View Full Version : i found this place on my dad's computer

03-24-2008, 11:43 AM
my name is jessica and im 11 years old. i was playing around on my dad's computer and found some really nasty stuff on there. he had this oprona web site in his favorites. you are some very bad people. i told my priest about the nasty stuff i found on my daddys computer at chruch yesterday for easter because i think my dad is a nasty person and i think they are goin to take him away. i hope my priest can get somethin done about this web site like he said he would because i told him about it to and he says it is an abnomashin to god and shood be destroyd.

03-24-2008, 11:54 AM
Well let me ask you somthing little girl? whats your daddies name? and why do you think he come to this place called "oprona" ???
and does your priet visit here also??? and why do you believe we are bad people?? and why the fuck are you on your daddies computer?
Now im gonna call your priest.




03-24-2008, 12:04 PM
my dad is at work and i told my mom i was sick so i could stay home from school today for when the police come to see my daddies computer. i did not tell my mom yet becaus my priest told me he would tell her. he told me he was goin to come when the policeman came. i dont no if i shoud tell my dads name

03-24-2008, 12:17 PM
my dad is at work and i told my mom i was sick so i could stay home from school today for when the police come to see my daddies computer. i did not tell my mom yet becaus my priest told me he would tell her. he told me he was goin to come when the policeman came. i dont no if i shoud tell my dads name

do you love your daddy? do you want to help your daddy? then tell us his name so we can help him? and if you know his credit card number to? then tell us that also. ;)
Listen to me you little snot kid....
When the police come, and ask you for names? Tell them that a man named sarettah told you do say and do all these things to help your daddy. :)

And give me your mommies phone number to, and any pictures she might have. ;)



03-24-2008, 12:22 PM
All of you are going to hell.

One of you fucks owe me a new pair of underware.

03-24-2008, 12:26 PM
All of you are going to hell.

One of you fucks owe me a new pair of underware.


03-24-2008, 12:31 PM
i dont no what my dads name is at this place

03-24-2008, 12:31 PM
It would appear that someone is about 8 days early. :hehehe9:

03-24-2008, 12:38 PM
i am good at math and i no what that bald toby man means becaus he thinks this is a april foul joke doesnt he? well its not

03-24-2008, 12:52 PM
i am good at math and i no what that bald toby man means becaus he thinks this is a april foul joke doesnt he? well its not

You little bitch. You need a a good hard spanking.

Maybe the priest will give you one when he comes over.

03-24-2008, 12:57 PM
If you really want to get your daddy in trouble, make a new folder on the desktop called "naked daughter pictures" and put a couple of pictures in there of yourself. That will do it.

03-24-2008, 01:13 PM
If you really want to get your daddy in trouble, make a new folder on the desktop called "naked daughter pictures" and put a couple of pictures in there of yourself. That will do it.
:lmao1: ROTFL

03-24-2008, 01:27 PM
my dad has lots of pichures of me on his computer but they arent naked. why would my dad want to look at pichurs of me naked? most of the ones on there are ladys with dogs and horses and reely gross women with no hair on their thing

03-24-2008, 02:56 PM
my dad has lots of pichures of me on his computer but they arent naked. why would my dad want to look at pichurs of me naked? most of the ones on there are ladys with dogs and horses and reely gross women with no hair on their thing

tell me your mommy & daddy's name, Jessica.:)


03-24-2008, 04:49 PM
i am good at math and i no what that bald toby man means becaus he thinks this is a april foul joke doesnt he? well its not

It's nice that you can count, but it would be nicer if you could, y'know... Spell.

03-24-2008, 04:54 PM
The dingo ate your baby!

03-24-2008, 04:56 PM
If nothing else, this thread is a great advertisement for birth control. :blink:

03-24-2008, 05:00 PM
omg there are ladys here too? liz is kind of pretty but how can a women come to a place like this? i no my spelling isnt great but i guess yours probably was not so great when you were 11.

03-24-2008, 05:01 PM
omg there are ladys here too? liz is kind of pretty but how can a women come to a place like this? i no my spelling isnt great but i guess yours probably was not so great when you were 11.

You guys are distracting me again. Smart using a different computer. Youll screw up sooner or later.

03-24-2008, 05:33 PM
my dad has lots of pichures of me on his computer but they arent naked. why would my dad want to look at pichurs of me naked? most of the ones on there are ladys with dogs and horses and reely gross women with no hair on their thing

ha. caught by your own stuff. At 11, I doubt a girl would have much "hair on their thing" or have experience in seeing "hair on their thing", so why would you mention it? If anything you might mention girls with "lots of hair on their thing" as opposed to no hair.

To use the modern term, pwn3d.

03-24-2008, 05:44 PM
mr. alex i guess you dont no this but girls like me have moms and we take baths with them sometimes and they tell us about this stuff so i no that ladys are supposed to have hair down there but all of the pichurs on my dads computer are ladys with no hair down there. he also has pichures of men sticking their things in a hole in a wall and ladys licking on them. my preist told me that was a sin and that my dad needed to get help and that i neede to help him get better from beign so sick

03-24-2008, 05:53 PM
If this isn't someone fucking around I wonder who would be dumb enough not to password protect their computer if they had kids and porn on their drive.

03-24-2008, 06:07 PM
my dad does have a password and never lets me use his computer. its a laptop computer but he went somwhere on saturday nite and forgot to turn it off and i was using it to play on playhousedisney and then i was looking to see what places my dad had in his favorites and thats when i started seeing this nasty stuff i never seen before.

03-24-2008, 06:25 PM
Gonzo, you figure out who this is yet? Eleven year olds are a lot smarter than whoever this guy is. He's playing an eleven year old from the 1950's! ;)

Hell, my ten year old came home and told me all about teabagging! :yowsa:

03-24-2008, 06:33 PM
Gonzo, you figure out who this is yet? Eleven year olds are a lot smarter than whoever this guy is. He's playing an eleven year old from the 1950's! ;)

Hell, my ten year old came home and told me all about teabagging! :yowsa:
They havent used the same machine yet. But they will screw up/

03-24-2008, 06:34 PM
It's nice that you can count, but it would be nicer if you could, y'know... Spell.

You and the dang spelling???? :hmm: always bitchin' about spelling


03-24-2008, 06:35 PM
This thread is so, so wrong....

funny as hell but wrong too...

but still funny.


Baaahahahahahaha... geezuz.

03-24-2008, 06:39 PM
mr. alex i guess you dont no this but girls like me have moms and we take baths with them sometimes and they tell us about this stuff so i no that ladys are supposed to have hair down there but all of the pichurs on my dads computer are ladys with no hair down there. he also has pichures of men sticking their things in a hole in a wall and ladys licking on them. my preist told me that was a sin and that my dad needed to get help and that i neede to help him get better from beign so sick

Your daddy is nice, because it is clear he bought you tap dancing lessons somewhere in your life.

