View Full Version : Why feed the fire?

03-21-2008, 03:33 AM
This post is food for thought for those who have been following some of the drama on Oprano for the past few days. If you haven't, good for u. Feel free to skip over this post as it will seem irrelevant!


It is better to be silent and possibly appear a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt! The more words are used to express an idea, the less powerful they become. Sometimes it comes down to NOT who is right, but how one conducts him or herself.

Consider this: Sometimes staying in silence is the best way to watch a fool drown themselves. I have nothing but a sense of pity for those so called “established” business professionals who have behaved in a way that can only result in burned bridges and lost respect—and for what? Just to make a point?

Personally insulting and disrespecting the entire character of a dissatisfied client is a really futile method of damage control. It makes one appear more of a coward and a jerk --not the type of person someone would want to do business with. One could almost say it makes a person look guiltier. If one had nothing to hide wouldn’t they just stick to the facts not hurl personal insults like a 8 year old?

What about everyone who stumbles upon these threads and has the unfortunate experience of wasting even a moment of their time reading this garbage? Do you think this strengthens your position in their eyes? Not a chance. You are not doing yourself any favors. Maybe its time to stay below the BS radar…Just stop.

There is so much I could comment on… so much “inside” info that I am aware of and its painful to watch the blatant lies and bullshit that has gone on on this board by complete shit disturbers over the past few days. I simply am not on here involved in this debate because quite frankly I just have better things to do with my time. There is my family and my career to worry about. ...With that being said, how many hours that could have been put to better use in your businesses and personal relations were wasted on such antics?

I strongly believe that some people on here are misunderstood… and are feeling the need to defend themselves to people others can’t possibly take seriously anyway. I don’t always agree with the way people chose to handle conflict, but I do know who the good people are, and Karma is a funny thing.

I ask everyone to imagine being in the shoes of someone trying to launch their business (every single person on this board has been there) and have such self proclaimed “Big-Shots” try to tear them down on a public forum. How can one even be blamed when they are the one who was personally attacked by someone who doesn’t even have the balls to admit to starting this game? Too many people just give up and walk away when they are shot down in life….And often those who stand up to fight face scrutiny.

… Perhaps this whole thing would be more constructive as a courtroom drama not a bbs drama. I believe the legitimate legal issues are worth being dealt with… BUT at the end of the day the truth means shit on here! People will read half a thread that contains half truths and come to their own conclusions…

The bottom line is this: No one cares who is right and who is wrong. All people care about is who acted like a child and what company, product or brand they represent.

We all need to wipe our hands clean of pond scum who spend their time “trolling the boards waiting for an opportunity to raise their own perceived value via deception and by putting others down. If no one took their bait they would be left flexing their minuscule muscles in their own mirror of self gratification. Just let these threads and the egos behind them die.

03-24-2008, 10:16 AM
So what happen to the 2 or 3 pages of replies that went with this thread? :scratchin

03-24-2008, 10:18 AM

03-24-2008, 11:38 AM
Well again then, i'll mention how this thread sucks.
it's monday morning and I'm bored. :( there's nobody here to play with?
Can anyone come out and play? or does everyone around here actually work?
What happen to the AEBN girls? Are they away? :( how come its so quite around here?
Someone broke Oprano, and a weekend of insults and ragged on is gone. :(
its like starting from scratch.
hmmm? anyone wanna know my cholesterol level was this wekend?
privatecamz is trashing up. fuckers owe me money. I think i might go to miami this weekend again. :) anyone wanna buy naked pictures? i also have a '95 Z71 4x4 with lift kit for sale also.

I guess I'll go surf some free porn @ aebn just gotta decide whether i want to use alovera lotion or regular :wankit: