited from my account and then deposited into your account, along with any message I care to send with the gift ("Happy Birthday! Spend it on Kedra, she's awesome!" for example).

You would receive the notice by email, and see this new money in your e-wallet. You could then spend it with Kedra or any other chat model you cared to chat with.

No Spam, no request for credit card info. And never once, a single complaint. And just to prove it, this one little module generates almost $20,000 a year in additional revenue, so we know alot of people are using it. It is just a simple way for users on LiveCamNetwork to give gifts to other users.

Sorry to dissapoint you, and sorry to prove that you are once again, wrong.

04-27-2008, 06:00 PM
Would this be considered spam when it's received by one of your licencees users whom you have no right to be emaling or even if it is sent out to your own users, how do you comply with canadian spam laws?Hello! This is not spam. Someone from LiveCamNetwork.com has placed some funds in your e-wallet as a gift to you! From: to: Amount: $ has included the following message to you: -------------- These funds are in your account right now. You may use these funds to video-chat with any performer on LiveCamNetwork.com you like. To do so, simply go to http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com and log-in as usual, and you will see your new E-Wallet Balance. Thank you for choosing LiveCamNetwork.com! The 2Much Crewhttp://www.2Much.nethttp://www.LiveCamNetwork.comToll Free Technical Support: 1-866-662-6824

Shellee, what are you the internet police? Personally, I think you are the type of person that would run to the IRS or the FBI snitch lines just to get "even" with your competition. You have to be about the lowest bottom feeder I have seen on boards. You imply threats. You spend hours poring over other's businesses looking for something to rant about and possibly report to authorities. I hate rats. You are your own little version of Homeland Security permanently on red alert. I have always despised people like you and your Republican tactics.
I have to disagree with Gonzo on this, but I would ban your ass and let you puke your poison on other boards. You are crossing all kinds of lines. This ain't business for you anymore, its some kind of twisted retribution.
In a sentence, "You make me sick".

04-27-2008, 06:26 PM
Shellee, what are you the internet police? Personally, I think you are the type of person that would run to the IRS or the FBI snitch lines just to get "even" with your competition. You have to be about the lowest bottom feeder I have seen on boards. You imply threats. You spend hours poring over other's businesses looking for something to rant about and possibly report to authorities. I hate rats. You are your own little version of Homeland Security permanently on red alert. I have always despised people like you and your Republican tactics.
I have to disagree with Gonzo on this, but I would ban your ass and let you puke your poison on other boards. You are crossing all kinds of lines. This ain't business for you anymore, its some kind of twisted retribution.
In a sentence, "You make me sick".

One of my customers received that email and so it went out as spam to pull my user to LCN and not as Mark so eloquently explained. Are you for Mark Prince spamming my users when I am paying a license fee, hosting fee, revshare and marketing and advertising cost to get those users? Is this what you think is ethical and that the victim should keep her mouth shut.

I have a pam email that went to an affiliate from LCNCash right after they signed up on sexyteaser as well; but Greg explained this was do to an error on ccbill's part and they corrected it.

How hypocritical are you to stand in support of a spammer when you say you can't stand spammers. Then, piss on me for speaking out against this unethical behavior I experienced while attempting to start my first adult project. Do you need more proof call any one of these program owners and see how well they did working with 2much.net with a nearly 85% failure rate I am not the only person out there that was taken by them.

www.primalsecrets.com (http://www.primalsecrets.com)
www.xxxstrippercams.com (http://www.xxxstrippercams.com)
www.livehotcamz.com (http://www.livehotcamz.com)
www.realmuscle.tv (http://www.realmuscle.tv)
www.bodbay.com (http://www.bodbay.com)
www.365livecams.com (http://www.365livecams.com)
www.euroticalive.com (http://www.euroticalive.com)
www.southerngirlslive.com (http://www.southerngirlslive.com)
www.bkslive.com (http://www.bkslive.com)
www.icutoocams.com (http://www.icutoocams.com)
www.orgasmwebkams.com (http://www.orgasmwebkams.com)
www.girlsgonecam.com (http://www.girlsgonecam.com)
www.livehotcamz.com (http://www.livehotcamz.com)
www.cambabez.com (http://www.cambabez.com)
www.easycyberdate.com (http://www.easycyberdate.com)
www.livemuscleshow.com (http://www.livemuscleshow.com)
www.livesexydolls.com (http://www.livesexydolls.com)
www.livebabes.com (http://www.livebabes.com)

Why don't you take Mark up on his free offer and see if your happy a few months from now. He has 10 years of experience and sometimes one or two girls online and will give you all the help you need to get started.

04-27-2008, 07:14 PM
One of my customers received that email and so it went out as spam to pull my user to LCN and not as Mark so eloquently explained. Are you for Mark Prince spamming my users when I am paying a license fee, hosting fee, revshare and marketing and advertising cost to get those users? Is this what you think is ethical and that the victim should keep her mouth shut.

I have a pam email that went to an affiliate from LCNCash right after they signed up on sexyteaser as well; but Greg explained this was do to an error on ccbill's part and they corrected it.

How hypocritical are you to stand in support of a spammer when you say you can't stand spammers. Then, piss on me for speaking out against this unethical behavior I experienced while attempting to start my first adult project. Do you need more proof call any one of these program owners and see how well they did working with 2much.net with a nearly 85% failure rate I am not the only person out there that was taken by them.

www.primalsecrets.com (http://www.primalsecrets.com)
www.xxxstrippercams.com (http://www.xxxstrippercams.com)
www.livehotcamz.com (http://www.livehotcamz.com)
www.realmuscle.tv (http://www.realmuscle.tv)
www.bodbay.com (http://www.bodbay.com)
www.365livecams.com (http://www.365livecams.com)
www.euroticalive.com (http://www.euroticalive.com)
www.southerngirlslive.com (http://www.southerngirlslive.com)
www.bkslive.com (http://www.bkslive.com)
www.icutoocams.com (http://www.icutoocams.com)
www.orgasmwebkams.com (http://www.orgasmwebkams.com)
www.girlsgonecam.com (http://www.girlsgonecam.com)
www.livehotcamz.com (http://www.livehotcamz.com)
www.cambabez.com (http://www.cambabez.com)
www.easycyberdate.com (http://www.easycyberdate.com)
www.livemuscleshow.com (http://www.livemuscleshow.com)
www.livesexydolls.com (http://www.livesexydolls.com)
www.livebabes.com (http://www.livebabes.com)

Why don't you take Mark up on his free offer and see if your happy a few months from now. He has 10 years of experience and sometimes one or two girls online and will give you all the help you need to get started.
You are boring as a mudfart. Go take your sad business where someone cares. If you have problems with these people, get in touch with them.
I don't give a rat's ass about you or your business. I don't care how much money you make. I don't even care if every spammer on the planet descends on you and crashes your server. I don't even care if you get google bombed from a really high altitude. I don't care if you get pissed on by 2muchMark or anyone else on this board. In fact I kinda wish you had never shown up puking poison and verbal vomit everywhere you go. I don't care if lightning strikes your house and it burns to the ground. I don't care if an Earthquake hits Seattle and yours is the only place that sinks into the fucking Pacific Ocean. I don't care if a plague of locusts descends on your yard and turns the sun black. I don't care if your sewers back up and short circuit your entire network.
Apart from that, I wish you had never been born.
But I can only speak for myself.

04-27-2008, 07:33 PM
You are boring as a mudfart. Go take your sad business where someone cares. If you have problems with these people, get in touch with them.
I don't give a rat's ass about you or your business. I don't care how much money you make. I don't even care if every spammer on the planet descends on you and crashes your server. I don't even care if you get google bombed from a really high altitude. I don't care if you get pissed on by 2muchMark or anyone else on this board. In fact I kinda wish you had never shown up puking poison and verbal vomit everywhere you go. I don't care if lightning strikes your house and it burns to the ground. I don't care if an Earthquake hits Seattle and yours is the only place that sinks into the fucking Pacific Ocean. I don't care if a plague of locusts descends on your yard and turns the sun black. I don't care if your sewers back up and short circuit your entire network.
Apart from that, I wish you had never been born.
But I can only speak for myself.

