View Full Version : WHy is porn legal and prostitution illegal ?

04-08-2008, 09:11 AM
What do you see as the main differences?

04-08-2008, 09:15 AM
What do you see as the main differences?

A camera. I had an idea to set up a chain of "porn studios" where you set up a camera and buddy gets to have sex with an "actress" and then leave with the tape. He has made a "porn movie" so it is totally legal. Everyone is Jake.

04-08-2008, 09:52 AM
The camera is the clincher, although it also requires to some extend the intent to distribute (rather than just make a home movie). Most people don't know that outside of California, producing porn is technically still illegal (but the law not enforced much because of the California rulings). Ask Ray Guhn.

04-08-2008, 10:14 AM
In the legal sense it's the camera as it becomes speech but IMHO a big part of the reason is the psychology of who "gets off" in the process. One is a trnsaction that allows others to get off. It's essentially done to titalate OTHER people. The other is something an individual does that gets THEIR rocks off and that's just a bridge too far for people.

I imagine if you gave people a choice and say ti went to a national referendum and the only choices were to either make porn 100% legal across the country (other than the obvious illegal categories) and have prostitution illegal OR make producing porn 100% illegal but prostitution legal that they vote would come in in favor of porn legal prostitution illegal.

There's soemthing about using another person's body for a busines tranaction to get your own rocks off that jut offends too many people's sensibilities.

04-08-2008, 10:25 AM
Fortunately porn and prostitution are legal in Canada...

04-08-2008, 10:33 AM
What do you see as the main differences?

I guess it's kind of like the three clicks in google rules for adult advertising.

On another note are you reading minds again? I seriously was thinking about this recently when a client in Canada called to have me do some research for him on a new Escort Site he wants to run....

I beleive the laws some places are really just meant to generate income and draw a celebrity status to prosecuters who use adult related arrests to put their name and cases in the press. For example here is our great tax dollars at work we have given out 100K's of dollars for these guys to find obscenity sites online (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/10/us/10obscene.html)for years and their work has resulted in not one successful prosecution.

I think some people on here should apply for that grant money to supplement their income and get rid of the bad guys internally - you would probably do a lot better job than these nuts who are probably now addicted to porn and geetting paid $100k a year for it.

04-08-2008, 10:37 AM
I guess it's kind of like the three clicks in google rules for adult advertising.

On another note are you reading minds again? I seriously was thinking about this recently when a client in Canada called to have me do some research for him on a new Escort Site he wants to run....

I beleive the laws some places are really just meant to generate income and draw a celebrity status to prosecuters who use adult related arrests to put their name and cases in the press. For example here is our great tax dollars at work we have given out 100K's of dollars for these guys to find obscenity sites online (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/10/us/10obscene.html)for years and their work has resulted in not one successful prosecution.

I think some people on here should apply for that grant money to supplement their income and get rid of the bad guys internally - you would probably do a lot better job than these nuts who are probably now addicted to porn and geetting paid $100k a year for it.
Sign me up.
I can hire out help for 30K a year and take a modest 70K admin fee.

04-08-2008, 10:49 AM
Sign me up.
I can hire out help for 30K a year and take a modest 70K admin fee.

Hire me. I will do it for 30K plus expenses and per diem. BTW, check your pm, G

04-08-2008, 10:55 AM
Sign me up.
I can hire out help for 30K a year and take a modest 70K admin fee.

Sign me up.
I can hire out help for 30K a year and take a modest 70K admin fee.

Wow, it looks like with the two of you I could put together a little consulting group and apply for that grant. I am sure they would finally get a return on investment and we could all make about $50K a year extra.

This story (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/10/us/10obscene.html?_r=1&oref=slogin) has bothered me for months, actually outraged me.

04-08-2008, 11:22 AM
Actually porn isnt legal outside of California - yet, perhaps Ray Guhn will prove otherwise.

But the difference between porn and prostitution in California is the case of State of California v. Freeman.

Even POV porn is illegal in California under Freeman.

The main issue everyone seems to miss is the contractual ramifications of the illegal nature of porn. While content producers may have a First Amendment argument against the government in a criminal case because of the artistic free speech nature of porn, this will not hold up in regards to content shot outside California in a civil litigation case. Courts will not enforce illegal contracts and in most states contracts for sex are still illegal.



04-08-2008, 11:47 AM
Actually porn isnt legal outside of California - yet, perhaps Ray Guhn will prove otherwise.

But the difference between porn and prostitution in California is the case of State of California v. Freeman.

Even POV porn is illegal in California under Freeman.

The main issue everyone seems to miss is the contractual ramifications of the illegal nature of porn. While content producers may have a First Amendment argument against the government in a criminal case because of the artistic free speech nature of porn, this will not hold up in regards to content shot outside California in a civil litigation case. Courts will not enforce illegal contracts and in most states contracts for sex are still illegal.


www.AdultBizLaw.com (http://www.AdultBizLaw.com)

Problem with the US is that you guys are way over governed. Too many levels of government have their fingers in the same pie. And even if you beat the rap in a criminal case (OJ)...you can still be harassed to death by a civil action after you have been found not guilty. Someday someone has got to do something about this hornets nest. I look at American "freedom" sometimes and shake my head. It seems you have the freedom to litigate, harass, carry deadly weapons, pay large amounts of money to fix yourself if you are broken or shot with said deadly weapon, speak your mind.....if you don't piss off Bubba, have sex between consenting adults (in most states). I guess life is good. Freedom, however, is better.

"freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose"

04-08-2008, 12:10 PM
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Indivisible - I guess if you like sex, toys or want to watch others doing it, or just perform it then your divisible. As the Buddhist say when you have different rules for different people you create inequality.

04-08-2008, 12:43 PM
Why is it when you recruite people for entertainment purposes like dancing, singing, or modeling your called an agent?...:cool2:
But when you recruit them for any sort of Adult Entertainment purpose,
Your called a pimp?...:mf_ymca1:

04-08-2008, 01:16 PM
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Indivisible - I guess if you like sex, toys or want to watch others doing it, or just perform it then your divisible. As the Buddhist say when you have different rules for different people you create inequality.

Yea, and the "under God" part was never part of the original Pledge, and I never say it.

04-08-2008, 01:17 PM
What do you see as the main differences?

Prostitiution isn't "Illegal."

04-08-2008, 01:44 PM
Why is it when you recruite people for entertainment purposes like dancing, singing, or modeling your called an agent?...:cool2:
But when you recruit them for any sort of Adult Entertainment purpose,
Your called a pimp?...:mf_ymca1:

Well you have to understand pimpology as discussed at the Pimps and Hos society.. (http://www.pimpsandhoessociety.org.uk/pimpology)

Pimpology School

http://www.pimpsandhoessociety.org.uk/files/imgs/pimpology/huggybear.jpgAnyone can dress up as a Pimp, but do you really have what it takes to be a REAL Pimp?!
In Pimpology School, we'll give you the training you need to make sure you are a master Pimp by the time you arrive at the party!! With only days to go, you better get learning, cause being a Pimp is a competitive business, and you don't want to lose all your hoes to the master pimps out there! It's only bad for business!!
There Are Five Main Principals Of Pimp-ology:

Pimp-in Yo Clothes.
Pimp-in Yo Ride.
Pimp Game.
Pimp-in Ho's.
Pimp-in Ain't Easy.So come on homie... Step inside and let us begin our lesson.

04-08-2008, 02:12 PM
Well you have to understand pimpology as discussed at the Pimps and Hos society.. (http://www.pimpsandhoessociety.org.uk/pimpology)

Pimpology School

http://www.pimpsandhoessociety.org.uk/files/imgs/pimpology/huggybear.jpgAnyone can dress up as a Pimp, but do you really have what it takes to be a REAL Pimp?!
In Pimpology School, we'll give you the training you need to make sure you are a master Pimp by the time you arrive at the party!! With only days to go, you better get learning, cause being a Pimp is a competitive business, and you don't want to lose all your hoes to the master pimps out there! It's only bad for business!!
There Are Five Main Principals Of Pimp-ology:

Pimp-in Yo Clothes.
Pimp-in Yo Ride.
Pimp Game.
Pimp-in Ho's.
Pimp-in Ain't Easy.So come on homie... Step inside and let us begin our lesson.

Snoop Dog aint got no hand compared to Vic Mackey.
If you missed those episodes of The Shield you should watch em to see how a bald headed fucker runs Master Pimpology!

