View Full Version : Tens of Thousands of Adult Website Records Compromised

03-19-2008, 09:17 PM
Well Here we go... I guess it is all coming out now!

Tens of Thousands of Adult Website Records Compromised (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/2007/12/23/tens-of-thousands-of-adult-website-records-compromised/)

Keith | Agencies (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/police-state/agencies/), All Posts (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/all-posts/), Campaign 2008 (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/campaign-2008/), Charles Berrebbi (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/people/charles-berrebbi/), Companies and Brands (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/companies-and-brands/), Computing (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/technology/computing/), Corporate America (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/corporate-america/), Crime (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/crime/), Culture (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/corporate-america/culture/), Data Mining (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/police-state/data-mining/), Defective (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/products/defective/), FBI (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/police-state/agencies/fbi/), Greed (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/corporate-america/greed/), High Tech (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/crime/high-tech/), Identification (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/police-state/identification/), Invasive (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/products/invasive/), Issues (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/campaign-2008/issues/), John Albright (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/people/john-albright/), Kimberly Timko (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/people/kimberly-timko/), NATS (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/technology/computing/software/nats/), National Security (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/police-state/national-security/), Oddball Stuff (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/oddball-stuff/), People (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/people/), Police State (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/police-state/), Privacy (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/police-state/privacy/), Products (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/products/), Scandal (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/corporate-america/scandal/), Software (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/technology/computing/software/), Technology (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/technology/), Too Much Media (http://www.icwt.us/index.php/category/companies-and-brands/too-much-media/) | Sunday, December 23rd, 2007
A popular software program called NATS (http://www.toomuchmedia.com/), which powers the backend of about 35% of all adult paysites online today has reportedly been in a compromised status for several months while the company that owned and manages the software did little to nothing to correct the issue, according to information obtained by ICWT. NATS is made by Freehold, New Jersey-based Too Much Media (http://www.toomuchmedia.com/) (TMM) and is used to provide a management and reporting interface that adult paysite owners use to report affiliate sales and earned commissions to affiliates as well as track and manage sales of memberships.
How It Happened:
ICWT first learned of the massive security breach when a series of posts were made on an adult industry web bulletin board known as “GFY (http://www.gfy.com/)“, where webmasters from the adult community congregate to discuss business. Exact details of the incident are still being pieced together, similar to a jigsaw puzzle.
The story started to break when staff at OC3 Networks (http://www.oc3networks.com/), a webhosting company that provides website hosting to numerous adult websites started to notice a pattern of customers who ran the NATS software reporting that their systems had been broken into sometime back in October of 2007. One of the executives who runs OC3 Networks recently posted a thread (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=13551150&postcount=1) to GFY about their experiences with NATS and how it related to the break-ins, after working to secure their clients as well as companies having servers at other webhosts. OC3 says (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=13551150&postcount=1) it also discussed the issue with Too Much Media upon discovery as well.
Discussions further down in that same thread (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=13551150) make reference to allegations that Too Much Media did everything it could to keep news of its exploit out of the public limelight and not much to fix the security issue itself. It is rumored (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=13557163&postcount=363) that Too Much Media had even threatened to sue several people who spoke of the exploit in public, a rumor that seems to be confirmed by ICWT’s experiences with them (more on this below).
Shortly after OC3 Networks published it’s report, TMM also released a statement (http://www.gfy.com/showthread.php?t=794219) on GFY regarding the flaw which later turned into a quite heated discussion. While details on the breach remain very sketchy and what exactly has been affected (TMM has not been forthcoming with full details on exactly how this issue came to be or how much information is at risk), on information and belief, the breach affects anyone who has purchased a membership to an adult site that uses the NATS software to manage or track its sales as well as adult webmasters who promote the pay sites by placing links on their websites with embedded NATS tracking code, which then allow them to earn a portion of the sale as a commission.
From what ICWT has gathered, the integrity of the NATS system was compromised at some point during or perhaps prior to October, 2oo7 when an unknown person(s) gained access by unknown method(s) to a server in TMM’s office where they stored a listing of the passwords used to maintain their client’s installations of the NATS software. This much has been confirmed by TMM (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=13552105&postcount=1) staff in their statement on the situation.
TMM apparently required webmasters who used its software to keep an SSH account available on the webmaster’s server for the purported purpose of maintaining the NATS software. It has been widely commented on within the webmaster community that NATS personnel often accessed the servers without warning and with usage patterns that could be described as strange. While some webmasters turned off the accounts and only re-enabled them when NATS staffers needed to do maintenance of upgrades, it seems to have been a standard practice to setup the accounts and forget about them.
There is also speculation (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=13548295&postcount=75) that this whole thing could have been an inside job. We do not have confirmation of this.
What Information is Affected:
The number of records potentially compromised is not known, but is believed to be in the tens of thousands or perhaps even hundreds of thousands of accounts. The NATS system is deployed on an estimated 35% to 40% of all adult sites, so if someone purchased a membership to an adult site since October, 2007 - there is a good chance that they are potentially effected.
The information that was compromised appears to possibly include, with regard to those who bought memberships on adult sites appears to include name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address, billing information and possibly other information provided or collected during signup.
For webmaster affiliates, the information that may have been compromised could include your name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, sales and payment history, taxpayer ID, IP address and possibly other information provided or collected at some point in the relationship.
At this time, there does not appear to be any concrete proof that data was actually taken off the servers or used, just that an intruder did manage to access the system. However, there is reason to wonder whether the data has been misused, there have been numerous recent reports (http://www.gfy.com/showthread.php?t=793881) of people who signed up with a paysite running NATS receiving large amounts of spam after signing up.
What Should Users Do:
Users who have purchased a membership at an adult site at any time this year that uses NATS should first check their statements for the payment method they used to sign up for the adult site for any unusual activity and report same to their financial institution immediately. If such action is noticed, or if users have experienced other invasions or violations of their privacy, users should contact TMM (http://www.toomuchmedia.com/corporate/contact.html) and request that they be compensated for any losses or damages that they may have incurred and additionally, demand that TMM provide them with credit monitoring services and other identity theft recovery services at TMM’s expense.
Webmaster affiliates who have suffered a loss or violation of their privacy as result of the issue should contact their attorneys to investigate legal options for recovery and compensation as well as representatives from companies issuing any insurance policies to them that may cover malpractice or incompetence on the part of other parties with whom they do business. Additionally, those companies should also contact TMM and demand compensation.
Regardless of whether they are consumers or webmaster affiliates, all parties who have suffered a loss or experienced an invasion of their privacy or misuse of personal information should file complaints with their local police departments, the attorney general of their state, the Federal Trade Commission (http://www.ftc.gov/ftc/cmplanding.shtm) , The Internet Crime Complaint Center (http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/) (IC3) and contact a reputable attorney specializing in fraud, consumer protection or contract law as may be applicable. Generalized resources for victims of identity theft can be found at The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (http://www.privacyrights.org/identity.htm).
Users who receive telemarketing calls or spam as a result of this incident should file complaints with the FTC for violations of the CAN-SPAM Act or with the FCC for violations of the Do Not Call List if users are registered on it. Those who receive junk faxes should start by getting help here (http://www.junkfax.org/).
Additional Concerns and Problems:
TMM also very recently purchased an adult billing company (http://www.avn.com/index.cfm?objectid=CB49D226-9C04-1D15-748B83D62941417D) known as Segregated Payments, Ltd. (more commonly called “SegPay (http://www.segpay.com/)“) which currently process payments for adult paysites in the EU. TMM has announced (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=13501203&postcount=1) plans to launch TMMSegPay (http://tmmsegpay.com/) which will provide payments services to the US market sector as a registered Visa IPSP (http://businesscenter.ccbill.com/visa_ipsp_faq.php). In light of the information ICWT has uncovered, we’re very concerned about this both for the integrity of the adult industry and the safety of user’s credit card information.
Perhaps this is more an interesting footnote, but TMM’s John Albright seems to be connected to a stats tracking site (now defunct) similar to Sex Tracker that was known as Porn Graph. That site was accused by numerous adult webmasters (http://www.gfy.com/showthread.php?t=275929) of putting code into its website that installed malicious software without the knowledge or consent of end users. Several webmasters claimed this resulted in numerous domains getting banned from search engines.
John (who at that time reportedly used a different board alias “GoGoBar”) claims (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=4027114&postcount=34) that he sold the site and the new owners were responsible for these actions and that he couldn’t comment on the ordeal, but according to a confidential source within the adult industry, ICWT has learned that after the supposed sale, only the domain’s whois information changed but the hosting was never moved. It would be possible for one to infer that this indicates that the claimed sale never took place.
Whats Being Done & Possible Legal Action Against ICWT:
Rumor has it that the FBI has been called in to investigate the situation, we have no confirmation of this. In fact, it looks like the industry and TMM may attempt to sweep this under the rug and as such, thats the main reason for it getting reported here. Other than this, TMM has made a statement and supposedly told its customers how to secure their installations of the software. Many in the industry are skeptical on whether the instructions provided by TMM fully address the issue.
The editor of ICWT has been contacted via GFY and publicly threatened with a libel lawsuit by John Albright with Too Much Media. John appears to be an executive officer of the company. ICWT has a contingency plan in place for legal action that is taken as a result of stories that are published here. I am not concerned about the ability of ICWT to continue operations should legal action be taken and furthermore, I am confident that ICWT is on firm first amendment grounds in any such claims. ICWT will ultimately prevail.
ICWT will follow this story and keep you updated as to any new developments.
Update #1: Too Much Media / NATS Possibly in Breach of Laws of Nearly 40 States
On information and belief, Too Much Media did not notify its clients of the supposed breach until within the last week, the last couple of days or the last couple of hours - depending on which report you want to go by. In most cases, this is insufficient to satisfy the legal requirements of nearly 40 states that consumers be notified of breaches of personal information. Most laws require that the notifications be done immediately upon discovery of the breach or as soon as practical.
Consumers are advised to examine this page (http://www.ncsl.org/programs/lis/cip/priv/breachlaws.htm) which lists states that have enacted notification requirements and determine if Too Much Media was required to notify you of the breach and failed to do so. Too Much Media is organized in New Jersey and even if they were organized in another state, under the New Jersey Notification Law (http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2004/Bills/PL05/226_.HTM) they would be required to notify all New Jersey residents because they did business in that state. This will vary from state to state, you can determine your individual situation by clicking the link above and reviewing the statute for your particular state. If you need assistance in deciphering the legal code, we apologize but we cannot help you with this, you’ll need to contact an attorney or your local bar association and ask for a “court advocate” who may be able to answer simple questions without charge.
Update #2: Rewrite to Clarify Sources Relied Upon for this Report