You must care; you took all the time to write it....

Face your demons
Don't Waiver
Do no retreat!

If you don't renounce what's false you can't accomplish whats true.

Your stellar at sitting in judgement. All that energy of yours is defenitely focussed on something (me) and there is one thing for sure it was time wasted because I don't think anyone wrote you a check to post it and that's a clue..

04-27-2008, 07:38 PM
Why don't you take Mark up on his free offer and see if your happy a few months from now. He has 10 years of experience and sometimes one or two girls online and will give you all the help you need to get started.
This is a great idea!
Everyone that does get this free offer please report back!
How many girls are online right now?

04-27-2008, 07:43 PM
You must care; you took all the time to write it....

Face your demons
Don't Waiver
Do no retreat!

If you don't renounce what's false you can't accomplish whats true.

Your stellar at sitting in judgement. All that energy of yours is defenitely focussed on something (me) and there is one thing for sure it was time wasted because I don't think anyone wrote you a check to post it and that's a clue..
LOL, Shellee, you are a yo yo now and I am just walking the dog, dude.

BTW, I was going to call you a cunt, but had second thoughts about being so crude. I realized that that would be an insult to all the cunts in the world. At least they are useful.

04-27-2008, 07:43 PM

It is time to give up, lady. We do not spam not only because I personally hate spam, but also because (a) I don't believe that it works, and more important (b) because it is the against the Terms of Service we have with our upstream provider, MCI / Worldcom, a company that we have enjoyed working with for over 7 years now.

If we spammed, Shellee, copy/paste the email WITH the HEADER information included with that email as proof. Let's see, Little Ms. Microsoft, if you even know what the header information even is, and how it can be used to catch real spammers.

Now for the last fucking time, shut the fuck up.. Go run your own fucking websites and leave 2Much, TooMuch, Topbucks, and everyone else the fuck alone.

04-27-2008, 07:47 PM

It is time to give up, lady. We do not spam not only because I personally hate spam, but also because (a) I don't believe that it works, and more important (b) because it is the against the Terms of Service we have with our upstream provider, MCI / Worldcom, a company that we have enjoyed working with for over 7 years now.

If we spammed, Shellee, copy/paste the email WITH the HEADER information included with that email as proof. Let's see, Little Ms. Microsoft, if you even know what the header information even is, and how it can be used to catch real spammers.

Now for the last fucking time, shut the fuck up.. Go run your own fucking websites and leave 2Much, TooMuch, Topbucks, and everyone else the fuck alone.

Never happen Mark. It can't do that. It can't stop posting. It is running on pure hatred at the moment and it can't see anyway out. You watch, it will return.

BTW, where do I get this free cam thingy for my avatar?

04-27-2008, 07:47 PM
This is a great idea!
Everyone that does get this free offer please report back!
How many girls are online right now?


The "Free Offer" is not to everyone, sorry. Read my posts on the other thread if you forgot who the offer was for.

I suggest you worry less about our program, and instead worry about how to make a backup of your bbs so you don't lose 3 days worth of data again the next time you do an "update".

04-27-2008, 07:48 PM
Never happen Mark. It can't do that. It can't stop posting. It is running on pure hatred at the moment and it can't see anyway out. You watch, it will return.

BTW, where do I get this free cam thingy for my avatar?

OMG... I just got cold chills down my spine... !

04-27-2008, 07:50 PM
OMG... I just got cold chills down my spine... !

It is an anger bot.

04-27-2008, 08:05 PM

The "Free Offer" is not to everyone, sorry. Read my posts on the other thread if you forgot who the offer was for.

