View Full Version : Too Much Media vs. NR Media....

03-24-2008, 04:49 PM
Freehold, New Jersey, 03/24/2008 – Naked Rhino and NR Media have, with great fanfare, announced their motion to amend their
complaint in the lawsuit pending against Too Much Media in federal court in New Jersey. They have obviously sought to gain from
publishing false statements what they have not been able to gain after a year and a half of litigation.

In either reviewing the proposed amended Complaint, which our lawyers will vigorously oppose the motion to allow its filing, or
any postings related to it, please remember the source – Naked Rhino and NR Media. Also, be aware of certain facts which have
come out in the litigation.

1. Chris Petoski, the president of NR and NRM, in testimony has admitted cursing and hanging up on John Albright after John
Albright telephoned him to find out why affiliates have not been properly paid.

2. NR’s former technical director has testified that the accounting for affiliate rebills was flawed, not because of a problem
with NATS, but because of his use of an erroneous password. Petoski was aware of this but refused to make required

3. Until this day NR and NRM have not correctly paid affiliates what was owed them for rebills since well before the lawsuit
started in August 2006.

4. NR and NRM have not set aside money to pay the affiliates when the litigation ends.

5. NR and NRM, in transferring its affiliate tracking software from NATS to Epoch’s Hosted MPA solution chose not to pay what
Petoski testified was $5,000-$10,000 for the software necessary to keep track of its obligations to affiliates and sales
generated prior to the transfer.

6. Jason Tucker, a member of No Rivals Media, the successor to NR and NRM, has stated with regard to the proposed amended
complaint: “I was not consulted nor do I think this makes any sense. My 2 cents: someone in this case appears to be continuing
the process of avoiding life and well…certain responsibilities”

The proposed amended complaint was drafted by an attorney who has now moved to be relieved as counsel for NR and NRM after
representing them for just six weeks. NR and NRM will now ask the court to allow them to have their fourth counsel who just
happens to be the counsel for Mansion Productions, the maker of Too Much Media’s prime competitor, MPA3. Coincidence?

In that proposed amended complaint NR and NRM seek to join together two completely unrelated events – NR’s and NRM’s refusal to
deal with their rebill problems in August 2006 and the security breach experienced by TMM in 2007. Too Much Media has been up
front about the occurrence of this security breach and has taken corrective measures.
Be aware – no credit card information was taken from any servers nor was any private data taken off Too Much Media’s servers.
No private data in fact rests on Too Much Media’s servers. The NATS program and all of its data rests on client servers with
access by TMM limited to maintenance and support applications.

Despite statements made in the proposed amended complaint, the security breach has not, apparently, continued, as TMM has
received no related complaints since December.

TMM is very much aware of its obligations to the industry. It was that feeling of obligation which led to John Albright’s call
to Chris Petoski in August, 2006. Think of it – what did John Albright or TMM have to gain by picking a fight with NR, NRM or

It’s that same feeling of obligation which has caused TMM, on a monthly basis, since 2005, to deliver a CD containing the
updated NATS source code and a list of current clients to its attorneys for safekeeping. In the unlikely event anything happen
to TMM, its NATS customers are protected.

Lawsuits are meant to be tried in courts. Because, however, NR, NRM and their friends have sought to use various media outlets
to try to harm NATS and Too Much Media, a response was required. We can only hope and request that you be objective and fair in
considering all related communications.

About Too Much Media - Too Much Media is a New Jersey based Internet Technologies Solutions Company, providing affiliate,
content, and RSS feed management software solutions to both mainstream and adult internet-based businesses. Too Much Media’s
ever-growing product line was created by and for industry leaders and continuously evolves to set the bar for all products,
present and future. With excellent product support and easy-to-navigate user interfaces, Too Much Media provides solutions
that are second to none and continues to forge ahead as the industry leader in affiliate management software solutions.

03-24-2008, 05:31 PM
Just my opinions, for all they are worth:

1) Considering John Albright's outbursts on public message boards, I think it would be safe to assume that any phone call that involved cursing was not a one sided call.

2) NATS has plenty to gain from "picking a fight", specifically if they found a company who had anything but perfect accounting or other issues related to stats tracking. NATS has staked it's entire reputation on being the uncheatable no shave affiliate solution, so proving their reputation by taking on this program would be to their benefits

3) Non-payment of affiliates is, in many ways, not an issue that NATS should be concerned about, except that perhaps this disagreement puts NR in the position to not have access to the information to make those payments.

I certainly don't take sides in the issue, I was not an affiliate of NR (nor did I have any intention of being one), but I have a feeling that there is three sides to this story and the one we will never hear is the complete truth.

03-24-2008, 05:36 PM
Just my opinions, for all they are worth:

1) Considering John Albright's outbursts on public message boards, I think it would be safe to assume that any phone call that involved cursing was not a one sided call.

2) NATS has plenty to gain from "picking a fight", specifically if they found a company who had anything but perfect accounting or other issues related to stats tracking. NATS has staked it's entire reputation on being the uncheatable no shave affiliate solution, so proving their reputation by taking on this program would be to their benefits

3) Non-payment of affiliates is, in many ways, not an issue that NATS should be concerned about, except that perhaps this disagreement puts NR in the position to not have access to the information to make those payments.

I certainly don't take sides in the issue, I was not an affiliate of NR (nor did I have any intention of being one), but I have a feeling that there is three sides to this story and the one we will never hear is the complete truth.

well, since chris and brandi already have the reputation they do, and with what they did in the past to others in this industry, I, personally, could never trust or believe anything they say or do

03-24-2008, 05:39 PM
I would have hired a PR person to write this....

03-24-2008, 05:40 PM
well, since chris and brandi already have the reputation they do, and with what they did in the past to others in this industry, I, personally, could never trust or believe anything they say or do

Yup, it's why I have a feeling that the whole truth and nothing but will never really come out, both sides appear to have an agenda and issues, and that is usually a pretty difficult situation to squeeze the truth out of.

03-24-2008, 06:52 PM
Jason Tucker.....again, and again, and again....

03-28-2008, 04:25 PM
Heres a few updates that found their way into my big bag...since no one is talking... read the legaleze and you decide.

Chris Deposition

Brandi Love Deposition

Tsai Depo part 1

Tsai Depot part 2

Deposition of Charles Berrebbi:

03-28-2008, 04:50 PM
I am reading the first one (Chris) and I have to say this is quite a fun read. If nothing else, this whole process is shedding light on exactly who is dealing with who and how. It also exposes the incredible casualness of the adult industry.

This is reading for a month, there appears to be some true humor in all of this.

03-28-2008, 04:53 PM
I am reading the first one (Chris) and I have to say this is quite a fun read. If nothing else, this whole process is shedding light on exactly who is dealing with who and how. It also exposes the incredible casualness of the adult industry.

This is reading for a month, there appears to be some true humor in all of this.