The amount of information used to construct this report is both lengthy and hard to manage. For those unfamiliar with the Adult Entertainment Industry, most of the discussion and debates amongst various parties takes place message boards (some open, some closed to the public), instant messengers like AIM and ICQ and at conventions or meetings organized for that purpose. And it often happens in a very messy and heated manner that results in mud slinging and name calling. To help get our readers right to the facts, we have re-written this post with links directly to the relevant posts.
Update #3: Too Much Media Told Affiliates There Were No Exploits
On another adult industry forum known as Just Blow Me (http://www.justblowme.com/), TMM’s John Albright told affiliates (http://justblowme.com/showpost.php?p=1252191&postcount=5) back on 10/27/07 that “There are no known exploits in NATS. There was no exploit found.” and hinted at suing people for spreading what - according to him - was “misinformation”.
Update #4: TMM’s John Albright Implies More Legal Action, Slashdot Picks Up the Story + Small Retraction
TMM’s John Albright is busy on GFY implying more legal action (http://www.gfy.com/showpost.php?p=13561604&postcount=5) against people who speak out against him. This time, it appears he is threatening employees of his competition, MPA3 (http://www.mpa3.com/).
Additionally, I am pleased to announce that this story has accomplished its goal to ensure that the adult industry will not be able to sweep this matter under the rug. Earlier this morning, this story hit the revered Slashdot (http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/12/25/0050204). It will be almost impossible for this issue to miss getting the scrutiny it desperately needs.
Finally, it has been brought to my attention that NATS does not enjoy 80% to 95% market penetration as was originally reported here. Instead, that number is more like 35% to 40% of all porn sites online today, according to an industry source who requested that I not name him. I am very sorry for implying that Too Much Media was more successful than it really is. ICWT and I both regret the error.
Update #5:
The adult industry has begun the mis-information counter campaign (http://www.gfy.com/showthread.php?t=794889) in earnest. They really don’t want you to know about this, folks.