I suggest you worry less about our program, and instead worry about how to make a backup of your bbs so you don't lose 3 days worth of data again the next time you do an "update".

You all owe me a dozen. I told you he had a big mouth and was scared to open it up for everyone on here.

Of course if I was him I wouldnt want this bunch on here taking a closer look at what I was up to either.

04-27-2008, 08:11 PM

You all owe me a dozen. I told you he had a big mouth and was scared to open it up for everyone on here.

Of course if I was him I wouldnt want this bunch on here taking a closer look at what I was up to either.


In this thread,


I said:

If you like, we can setup a demonstration of each of the various components of the system to show you how it all works.

Then, If you like what you see and would like to refer a customer our way, we could then setup a system for them completely free of charge to do a "real" test for say, 30 days or so.

This way you will discover what all of the strengths of the LiveCamNetwork system are. Your customer will then know if its worth buying or not, and you will know if you want to referr additional customers our way or not.

Nowhere do I say that this is open to YOU or to ALL. This is an offer to Sarettah. Allow us to at least qualify who we give out demo's and free samples to.

04-27-2008, 08:16 PM
The performer you want to chat with has logged off! Please Click HERE (http://cam.livecamnetwork.com/cgi-bin/customer/vibe_custmain.cgi/anonymous10) to return to main page

04-27-2008, 08:19 PM
The performer you want to chat with has logged off! Please Click HERE (http://cam.livecamnetwork.com/cgi-bin/customer/vibe_custmain.cgi/anonymous10) to return to main page

I appreciate your concern for us Gonzo, but you should get back to learning how to make simple backups, and then go back to defending your advertiser instead of wasting your valuable time worrying about us.

04-27-2008, 08:21 PM
I appreciate your concern for us Gonzo, but you should get back to learning how to make simple backups, and then go back to defending your advertiser instead of wasting your valuable time worrying about us.

The performer you want to chat with has logged off! Please Click HERE (http://cam.livecamnetwork.com/cgi-bin/customer/vibe_custmain.cgi/anonymous10) to return to main page

BTW I outsource my hosting to NatNet.They are responsible for all my back ups.

04-27-2008, 08:30 PM
The performer you want to chat with has logged off! Please Click HERE (http://cam.livecamnetwork.com/cgi-bin/customer/vibe_custmain.cgi/anonymous10) to return to main page

BTW I outsource my hosting to NatNet.They are responsible for all my back ups.

Gonzo, what makes more sense. The hosting company who as you say, is responsible for backups, lost 3 days worth of backups?


You "lost" all of those Shellee-bashing threads for fear of losing what has to be your biggest financial contributor?

As you like to say, "Gonzo, Whats up with that?"

In the future Gonzo, why not just TAR the entire bbs and then back it up to your own computer at home? It's easy to do and with a little scripting you can even make it automatic.

"The more you know...!"

04-27-2008, 08:50 PM
Mark - Imagine how better off you would be if all the time spent on here writing about me you spent recruiting girls and selling your software. I would hate for your business to fail because you were so addicted to reading and writing about me.

Let's call a truce and stop subjecting everyone to our dirty laundry. I am waving the white flag and two or three so you notice.

On anther note I must tell you that Gonzo sponsored that banner for me for free and he has never asked me for any money ever and he always picks up the check like a real man should.

04-27-2008, 08:53 PM
Let's call a truce and stop subjecting everyone to our dirty laundry. I am waving the white flag and two or three so you notice.

Just a bump to make sure he sees this.

04-27-2008, 08:58 PM
Where is the free beer?

04-27-2008, 09:06 PM
Mark - Imagine how better off you would be if all the time spent on here writing about me you spent recruiting girls and selling your software. I would hate for your business to fail because you were so addicted to reading and writing about me.

Let's call a truce and stop subjecting everyone to our dirty laundry. I am waving the white flag and two or three so you notice.

You gotta be kidding me. You spend 7 months trashing us and other people on the boards, then ask for a "Truce", while insulting me again in the very same post?

