View Full Version : Pam

04-23-2008, 08:01 AM
Instead of trampling all over someone else's thread, I figure I would take it here

Did we have a deal together? If so, let me know, I will refund ANY money that was received.

I don't recall EVER working with you, and if I did it was an error in judgment on my part and I apologize

04-23-2008, 08:12 AM
I had links up and made sales for some toys. One day I went to check stats and the site was gone. I knew I'd been owed several hundred dollars. Instead of being informed the site was gone, for months the traffic was redirected to another sponsor so any sales went to the former owner of the glass toy program.

I did months of research and kept noticing a link to the program in your signature, so asked you about it. You said you were partners with the person.

So no, you did not directly rip me off and I apologize if my post seemed to indicate that. But, you WERE part of that company, you said, and I did lose more than just the commission owed to me for sales.

04-23-2008, 08:26 AM
I had links up and made sales for some toys. One day I went to check stats and the site was gone. I knew I'd been owed several hundred dollars. Instead of being informed the site was gone, for months the traffic was redirected to another sponsor so any sales went to the former owner of the glass toy program.

I did months of research and kept noticing a link to the program in your signature, so asked you about it. You said you were partners with the person.

So no, you did not directly rip me off and I apologize if my post seemed to indicate that. But, you WERE part of that company, you said, and I did lose more than just the commission owed to me for sales.

We sent out 2 emails from the affiliate backend, one stating when we would be closing, and one the day we closed, informing people to pull links. I would NEVER just close up an affiliate program without notice..hell, i will have to check, but I think we even posted multiple threads on ALL the boards, even though we only had 10 affiliates

I checked the stats before we closed up shop and there was no one owed more than $20 or maybe a little more, there was BY FAR no one owed "hundred of dollars", and all outstanding debts were paid.

I had no control over the domain after it closed up, that was done by Bret.

I KNOW for a FACT you weren't owed hundreds of dollars because as I recall we didn't offer more than 20-30% of sales, and we sold a total of 2 DILDOS while were open...yes, the entire time the company was in play we sold 2 dildos, we gave away 20 and sold 2.

I do have control of the domain now though, and if you want it, i will give it to you as some sort of peace offering....but I would think contacting me sooner than this would have the better thing to do, rather than let it fester for years and then bring it up on the boards

04-23-2008, 09:04 AM
It was brought up before. I did a quick perusal on that board but can't find the thread.

I don't know who told you there were just 2 sales, as I know *I* purchased more than that with a discount. I probably still have the emails (but need the approximate date). I also know I looked at stats and saw the sales that were made. Maybe I'm wrong and there were $500-$600 in sales and I was owed 30% of that. Maybe.

Back then I was only posting on one board and only reading one, but never saw any announcement, nor did I receive any emails. If I had, the links would have been pulled right away.

Edit: I found the thread, you went on and on about Bret being a stoner, ripping you off for a lot of cash, and that you were told all affiliate checks were being sent out and told there was no profit.

If you want to PM me I can show you the thread where we talked about all of this.

04-23-2008, 09:42 AM
It was brought up before. I did a quick perusal on that board but can't find the thread.

I don't know who told you there were just 2 sales, as I know *I* purchased more than that with a discount. I probably still have the emails (but need the approximate date). I also know I looked at stats and saw the sales that were made. Maybe I'm wrong and there were $500-$600 in sales and I was owed 30% of that. Maybe.

Back then I was only posting on one board and only reading one, but never saw any announcement, nor did I receive any emails. If I had, the links would have been pulled right away.

Edit: I found the thread, you went on and on about Bret being a stoner, ripping you off for a lot of cash, and that you were told all affiliate checks were being sent out and told there was no profit.

If you want to PM me I can show you the thread where we talked about all of this.

you about summed everything up. I was the front guy for the company, got a percentage of sales which amounted to nothing but a bunch of free dildos, I never received a dime from anything

Like I said, I will gladly give you ecstasyglass.com if you like, I do have that now. But as far as payments go, you can try and contact Bret if you like, his full name is Bret Griffin and he lives somewhere in the northern california area selling bongs.

I know for a fact I sent out emails to anyone in the affiliate database because I just checked my deleted items in outlook and have multiple emails back and forth from people that received the email. could have been a glitch though

as far as ripping you off, Bret Griffin was the owner of the company, Bret Griffin was the LLC owner, Bret Griffin owned everything, in the end the only thing I got was a bunch of dildos and a domain that had no use, so if it is that big of a deal to you, that you have to insinuate things years after they happen because you are so upset, then I will pay you whatever you think you are owed out of my own pocket just to make sure you don't try and ruin my rep in other threads on other boards

04-23-2008, 09:45 AM
I don't know who told you there were just 2 sales, as I know *I* purchased more than that with a discount. I probably still have the emails (but need the approximate date). I also know I looked at stats and saw the sales that were made. Maybe I'm wrong and there were $500-$600 in sales and I was owed 30% of that. Maybe.

discounted sales to site owners were not counted as regular sales, they were "under the table" ;) so, it makes sense I (or the system) never saw those sales

anyway, I am offering you peace so you don't keep bringing it up, what would you like?

04-23-2008, 10:22 AM
I rarely bring drama to the forums and have no desire to trash you or your rep. If you hadn't pushed my buttons I'd have kept my mouth shut. Blame it on non-existent PMS or something.