View Full Version : Is porn addictive or just old pastime?

03-29-2008, 06:02 PM
As someone who has had sex with about 4,000 women in an acting career spanning more than 1,700 pornographic films, you could easily joke that Ron Jeremy likes to score.
The Long Island resident nicknamed "The Hedgehog," and author of a book of memoirs subtitled The Hardest (Working) Man in Showbiz, also likes scoring a good, sharp rhetorical point, no more so than in the heat of a good debate about his chosen profession.
"Nobody can defend porn better than me, because I have a teaching license," said Jeremy, referring to his master's degree in special education from Queens College in New York. "Pornography is older than all of us, and it will still be around when we're all dead and buried. We're all voyeuristic by nature. If it goes out of style, fine. I'll take up tennis. But right now people enjoy it."
Jeremy will take on porn critic Michael Leahy in a debate at 7 tonight at Salt Lake Community College's Grand Theatre. Leahy, author of Porn Nation, argues the U.S. pornography industry operates with an attitude similar to that of big tobacco companies. "I'm absolutely certain that Ron and others in the industry know just how addictive their product is, but they're in aggressive denial," he said. "He's basically singing the song that every student wants to hear, when I'm trying to put a warning label on the industry."
Leahy said his use of pornography over 30 years culminated
in an affair with a woman "who was like porn with skin on," ending his 15-year marriage and future business prospects. He has since formed Bravehearts.net, a nonprofit warning people about the long-term consequences of pornography consumption.
Jeremy, who has defended pornography in debates as far afield as England's Oxford Union debating society, said automobile accidents and alcohol abuse pose far greater risks to society than pornography, but that no one argues to ban driving or alcohol based on the reckless actions of some. "I've no problem with any of my debate opponents. It's people like me who are always on attack," Jeremy said. "I make my points, say thank you, then ask, 'Where's the limo?' "

03-29-2008, 08:42 PM
Interesting post Mr. GonZo.

Since you bring this abroach of "addiction to" to this board? :g01:
Would you consider yourself an addict? or a business involved producer? :)

03-30-2008, 05:24 PM

03-30-2008, 07:15 PM
ANYTHING can be addictive. Depends on the person. Some people are addicted to eating, and working out for example. You cant ban people from eating and working out! Basically what I am trying to say is, people have to take responsibility for their own actions. That guy lost his marriage and business because he ALLOWED himself to do so. Then he wants to blame the porn industry. :huh:

I just do not understand why people cannot take responsibility for their own actions. It pisses me off.:mad:

03-30-2008, 07:32 PM
. . . Basically what I am trying to say is, people have to take responsibility for their own actions. That guy lost his marriage and business because he ALLOWED himself to do so. Then he wants to blame the porn industry. :huh:

I just do not understand why people cannot take responsibility for their own actions. It pisses me off.:mad:

:clapping: Outsanding answer!

If I were just twenty years younger I would ask for your hand :okthumb:

Damn, saw your profile! Make that "Twenty-Five" years younger :D

03-30-2008, 07:48 PM
:clapping: Outsanding answer!

If I were just twenty years younger I would ask for your hand :okthumb:

Damn, saw your profile! Make that "Twenty-Five" years younger :D


03-30-2008, 08:07 PM
I'll say it falls along the same line of an entire civilization that requires babysitting.

This is a spoiled civilization that sleeps and has become lazy. :(
Sleeling in the sence that tech gajettes now do it for us and lazy in the sence the what little is left for us to do, or decide is done by authority figures.

A civilization that lives only to seek plesurable satisfaction. :yowsa: and people willing to sacrifice anything and everything at times to keep these self satisfing habits alive till we totally cling to it. forming this addiction that most of us let takes over our lives.

GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!! :salute:

03-30-2008, 09:59 PM
Interesting post Mr. GonZo.

Since you bring this abroach of "addiction to" to this board? :g01:
Would you consider yourself an addict? or a business involved producer? :)

04-03-2008, 07:23 PM
100% addict here.