03-19-2008, 09:26 PM

please dont' post that link like it is some authority site

that dude is a troll from gfy that has absolutely no credibility

not to mention that is REALLY old drama and just "now" coming out

03-19-2008, 09:38 PM

please dont' post that link like it is some authority site

that dude is a troll from gfy that has absolutely no credibility

not to mention that is REALLY old drama and just "now" coming out


I am looking all over the place for the other side and I can't find a whole lot right now - help me out! I would love to post both sides of the story.

03-19-2008, 09:50 PM

I am looking all over the place for the other side and I can't find a whole lot right now - help me out! I would love to post both sides of the story.

if you wanna go all the way back, do a search on gfy for xclusivecash and nats drama, then search do a search for the username minusonebit and the word nats

while minusonebit wasn't a great source of reliable info, he was in every thread regarding nats and the security breach

this all started with xclusivecash and nats though, the nats security thing was just gas on the fire

03-19-2008, 09:55 PM
if you wanna go all the way back, do a search on gfy for xclusivecash and nats drama, then search do a search for the username minusonebit and the word nats

while minusonebit wasn't a great source of reliable info, he was in every thread regarding nats and the security breach

this all started with xclusivecash and nats though, the nats security thing was just gas on the fire

Ok But you have to give me some time now that's a lot to go do...

Aren't you the blog guy, do you have a blog on this instead of just a response "that dude is a troll from gfy that has absolutely no credibility."

By the way I think trolls are cute! But I like Knight's better.

03-19-2008, 10:20 PM
Ok But you have to give me some time now that's a lot to go do...

Aren't you the blog guy, do you have a blog on this instead of just a response "that dude is a troll from gfy that has absolutely no credibility."

By the way I think trolls are cute! But I like Knight's better.
A blog post or three with an RDV of minusonebit's NATS rants simply wouldn't do it justice.

minusonebit must be experience unabridged in the original medium in order to fully appreciate just what Jace means exactly my "troll from gfy that has absolutely no credibility".

03-19-2008, 10:46 PM

Was that a joke to get rid of me? You have to wait 90 seconds between searches on GFY and then some.... And all those big flashing banners are giving me a headache.

03-19-2008, 10:57 PM
Jace, Come on help a girl out?

Here is what is on XBIZ

NR Media Moves to Amend Lawsuit Against Too Much Media
NRM claims NATS security breach was intentional misappropriation of client data.

The complaint alleged that the security breach that was confirmed by TMM in December was not a “breach” at all, but part of an intentional misappropriation of TMM’s client data undertaken with the knowledge and consent of TMM.

“Upon information and belief the TMM [d]efendants maliciously, intentionally and wantonly abused TMM’s limited authority to access the computer servers of NRM and the class members, and the personal information and proprietary information stored thereon and/or transferred through, by accessing, copying, distributing such information for the TMM defendants’ own purposes,” NR Media alleged in its complaint.

The complaint alleged that Fred Schank, a man allegedly identified as the individual behind the NATS breach, was not a third-party hacker but an “agent, employee and/or representative of” TMM.

Is Q Boyer one of those trolls as well?


03-19-2008, 11:05 PM
google helps too


03-19-2008, 11:15 PM
Shellee, you really need to leave these boards for awhile. Go to the lake. Do some volunteer work for Jimmy Carter. Attend some Republican fund raisers. Go shopping with your daughter for a new nurses uniform (a really tight one and then post the pictures...with really hot underwear). Anything but commit suppuku in public on this board. You are really not cut out for this business. BTW, your daughter is seriously hot. And truly what mother wants to hear that?

03-19-2008, 11:22 PM
I tell her all the time!

03-19-2008, 11:22 PM
google helps too


That is so much better than the first idea - Thanks, but one of those is 10 pages long.

03-19-2008, 11:26 PM
That is so much better than the first idea - Thanks, but one of those is 10 pages long.
Go into your GFY account options and turn off avatars and signitures. It will lessen the severity of the headache. Although you'll still feel the need for a shower afterwards, to wash away the slime.