You are a real piece of work.

04-27-2008, 09:08 PM
Where is the free beer?

At the Splash bar, this summer at Internext. Look for the 2Much crew! Sorry, no Shellee's allowed.

04-27-2008, 09:09 PM
Mark - Imagine how better off you would be if all the time spent on here writing about me you spent recruiting girls and selling your software. I would hate for your business to fail because you were so addicted to reading and writing about me.

Let's call a truce and stop subjecting everyone to our dirty laundry. I am waving the white flag and two or three so you notice.

On anther note I must tell you that Gonzo sponsored that banner for me for free and he has never asked me for any money ever and he always picks up the check like a real man should.
He wouldn't be any better off. In you dreams. This ain't no "truce". You folded your tent after being overwhelmed by your own incompetence and anger. I still think you should politely fuck off and ride off into the sunset.

04-27-2008, 09:38 PM
Mark - Imagine how better off you would be if all the time spent on here writing about me you spent recruiting girls and selling your software. I would hate for your business to fail because you were so addicted to reading and writing about me.

Let's call a truce and stop subjecting everyone to our dirty laundry. I am waving the white flag and two or three so you notice.

On anther note I must tell you that Gonzo sponsored that banner for me for free and he has never asked me for any money ever and he always picks up the check like a real man should.


Mark never posts on here about you unless you first enter a thread with off-topic comments and accusations.

What you're doing is called "projection".

You're the one who hijacks all the threads one of us at 2much posts in with your friggin obsession; we only reply to your misrepresentations and distortions (sometimes).

This very thread is an example of you not being able to let go. Your post was about an account from LiveCamNetwork.com and not your site since that gift function is available only to LCN users, but you had to try to tie it in with the main spam theme we and the others here were discussing.

You know we don't spam. You know it's against our policy. So your statements are again deliberately misleading.

Now, no need to reply. Please. Let's get back on topic here and follow your suggestion to "stop subjecting everyone to our dirty laundry".

If you must reply, please explain why you think CAN-SPAM is unfair, and that spam is ok (as you posted in another thread).

04-27-2008, 10:21 PM

Mark never posts on here about you unless you first enter a thread with off-topic comments and accusations.

What you're doing is called "projection".

You're the one who hijacks all the threads one of us at 2much posts in with your friggin obsession; we only reply to your misrepresentations and distortions (sometimes).

This very thread is an example of you not being able to let go. Your post was about an account from LiveCamNetwork.com and not your site since that gift function is available only to LCN users, but you had to try to tie it in with the main spam theme we and the others here were discussing.

You know we don't spam. You know it's against our policy. So your statements are again deliberately misleading.

Now, no need to reply. Please. Let's get back on topic here and follow your suggestion to "stop subjecting everyone to our dirty laundry".

If you must reply, please explain why you think CAN-SPAM is unfair, and that spam is ok (as you posted in another thread).

I am sorry but I remember things very differently in every thread the insults towards me came from you and Mark first - if not please share an example where I started anything on here with an insult of you or your company first.

You admitted in another thread knowing that people who signed up as an affiliate for your licensees were spammed and you corrected it when it was brought to your attention and you blamed it on an error by ccbill.

In response to why I think CAN-SPAM is unfair is because I look at the general advertising practices across the board and why is it ok to have junk snail mail still and yet SPAM mail is targeted as illegal but none of these other practices are. I wish there was a better approach because sometimes i get mails that are spam that are advertisements that I find of value and appreciate. I think the law is a little too broad but as it applies to adult it is appropriate and beneficial in reducing adult material from reaching minors. The law is good when it applies to the abuse of technology but the amount of effort that goes into finding and prosecuting offenders brings us to selective prosecution to make a point (like the irs scaring us every April with some tax fraud case). There are people still spamming the law has worked in general to reduce spam but many factor the cost of a fine into their bottom line and others just keep doing it knowing they won't be found out or prosecuted because they stay under the radar of being a value case to the AG.