03-24-2008, 06:53 PM
i dont no what teabagging is mr cox but maybe girls dont know as much as boys about this stuff and maybe your son isnt being raised in a good christian family. in my town not many kids even have a computer like i do. my daddy didnt buy me tap dancing lessons but i take ballet and jazz. i dont know if i can come here anymore tonite becaus my dad might be home soon. the policeman did not come today but i think he will come tomorow becaus father brian told me he was going to call them.

03-24-2008, 06:56 PM
If this isn't someone fucking around I wonder who would be dumb enough not to password protect their computer if they had kids and porn on their drive.

Come on now Mighty One, that someone might actually consider believing this is some sort of real 11 year old from they're very first post?
Just the idea that an 11 year old was able to sign up & reply with email verification?
just that sounds like bullshit. and an 11 year old able to conclude that everyone here was bad, from her first sign up? including all the bogus porn daddy has on his computer?
And who the hell leaves an 11 year old home alone? especially a girl :hmm:

That anyone here would even think for a minute that she's "real" is silly.

I got 50 bucks that says its that dirty old man Sarettah :whistling wanna bet??


03-24-2008, 07:06 PM
nah. my bet is that its pianogirl, doing her best Chris Hanson imitation. weak!

03-24-2008, 08:34 PM
They havent used the same machine yet. But they will screw up/

awww....come on now....I hear you can track it all the way back to the network card!


03-24-2008, 08:38 PM
awww....come on now....I hear you can track it all the way back to the network card!


he knows who it is, he's just playin dumb. :hmm:


03-24-2008, 09:21 PM
Rcourt, I'm not saying I absolutely believe this is really an 11 year old girl but since I have a 10 year old girl of my own I can assure you that filling out forms and using email is certainly something they can do. As for being home alone, she clearly said her mom let her stay home sick and she never said she was home alone, just unsupervised, obviously. As far as it being Sarettah, I've never seen evidence that Sarettah has much of a sense of humor so I'll take your bet.

03-24-2008, 09:40 PM
Rcourt, I'm not saying I absolutely believe this is really an 11 year old girl but since I have a 10 year old girl of my own I can assure you that filling out forms and using email is certainly something they can do. As for being home alone, she clearly said her mom let her stay home sick and she never said she was home alone, just unsupervised, obviously. As far as it being Sarettah, I've never seen evidence that Sarettah has much of a sense of humor so I'll take your bet.

But how we gonna figure this out? to reveal the true identity?
I got another fifty that I can guess who Buckwheat is also ;) Im thinkin here.

----Change of topic here-----
And since I have your attention Mighty One? Mind if i ask...Are you still promoting clickcash? and is it still converting well for your sir?


03-24-2008, 10:30 PM
The answer to both of your ClickCash questions is yes. As for determining the identity of Jessica, assuming she's not who she claims, I have no idea.

03-25-2008, 06:43 AM
Just the idea that an 11 year old was able to sign up & reply with email verification?

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

But I like how he/she says women are supposed to have hair on their thing.


BTW, someone may want to edit his/her post and get rid of the D*s*ey word so it's not spidered.

03-25-2008, 07:50 AM
BTW, someone may want to edit his/her post and get rid of the D*s*ey word so it's not spidered.
Why because we might get more kids in here giving us a hard time? :whistling

03-25-2008, 08:16 AM
Why because we might get more kids in here giving us a hard time? :whistling
We all know its no kid. Im just wondering what axe is about to be ground after the build up.

03-25-2008, 08:17 AM
omg there are ladys here too? liz is kind of pretty but how can a women come to a place like this? i no my spelling isnt great but i guess yours probably was not so great when you were 11.

Thanks, Ballarena, but yes, by the time I was in fourth/ fifth grade (which, presuming you are on a standard scholastic progression would be your age), I am pretty sure I knew the difference between "no" and "know" - one of hte most common homonym pairs - and general rules regarding pluralisation ("ladys"? Really?).

You and the dang spelling???? :hmm: always bitchin' about spelling

Well, obviously. Incorrect spelling and useage muddles one's message and makes for poor communication skills. Typos are one thing - I am a crap typist as a general rule - but I understand how language works, at least.

03-25-2008, 08:54 AM
i told my mom i was sick again today but she said if i stay home again she is going to take me to the doctor. i dont mind becaus my doctor is a nice man and he touches me places that make me feel funny. liz i know the difference between no and know but its faster to type no. but at least i know how to spell the because its not spelled hte.

why does your head look too big for your body?

03-25-2008, 09:07 AM
i told my mom i was sick again today but she said if i stay home again she is going to take me to the doctor. i dont mind becaus my doctor is a nice man and he touches me places that make me feel funny. liz i know the difference between no and know but its faster to type no. but at least i know how to spell the because its not spelled hte.

why does your head look too big for your body?

*cracks up*

I guess you couldn't read the bit where I specifically reference that I am a crap typist?

And my head looks too big for my body 'cos it is too big for my body. I'm pretty much shaped like a balloon.

03-25-2008, 09:17 AM
*cracks up*

I guess you couldn't read the bit where I specifically reference that I am a crap typist?

And my head looks too big for my body 'cos it is too big for my body. I'm pretty much shaped like a balloon.
Is Rcourt the guilty poser pedo?

03-25-2008, 09:21 AM
you make fun of me for bad spelling but you thikn its ok that you spell bad becaus you are a crap typist? maybe im just a crap typist too. why are you here? did you get abused when you were young? father brian says that people that like looking at bad picturs had bad things hapen to them when they were little. i asked him when my dad comes in my room sometimes and does thing to me if thats what he means. did your dad do things to you when you were a girl like me?

03-25-2008, 10:40 AM
Hi there, do you like puppet shows?


03-25-2008, 11:00 AM
no i dont like pupets they scare me. my dad makes me play with pupets sometimes when he does things to me. he tells me to pretend the pupet is talking to him. he has one that he calls mr stiffy he makes me play with

03-25-2008, 11:02 AM
You guys are really getting sick now.

03-25-2008, 11:04 AM
yes mr fat batman guy father brian says my daddy is sick and i think you are sick too.

03-25-2008, 11:46 AM
Why because we might get more kids in here giving us a hard time? :whistling

I think you actually believe this is a real 11 yr old. :blink:


03-25-2008, 12:39 PM
*cracks up*
And my head looks too big for my body 'cos it is too big for my body. I'm pretty much shaped like a balloon.

Liz I think you have a very sexy balloonhead.

03-25-2008, 02:37 PM
Well, obviously. Incorrect spelling and useage muddles one's message and makes for poor communication skills. Typos are one thing - I am a crap typist as a general rule - but I understand how language works, at least.

Finally, someone else that feels the same way I do.
The more I talk to you, the more I want to marry you.

(And you should understand, I've never been married, nor, have ever wanted to be.)

03-25-2008, 02:46 PM
why does your head look too big for your body?

Becasue she was too close to the camera when she snapped the picture, creating a fisheye abberation.

03-25-2008, 02:54 PM
i dont think thats it i think she just has a big head and you cant spell the word because so mr funny looking bald man that likes to have sex with machines and not women why do you think you are so smart?