04-08-2008, 02:25 PM
Snoop Dog aint got no hand compared to Vic Mackey.
If you missed those episodes of The Shield you should watch em to see how a bald headed fucker runs Master Pimpology!
http://www.pimpsandhoessociety.org.uk/files/imgs/pimpology/quotes/QuoteSweetSugarBrown.gif"Ain't no bidness like the Ho bidness!"- Sweet Sugar Brown

04-08-2008, 02:26 PM
You keep talking like that and KB and D$ will be over here to ask you to sponsor the next Players Ball.

04-08-2008, 02:47 PM
http://www.pimpsandhoessociety.org.uk/files/imgs/pimpology/quotes/QuoteBigBo$$Player.gif"Pimp-in ain’t easy... so keep your Ho’s sleazy and you know they'll keep your fingers greasy."- Big Bo$$ Player

04-08-2008, 02:53 PM
Why is prostitution illegal? --Frank Carroll, Arlington, Virginia


Because hookers are a nuisance, that's why. Always around when you don't want them, and never there when you do.

Prostitution isn't a felony. In most U.S. jurisdictions it's a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine and a short stretch in jail. In parts of Nevada, it isn't even that--prostitution is legal, though regulated.

Fine, you say. But why should prostitution be considered any kind of crime? The victims aren't complaining. Why should the rest of us care?
The usual explanation is that criminalization of prostitution is a product of the moralizing impulse in American politics. As with other victimless crimes such as gambling and drug use, our antiprostitution laws largely date from the Progressive era around the turn of the 20th century. This period also produced reforms such as the pure food and drugs laws and antitrust regulation.

Many Progressive leaders were educated, articulate members of the middle class that had emerged during the economic expansion following the Civil War. No longer was it necessary to accept social ills as inevitable, they felt. If we apply scientific methods and can-do attitude to our problems, we can eradicate them altogether.

In many respects the Progressive project was a great success. Today everybody is grateful that we have pure food laws and antitrust regulation. (Well, maybe Bill Gates isn't.) The legacy of the antiprostitution campaign is perhaps a little less positive.

In the 19th century prostitution, while not always legal, was tolerated in most of the world as a necessary evil. Enlightened opinion--enlightened male opinion, anyway--held that hey, boys will be boys, and men will be animals. The best we can do is regulate prostitution, including health inspections, licensing of brothels, etc.

But in English-speaking countries the regulatory impulse was countered by growing sentiment that prostitution was evil, period, and ought to be suppressed. Middle-class women played a leading role in the antiprostitution movement, arguing that prostitution threatened family life. Sympathetic journalists suggested that prostitutes were the principal carriers of venereal disease, then thought to be rampant. (Prior to the advent of effective treatment in the early 20th century, VD was certainly no trivial matter.)
The abolitionists ultimately carried the day. Before 1900 most legislation dealing with prostitution sought merely to control it. After World War I, usually considered the end of the Progressive era, the goal was to stamp it out.

Officially, that's been the aim ever since. But let's face it. Nobody really expects prostitution to go away, and it's hard to believe anyone ever did. They just don't want it in their back yards.


04-08-2008, 02:53 PM
Snoop Dog aint got no hand compared to Vic Mackey.
If you missed those episodes of The Shield you should watch em to see how a bald headed fucker runs Master Pimpology!

An Idol- :okthumb: A Mentor-:okthumb: A KING-:wnw:


04-08-2008, 03:10 PM
An Idol- :okthumb: A Mentor-:okthumb: A KING-:wnw:


Is that Izzy from Miami Vice?

04-08-2008, 03:28 PM
Is that Izzy from Miami Vice?
no :(

Maybe your Google (http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=Joe+redner&btnG=Google+Search) God will assist you.

04-08-2008, 03:45 PM
no :(

Maybe your Google (http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=Joe+redner&btnG=Google+Search) God will assist you.
I know its not the Noog man.


04-08-2008, 04:18 PM
The Original TV Pimp!

I still remember the episode with the Goldfish in his shoes!


Even has his own action figure so the kid's could Bitch Slap Barbie...

http://www.megomuseum.com/tv/huggy.JPG http://www.megomuseum.com/teevee/images/shhuggybear.jpg

04-08-2008, 04:20 PM
The Original TV Pimp!

I still remember the episode with the Goldfish in his shoes!


Even has his own action figure so the kid's could Bitch Slap Barbie...

http://www.megomuseum.com/tv/huggy.JPG http://www.megomuseum.com/teevee/images/shhuggybear.jpg


04-08-2008, 04:44 PM
Hey rhetorical????

Check out frame 1:48 & up :okthumb:
Izzy knows how to drive trucks also, Just like me !!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:


"Hey man ...this isn't exactly made by mattel® maan"

I need a pimp patner here..... :g01:hmmmm?

Where's that dang Buckwheat when ya need him??? :thumbup:

04-08-2008, 04:59 PM
Yea, and the "under God" part was never part of the original Pledge, and I never say it.

I guess your also big on the commandment taken outta school too? :thumbdown

04-08-2008, 05:04 PM
Hey rhetorical????

Check out frame 1:48 & up :okthumb:
Izzy knows how to drive trucks also, Just like me !!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:


"Hey man ...this isn't exactly made by mattel® maan"

I need a pimp patner here..... :g01:hmmmm?

Where's that dang Buckwheat when ya need him??? :thumbup:

That just made my day!!!

04-08-2008, 07:32 PM
An Idol- :okthumb: A Mentor-:okthumb: A KING-:wnw:

It's my buddy Joe R. ! lmao Where'd you get this crazy picture?

04-08-2008, 08:22 PM
It's my buddy Joe R. ! lmao Where'd you get this crazy picture?

its last years valentines pics from the St.PetesTimes LOL

Hell Puppy
04-08-2008, 08:37 PM
Laws are rarely repealed, they are fixed by adding....you guessed it, more laws.

It will be tough to ever get things like porn, prostitution or even marijuana ever made totally legal at the federal level. Few if any politicians will take the heat of endorsing either action.

All are victimless crimes, all have been around forever and will exist whether legal or not. But logic does not apply.

04-08-2008, 09:35 PM
Actually porn isnt legal outside of California - yet, perhaps Ray Guhn will prove otherwise.

But the difference between porn and prostitution in California is the case of State of California v. Freeman.

Even POV porn is illegal in California under Freeman.

The main issue everyone seems to miss is the contractual ramifications of the illegal nature of porn. While content producers may have a First Amendment argument against the government in a criminal case because of the artistic free speech nature of porn, this will not hold up in regards to content shot outside California in a civil litigation case. Courts will not enforce illegal contracts and in most states contracts for sex are still illegal.



Tell that to Score in fl, who has not one but two lawyers working for them.

04-08-2008, 10:11 PM
Like Chef sings, you don't pay them for sex, you pay them to leave afterwards.

04-08-2008, 11:38 PM
Few if any politicians will take the heat of endorsing either action.

That's because many of those politicians are too busy breaking those laws they endorse or wrote to get votes!

04-09-2008, 05:39 AM
Ok dragging this back on topic...

It isnt the camera that makes it "legal" its the model release. Technically I do not pay the girls to have sex, I pay them to sign their copyright of that performance over to me. Its a fine legal line and outside of Cali its a very gray area of the law, but thats how it was explained to me and thats how I explain it to whomever I am shooting.

And in reality its true, without that signed model release transferring that copyright to me, they don't get paid. If you dont understand how a performer owns a copyright of the performance as well as the photographer /videographer sharing that copyright then you need to brush up on that part of the law. Essentially without one signing their copyright over to the other, either via a model release or a photographers release neither one can use the content without the consent of the other.

For this reason I dont pay the performers and they dont sign the release until after the scene is shot.

04-09-2008, 02:35 PM
I guess your also big on the commandment taken outta school too? :thumbdown


04-09-2008, 02:53 PM

The Good Geppeto is an atheist?

04-09-2008, 03:43 PM
I guess your also big on the commandment taken outta school too? :thumbdown

The Commandments do not belong in publicly funded schools, but I have no problem with them being displayed in privately funded Christian schools.

I fully believe in Freedom of Religion as long as my own rights and beliefs aren't stepped on. I also have no problem with the Bible being in a public school as a reference text as long as the other world's religious texts are displayed equally. (Torah, Koran, The Vedas, the Guru Granth Sahib & Dasam Granth, the varying Buddhavacana, etc.)

04-09-2008, 04:25 PM
The Commandments do not belong in publicly funded schools, but I have no problem with them being displayed in privately funded Christian schools.