"Jason Tucker is just amazing with PR"


03-28-2008, 05:22 PM
"Jason Tucker is just amazing with PR"


Yeah baby......

03-28-2008, 09:24 PM

...so NRM became aware of the CCBill rebill reporting issue back in Aug of '05 and Chris gets all pissy on the phone with John in Aug of '06 when it still hadn't been taken care of a year later.

03-29-2008, 12:31 AM

...so NRM became aware of the CCBill rebill reporting issue back in Aug of '05 and Chris gets all pissy on the phone with John in Aug of '06 when it still hadn't been taken care of a year later.

If you take Chris's view, it would appear that he got pissy basically because John wanted to go into NATS and assign payable values to webmasters, at his own discretion. But that is what I got from reading Chris' deposition.

03-29-2008, 01:11 AM
If you take Chris's view, it would appear that he got pissy basically because John wanted to go into NATS and assign payable values to webmasters, at his own discretion. But that is what I got from reading Chris' deposition.
Yes, and Chris also claims no prior knowledge of the rebill problem beyond the brief mention of it in one yahoo chat with Blake

Blake on the other hand details several conversations with Chris regarding the repulls being done over time to avoid serious cash flow issues.

I guess it comes down to which story you find more credible.

03-29-2008, 01:13 AM
Yes, and Chris also claims no prior knowledge of the rebill problem beyond the brief mention of it in one yahoo chat with Blake

Blake on the other hand details several conversations with Chris regarding the repulls being done over time to avoid serious cash flow issues.

I guess it comes down to which story you find more credible.

I know what side of the fence I am on, then again I am pretty biased

03-29-2008, 01:18 AM
I know what side of the fence I am on, then again I am pretty biased

When a solution was presented for making the necessary data available so that affiliates could be paid, and it was summarily dismissed, that pretty much tipped the scales for me.

03-29-2008, 06:23 AM
Im on the side of the truth.

Im still trying to get my head around this fact.
Half a million dollars in one year amd the affiliates still havent been paid yet?

Unless Im missing something John was going to open access so they could pay out in hopes of resolving this dispute?

Its going to take all weekend to digest this becasue I cant get past the fact that affliates STILL havent been paid.


I can see Chris's arguement that we pay NATS to keep us straight - even though NATS is a cascading billing system in reality.

Why havent affilaites been paid after 2 years?

03-29-2008, 09:42 AM
Several of us are still digesting these PDFs... have another point that I dont understand...

The suit claims $5 million dollars worth of damage based as the company's value. I ask along with the lawyer why Blake/Amy were only paid $5000 for their 50% ?

This doesnt add up either.

03-29-2008, 09:55 AM
Several of us are still digesting these PDFs... have another point that I dont understand...

The suit claims $5 million dollars worth of damage based as the company's value. I ask along with the lawyer why Blake/Amy were only paid $5000 for their 50% ?

This doesnt add up either.

Must be that new math. I wonder if the IRS has been reading along?

03-29-2008, 11:27 AM
From what I could understand, NATS wasn't so much going to give access as "provide numbers" or provide a limited dataset access.

Where I get a little confused on all this is Blake and the 9 epass accounts. Were the rebillings occurring and then all getting paid off to Blake instead of to the webmasters? Was Blake using his access to the systems to somehow skim rebills? Is there a theoretical half million sitting in an account somewhere unpaid, or was it filtered off to someone else? If the totals still added up, why would NATS get involved?

Where did the money go?

On the other side of the coin, the amount claimed is steep, but if the company was turning half a million a year, it is ALMOST justifiable. But then the $5000 buyout for 50% of the company sort of negates it, unless Blake and Amy were getting paid in some other manner (see the "shave" above).

In the end, even if NR was a pretty weird setup, there is likely very little way to excuse John's outbursts on the boards which almost certainly tarnished some reputations.

03-29-2008, 11:56 AM
I was wondering the same thing. Where is all that money that hasn't been paid to affiliates?

Plenty of things in there that just don't add up right. Far more new questions raised than old questions answered.

Quite a few veiled accusations tossed about with little or no hard evidence that any funds were misappropriated.

03-29-2008, 01:04 PM
If you dont think both parties are reading this thread you are wrong.

Anyone want to comment or are you going to both keep us in the dark?

My mailbox gets more interesting things as time goes on.


03-29-2008, 01:34 PM
Yeah baby......
Its ok Graham... apparently Jason had USA Today snowed too!

"Jason Tucker was a mainstream film producer frustrated by Hollywood's bureaucracy and resistance to change. "No one was willing to take a risk on new ideas," he says, explaining his decision to start a profitable Internet company that sells technology to porn Web sites"

"Playa Solutions, the company started by former movie producer Tucker, has developed software that wraps digital content in a high-tech force field of sorts. When the user presses play on a video clip, for instance, a computer system that controls the content is electronically notified. The system asks for a payment or lets viewers see the clip if they agree to watch ads. The process has tested successfully in the adult industry and has drawn interest from music and movie companies, Tucker says."

"People are less likely to gamble in the mainstream," Tucker says. "Hollywood doesn't like taking chances. If you fail there, you're gone."

Where is Playa solutions these days?

03-29-2008, 01:59 PM
Heres some more good stuff


03-29-2008, 02:09 PM
Where is Playa solutions these days?

Another dead carcass by the side of the information highway. You have to give this guy credit though, he does throw a ton of stuff at the wall.

03-29-2008, 03:21 PM
But then the $5000 buyout for 50% of the company sort of negates it, unless Blake and Amy were getting paid in some other manner (see the "shave" above).

not sure where they got those #'s, but from what I understand blake and amy got nothing whatsoever when they split ways from chris and brandi

03-29-2008, 05:47 PM
Anyone got any further?

I see 2 things so far. They havent paid affiliates after 2 years and Jason Tucker saw another way to make what he thought was easy cash by forcing that couple out of a job.

I guess you reap what you sow. Big bag tells me that his personal life has taken a turn for the worse as well. Something about no more "sugar" and being cut off from Momma.

Oh well. I guess he always will have Porn Kings.

03-29-2008, 07:58 PM
Then again... I guess he might not have NATS running at porn kings....at least licensed.


03-29-2008, 08:27 PM
Anyone got any further?

I see 2 things so far. They havent paid affiliates after 2 years and Jason Tucker saw another way to make what he thought was easy cash by forcing that couple out of a job.

I guess you reap what you sow. Big bag tells me that his personal life has taken a turn for the worse as well. Something about no more "sugar" and being cut off from Momma.

Oh well. I guess he always will have Porn Kings.

Jason Tucker deserves whatever ill wind comes his way. Is it true he is only 5 feet tall. I have only talked to him on his cell and he always let me know he was calling from his Escalade. Dumb fuck.