03-25-2008, 03:50 PM
i dont think thats it i think she just has a big head and you cant spell the word because so mr funny looking bald man that likes to have sex with machines and not women why do you think you are so smart?

I've already acknowledged that my head is far too big for my string-like body (thank you EJ and 2Muchmark for the kind words however), so I don't know why it continues to vex you so. And in response to your earlier question: I grew up in a healthy, functional family environment which is how I can work in this industry and not fall prey to so many of its commonly associated ills.

Mental health: Improving the adult industry, one professional at a time! ;P

I'd love to hear more about your Daddy, though, since clearly Pastor Brian doesn't care enough to actually follow through. Tell us about your house.

03-25-2008, 04:04 PM
hes not a pastor hes a priest. i guess he didnt have time to go to the police yet. my house is tan with brown trim and we have a pool and a big backyard to play in. i think you are pretty even if you do have a big head.

03-25-2008, 04:08 PM
i forgot to tell you. i went to the doctor and he told my mom i need to stay home all week and that she needs to bring me back for him to check up every day this week. he has a pupet he tells me to play with like my dad but he is nicer than my dad and give me lolipops.

03-25-2008, 06:13 PM
i told my mom i was sick again today but she said if i stay home again she is going to take me to the doctor. i dont mind becaus my doctor is a nice man and he touches me places that make me feel funny. liz i know the difference between no and know but its faster to type no. but at least i know how to spell the because its not spelled hte.

why does your head look too big for your body?

Because she to busy sticking her face in the camera, So everyone can see how pretty she is.. :whistling

Hey? Jessica? whats ur mommy look like? does mom have BIG TATAS :yowsa:


03-26-2008, 01:49 AM
i dont think thats it i think she just has a big head and you cant spell the word because so mr funny looking bald man that likes to have sex with machines and not women why do you think you are so smart?

Well, little person, you are simply mistaken. I'm sure I'm correct. You see, I'm REALLY REALLY smart. And your assumption that I don't like sex with women is a non sequitur.
When you grow up, you'll understand the difference. For now, you should go outside, and run up to the very first car you see in the street, and tag it. 'cause yer it!

03-26-2008, 08:27 AM
does telling people your really really smart make you smart because im going to start telling people how smart i am and then theyll think im smart too. i looked up non sequitor but since i was making two diferent points i dont think thats what it was. why do you like machines more than ladys?

03-26-2008, 08:46 AM
I still say that you should all be put to sleep

03-26-2008, 09:54 AM
that picture of you sleeping is funny but do you mean put to sleep like my doggy was when he got old? that seems like a very meen thing to say and i think you are a very meen man to say somthing like that. do you go to church? i think you should so you can learn to be nice.

03-26-2008, 10:17 AM
I still say that you should all be put to sleep

03-26-2008, 10:19 AM
does telling people your really really smart make you smart because im going to start telling people how smart i am and then theyll think im smart too. i looked up non sequitor but since i was making two diferent points i dont think thats what it was. why do you like machines more than ladys?

Hey you little brat cunt :mad: You seem to know allot bout members here?
How did you know Gepetto made toys? :hmm: your more aware of this place than just a child who found this in your daddy's fav folder yesterday.


03-26-2008, 10:57 AM
mr rcourt64 you dont seem to be as smart as most of these people and you say mean thing about my family so i dont like you but i saw the picture of that machine thing when the emperor man who thinks hes really really smart talked to me and i know how to go to websites and i know how to read.

03-26-2008, 11:41 AM
mr rcourt64 you dont seem to be as smart as most of these people and you say mean thing about my family so i dont like you but i saw the picture of that machine thing when the emperor man who thinks hes really really smart talked to me and i know how to go to websites and i know how to read.

Why would you believe i was refering to this Emperor fella and some sort of machine?
when I was talking about someone named Gepetto and his toys???
Again you just continue to dig yourself a deeper hole jessica.


03-26-2008, 11:45 AM
Because she to busy sticking her face in the camera, So everyone can see how pretty she is.. :whistling

Of course, that's exactly why I do it, rCourt :P You are so SMRT. (intentionally misspelt, for the record)

It's nothing AT ALL to do with going to trade shows and needing to be recogniseable. You got me!


03-26-2008, 11:47 AM
i think i'm smarter than you and since im only 11 and cant spell good that is pretty funny. i know about pinochio and i didnt talk about any other toy except for the machine that emperor has a picture of. how do you make money if you talk to kids all day? father brian says that idelness is the devils workshop.

03-26-2008, 11:50 AM
Of course, that's exactly why I do it, rCourt :P You are so SMRT. (intentionally misspelt, for the record)

It's nothing AT ALL to do with going to trade shows and needing to be recogniseable. You got me!


You wanna have your pre-madonna/tomboy ass recognized at trade shows????

THEN GO TOPLESS NEXT TIME!!! n show them boobies !!!



03-26-2008, 11:52 AM
i dont think it would be hard to recognize someone that had a balloon head. what do you do at shows? do you take off your cloths for men? do you go to church because jesus says that you arent suposed to take your cloths off for anyone but your husband unless you are taking a bath.

03-26-2008, 11:53 AM
You wanna have your pre-madonna/tomboy ass recognized at trade shows????

THEN GO TOPLESS NEXT TIME!!! n show them boobies !!!


... Well, sure, if it were at all likely that I were to be topless at a show. Which, um, isn't likely at all. So, while I totally 'presh your continued enthusiasm for my breasticular region, it will sadly not be all that likely.

03-26-2008, 12:01 PM
... Well, sure, if it were at all likely that I were to be topless at a show. Which, um, isn't likely at all. So, while I totally 'presh your continued enthusiasm for my breasticular region, it will sadly not be all that likely.

:rokk:she said, "breasticular" ROTFL
what a fucin tomboy...

will u show me your breaticular region please Liz. :lmao1:

03-26-2008, 12:07 PM
i dont think it would be hard to recognize someone that had a balloon head. what do you do at shows? do you take off your cloths for men? do you go to church because jesus says that you arent suposed to take your cloths off for anyone but your husband unless you are taking a bath.

She wont take off her clothes cuz she believes she to smart and to pretty to lower herself to such degrading positions....:whistling


03-26-2008, 12:20 PM
i prayed for all of you last nite. jesus says that we are all sinners and i beleve that if i pray hard enuf that all of you can be saved. i prayed extra hard for the man with the machine that doesnt like ladys and the man with the peepee pictur.

03-26-2008, 12:30 PM
Is this Donnys daughter?

03-26-2008, 12:47 PM
no my dads name isnt donny. these smilies are funny. i use them when i chat to my freinds on aol. this one is funny where hes pumping up the supersoaker squirt gun. :wankit:

03-26-2008, 03:31 PM
hes not a pastor hes a priest. i guess he didnt have time to go to the police yet. my house is tan with brown trim and we have a pool and a big backyard to play in. i think you are pretty even if you do have a big head.