I fully believe in Freedom of Religion as long as my own rights and beliefs aren't stepped on. I also have no problem with the Bible being in a public school as a reference text as long as the other world's religious texts are displayed equally. (Torah, Koran, The Vedas, the Guru Granth Sahib & Dasam Granth, the varying Buddhavacana, etc.)

Then your expressing that religion does not belong in any form of government public funded industry???

What about these other public U.S agency?


I mean? ...if ya gonna set rules?...
...They should be followed all the way to the TOP (http://www.usa.gov/):salute: ...right?? <-- I can't believe that page has a pr10 Ya think Goggles involved? :g01:

The schools can't have 'em? but your most precious obtained items can?.. :nono2:

Don't try to come back with you only use your nation monetary system, cuz thats BULL :hmm:

Freedom of religion? That cannot never be denied,
Otherwise the illegals and the american haters cannot practice they're religions freely & legally in this country regardless of who get harmed :thumbdown

My GOD!!! American law & beliefs are so one sided....:scratchin

04-09-2008, 05:02 PM
Ok who in the house translates "tard" ?

04-09-2008, 05:23 PM
Ok who in the house translates "tard" ?


04-09-2008, 06:01 PM
The truth of the matter is there was no reference to God on American money untill about a hundred years after the fact. Our founders would have abhorred this practice.

It is, like many other things slipped into practice by the bible thumper who have always insisted this was a "Christian Nation" When of course it clearly is not, many of our most celebrated founders including Ben Franklin were Deists.

Just like the Phrase "Under God" was added after the fact to the pledge in an effort to bring God into public schools.

It never ends really and the bible thumpers wont be happy until we live under their version of Sharia Law.

Best to remember that all this Christian Nation horseshit has been slowly added over the last hundred years or so (since the civil war mostly)

04-09-2008, 06:27 PM
The truth of the matter is there was no reference to God on American money untill about a hundred years after the fact. Our founders would have abhorred this practice.

It is, like many other things slipped into practice by the bible thumper who have always insisted this was a "Christian Nation" When of course it clearly is not, many of our most celebrated founders including Ben Franklin were Deists.

Just like the Phrase "Under God" was added after the fact to the pledge in an effort to bring God into public schools.

It never ends really and the bible thumpers wont be happy until we live under their version of Sharia Law.

Best to remember that all this Christian Nation horseshit has been slowly added over the last hundred years or so (since the civil war mostly)

The Cristian horseshit is suppose to be the foundation and basis of the way the American legal system runs?
I mean? who's the person to decided whether 18 is old enough to get fucked yet or not? or maybe who was man who said???
"hmmm, I'll let 'em kill people at 18, but won't let 'em drink till they're 21"?

In other countires and cultures, minors marry and have children that are under american legal age. and its legal and not look down upon.

I think the "In god we trust" religion in America is a major founding source of where American legal laws are created. :idontknow just thinkin' like a trucker

04-09-2008, 08:38 PM
Tell that to Score in fl, who has not one but two lawyers working for them.

They probably already know.


http://www.adultbizlaw.com (http://www.adultbizlaw.com/)

04-10-2008, 03:28 AM
The Good Geppeto is an atheist?

Agnostic.....and I think all religions are cults, or mass insanity.

04-10-2008, 07:41 AM
Agnostic.....and I think all religions are cults, or mass insanity.

Well then your living in the wrong country Good Toy Maker
Cuz this country is based an founded on religious believes to set its laws and standards.

I mean, its being & been done here for centuries...

Salem Witch Trial (http://www.iath.virginia.edu/salem/generic.html)

It's almost gone has far as destroying entire races in the United States.
because of religional based laws.


If not so? then who are the ones who set the morality standards in Law?
Who the fuck decides how low is to low??
There isnt.
Its done through religious belief at the time of that generations lifestyle existence and its surrounding environment of beliefs.

Heres an example from DragonKing
These children believe what they did was ok,
So what do you think maybe they're laws with be like when they have children this age?

04-10-2008, 12:19 PM
Since when is Religion the standard-bearer for Morality?? The most immoral people in history acted out on their religious beliefs.

BTW, I am also Agnostic....the "we just don't know" people. I live by a very simple principle, Do No Harm.