04-27-2008, 10:37 PM
Ok Shellee, whatever you say.

04-27-2008, 11:19 PM
Gonzo, what makes more sense. The hosting company who as you say, is responsible for backups, lost 3 days worth of backups?


You "lost" all of those Shellee-bashing threads for fear of losing what has to be your biggest financial contributor?

As you like to say, "Gonzo, Whats up with that?"

In the future Gonzo, why not just TAR the entire bbs and then back it up to your own computer at home? It's easy to do and with a little scripting you can even make it automatic.

"The more you know...!"

Im happy with NatNet.
Where do you host?

04-27-2008, 11:50 PM
I am sorry but I remember things very differently in every thread the insults towards me came from you and Mark first - if not please share an example where I started anything on here with an insult of you or your company first.

You may remember things differently, which shows you are more obsessed than actually have an axe to grind or an agenda.

You can just read the threads for yourself. I'm not going to bother posting the links here, but if someone has that time they'll see what I mean.

You don't consider accusations of hacking and outright theft as insulting perhaps. I do. The fact remains that when you start on those themes here and on other boards, they are vastly irrelevant to the thread subject.

You admitted in another thread knowing that people who signed up as an affiliate for your licensees were spammed and you corrected it when it was brought to your attention and you blamed it on an error by ccbill.

Again I might search for that thread but I never blamed CCBill for anything. It was my fault or my misunderstanding. A one-time mailing error does not make for spamming, nor constitute our policy, which is what you imply with your simple insinuations and false statements.

In response to why I think CAN-SPAM is unfair is because I look at the general advertising practices across the board and why is it ok to have junk snail mail still and yet SPAM mail is targeted as illegal but none of these other practices are. I wish there was a better approach because sometimes i get mails that are spam that are advertisements that I find of value and appreciate. I think the law is a little too broad but as it applies to adult it is appropriate and beneficial in reducing adult material from reaching minors. The law is good when it applies to the abuse of technology but the amount of effort that goes into finding and prosecuting offenders brings us to selective prosecution to make a point (like the irs scaring us every April with some tax fraud case). There are people still spamming the law has worked in general to reduce spam but many factor the cost of a fine into their bottom line and others just keep doing it knowing they won't be found out or prosecuted because they stay under the radar of being a value case to the AG.

That's a paragraph I respect and can respond to. There's validity to the point that snailspam is legal and email spam not.

I rarely if ever get anything in snail or e mail that I want or might want to file for future reference. Snail mail spam should be banned simply on an ecological basis. When I want something, I shop for it (or research or hunt or look up or what have you).

CAN-SPAM in my humble opinion has really stopped nothing. We may have caught a couple spammers but that's just millions of emails in a sea of billions.

I don't know if spam was ever a porn-specific problem. I actually get very little porn spam. It's all vuitton bags and fake rolexes, penis pills and nigerian scam spam. And obviously it comes from other countries, where you can probably go shop for spammers to spam for you.

I think I would simply not spam on an ethical basis.

Laws and other measures seem to serve nothing to prevent spamming so I really have little thought for them either way. You're probably right in saying we'd be better off spending our money elsewhere.

As for kids getting porn spam, I don't care. Porn is sex, sex is a natural human activity, and not as bad as the violence they get on the news, in sports and on their entertainment daily.

04-28-2008, 12:09 AM
I am not sure about this. mark agreed to not continue the stuff.

I assumed that his agreement included you.

Did it? Because if it did then that is your last post on it right?

04-28-2008, 12:40 AM
I am not sure about this. mark agreed to not continue the stuff.

I assumed that his agreement included you.

Did it? Because if it did then that is your last post on it right?

Well I read it but felt the cumpulsion to respond... and yes, in finality.

I did veer that last post back on topic, though... d'ja read it? Was it good? I liked it! :)

04-28-2008, 12:42 AM
Well I read it but felt the cumpulsion to respond... and yes, in finality.

I did veer that last post back on topic, though... d'ja read it? Was it good? I liked it! :)
