View Full Version : Bad Voodoo

04-21-2008, 01:39 AM
Another riveting episode of "Fun in Charlotte.

This week I was coerced into a Sat night flight to see a dude called the Voodoo Organist at this place called the MileStone (http://themilestoneclub.com/).

Since the Crazy White Devil Woman had a previous commitment I was left in the capabile tour hands of Kelly Kelly and AJ.

AJ works with me and Bishop in the advertising department and some of you might remember him being on the front page of Consumption Junction doing some preformance art with his nuts on fire!

This place is 12 miles or less from the Oprano Condo here in Charlotte so I headed out to the other side of town.

When in Atlanta I know what it means when the road Im travelling on crosses the railroad tracks but I didnt pay it anymind in Charlotte - I should have!

This club was 12 miles away from where I stay but soon I found out it might as well be worlds away.

My first hint was getting to the club and seeing that the parking -albiet secured - was full. I did notice that the next expensive car in the lot was worth about 10K less than mine and yall know I dont drive an expensive car!

The next clue I got was being run out of what should have been overflow parking but was instead was a VFW lodge. They must have thought my car was a little too "fresh" to have passed for a member so I had to leave.

My 2nd lap I observed a group of "corner kids (http://www.hbo.com/thewire/cast/)" eyeballing my wheels and SRT badge and god knows what else. So as I passed "The Last Pitcher Show" one of Charlotte's finest pulls me over.

The police officer was wondering what I was doing in that area of town and ended up asking me to take a breath test. He has been watching me "case" this expensive neighborhood I guess.

Im pretty sure I was just profiled and told him so. We suspect had the test came back with anything other than a zero he was going to have a peak into my car fto make sure I wasnt hiding any drunks or anything dangerous under a probable cause excuse.

Long story short is that he advised me to roll back to Atlanta when the breath test came back zero.

Im pretty sure he turned pale when I told him where I was staying and I would be in touch.

He was so nice though I guess he thought my GPS might have been faulty from the storm of dead cankerworms falling from the trees as he followed me as far as the Dilworth area of town.

I considered stopping and asking him if I should stop by the store to get some drinks since he was going to follow me home. I thought better of it as I didnt feel like having my picture up on the Mecklenburg County website for getting in trouble.

So far each week has been entertaining.

How was your weekend?

04-21-2008, 08:11 AM
Awww, Charlotte's finest!

Well... Yeh. The Milestone is a classic institution 'round these parts - Penny got it up and running about forever ago, and it's famous for the awesome acts that've performed in its tiny, dive-bar hidey-hole.

But it is not the kinda place I prefer to go alone.

How'd you like VDO? I kinda am in love with him.

04-21-2008, 10:28 AM
I always enjoy the Monday Charlotte event column. it is one of my favorites.

Next time I am in town I will be expecting some tours of these places you know .

04-21-2008, 10:48 AM
I always enjoy the Monday Charlotte event column. it is one of my favorites.

Next time I am in town I will be expecting some tours of these places you know .

I figure since Brad Shaw uses his board as a blog I will too.

Glad someone is enjoying it.