03-29-2008, 08:31 PM
"A thief is a thief and a scumbag's a scumbag," Tucker said

03-29-2008, 08:34 PM
Jason Tucker deserves whatever ill wind comes his way. Is it true he is only 5 feet tall. I have only talked to him on his cell and he always let me know he was calling from his Escalade. Dumb fuck.
He likes to hear himself talk.

03-29-2008, 09:37 PM
Anyone got any further?

I see 2 things so far. They havent paid affiliates after 2 years and Jason Tucker saw another way to make what he thought was easy cash by forcing that couple out of a job.

I guess you reap what you sow. Big bag tells me that his personal life has taken a turn for the worse as well. Something about no more "sugar" and being cut off from Momma.

Oh well. I guess he always will have Porn Kings.

jason tucker was NOT with them when blake and amy left, jason came along later

03-29-2008, 09:45 PM
jason tucker was NOT with them when blake and amy left, jason came along later
Thats what you get for not going to Vegas.
I attended the Xclusviecash party there a few years ago.
Ask Blake and Amy if Im right.

03-29-2008, 10:05 PM
I think you need to let The naked DJ borrow your warm fuzzy coat.
its gets cold in Alaska.

03-30-2008, 01:49 AM
I think you need to let The naked DJ borrow your warm fuzzy coat.
its gets cold in Alaska.

rofl, I am not in alaska man, still in atlanta, where I always have been

03-30-2008, 09:40 PM
rofl, I am not in alaska man, still in atlanta, where I always have been

yaa mon... but ur still naked mon :okthumb: ..so shut up and just take the coat mon, t'll be better in the long run ;)

03-30-2008, 10:37 PM
yaa mon... but ur still naked mon :okthumb: ..so shut up and just take the coat mon, t'll be better in the long run ;)

ha, I have 3 of those coats already, don't need gonzos old sweaty one, haha

03-31-2008, 01:33 AM
From what I could understand, NATS wasn't so much going to give access as "provide numbers" or provide a limited dataset access.

Where I get a little confused on all this is Blake and the 9 epass accounts. Were the rebillings occurring and then all getting paid off to Blake instead of to the webmasters? Was Blake using his access to the systems to somehow skim rebills? Is there a theoretical half million sitting in an account somewhere unpaid, or was it filtered off to someone else? If the totals still added up, why would NATS get involved?

Where did the money go?

On the other side of the coin, the amount claimed is steep, but if the company was turning half a million a year, it is ALMOST justifiable. But then the $5000 buyout for 50% of the company sort of negates it, unless Blake and Amy were getting paid in some other manner (see the "shave" above).

In the end, even if NR was a pretty weird setup, there is likely very little way to excuse John's outbursts on the boards which almost certainly tarnished some reputations.

with 9 epassport accounts. Has anyone every had more then 2 epassport account with the same company, unless Blake pulled some heavy internal epassport strings, not possible... these were epassport accounts that brandi testified she didn't know about.. but later on in the same deposition when asked how was mailman paid.. hum 'epassport?' Same goes for her accusation of the multiple paypal accounts under the same company creditcard.... anyone ever had more then 1 paypal account with the same credit card??

03-31-2008, 01:33 AM
on Blake setting up 9 affiliate accounts total over $209K....it's a common for program owners that uses NATS to create multiple accounts within their systems testing, tracking accounts get setup .. Chris testified that he didn't know how to use NATS and nor did Brandi so who would be setting up NATS.. but when the final question was asked to Chris was $209K paid out to Blake.. No it was never paid out, even though he made it sound like $209K was somehow paid out to 'strange accounts' that Blake set up

03-31-2008, 01:34 AM
it would of never happened anyways since Chris's wife cut ALL the checks. So since epoch /ccbill pays to NR logical location for that '$209K would still be at NR

as far as $5k buy out.. what's funny is both Chris and Brandi said the Blake/Amy was employee but yet they own almost 50% of the company. Do you think anyone will walk away from a company that gross that kind of money for $5K 'willingly' ?

03-31-2008, 01:54 AM
What the children seem to forget is the number of laws that have been broken.
At some point, some clever prosecutor is gonna get wind of these filings, and make a name for himself exposing the "corruption" in the adult industry.

03-31-2008, 01:59 AM
What the children seem to forget is the number of laws that have been broken.
At some point, some clever prosecutor is gonna get wind of these filings, and make a name for himself exposing the "corruption" in the adult industry.

I hope to god they do

I am 100% legal and above board, I just wish everyone else was too, would be nice to see some people go down for their illegal ways

03-31-2008, 02:57 PM
I hope to god they do

I am 100% legal and above board, I just wish everyone else was too, would be nice to see some people go down for their illegal ways

I'm still not sure how YOU are tied into all of this....but you're just a funny icon to me.

03-31-2008, 03:35 PM
I'm still not sure how YOU are tied into all of this....but you're just a funny icon to me.

04-01-2008, 02:59 PM

I think he is asking: What is your interest in all this? You have been quite vocal about it. Do they owe you money? Do/did you have to change out a shit load of links? What exactly is your stake in this whole thing?


04-01-2008, 03:02 PM
I think he is asking: What is your interest in all this? You have been quite vocal about it. Do they owe you money? Do/did you have to change out a shit load of links? What exactly is your stake in this whole thing?



04-01-2008, 03:06 PM
I think he is asking: What is your interest in all this? You have been quite vocal about it. Do they owe you money? Do/did you have to change out a shit load of links? What exactly is your stake in this whole thing?

I think hes over here on the side of the truth bench.
Those depos and the missing ones are pretty telling and I think we have only just begun with this.

Latest quote I heard was that the new allegations were NOT about paying webmasters -whom have been owed for 2 years - but are about mitigating damages to Naked Rhino.

Even AFF is smart enough to pay off some webmasters but I cant even begin how to fathom the logic of not paying your promo partners or thinking that anyone will ever promote them again.

04-01-2008, 03:33 PM
I think hes over here on the side of the truth bench.

Hmm, so Jace can't answer for himself anymore eh? Except for smilies I guess.

I haven't seen it that way. I do not know any of the folks involved in any way so have no idea about any of them except what I got from the depos (and I read all of them all the way through).

From the start of this, Jace has been slamming on Chris and Tracy. He acts as if he has inside info, has no apparent personal stake in it and still continues to feed the innuendo machine. So, I think it is a fair question.

If he is on the side of the truth, then he should not be so one sided about it.

Just imho of course.

04-01-2008, 03:47 PM
Hmm, so Jace can't answer for himself anymore eh? Except for smilies I guess.

I haven't seen it that way. I do not know any of the folks involved in any way so have no idea about any of them except what I got from the depos (and I read all of them all the way through).

From the start of this, Jace has been slamming on Chris and Tracy. He acts as if he has inside info, has no apparent personal stake in it and still continues to feed the innuendo machine. So, I think it is a fair question.

If he is on the side of the truth, then he should not be so one sided about it.