Is this what your house looks like dear?


03-26-2008, 03:54 PM
Um, everyone? You're arguing with someone pretending to be an 11 year old kid! This person doesn't deserve your attention nor time. Not only should his thread not be allowed to continue, but the Ballerina account should be deleted. Real kid or comprimised account, they have no place on any adult board.

03-26-2008, 04:15 PM
Um, everyone? You're arguing with someone pretending to be an 11 year old kid! This person doesn't deserve your attention nor time. Not only should his thread not be allowed to continue, but the Ballerina account should be deleted. Real kid or comprimised account, they have no place on any adult board.

Are you going to entertain me? probably not.
So please leave this impostor entertainment alone :clapping:


03-26-2008, 04:46 PM
Um, everyone? You're arguing with someone pretending to be an 11 year old kid! This person doesn't deserve your attention nor time. Not only should his thread not be allowed to continue, but the Ballerina account should be deleted. Real kid or comprimised account, they have no place on any adult board.


03-26-2008, 04:53 PM
So it's okay for 2muchmark to post with a fake nick but this one should be deleted? :whistling

Whether it's a real girl or not, it's still funny.

03-26-2008, 05:06 PM



03-26-2008, 05:22 PM
So it's okay for 2muchmark to post with a fake nick but this one should be deleted? :whistling

Whether it's a real girl or not, it's still funny.

Um... I didn't, thanks tho for that.

03-26-2008, 05:57 PM

No wait a minute, im sorry GonZo:scratchin I TAKE THAT BACK SIR!
Lets play this scenario? this is a good idea?...

Yaa, god bless this america and...
Please maybe we can ask Michael from http://www.adultbizlaw.com/

Legal in the United States using your legal experience and advise that you offer here at Oprano for free.
Please sir, Has anyone possible broken any U.S laws here with comments? or innuendos? or questions? that could possible have them selfs arrested for? or charged with any sort of child or minor illegalities inside U.S. Laws???

Thank you :)


03-26-2008, 06:36 PM
i hope you all get arrested

03-26-2008, 07:31 PM
i hope you all get arrested
i hope you die in your sleep

03-26-2008, 07:36 PM
i hope you all get arrested

i hope you die in your sleep

I hope i get laid tonight

03-26-2008, 08:18 PM
i see im not the only kid that is here but hes a mean boy. weird hair too

03-26-2008, 08:27 PM
i see im not the only kid that is here but hes a mean boy. weird hair too

Who? ...Buckwheat?
He's also fake like your ass.
Wanna bet 50 bucks I can guess who buckwheat really is?... ;)

03-27-2008, 08:39 AM
why would anyone want to be fake? i dont understand. is it becaus you all know that you are doing something that isnt legel?

03-27-2008, 09:06 AM
"The bird flew into my Giant Freak Head"

Elaine Bennis

03-27-2008, 09:08 AM
why would anyone want to be fake? i dont understand. is it becaus you all know that you are doing something that isnt legel?

Because people find it easier to express they're inner self stupities though a false identidy.
They shame of looking stupid in front of others if they where to act the same stupid ways with they're true identies?
They would panic and think "What will this network of people think of me if they really knew I thought this way" :unsure:

Just like the character you portray being here at Oprano can say comments and silly indirect remarks, that if you where to say in your REAL identidy? then you would lose credibility and trust inside your working network of trustees. So you present a cover (or shield) to hide and protect your credability.


03-27-2008, 09:36 AM
jessica is my real identity and i would tell liz that she has a big head to her face and tell you that i dont think you are very smart to your face so i dont know why do you say things here you wouldnt say to someones face.

03-27-2008, 12:12 PM
jessica is my real identity and i would tell liz that she has a big head to her face and tell you that i dont think you are very smart to your face so i dont know why do you say things here you wouldnt say to someones face.

its called hypocracy,
look how everyone shuns away from this thread? they don't wish to have they're name or anything to do with a so called 11 year old, even if she is real or not.
They'll post how wrong we are and they'll comment how incorrect or immoral we have become for doing this. when they fail to realize that they offer this all day long with they're free porn websites 24/7 to all sorts of different ages and styles. But its ok then, because they really don't have any sort of comunication or contact with the kids watching all they're free porn.
Kinda like: "What they don't know won't hurt them" policy.
Ya see, when it comes to dealing with such issues face to face, they'd rather aviod and not look. "if I act like its not there, it'll eventually go away" idiology right?
But they fail to realise that they deal with issues all the time, when it comes to s free style Internet market

03-27-2008, 12:22 PM
Actually, here is a funny concept:

Gonzo, you have to bas this "jessica" user. She is underage, unable to join the board legally and consent to sharing of her information. Leaving her on here (beyond the "kids sees porn") thing is a whole child privacy act deal.

Sorry, but game over.

03-27-2008, 12:34 PM
mr rcourt is very nice to try to explain things to me but i dont like mr alex. pleas dont bas me mr gonzo whatever bas means.

03-27-2008, 02:57 PM
Actually, here is a funny concept:

Gonzo, you have to bas this "jessica" user. She is underage, unable to join the board legally and consent to sharing of her information. Leaving her on here (beyond the "kids sees porn") thing is a whole child privacy act deal.

Sorry, but game over.
Id go with that Alex but you know one of yall is having fun. When they slip up and quit logging in via AOL...Ill have an idea of who it is.

03-27-2008, 05:19 PM
mr rcourt is very nice to try to explain things to me but i dont like mr alex. pleas dont bas me mr gonzo whatever bas means.

Yes mr. alex is a mean person, and he's not happy with this thread,
And he told me that unless I stop..,
He will come to my house, and beat me down like the stupid bitch I am :blink:
Sorry imposter brat. I'm not allowed to talk to you anymore.

Adios pequeña puta,
...and tell your parents they're going to jail for letting you do stuff on the Internet that your not allowed. :waving: byebye now

03-27-2008, 06:47 PM
Yes mr. alex is a mean person, and he's not happy with this thread,
And he told me that unless I stop..,
He will come to my house, and beat me down like the stupid bitch I am :blink:
Sorry imposter brat. I'm not allowed to talk to you anymore.

Adios pequeña puta,
...and tell your parents they're going to jail for letting you do stuff on the Internet that your not allowed. :waving: byebye now

Mr EmporerEJ shares your concern about this thread, but also realizes it had better be a spoof. And while Gonzo is clearly a donut thief, I think he's smart enough to know what he's doing here on the 'ole board.
(As long as he doesn't try any more "updates.")
to wit: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

03-27-2008, 06:49 PM
...to wit: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Well, there's the rub ya see, cuz there are some things that are broke. :hmm:

03-27-2008, 08:42 PM
This is Jessica's mom. I just found out that she's been posting here and she's in serious trouble. I also read what she wrote and my husband is in serious trouble too. You people should be ashamed of yourselves talking to a child like this. You should be ashamed of yourselves for lots of other reasons too. I will pray for all of you.

03-27-2008, 09:16 PM
I will pray for all of you.

Don't pray for me. I don't believe in your "god." I view it as a mass insanity forum.

03-27-2008, 09:48 PM
This is Jessica's mom.... You should be ashamed of yourselves for lots of other reasons too. I will pray for all of you.

I like cheese.

03-27-2008, 09:50 PM
This is Jessica's mom. I just found out that she's been posting here and she's in serious trouble. I also read what she wrote and my husband is in serious trouble too. You people should be ashamed of yourselves talking to a child like this. You should be ashamed of yourselves for lots of other reasons too. I will pray for all of you.

Your an neglecting and irresponsible parent :steemed:


03-28-2008, 11:34 AM
Your an neglecting and irresponsible parent :steemed:

And your name is Booger and you exploit women. What kind of parents could you have had?

Jessica's Mom

03-28-2008, 11:49 AM
And your name is Booger and you exploit women. What kind of parents could you have had?

Jessica's Mom
Hopefully he had ones that didnt allow the computer or TV to be surrogate parents.

03-28-2008, 02:32 PM
You mean like a Tandy or Commodore 64 or whatever was around when he was a kid and before they had the Internet. So easy for non parents to tell people how to raise their kids but so much harder than they think.

03-28-2008, 02:39 PM
You mean like a Tandy or Commodore 64 or whatever was around when he was a kid and before they had the Internet. So easy for non parents to tell people how to raise their kids but so much harder than they think.
Its your child - not mine. You get the tax deduction so why do you think I should raise her.

Do you let her go thru her perverted dad's porn collection too?

03-28-2008, 02:40 PM
This is Jessica's mom. I just found out that she's been posting here and she's in serious trouble. I also read what she wrote and my husband is in serious trouble too. You people should be ashamed of yourselves talking to a child like this. You should be ashamed of yourselves for lots of other reasons too. I will pray for all of you.

Would ya be interested in explaining why the (so assumed Jessica in question) is able to access her fathers computer?
...and is able to maintain access throughout numerous days here?
...and is not being discovered by any adult supervision for such a long period of time?

And why would your husband even have such a site saved on this assumed computer in question? "cuz ya keep switchin p.c.'s I'm reading here." :hmm:
Is your husband involved in the legal performance or the creation of adult entertainment or art of mentioned Industry?
Because this is basically what this board discusses.
(ITS NOT A DRIVE THRU FREE PORN STATION) so theres really no reason for him to have such adult boards link to this alleged computer.

I also believe mommy is insufficient sexually able to maintain (assumed) hubby happy and off seeking other forms of sexual satisfaction, which is not being obtained in this assumed household marriage.
(Ya got any pictures to prove your fuckable by change please mom) :)

This (so assumed) Jessica talks about much more porn discovered on her father's computer.
There's also the issue in question that (so assumed) Jessica needs to seek help from her local religious organization?
Could this be possibly because again "her parents" aren't there for her? and theres no communication between neglecting parents and a learning child?
Therefore finding herself forced to seek guidances thought other person direction. "like her local priest"

When I read about how everything, "all the way to getting the police involved", was done threw her local priest?
Again leaving neglecting mom not knowing her child's safe surrounding or living environment.

Ya stupid bitch... :hmm: you suck has a parent!!!
...So maybe ya might wanna look into a future job in adult entertainment? ;)
ya got any pics maybe ya can show us lady?

03-28-2008, 03:18 PM
Rcourt, my daughter said a couple times that she didn't think you were too smart and I must agree. Like she said, she accessed her father's computer because he accidentally left it on and she didn't need to input his password like usual. His mistake, I'm sure you people make mistakes sometimes too. As for continuing to use his computer, that's just plain dumb, she was using her own computer to make all of her posts. She is allowed to use her computer to go to AOL, and some kids sites. That's the problem with you people. You took something that could be wonderful for doing research, playing games, learning, doing book reports, etc. and made it something that requires parental supervision. Again, shame on you. Now I understand that you people are putting porn on mobile phones and PSPs and such. So, now I guess you expect us parents to take away our kids PSPs and only let them play them when we're around.

03-28-2008, 03:31 PM
Rcourt, my daughter said a couple times that she didn't think you were too smart and I must agree. Like she said, she accessed her father's computer because he accidentally left it on and she didn't need to input his password like usual. His mistake, I'm sure you people make mistakes sometimes too. As for continuing to use his computer, that's just plain dumb, she was using her own computer to make all of her posts. She is allowed to use her computer to go to AOL, and some kids sites. That's the problem with you people. You took something that could be wonderful for doing research, playing games, learning, doing book reports, etc. and made it something that requires parental supervision. Again, shame on you. Now I understand that you people are putting porn on mobile phones and PSPs and such. So, now I guess you expect us parents to take away our kids PSPs and only let them play them when we're around.
Its your responsibility to raise her. Not ours.

03-28-2008, 03:41 PM
Rcourt, my daughter said a couple times that she didn't think you were too smart and I must agree. Like she said, she accessed her father's computer because he accidentally left it on and she didn't need to input his password like usual. His mistake, I'm sure you people make mistakes sometimes too. As for continuing to use his computer, that's just plain dumb, she was using her own computer to make all of her posts. She is allowed to use her computer to go to AOL, and some kids sites. That's the problem with you people. You took something that could be wonderful for doing research, playing games, learning, doing book reports, etc. and made it something that requires parental supervision. Again, shame on you. Now I understand that you people are putting porn on mobile phones and PSPs and such. So, now I guess you expect us parents to take away our kids PSPs and only let them play them when we're around.

fuck off prick, ya gave it away with ur Tandy/Commodore 64 comment :hmm: You suck.
And I was having fun playing investigative attorney too man, :smily506:
but ya had'a fuck up my game time.:(

03-28-2008, 03:46 PM
this has got to be one of the best fake nicks ever

03-28-2008, 09:20 PM
fuck off prick, ya gave it away with ur Tandy/Commodore 64 comment
Gave away what? The fact that she's old enough to have used those computers? You did notice the part where she said it was Jessica's mother talking now and not Jessica, right?

03-29-2008, 12:32 AM
Gave away what? The fact that she's old enough to have used those computers? You did notice the part where she said it was Jessica's mother talking now and not Jessica, right?

you have to forgive the poor truck driver he was probably high on diesel fumes at the time

03-29-2008, 12:42 AM
I'm waiting for Jessica's dog to start in on us next. Then maybe the goldfish, the postman, and maybe her 3rd grade teacher.

Hell Puppy
03-29-2008, 01:13 AM
I just flew in from the beautiful snowy northwest. This is funny as hell. I'm too tired to do it tonight, but tomorrow night sometime when I get a moment I'll break out "the gadget" and see who this is. It's probably bromaster... ;)

03-29-2008, 02:20 PM
Well now, Mr. Puppy, why do you need to use a gadget to find out who this is when we already told you? I have no idea who bromaster is but I assure you it's not me, it sounds like he supports slavery. I will pray for you too and maybe some day you'll change your name to Heaven Puppy.