03-19-2008, 11:39 PM
Shellee, you really need to leave these boards for awhile. Go to the lake. Do some volunteer work for Jimmy Carter. Attend some Republican fund raisers. Go shopping with your daughter for a new nurses uniform (a really tight one and then post the pictures...with really hot underwear). Anything but commit suppuku in public on this board. You are really not cut out for this business. BTW, your daughter is seriously hot. And truly what mother wants to hear that?

Business is business just remove the content and the technology behind the e-commerce is all the same. Have I posted something that wasn't public record or all over the Industry Headlines all day? Check out the other boards this is all over the place and not all posted from me.

03-19-2008, 11:59 PM
Business is business just remove the content and the technology behind the e-commerce is all the same. Have I posted something that wasn't public record or all over the Industry Headlines all day? Check out the other boards this is all over the place and not all posted from me.
You just don't get it. So sad, too bad. Anyone can cut and paste anything, but you are trashing a porn career faster than anyone I have ever seen. And I have been doing this for at least a year and a half. So I know what I am talking about.

03-20-2008, 12:08 AM
You just don't get it. So sad, too bad. Anyone can cut and paste anything, but you are trashing a porn career faster than anyone I have ever seen. And I have been doing this for at least a year and a half. So I know what I am talking about.

I wasn't intending to have a porn career. So it's ok to trash that. I will take your advice and say goodnight.

Thanks for caring :waving:

03-20-2008, 01:25 AM
I wasn't intending to have a porn career. So it's ok to trash that. I will take your advice and say goodnight.

Thanks for caring :waving:
Well, then if you weren't intending to have a porn career, why are you wasting our time? I think new age relationship coaching might be your long suit. I shudder to think what you are teaching your clients. I believe you are in serious need of counseling and should seek professional help. Your wild mood swings and your amazing disregard of great advice has been breath taking. You made a few good points along the way, but an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite number of typewriters will eventually create the internet. So, you should leave as soon as possible....maybe after reading this post...with whatever dignity you have left which at this point is very little. I am sorry to say this, but you have been given chance upon chance and the only reason you are still here is because you are a girl and that is a sad commentary. Oh, and may I add that no one has even asked to see your tits. So take that any way you want to, but at least take it.

03-20-2008, 01:26 AM
I didn't like minusonebit but it is funny how people call others noob's trolls etc.. because they don't like them. I have it happen to me a lot. I have been around since 99 and have done really well for myself but the second I call out someone like Lars he says i probably dont have any traffic anyway and i have a day job.

Take minusonebit, the guy obviously has a little understanding of the law, his arguements with john were mostly right on from what I could tell, he just went over board. So that makes him fall into the troll category and someone who has 0 credibility... call it what you want, I think he made a lot of good points and at least he took the time to actually back up what he is saying with a lot of proof, not a popular concept it seems around here.

03-20-2008, 01:39 AM
I didn't like minusonebit but it is funny how people call others noob's trolls etc.. because they don't like them. I have it happen to me a lot. I have been around since 99 and have done really well for myself but the second I call out someone like Lars he says i probably dont have any traffic anyway and i have a day job.

Take minusonebit, the guy obviously has a little understanding of the law, his arguements with john were mostly right on from what I could tell, he just went over board. So that makes him fall into the troll category and someone who has 0 credibility... call it what you want, I think he made a lot of good points and at least he took the time to actually back up what he is saying with a lot of proof, not a popular concept it seems around here.

There was a time when truth meant nothing around here, but those days are over. Now it means everything. That is why I like this board.

03-20-2008, 01:56 AM
Business is business just remove the content and the technology behind the e-commerce is all the same. Have I posted something that wasn't public record or all over the Industry Headlines all day? Check out the other boards this is all over the place and not all posted from me.

Business is business, and regurgitating months old shit is still barf by anyone's standards.

03-20-2008, 02:03 AM
I think he made a lot of good points and at least he took the time to actually back up what he is saying with a lot of proof, not a popular concept it seems around here.

The minusonebit thing at ICWT has been re-written, and has gotten a lot better than it was. But it's still full of gross exageration and vague inuendo and ridiculous aspersions.