Just imho of course.
Fair enough response to me! I am certainly interested to see how all this shakes out. It may seem Im piling on Chris and Tracy.

Im not.

I just cant see any excuse for several things that Ive read so far.
The main one being not paying affiliates.

Maybe theres something left out that I havent seen yet.

04-01-2008, 03:49 PM
Hmm, so Jace can't answer for himself anymore eh? Except for smilies I guess.

I haven't seen it that way. I do not know any of the folks involved in any way so have no idea about any of them except what I got from the depos (and I read all of them all the way through).

From the start of this, Jace has been slamming on Chris and Tracy. He acts as if he has inside info, has no apparent personal stake in it and still continues to feed the innuendo machine. So, I think it is a fair question.

If he is on the side of the truth, then he should not be so one sided about it.

Just imho of course.

you want the truth??? you can HANDLE the truth!!!!!


seriously, the most I can say publicly is that Angel and Vegas are VERY good friends of ours....we have been through a lot with them, and anyone that knows how honest I am, can be sure they are on the exact same level

04-01-2008, 03:55 PM
Even AFF is smart enough to pay off some webmasters but I cant even begin how to fathom the logic of not paying your promo partners or thinking that anyone will ever promote them again.

Looks like (according to Chris) he tried to pay at least something to some of them:


04-01-2008, 03:57 PM
you want the truth??? you can HANDLE the truth!!!!!


seriously, the most I can say publicly is that Angel and Vegas are VERY good friends of ours....we have been through a lot with them, and anyone that knows how honest I am, can be sure they are on the exact same level

On the same level eh? So, you've served time in the federal pen? And you would sell a laptop that you don't own on ebay?

04-01-2008, 04:05 PM
and now for the long version

sorry, had to type it all out

Was I an affiliate of Xclusive Cash, yes, can I tell if money were owe to me, don't know because obviously the site is all gone now so I guess you can considered that as a personal interest ... Before all this happened I've never had any problems with Chris or Tracey other wise I wouldn't have joined their program, but when some of my friends are owed money and it doesn't look like they have any intentions of paying, yea I'm gonna take sides and I'm gonna defend on what I think it's right

after reading the deposition, even Chris said in his own words, this is not about paying back the affiliates it's about what was posted on GFY, translates... rebill issues, affiliate payouts.. not my concern, I just wanna know where's my 5 million

04-01-2008, 04:10 PM
On the same level eh? So, you've served time in the federal pen? And you would sell a laptop that you don't own on ebay?

When I was 18 I got caught stealing credit cards out of mailboxes, I was arrested and charged with 31 counts of fraudulent use with a credit card and 21 counts of theft of mail matter...all dropped to misdemeanor due to it being my first offense

when I was 21-24 I was a pretty crazy cocaine dealer, I was selling on average 2-3 ounces a week and was known where I was as "the coke guy"...that ended when I was 24 when the DEA busted down my door and charged me with intent to distribute and posession, all they could find was a gram of cocaine and some bunk ecstasy pills

in total since I was 18 I have been to jail 8 times

since then I have shaped my life in a better direction, am I still a hooligan every once and a while, sure! what is life without breaking a few rules?

as for that laptop they claimed he stole, he was given a list of things to give back to NR, EVERY single thing that was listed was returned, the laptop wasn't and because all their cash was gone from a business being pulled out from under them, he sold it to make ends meet

04-01-2008, 04:12 PM
and btw, blake have NEVER been anything but up front and honest about doing time, if you ask he will tell you...he will also tell you that period of his life is LONG GONE, and anyone that does business with him KNOWS THAT without a doubt

04-01-2008, 04:13 PM
after reading the deposition, even Chris said in his own words, this is not about paying back the affiliates it's about what was posted on GFY, translates... rebill issues, affiliate payouts.. not my concern, I just wanna know where's my 5 million

Yeah, he said that the lawsuit and deposition were not about the affiliates, and he was right. It is a defamation case, it is not a case of him suing on behalf of the affiliates or the affiliates suing.

So, for answering the question honestly, he doesn't care if he ever pays the affiliates eh?

You sure get more out of a paragraph then I do.

04-01-2008, 04:14 PM
the laptop wasn't and because all their cash was gone from a business being pulled out from under them, he sold it to make ends meet

oh wait, let me rephrase that, maybe not to make ends me because after all Chris suggested that Blake stole $209K right????

04-01-2008, 04:15 PM
yea so why wouldn't you take it personally when your friends are NOT being paid and NR's done nothing to address that issue

04-01-2008, 04:17 PM
Yeah, he said that the lawsuit and deposition were not about the affiliates, and he was right. It is a defamation case, it is not a case of him suing on behalf of the affiliates or the affiliates suing.

So, for answering the question honestly, he doesn't care if he ever pays the affiliates eh?

You sure get more out of a paragraph then I do.

there is SO much more to that lawsuit than a defamation case and you know it

if you think the only outcome is going to be someone gets justice for some bad words they said, then you really need to go back and re-read what is really going on

04-01-2008, 04:20 PM
as for that laptop they claimed he stole, he was given a list of things to give back to NR, EVERY single thing that was listed was returned, the laptop wasn't and because all their cash was gone from a business being pulled out from under them, he sold it to make ends meet

I never saw anything where they claimed he stole it. I saw where he was asked if he tried to sell a laptop that he had gotten from the company on ebay and he said that yes he did.

So, if someone forgets to ask you for something back then it is ok for you to sell it?

04-01-2008, 04:33 PM
I never saw anything where they claimed he stole it. I saw where he was asked if he tried to sell a laptop that he had gotten from the company on ebay and he said that yes he did.

So, if someone forgets to ask you for something back then it is ok for you to sell it?

was that in the desposition,? Chris forgot to ask for it back? If you sell your house and during the contract signing the fridge is not on the list of items being sold do you as a buyer come back later and say oh sorry that fridge is mine? I forgot to put it in the contract

04-01-2008, 04:33 PM
there is SO much more to that lawsuit than a defamation case and you know it

if you think the only outcome is going to be someone gets justice for some bad words they said, then you really need to go back and re-read what is really going on

Perhaps, but the fact remains that NR is suing TMM over defamayion. Will there be lots of subresults, sure, Chris even indicates that an accounting is one of the things he hopes would come out of it even though he did not ask for it explicitly.

So, it is ok for you to understand that there is more to it than the surface but it is not ok for Chris to realize that. Because Chris did not make that a primary function of the lawsuit he must be not want that, eh?

04-01-2008, 04:38 PM
Looks like (according to Chris) he tried to pay at least something to some of them:


So, he made that offer to 3 affiliates and that supposed to make him look like he's doing the right thing? It's one thing if Chris had made this offer to ALL the affiliates, then yea I can see an attempt has been made to make things right and maybe more people would be on their side of the fences, but not once since all this happened he's made a public statement with that offer, as matter of fact when asked how was xclusive cash terminated... "humm we took off the html pages?" WTF where's the press release for that? I didn't know that's how programs are terminated these days.. screw you and your existing codes, it's gone see ya!