Jessica's Mom

03-29-2008, 09:14 PM
'Jessica" I think there just might be a match made in heaven here with this 11 year old; If your watching this thread instead of the "Kids Choice Awards" you shouldn't be, but just to prove how smart 11 year olds are these days to the others....

A small private school in Millbrook, Ala., was struggling to keep its computer network together last year, an 11-year-old student stepped in as network manager.


03-30-2008, 11:23 AM
I just got back from church and felt the need to let everyone here know that I prayed for them today and consulted with Father Brian about the situation with my daughter, following the service. It seems that although she did find some disgusting pornographic images on her father's computer and did speak with Father Brian about it, that she misunderstood some of what he said. So, when my husband reads this, which since he's a member here I'm sure he will, he can stop worrying about the police showing up. Of course, he'll still be sleeping on the couch and praying with me several times a day until he can purge himself of this evil addiction.

Ms. Hale, my children did not watch that show. When they are allowed to watch TV, which isn't often, it's the Discovery Channel or something that will enrich their minds. I can see from my daughter's spelling that she needs to spend even less time watching TV and more time reading and practicing her spelling and punctuation.

Speaking of spelling and enriching minds, there are a few people that have participated in this discussion that might want to consider working on that themselves.

Jessica's Mom

03-30-2008, 11:33 AM
Speaking of spelling...

...there are a few people that have participated in this discussion that might want to consider working on that themselves.

Finally, something we can agree on. :okthumb:

03-30-2008, 12:10 PM
I just got back from church and felt the need to let everyone here know that I prayed for them today and consulted with Father Brian about the situation with my daughter, following the service. It seems that although she did find some disgusting pornographic images on her father's computer and did speak with Father Brian about it, that she misunderstood some of what he said. So, when my husband reads this, which since he's a member here I'm sure he will, he can stop worrying about the police showing up. Of course, he'll still be sleeping on the couch and praying with me several times a day until he can purge himself of this evil addiction.

Ms. Hale, my children did not watch that show. When they are allowed to watch TV, which isn't often, it's the Discovery Channel or something that will enrich their minds. I can see from my daughter's spelling that she needs to spend even less time watching TV and more time reading and practicing her spelling and punctuation.

Speaking of spelling and enriching minds, there are a few people that have participated in this discussion that might want to consider working on that themselves.

Jessica's Mom

Look Lady..,
1) Dump the kid...
cuz you suck at being a parent.
2) Lose the porno junkie husband...
cuz apparently you suck in bed also.

Then bring your fake church attending ass down here, so we'll try to find something your decent at...:whistling

03-30-2008, 12:45 PM
This is surreal! Grown and supposedly intelligent people actually responding to this thread as if it was real! Man, you guys have been so owned by someone!

03-30-2008, 02:41 PM
I just got back from church and felt the need to let everyone here know that I prayed for them today and consulted with Father Brian about the situation with my daughter, following the service. It seems that although she did find some disgusting pornographic images on her father's computer and did speak with Father Brian about it, that she misunderstood some of what he said. So, when my husband reads this, which since he's a member here I'm sure he will, he can stop worrying about the police showing up. Of course, he'll still be sleeping on the couch and praying with me several times a day until he can purge himself of this evil addiction.

Ms. Hale, my children did not watch that show. When they are allowed to watch TV, which isn't often, it's the Discovery Channel or something that will enrich their minds. I can see from my daughter's spelling that she needs to spend even less time watching TV and more time reading and practicing her spelling and punctuation.

Speaking of spelling and enriching minds, there are a few people that have participated in this discussion that might want to consider working on that themselves.

Jessica's Mom

Oh the great DISCOVERY CHANNEL here is a look at what she would have been able to watch this week....

FutureWeapons (http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-schedules/series.html?paid=1.9688.25550.31829.10)Kill Zone
TV-PG (javascript: void(null);)
MythBusters (http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-schedules/series.html?paid=1.11489.25369.3913.91)Shooting Fish in a Barrel
TV-PG (javascript: void(null);)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre
TV-PG (javascript: void(null);)
MythBusters (http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-schedules/series.html?paid=1.403.25032.3913.53)Exploding Pants
TV-PG (javascript: void(null);), CC
MythBusters (http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-schedules/series.html?paid=1.403.25369.3913.93)Confederate Steam Gun
TV-PG (javascript: void(null);)

Based on how you pick husband's and monitor your child I sure hope this is not your pastor in the headlines; Missing N.Y. pastor found at Ohio strip club


To stay fair and balanced your welcome to use resources here to help with your online sex addicted husband. http://www.pornafia.org/forumdisplay.php?f=22

Also, you can read about youth, porn and the web here and understand the information age and adult material since your daughter has already been exposed maybe you should focus on a practical approach to helping rather than being on your knees praying that someone up in the sky is going to save the day. Educate yourself and stop spending so much time in judgement.

Here is a prayer for you... God help me set aside everything I think I know and be open for a new experience!

It is obvious what you have been praying for and doing may not be the best choice or just keep doing what you have been doing and getting the same result which is resulting in posting on oprano about your personal life and un-answered prayers.

03-30-2008, 08:38 PM
What do you mean how I picked my husband? Apparently my husband is someone you people know here. Are you saying that the men here aren't fit to be husbands? I guess you don't think much of pornographers either.

03-30-2008, 09:01 PM
What do you mean how I picked my husband? Apparently my husband is someone you people know here. Are you saying that the men here aren't fit to be husbands? I guess you don't think much of pornographers either.

No, just that you don't seem to have values that are consistent with your husband's. Wasn't Mary supposedly Jesus's prostitute? You just might be praying to the right person for help. I would much rather see a beautiful photograph by one of these pornographers than the images of dead naked women and children in a war zone on the Discovery Channel.

03-31-2008, 03:56 AM
how do you make money if you talk to kids all day? father brian says that idelness is the devils workshop.

Ok, now pay attention. I will tell you how to be a very rich person the rest of your life. It's another big term, which you will have to look up. But after you understand, you'll know why I "play with machines." Here's the term:

Proprietary interest.

Now, you look that up. But to answer your question, it allows me to sit here doing anything I want......and still make money. Every time a machine is sold, anywhere in the world, by anyone, at any time of the day, I get paid.
See, that's called "proprietary interest."
And that's why I'm really, really smart.

Now, it took me a long time to learn that. I just saved you about 10 years, and all for free. I'll bet I'm your very best friend now, huh?

03-31-2008, 08:51 AM
You might want to start paying attention here EJ, then maybe you wouldn't have to waste your time typing messages to someone that won't be reading them. As for me, I don't have any idea what you're talking about and what in the world do machines have to do with anything? But if you want to talk about money and machines, we have plenty of money thanks to my husbands chain of truck and tractor dealerships. He says we'd have even more money if I let him keep running his filth websites but I told him that unless he closes them immediately I will file for divorce and demand sole custody of Jessica. Father Brian suggested that since the websites make so much money that my husband should sell them but I won't allow it.