Which, unfortunately, seems to serve as fodder for the more vulnerable ones in our midst who want to drum up attention or alarm us as if we hadn't seen this when it came out, like four months ago...

And I wouldn't exactly call posts on boards "backing up" what is being asserted...

03-20-2008, 02:14 AM
WOW! It's deja vu, all over again!

03-20-2008, 02:26 AM

In case anyone wants a recap of this thread, here it is. Proof of everything below can be found in this very thread, except for the one link to another thread.


Not Only does Shellee decides it would be fun to kick TooMuchMedia in the balls by re-posting the WHOLE "Tens of Thousands of Adult Website Records Compromised" rant, she had the audacity to preface it with the following statement: "Well Here we go... I guess it is all coming out now!"

Jace tells Shellee Hale : "please dont' post that link like it is some authority site". Shelle Hale's reply to Jace's advice and request? "Jace, I am looking all over the place for the other side and I can't find a whole lot right now - help me out! I would love to post both sides of the story."

She obviously wouldn't like to post both sides of the story since she quoted from a piece by Quentin Boyer in XBiz which outlined both sides of the story, by pasting only the accusations - is that all she saw or all she wanted to see?

Now when she's pointed to the threads where all this info is posted, Instead of WORKING to dig up information, Shellee, she asks if someone might have BLOGGED it so she doesn't have to read it all? So much for getting 2 sides of a story! Now you just want to copy/paste it from someone elses Blog! Do you even care if they are right? or wrong? or even fair?

Then, Shellee Hale posts little gem "I know people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, BUT....." (See http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=89612).

You... said.... "BUT"! "BUT" Shellee Hale, B U T ???

Yes, Shelle, YES. People ARE innocent until proven guilty. The TOOMUCHMEDIA people are SMART, NICE, FANTASTIC people Shellee. Anyone who has ever met them or actually took the time to see what a great product they had would EVER believe that they are GUILTY until proven innocent.

Shellee: You have been in the industry for 8 months, and have no right, no experience, and no credibility whatsoever to say anything about anyone, or offer ANY advice to ANYONE about ANYTHING. You know nothing at all about the TooMuchMedia people but are copy/pasting old shit in an embarrassing effort to give yourself some kind of false sense of credibility. You don't even seem to understand the issue, and confused this with that other OLD case with Commission Junction in another thread... can't you stick to what you KNOW?

What do you KNOW, exactly?

03-20-2008, 02:31 AM
Mark, see the last shellee thread I started. It might be a whole lot shorter and easier to scroll through. If we are lucky it will be a one post thread.

03-20-2008, 02:41 AM
Mark, see the last shellee thread I started. It might be a whole lot shorter and easier to scroll through. If we are lucky it will be a one post thread.

My new favorite thread!



03-20-2008, 07:49 AM
You post this on the pond as if you just discovered it, too. You must really be a newbie as this is old news.

Keith's story originally said 90% of websites use NATS, now he says 35% which is still a horrible exaggeration.

He *did* get this mentioned in the mainstream media but it wasn't really picked up on, even though "data compromised" should have raised eyebrows.

From day one it was "NATS was hacked" when it never was.

I predict Shellee will be on imabro very, very son.

03-20-2008, 08:19 AM
I didn't like minusonebit but it is funny how people call others noob's trolls etc.. because they don't like them. I have it happen to me a lot. I have been around since 99 and have done really well for myself but the second I call out someone like Lars he says i probably dont have any traffic anyway and i have a day job.

Take minusonebit, the guy obviously has a little understanding of the law, his arguements with john were mostly right on from what I could tell, he just went over board. So that makes him fall into the troll category and someone who has 0 credibility... call it what you want, I think he made a lot of good points and at least he took the time to actually back up what he is saying with a lot of proof, not a popular concept it seems around here.

I think the guy just went overboard.
Im a big fan of the truth though. It makes me unpopular sadly.

03-20-2008, 08:21 AM
My new favorite thread!


This is priceless!
Just like ringing a dinner bell.

04-25-2009, 02:15 PM
BTW, your daughter is seriously hot.

whos got the pics of her daughter?

i remember seeing one but need a refresher