04-01-2008, 04:42 PM
So, it is ok for you to understand that there is more to it than the surface but it is not ok for Chris to realize that. Because Chris did not make that a primary function of the lawsuit he must be not want that, eh?
Anytime there's a problem with a sponsor program, the primary response for any responsible program owner is to make sure the affiliates link codes, payments are not compromised. Hell I get letter from sponsor programs when payments are late... and to think this has been going on for over a year and it's not their primary concern?

04-01-2008, 04:44 PM
so back to your original question.. what is your personal stake in all this? "if he is on the side of the truth, then he should not be so one sided about it" which side are you on lol

04-01-2008, 04:49 PM
was that in the desposition?

Not in those words. Blake indicates that he returned what he was asked to return. Since that laptop was not on the list, he did not return it.


04-01-2008, 04:52 PM
So, he made that offer to 3 affiliates and that supposed to make him look like he's doing the right thing? It's one thing if Chris had made this offer to ALL the affiliates, then yea I can see an attempt has been made to make things right and maybe more people would be on their side of the fences, but not once since all this happened he's made a public statement with that offer, as matter of fact when asked how was xclusive cash terminated... "humm we took off the html pages?" WTF where's the press release for that? I didn't know that's how programs are terminated these days.. screw you and your existing codes, it's gone see ya!

That was in response to Gonzo's statement:

Originally Posted by gonzo
Even AFF is smart enough to pay off some webmasters but I cant even begin how to fathom the logic of not paying your promo partners or thinking that anyone will ever promote them again.

But, you wouldn't be you in this matter if you weren't taking shit out of context.

Must be that honest streak you have:okthumb:

04-01-2008, 04:54 PM
so now he is a thief because he returned what he was ASKED to return and nothing more? ROFL

04-01-2008, 04:55 PM
Anytime there's a problem with a sponsor program, the primary response for any responsible program owner is to make sure the affiliates link codes, payments are not compromised. Hell I get letter from sponsor programs when payments are late... and to think this has been going on for over a year and it's not their primary concern?

Most sponsor problems have not been revealed to the program through a phone call to the program owner while they are driving home from a show by someone like Albright telling them he is going to start crediting a bunch of people for a problem that the owner was for all intents and purposes not aware of.

04-01-2008, 04:55 PM
so now he is a thief because he returned what he was ASKED to return and nothing more? ROFL

Who called him a thief?

04-01-2008, 05:00 PM
Most sponsor problems have not been revealed to the program through a phone call to the program owner while they are driving home from a show by someone like Albright telling them he is going to start crediting a bunch of people for a problem that the owner was for all intents and purposes not aware of.

Really what program does he own? 'someone like Albright' meaning what? Did Albright say he was gonna start crediting bunch of people?.. wow didn't know you were in the conversation... so who's taking shit out of context now?

04-01-2008, 05:00 PM
so back to your original question.. what is your personal stake in all this? "if he is on the side of the truth, then he should not be so one sided about it" which side are you on lol

I am on neither side. I have read the deops, I have gone back and reviewed threads on GFY.

I find Chris and Tracy to be believeable. I find Blake to be less believable but not to the point of criminal and my opinion of Charles what's his face is quite low.

Haven't seen what Albright has to say beyond his posts. I find it very hard to believe that he did his postings to protect TMM or affiliates. He did his post (imho) because Chris told him to fuck off on the phone. He took what could have been resolved privately and threw it up on the boards and basically torpedoed someone elses's program over his own ego.

I don't think Chris and Tracy's non-solution to the problem is the best one but they are locked out of the program and can only get back in if they do it TMM's way which is bullshit.

04-01-2008, 05:01 PM
Really what program does he own? 'someone like Albright' meaning what? Did Albright say he was gonna start crediting bunch of people?.. wow didn't know you were in the conversation... so who's taking shit out of context now?

That is from the deposition, I think Chris's.

04-01-2008, 05:04 PM
He did his post (imho) because Chris told him to fuck off on the phone.

So that's how you respond when you have nothing to hide, rather then.. I'm on the road, lets chat when I get back...

04-01-2008, 05:05 PM
I don't think Chris and Tracy's non-solution to the problem is the best one but they are locked out of the program and can only get back in if they do it TMM's way which is bullshit.

How many time has TMM offered to unlock admin for them to get that resolved. But instead they get a noticed from NRM not to contact them directly?

04-01-2008, 05:15 PM
How many time has TMM offered to unlock admin for them to get that resolved. But instead they get a noticed from NRM not to contact them directly?

Once you get lawyers involved it all goes to hell, you know that. And the lawyers were involved as soon as Albright's post went up.

04-01-2008, 05:18 PM
So that's how you respond when you have nothing to hide, rather then.. I'm on the road, lets chat when I get back...

If the caller hits me wrong, hell yes. And you know that you would too.

If you had no knowledge of an issue and out of the blue someone calls and is nasty with you, are you friendly or pissed? Let's just say it's a bill collector. They call and say, hey, you owe $5000 on your visa, what you gonna do about it? But as far as you know, the visa has been paid on time, you gonna guarantee to be friendly with that guy? And fucking be honest about it.

04-01-2008, 05:19 PM
Chirs's version of the phonecall:


04-01-2008, 05:20 PM
Do you think there is traceable revenue on the stolen email addresses from the security leak?

Do you think that we will find that traffic, spam, re-directs are found on a adult site owned or operated by a TMM owner/employee?

Is there a potential class action law suit by customers who's email addresses were compromised and were not informed of this theft as soon as TMM became aware of it?

How many customers had a increase of spam or malware after signing up under a site managed by TMM and is there some relevancy connecting the two?

There has been new legal complaints filed daily on spam and malware across the country; this case is in Federal Court I don't think the case will go under the radar and the exposure and answers to the above questions will get answered.

Anyone know who the John/Jane Does are?

04-01-2008, 05:26 PM
Do you think there is traceable revenue on the stolen email addresses from the security leak?

Do you think that we will find that traffic, spam, re-directs are found on a adult site owned or operated by a TMM owner/employee?

Is there a potential class action law suit by customers who's email addresses were compromised and were not informed of this theft as soon as TMM became aware of it?

How many customers had a increase of spam or malware after signing up under a site managed by TMM and is there some relevancy connecting the two?

There has been new legal complaints filed daily on spam and malware across the country; this case is in Federal Court I don't think the case will go under the radar and the exposure and answers to the above questions will get answered.

Anyone know who the John/Jane Does are?

You are an idiot

04-01-2008, 05:31 PM
btw, since the suit is about defamation, what in the original post was false exactly?

04-01-2008, 05:32 PM
If the caller hits me wrong, hell yes. And you know that you would too.

If you had no knowledge of an issue and out of the blue someone calls and is nasty with you, are you friendly or pissed? Let's just say it's a bill collector. They call and say, hey, you owe $5000 on your visa, what you gonna do about it? But as far as you know, the visa has been paid on time, you gonna guarantee to be friendly with that guy? And fucking be honest about it.

I would get to the bottom of whatever the issue was, especially if it meant me owing people money...i HATE owing people money

04-01-2008, 05:33 PM
Charles(TMM) version of the phone call


04-01-2008, 05:36 PM
btw, since the suit is about defamation, what in the original post was false exactly?

I don't know. I think they were stupid to go with defamation myself.

But, filing a stupid lawsuit does not make them dishonest.

Btw, early on in this thread, you say:

well, since chris and brandi already have the reputation they do, and with what they did in the past to others in this industry, I, personally, could never trust or believe anything they say or do

What past deeds are these that you are talking about?

04-01-2008, 05:38 PM
I would get to the bottom of whatever the issue was, especially if it meant me owing people money...i HATE owing people money

Oh, ok. Yes, you are the level headed one aren't you? So, you wouldn't go off on someone accusing you of something?


All those that believe that, I got a bridge you might be interested in. :okthumb:

04-01-2008, 05:39 PM
What past deeds are these that you are talking about?

that will just have to come out in time, I am not going to throw accusations around when those deeds didn't happen to me first hand, but I have seen first hand 3-4 times what their actions have done to others, and it isn't pretty

04-01-2008, 05:41 PM
Oh, ok. Yes, you are the level headed one aren't you? So, you wouldn't go off on someone accusing you of something?


All those that believe that, I got a bridge you might be interested in. :okthumb:

actually, no, i wouldn't...I am a mediator by nature, very peaceful in fact

chris is known to be hot headed by nature

i am no where on the same level as him as far as tempers go

04-01-2008, 05:43 PM
defamation is not an after thought...

This is taken from the filed complaint

NATS Case Files
http://natslitigation.com/images/talk.gif 03.18.2008 | SECOND AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTAL COMPLAINT:
(“Plaintiffs”) for their First Supplemental and Amended Complaint (the “FSAC”), brings this hybrid action against defendants Too Much Media, LLC, John Albright, and Charles Berrebbi, Fred Schank and John Does 1-30, on knowledge as to Plaintiffs and their own acts, and as to other matters on information and belief, on behalf of NR Media, LLC and the proposed class defined herein, and in support thereof alleges the following...

... Moreover, not only were the TMM Defendants aware that TMM’s security had been breached and the NATS program is otherwise defective, upon information and belief, they intentionally concealed those facts from the public, including particularly NRM and all members of the Class. Upon information and belief, in furtherance of their efforts to suppress the truth concerning TMM and NATS’s security vulnerabilities and breaches, the TMM Defendants applied financial pressure to those who would criticize TMM and NATS by threatening to withdraw advertising revenues and/or to bring litigation. Moreover, TMM’s pledge to terminate NATS services to any Affiliate Program it determines has engaged in shaving is a cudgel by which the TMM Defendants are able to stifle open and honest discussion concerning TMM and NATS. TMM’s NATS-based information processing services are critical to the Affiliate Programs operated by NRM and all members of the Class who have contracted with TMM to provide same. If deprived of such services, the Affiliate Programs that rely upon NATS would be rendered inoperable. Further, upon information and belief, all of TMM’s agreements to provide information processing services are oral; as such, Sponsors who have entered into agreements with TMM for NATS-based information processing services have no reasonable means of ascertaining the true scope of their legal rights. As a result of the dependency of NATS-supported Affiliate Programs upon TMM to provide the NATS based information processing services for which they have contracted,, as well as the vagueness of the their contractual relationship with TMM, the Sponsors of such Affiliate Programs are able to risk having the TMM Defendants carry out their standing threat to terminate services to any Affiliate Programs that it has determined, in said defendants’ sole discretion, to have engaged in shaving....

04-01-2008, 05:50 PM
that will just have to come out in time, I am not going to throw accusations around when those deeds didn't happen to me first hand, but I have seen first hand 3-4 times what their actions have done to others, and it isn't pretty

Casting dispersions. You seem to like to do that quite a bit, don't you?

If you aren't gonna back them up, don't voice em in the first place.

That is the way scumsuckers and lawyers deal.

04-01-2008, 05:52 PM
actually, no, i wouldn't...I am a mediator by nature, very peaceful in fact

You wouldn't know that by the way you act on the boards.

04-01-2008, 05:58 PM
These are the points in the case which brought me to ask the questions above for which Sarettah calls me an idiot.

179. A violation of the ITPA requires that the business restore any moneys or
property unlawfully acquired as a result of the breach to the Customer, and imposes a civil penalty of $10,000.00 for the first offense, and $20,000.00 for each subsequent offense.
N.J.S.A. § 56:8-163 et seq.

180. As hereinabove alleged, NATS system was defective and/or intentionally
designed to include Security Vulnerabilities.

181. As a result of such Security Vulnerabilities, upon information and belief,
NRM and each Class member’s computer servers have been invaded and the security of the Personal Information, as defined by the ITPA, contained on and/or transferred through such servers was breached.

182. Upon information an belief, that with respect to Affiliate Programs that
continue to use NATS, such breach is on-going.

183. As evidenced by the TMM Defendants December 2007 statement published on the GFY Board, the TMM Defendants are aware that the security of the Personal Information, as defined by the ITPA, contained on and/or transferred through the servers of NATS users was breached.

184. Upon information an belief, the TMM Defendants are aware that the security of the Personal Information maintained and/or transferred through the servers of Affiliate Programs that continue to use NATS, continues to be breached.

04-01-2008, 06:02 PM
You wouldn't know that by the way you act on the boards.

could have fooled me. in fact just last week 2 people approached me and spoke up about how chill I have been on the boards lately, a much more "peaceful and fun guy"...it has gained me more business and connections in the past year than I could ever hope for, so I know I am doing something right...when I was a huge ass on the boards I had a hard time getting work from friends, now it is the exact opposite, I work for some of the largest programs on the block, talk to everyone from small affiliates to program owners on a daily basis, and can barely keep up with all the work I have

oprano is a different matter, most know me personally here and I feel I can let loose and banter a little harder than other boards, but when the day is done, everyone knows I am about business and money, period

but please show me on other boards where I am offending people or speaking rudely, I have made a VERY conscious effort the past year or 2 to not be that way, and if you can find me anyone that I have offended or been an ass to and they took it seriously, I will apologize to them right away

04-01-2008, 06:04 PM
[FONT=TimesNewRoman][LEFT]These are the points in the case which brought me to ask the questions above for which Sarettah calls me an idiot.

No, I called you an idiot because you are an idiot.

The current conversation is pretty much Chris and Tracy's credibility versus Blake's credibility versus TMM's credibility and really has nothing to do with the legfal ramifications of the suit in regards to the rest of the adult industry.

Basically Jace is standing by Blake and Amy because they are friends (fair enough) but is the same time castinf dispersions on Chris and Tracy without backing them up.

That is where we are at at this point, have something to contribute? Go for it. Have nothing, then shut up.

Thanx in advance

04-01-2008, 06:08 PM
could have fooled me. in fact just last week 2 people approached me and spoke up about how chill I have been on the boards lately, a much more "peaceful and fun guy"...it has gained me more business and connections in the past year than I could ever hope for, so I know I am doing something right...when I was a huge ass on the boards I had a hard time getting work from friends, now it is the exact opposite, I work for some of the largest programs on the block, talk to everyone from small affiliates to program owners on a daily basis, and can barely keep up with all the work I have

That may be true, but as you yourself admit right there, it has not always been that way.

So because someone handlesd something the way "Old Jace" would have, they are wrong wrong wrong. Oh wait, all this stuff we are talking about happened 2-3 years ago, so maybe some of those people would handle it differently today too.

But no, only Jace is allowed to change his ways..er, oops I forgot, only Jace and his friends are allowed to fuck up and not be beat down for it.

04-01-2008, 06:10 PM
Anyone know who the John/Jane Does are?

(“Plaintiffs”) for their First Supplemental and Amended Complaint (the “FSAC”), brings this hybrid action against defendants Too Much Media, LLC, John Albright, and Charles Berrebbi, Fred Schank and John Does 1-30, on knowledge as to Plaintiffs and their own acts, and as to other matters on information and belief, on behalf of NR Media, LLC and the proposed class defined herein, and in support thereof alleges the following...


Do you know who the John Does are? It says 1-30 and this is a small tight industry... any idea?

04-01-2008, 06:12 PM
That may be true, but as you yourself admit right there, it has not always been that way.

So because someone handlesd something the way "Old Jace" would have, they are wrong wrong wrong. Oh wait, all this stuff we are talking about happened 2-3 years ago, so maybe some of those people would handle it differently today too.

But no, only Jace is allowed to change his ways..er, oops I forgot, only Jace and his friends are allowed to fuck up and not be beat down for it.

did I say that? stop putting words in my mouth

yes, the way I handled shit back then was WRONG, horribly wrong, I offended people and was a total fucking dick, and YES it is wrong

04-01-2008, 06:14 PM

Do you know who the John Does are? It says 1-30 and this is a small tight industry... any idea?

is that for the class action? I would venture to guess no one will know for a while, if there are any at all, haha....j/k

04-01-2008, 06:16 PM
Basically Jace is standing by Blake and Amy because they are friends (fair enough) but is the same time castinf dispersions on Chris and Tracy without backing them up.

fair enough, stay on the side where affilaites don't get paid.. and I'll stay on the side fighting for affilaites to get paid

04-01-2008, 06:56 PM
fair enough, stay on the side where affilaites don't get paid.. and I'll stay on the side fighting for affilaites to get paid

Lolol... when the facts don't present themselves, make them up right?

I am on no side in this. But, that wouldn't set well with you to recognize that some of us are after the real truth and not what some friends fed us.

Back to your allegations against Chris and Tracy though. You say that you don't want to make accusations, but you have already made them by what you've said.

So, again, you gonna back up what you say or continue to just throw innuendo around?

04-01-2008, 07:00 PM
Lolol... when the facts don't present themselves, make them up right?

I am on no side in this. But, that wouldn't set well with you to recognize that some of us are after the real truth and not what some friends fed us.

Back to your allegations against Chris and Tracy though. You say that you don't want to make accusations, but you have already made them by what you've said.

So, again, you gonna back up what you say or continue to just throw innuendo around?

please tell me what exactly I made up in this thread

exact examples please

04-01-2008, 07:02 PM
So, again, you gonna back up what you say or continue to just throw innuendo around?

wil76...i mean sarettah, I have no interest in bringing outside parties into this if they don't want to be brought in, just to appease some old fart with nothing better to do than argue about shit he has absolutely no interest in

04-01-2008, 07:07 PM
Lolol... when the facts don't present themselves, make them up right?

I am on no side in this. But, that wouldn't set well with you to recognize that some of us are after the real truth and not what some friends fed us.

Back to your allegations against Chris and Tracy though. You say that you don't want to make accusations, but you have already made them by what you've said.

So, again, you gonna back up what you say or continue to just throw innuendo around?

Fact - affiliates not paid for almost 2 years those are not allegations, those have been stated by actual affiliates of Xclusive Cash that wasn't fortunate enough to be called 'friends' by Chris so they weren't offer the special deals. I don't need to be fed anything to realize that when you don't have enough money to pay hide behind an attorney

04-01-2008, 07:08 PM
wil76...i mean sarettah,

Thats a joke? right????? :blink:

04-01-2008, 07:09 PM
wil76...i mean sarettah, I have no interest in bringing outside parties into this if they don't want to be brought in, just to appease some old fart with nothing better to do than argue about shit he has absolutely no interest in

Lol. Play that spin wheel there Alien, er I mean Jace.

You already made the accusations. You just did not give detail. Like I said before, a scumsucker tactic.

Mediator type my ass.

04-01-2008, 07:11 PM
please tell me what exactly I made up in this thread

exact examples please

That was in reference to the fact that you made up the fact that I was on someone's side in this.

I am not.

But I am interested in the truth which you are not.

You are apparently interested in besmirching reputations and creating innuendo because of what your friends have told you.

04-01-2008, 07:12 PM
I don't need to be fed anything to realize that when you don't have enough money to pay hide behind an attorney

And there can't possibly be any other reason for the lawyer, can there?

Nope, because that wouldn't fit the distorted version of stuff that you see, now would it.

04-01-2008, 07:13 PM
Lol. Play that spin wheel there Alien, er I mean Jace.

You already made the accusations. You just did not give detail. Like I said before, a scumsucker tactic.

Mediator type my ass.

yea I know I'm not the one who didn't pay the affilaites, or taken their links off without notice.. do I need to make accusation on the obvious?

04-01-2008, 07:14 PM
But I am interested in the truth which you are not.

Yea that's OBVIOUS

04-01-2008, 07:15 PM
i love the fact that russ and I have known each other for years, even done business together, yet when it comes to something like this, all the sudden I am not credible anymore

dude, keep getting your panties in a bunch and siding with the assholes who don't pay affiliates and run off with massive amounts of money

I will continue to side with the affiliates, if you wanna take that as me siding with vegas and angel, so be it

I am done here, there is no use arguing with will76pt2, he is always right

04-01-2008, 07:19 PM
i love the fact that russ and I have known each other for years, even done business together, yet when it comes to something like this, all the sudden I am not credible anymore

dude, keep getting your panties in a bunch and siding with the assholes who don't pay affiliates and run off with massive amounts of money

I will continue to side with the affiliates, if you wanna take that as me siding with vegas and angel, so be it

I am done here, there is no use arguing with will76pt2, he is always right

That's it, run away...lolol

04-01-2008, 07:29 PM
i love the fact that russ and I have known each other for years, even done business together, yet when it comes to something like this, all the sudden I am not credible anymore

I have never questioned your credibility.