Jessica's Mom

03-31-2008, 02:35 PM
Not that I believe that Ballarina is a real person, but -

Ballarina. Stay away from adult sites until you're at least 18 years old.

Bllariena's Mom: There's nothing wrong with adult content or the industry as a whole. It's a service that people enjoy and willing to pay for. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it will go away.

Here's a simple solution. Why not install some adult-content filter software on your computer? Certainly this is a responsible thing for any Mom to do, is it not? There are plenty out there to choose from and some of them are even free.

04-01-2008, 04:34 AM
You might want to start paying attention here EJ, then maybe you wouldn't have to waste your time typing messages to someone that won't be reading them. As for me, I don't have any idea what you're talking about and what in the world do machines have to do with anything? But if you want to talk about money and machines, we have plenty of money thanks to my husbands chain of truck and tractor dealerships. He says we'd have even more money if I let him keep running his filth websites but I told him that unless he closes them immediately I will file for divorce and demand sole custody of Jessica. Father Brian suggested that since the websites make so much money that my husband should sell them but I won't allow it.

Jessica's Mom

Well, you are certainly a controlling, annoying, and heartless bitch, aren't you?
If your man had any balls, he'd slide you under one of those trucks and back up over you a few times.
Sounds like you ain't keeping your man happy, and he needs to look elsewhere for his sexual satisfaction.
Now, you're not having sex with Father Brian in the confessional are you?
Sure sounds suspicious to me. And you might want to keep Jessica away from Father Brian. More than 500 of those religious nuts turned out to be pedophiles. And they're just the ones that got caught!
Next time you are in the church with Father Brian, look a round and see if he has unholy pictures laying around, or being used as bookmarks in his bible.

04-01-2008, 05:09 AM
you might want to keep Jessica away from Father Brian. More than 500 of those religious nuts turned out to be pedophiles. And they're just the ones that got caught!
Next time you are in the church with Father Brian, look a round and see if he has unholy pictures laying around, or being used as bookmarks in his bible.

Nah, that would only be an issue IF Jessica was really name Jessie, cause the bulk of those "oh so righteous holy men" only really dug the alter boys, I'm sure Father Brian is part of that flock, otherwise he would have taken the needed time to truly console Jessica and her family and give them the help they so clearly need.

hallelujah for people like Jessica's mom however, we SOOOOOO need more people that lead their life with nothing but misguided blind faith in a false god that will keep her and her family safe just as long as they remember to pray to him for they're every little whim.

Bless you Jessica's Mom, IF that is indeed your real name

(Me thinks this thread might finally come to an end today given the date on the good old calender)


04-01-2008, 08:02 AM
This thread continues to deliver

I dont know who to laugh harder at

04-01-2008, 10:15 AM
Considering everyone keeps saying Jessica and I are fake I'm surprised at all the advice we're getting.

I talked to Father Brian last night and he thinks I can do some good here, and in our faith we realize we can't save everyone, but even if I can save only one of your souls from damnation, my time here will have been worth it.

Jessica's Mom

04-01-2008, 10:16 AM
Considering everyone keeps saying Jessica and I are fake I'm surprised at all the advice we're getting.

I talked to Father Brian last night and he thinks I can do some good here, and in our faith we realize we can't save everyone, but even if I can save only one of your souls from damnation, my time here will have been worth it.

Jessica's Mom
Please post your address so TE can send you an invoice.
Even the church doesnt get a free ride here.

04-01-2008, 10:50 AM
Considering everyone keeps saying Jessica and I are fake I'm surprised at all the advice we're getting.

I talked to Father Brian last night and he thinks I can do some good here, and in our faith we realize we can't save everyone, but even if I can save only one of your souls from damnation, my time here will have been worth it.

Jessica's Mom

Can ya get me a good deal on a peterbilt?

04-01-2008, 10:51 AM
Well Gonzo, I'm sure advertisers don't get a free ride but I'm not advertising anything, I'm trying to help you and don't worry, I won't send you an invoice for my time either. God works in mysterious ways and even the most wicked men have changed their ways before.

I think I have a good chance with the pretty girl with the big head.

Jessica's Mom

04-01-2008, 10:59 AM
Well Gonzo, I'm sure advertisers don't get a free ride but I'm not advertising anything, I'm trying to help you and don't worry, I won't send you an invoice for my time either. God works in mysterious ways and even the most wicked men have changed their ways before.

I think I have a good chance with the pretty girl with the big head.

Jessica's Mom
I expect bono to jump out at some point singing "She moves in mysterious ways"

04-01-2008, 11:01 AM
I've been wrestling with something for a few days now, since I found out that my husband is a member here and apparently has been making money from this horrible business without my knowledge, and that is whether or not to tell everyone who he is. He has humiliated me and my family so that I'm finding it hard to forgive him, even with God's help but perhaps if everyone knows who he is it will shame him into quitting this business and living a good and righteous life in servitude of our Lord, again.

04-01-2008, 03:25 PM
I dont know who to laugh harder at

I do...the guys that are actually responding to all this. It's the only reason I keep checking!

P.T.Barnum really was right ;)

04-01-2008, 03:54 PM
Well Gonzo, I'm sure advertisers don't get a free ride but I'm not advertising anything, I'm trying to help you and don't worry, I won't send you an invoice for my time either. God works in mysterious ways and even the most wicked men have changed their ways before.

I think I have a good chance with the pretty girl with the big head.

Jessica's Mom

*cracks up*

Yeh, I am well on my way to redemption in the eyes of the Church that condemns me for my gender.

Oh, wait: there's that pesky original sin crap again. <Emily Litella> Nevermind</Emily Litella>

04-01-2008, 03:56 PM
*cracks up*

Yeh, I am well on my way to redemption in the eyes of the Church that condemns me for my gender.

Oh, wait: there's that pesky original sin crap again. <Emily Litella> Nevermind</Emily Litella>
Im just wondering what your licking in that picture and can I walk over to your office to have see about having a personal demostration?

04-01-2008, 04:01 PM
Im just wondering what your licking in that picture and can I walk over to your office to have see about having a personal demostration?


You wish...

04-01-2008, 04:04 PM

You wish...
Would it help if I told you that I was a celebrity of sorts?

04-01-2008, 06:54 PM
Hey Jessica...


Did you go to church today?

04-01-2008, 07:09 PM

Thank you so much for sharing it!

04-01-2008, 07:17 PM

Thank you so much for sharing it!

Yes, Blind Melon was charming :)
Hopefully the message in it was also

04-02-2008, 01:57 PM
I've been wrestling with something for a few days now, since I found out that my husband is a member here and apparently has been making money from this horrible business without my knowledge, and that is whether or not to tell everyone who he is. He has humiliated me and my family so that I'm finding it hard to forgive him, even with God's help but perhaps if everyone knows who he is it will shame him into quitting this business and living a good and righteous life in servitude of our Lord, again.