04-10-2008, 02:00 PM
Since when is Religion the standard-bearer for Morality?? The most immoral people in history acted out on their religious beliefs.

BTW, I am also Agnostic....the "we just don't know" people. I live by a very simple principle, Do No Harm.

Well thats sorta my quetion to a point?
Where are the standards of morality embeded into laws that are enforced thru goverment? Religion has a major influence in setting these standards.

04-10-2008, 09:27 PM
The Original TV Pimp!

I still remember the episode with the Goldfish in his shoes!

Even has his own action figure so the kid's could Bitch Slap Barbie...

http://www.megomuseum.com/tv/huggy.JPG http://www.megomuseum.com/teevee/images/shhuggybear.jpg

You own one of these, admit it.

04-10-2008, 09:37 PM
Ok dragging this back on topic...

It isnt the camera that makes it "legal" its the model release. Technically I do not pay the girls to have sex, I pay them to sign their copyright of that performance over to me. Its a fine legal line and outside of Cali its a very gray area of the law, but thats how it was explained to me and thats how I explain it to whomever I am shooting.

And in reality its true, without that signed model release transferring that copyright to me, they don't get paid. If you dont understand how a performer owns a copyright of the performance as well as the photographer /videographer sharing that copyright then you need to brush up on that part of the law. Essentially without one signing their copyright over to the other, either via a model release or a photographers release neither one can use the content without the consent of the other.

For this reason I dont pay the performers and they dont sign the release until after the scene is shot.

Amen to this.

If you want to get right down to it, the presence of the camera (and the crew, dammit) changes the sex act in production from intimate to public, to display and performance. It's no longer sex, though it's sexual.

Kinda like saying, if a tree falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

And actually, at least in Canada, what's illegal is the solicitation of money for sex (or sex for money?) that is illegal, not paying for sex, or getting paid for sex.

I had a potential client once who wanted to do some live video streaming from his swinger's club private rooms. These people are paying to join the club, paying to have an arena in which to swing-fuck, and paying to have their activities webcast...

Lawyers have sorry jobs and I pity them their chore....

04-10-2008, 09:38 PM
Agnostic.....and I think all religions are cults, or mass insanity.

Ahem to that.

04-11-2008, 01:27 AM
Well then your living in the wrong country Good Toy Maker
Cuz this country is based an founded on religious believes to set its laws and standards.

I mean, its being & been done here for centuries...

Salem Witch Trial (http://www.iath.virginia.edu/salem/generic.html)

It's almost gone has far as destroying entire races in the United States.
because of religional based laws.


If not so? then who are the ones who set the morality standards in Law?
Who the fuck decides how low is to low??
There isnt.
Its done through religious belief at the time of that generations lifestyle existence and its surrounding environment of beliefs.

Heres an example from DragonKing
These children believe what they did was ok,
So what do you think maybe they're laws with be like when they have children this age?

Take off the aluminum foil hat......step back from the monitor and keyboard.....it's ok. It will ALL be better after a good night's sleep........that a boy........there ya go..........that's it........sleeeep......sleeep......


04-11-2008, 01:29 AM
Ahem to that.

And my tolerance for them stops when they try to tell me what to do according to their beliefs.....
Otherwise, they can play "drink the Kool-aid," in the corner, all they want.

04-11-2008, 01:30 PM
You own one of these, admit it.

I have the entire collection!

04-11-2008, 01:33 PM
I have the entire collection!
And somehow I know your not bullshitting

04-11-2008, 01:43 PM
Back in 1976, we all wanted a Gran Torino!


Unfortunately, this was my ride at that time....


Proud to say I have never owned a Ford in my life!

04-11-2008, 03:00 PM
Me either. Fords suck ass. Especially Mustangs. They may be a good ride for ladies who need a car to putt-putt down to the grocery store but thats it. You have to add $10k worth of mods just to make it go anything close to "Fast". silly, silly cars...

04-11-2008, 03:03 PM
Back in 1976, we all wanted a Gran Torino!


Unfortunately, this was my ride at that time....


Proud to say I have never owned a Ford in my life!

While you were idolizing Starsky and Hutch . . . I was more of a Bo and Luke Duke kind of guy.


Current Ride

04-11-2008, 04:49 PM
You pussies gotta step up here man,,,,

Ya'll thinking to smaLL "...kinda how I see the Internet"