I am however questioning your motives.

Please try to stay with the conversation.

Thanx in advance :okthumb:

04-01-2008, 07:38 PM
If the caller hits me wrong, hell yes. And you know that you would too.

If you had no knowledge of an issue and out of the blue someone calls and is nasty with you, are you friendly or pissed?....
And there is the rub in a nutshell. I don't believe that John's phone call in Aug 2006 was the first time that Chris had been made aware of the rebill problem. Blake's deposition details a number of occassions where Chris is involved in conversations about it and I don't think Blake lied about them in his deposition.

Ohhh, and for the record, I have no personal relationship with ANY of the parties involved in the lawsuit.

04-01-2008, 07:49 PM
And there is the rub in a nutshell. I don't believe that John's phone call in Aug 2006 was the first time that Chris had been made aware of the rebill problem. Blake's deposition details a number of occassions where Chris is involved in conversations about it and I don't think Blake lied about them in his deposition.

Ohhh, and for the record, I have no personal relationship with ANY of the parties involved in the lawsuit.

Yeah, but Chris says there was a brief discussion at some point and that was all there was and he has the chat logs to back him up.

That is a telling point to me. Chris and Tracy have documentation. When Blake is asked if he does he does not say, well I would if I could get on the company's computer or something like that, he says, no. (period) He does not have documentation.

My personal feelings on this after doing all the fucking reading, and this is with a good deal of supposition thrown in, is something like this:

Chris, Tracy, Blake and Amy start a company. Blake is the tech guy. By accident, Blake puts in a wrong user/pass co on the CCB datalink. He finds that several months down the road and is like "Oh shit". So, he talks to TMM and finds out the data is not lost and tells them to start correcting it. He sees how fast the money is piling up and is again "Oh shit" and tells them to turn it off. Somewhere in there he tells Chris there is a problem but they do not go into detail, Chris asks is it being handled, Blake says yep and that is the end of it as far as conversation goes. Blake forgets that he put the issue on hold because of shows and shit. They get back to it months later and he turns the repull back on sees the same issue with it mounting up too quick, stops the process while he wrestles with what to about it.

Meanwhile, Chris and Tracy decide that Blake and Amy must go because of other issues. They do the split up and are unaware that the rebill issue is still sitting there until Chris gets his phone call from Albright. The call does not go well and within hours (literally) lawyers are involved and all action comes to a halt.

And then it sits because of the oh so fast speed of our legal system.

Like I say, a lot of supposition in there.

04-01-2008, 07:53 PM
Yeah, but Chris says there was a brief discussion at some point and that was all there was and he has the chat logs to back him up.

That is a telling point to me. Chris and Tracy have documentation. When Blake is asked if he does he does not say, well I would if I could get on the company's computer or something like that, he says, no. (period) He does not have documentation.

My personal feelings on this after doing all the fucking reading, and this is with a good deal of supposition thrown in, is something like this:

Chris, Tracy, Blake and Amy start a company. Blake is the tech guy. By accident, Blake puts in a wrong user/pass co on the CCB datalink. He finds that several months down the road and is like "Oh shit". So, he talks to TMM and finds out the data is not lost and tells them to start correcting it. He sees how fast the money is piling up and is again "Oh shit" and tells them to turn it off. Somewhere in there he tells Chris there is a problem but they do not go into detail, Chris asks is it being handled, Blake says yep and that is the end of it as far as conversation goes. Blake forgets that he put the issue on hold because of shows and shit. They get back to it months later and he turns the repull back on sees the same issue with it mounting up too quick, stops the process while he wrestles with what to about it.

Meanwhile, Chris and Tracy decide that Blake and Amy must go because of other issues. They do the split up and are unaware that the rebill issue is still sitting there until Chris gets his phone call from Albright. The call does not go well and within hours (literally) lawyers are involved and all action comes to a halt.

And then it sits because of the oh so fast speed of our legal system.

Like I say, a lot of suppostion in there.
That is exactly what Chris wanted you to believe. Congratulations, it's official, you've been manipulated. :okthumb:

04-01-2008, 07:56 PM
That is exactly what Chris wanted you to believe. Congratulations, you've officially been manipulated. :okthumb:

Actually I go most of that from Blakes depositions and it is not what I believe. It is a possible version. If Chris has been putting that out there I haven't seen it.

I have no idea what to believe and what not to believe.

Hell Puppy
04-01-2008, 09:59 PM
It's official.

I'm bored with this whole thing.

04-02-2008, 02:17 PM
This has become officially too complicated for me.
It has turned into a bad deal all around.
I had no idea it was this bad in the industry, and it makes me sad.


04-02-2008, 02:41 PM
This has become officially too complicated for me.
It has turned into a bad deal all around.
I had no idea it was this bad in the industry, and it makes me sad.

Its been at the point where the lawyers will have to sort it out.

Discovery is going to be unreal on this. I think weve only just begun.

EJ its been this bad in this business for as long as I can remember. More people are just louder now and dont hide it.

As the scramble becomes tighter for the cash grab you will see more of it.
Ive already heard tales of self important program reps saber rattling with exclimations of "Do they know who they are fucking with?" at the forum.

Starbucks is a future ambitious goal for them.

04-02-2008, 03:29 PM
Its been at the point where the lawyers will have to sort it out.

Discovery is going to be unreal on this. I think weve only just begun.

EJ its been this bad in this business for as long as I can remember. More people are just louder now and dont hide it.

As the scramble becomes tighter for the cash grab you will see more of it.
Ive already heard tales of self important program reps saber rattling with exclimations of "Do they know who they are fucking with?" at the forum.

Starbucks is a future ambitious goal for them.

It does them no good to fight to hold a share of the decreasing market with increasing competition. Reminds me of the buggy whip manufacturers from "other people's Money."

See "Proprietary interest" in another thread.

04-02-2008, 04:32 PM
It does them no good to fight to hold a share of the decreasing market with increasing competition. Reminds me of the buggy whip manufacturers from "other people's Money."

See "Proprietary interest" in another thread.
IMHO if you want to watch how it will go. Observe how the studios are dealing with decreased DVD sales.

Same market... different verticle.

04-03-2008, 05:56 AM
IMHO if you want to watch how it will go. Observe how the studios are dealing with decreased DVD sales.

Same market... different verticle.

Yes indeedy.....different delivery vehicle. That certainly sounds like a good idea!