Mom, not that I believe for a second that you're real, but maybe other nutjobs like you who read this can gain something out of it...

...Clearly your family has more immediate problems. Your daughter likes to communicate with Porn industry peeps, Your husband enjoys Pictures of other girls tits instead of your real-life tits to get off. The fact that you can't accept that these "problems" are probably more important (to you) and discuss them with your family and instead look to God for help tells me that you're a pretty weak head-case.

04-02-2008, 02:26 PM
Would it help if I told you that I was a celebrity of sorts?

Being on "Krispy Kreme's top 10 Most wanted" doesn't count as "Celebrity."

Now, if she wants a REAL celebrity, I was on the history channel again last night, (gods bless re-runs,) and yes, the cover article in this months XBiz IS in fact talking about me.

04-02-2008, 02:29 PM
Being on "Krispy Kreme's top 10 Most wanted" doesn't count as "Celebrity."

Now, if she wants a REAL celebrity, I was on the history channel again last night, (gods bless re-runs,) and yes, the cover article in this months XBiz IS in fact talking about me.

Gee you sure you didnt shave your mustache off becasue you looked too much like Freddie Mercury?

04-02-2008, 03:04 PM
Gee you sure you didnt shave your mustache off becasue you looked too much like Freddie Mercury?

Now, now, GonZo, EJ.

No need to fight over me, boys. I'm already taken. ;)

04-02-2008, 03:18 PM
Now, now, GonZo, EJ.

No need to fight over me, boys. I'm already taken. ;)

Dont expect me to go out and get an Oreck teeshirt to try to win you over.

04-02-2008, 04:36 PM
Please stop fighting over my girlfriend Liz. Liz loves me and me only. I receive psyhic messages of love from her every day so I know its true. MINE ALL MINE!

04-03-2008, 04:16 AM
Is this damn thing still going on?

I figured after april fools was over it would be revealed that Jessica was really "_________" and this thread would just die off.

Oh, and Liz... I'm somewhat of a celeb myself ;)


04-03-2008, 08:35 AM

You like me! You really like me!


Y'all do be silly boythings. Y'all do be dat!

04-03-2008, 08:53 AM
Is this damn thing still going on?

I figured after april fools was over it would be revealed that Jessica was really "_________" and this thread would just die off.

Oh, and Liz... I'm somewhat of a celeb myself ;)

Wait you have to tell her you can make or break her in this business and that you want to fuck her in the ass.


04-03-2008, 01:07 PM
Now, if she wants a REAL celebrity, I was on the history channel again last night, (gods bless re-runs,) and yes, the cover article in this months XBiz IS in fact talking about me.

:o Stand back! I hear the thundering clap of stampeding womens!

False alarm . . . . just GonZo farting

04-03-2008, 05:05 PM
I do...the guys that are actually responding to all this. It's the only reason I keep checking!

P.T.Barnum really was right ;)
I'm with Danny

04-03-2008, 08:06 PM
Wait you have to tell her you can make or break her in this business and that you want to fuck her in the ass.


SHIT, i'm getting rusty in my old age...

Yes, Gonzo is correct, I can TRULY make or break you, one call from me and you'll be mopping the jizz booths at the local peepshow. or better yet, cleaning Gonzo's office after a HEAVY mexican buffet visit.

And as far as the anal sex, thats not my style, I just want to cuddle.


04-03-2008, 09:10 PM
I do...the guys that are actually responding to all this. It's the only reason I keep checking!

P.T.Barnum really was right ;)

...and I don't smoke crack anymore, but I still go down in the hood, Just to hang with the bros...:whistling

SHIT, i'm getting rusty in my old age...

Yes, Gonzo is correct, I can TRULY make or break you, one call from me and you'll be mopping the jizz booths at the local peepshow. or better yet, cleaning Gonzo's office after a HEAVY mexican buffet visit.

And as far as the anal sex, thats not my style, I just want to cuddle.


Hey? ...Does eating out an ex-porn stars pussy categorize me as any sort of celebrity status? huh???

I'm with Danny

yup, sounds just like you... :whistling

04-04-2008, 05:39 AM
:o Stand back! I hear the thundering clap of stampeding womens!

False alarm . . . . just GonZo farting

OO OO, I'm part of the cover story of this month's XBiz World.

Y'all want my auto-mo-graph?


04-04-2008, 05:40 AM
Gee you sure you didnt shave your mustache off becasue you looked too much like Freddie Mercury?

Freddy sure was popular......with the boys AND the girls....

04-04-2008, 05:42 AM
Now, now, GonZo, EJ.

No need to fight over me, boys. I'm already taken. ;)

Yea, but at some point, you're gonna wanna upgrade.

04-04-2008, 09:44 AM
Yea, but at some point, you're gonna wanna upgrade.
Might as well go with the top of the line model that is also local.

04-04-2008, 01:11 PM
Might as well go with the top of the line model that is also local.

I didn't know she was moving to Pennsylvania?


04-05-2008, 09:42 AM
This is funny. My April Fool's Week joke ended on April Fool's Day and yet people are still posting in here, only now it's to argue over who's gonna get to fuck the hot chick with the big head.

Jessica's Mom

P.S. Rcourt, don't even come in here saying you knew it was me.

04-05-2008, 02:17 PM
This is funny. My April Fool's Week joke ended on April Fool's Day and yet people are still posting in here, only now it's to argue over who's gonna get to fuck the hot chick with the big head.

Jessica's Mom

P.S. Rcourt, don't even come in here saying you knew it was me.

LMAO, Have I told you lately that I love you?


04-05-2008, 03:53 PM
This is funny. My April Fool's Week joke ended on April Fool's Day and yet people are still posting in here, only now it's to argue over who's gonna get to fuck the hot chick with the big head.

Jessica's Mom

P.S. Rcourt, don't even come in here saying you knew it was me.

I knew it was you mighty one... :hmm:
You gave yourself away with your olds school pc comment as mommy, then with your reply to my 'whats old Tandy/Commodore 64 gotta do with anything reply" to rescue her Jessica's moms ass. and I know you have 2 daughters, and I believe that one of they're names is actually Jessica..:whistling

04-05-2008, 08:27 PM
I knew it was you mighty one... :hmm:
You gave yourself away with your olds school pc comment as mommy, then with your reply to my 'whats old Tandy/Commodore 64 gotta do with anything reply" to rescue her Jessica's moms ass. and I know you have 2 daughters, and I believe that one of they're names is actually Jessica..:whistling
I don't have a daughter named Jessica.

04-05-2008, 09:15 PM
I don't have a daughter named Jessica.

Who's talking to you bitch? I was talkin' to Hammer.
So you gonna bring your divorced booty to florida? I'll get your ass to work real quick :okthumb: MUCHO DINERO SUR DE LA LINEA ;););)

04-06-2008, 03:15 PM

04-06-2008, 03:26 PM
I smell a sigwhore

04-06-2008, 05:58 PM
I smell a sigwhore

Hunt the Wumpus!