View Full Version : Newsletters?!?!?!?!? Your Opinion!

03-12-2008, 11:49 AM
SOOOOO...I would like to take a lil poll kinda. I would like to know how webmasters feel about the newsletters they recieve. What type of content do you enjoy seeing? What do you think is useless? What would make you want to to go to the site and check it out? Should newsletters be bi-weekly or monthly? This is for your wonderful and most wanted opinions so speak out!!! :okthumb:And in advance thanks for taking the time to read this and comment.

03-12-2008, 11:56 AM
I prefer to see a newsletter that tells me a new strategy on how to sell your product. Some information that shows me you are tracking trends to help me with better stratagies with my existing and future traffic.

I dont give a shit about your new promo and I could giuve a shit less about your new content if its not coupled with the above information.

I classify it as shit in my mailbox and I black list it.

03-12-2008, 12:05 PM
I agree with Gonzo, only send me email when you have something useful that will help me make more money.

Don't waste my time with hype and BS. I'm not a surfer, I do this for a living.

03-12-2008, 12:11 PM
The worst newsletters I get are from programs I am not signed up for, but have "bought" the rights to me email address from another program. One program in particular continues to spam the living crap out of me, and I know I don't have an account with them. They finally got blocked off in spamarrest (they had the balls to actually authorize themselves to send spam).

If you are going to send galleries / new free sites / new content notices, either make them separate or optional. Some people just want the news.

Oh yeah, if you don't have news, don't send a newsletter! Go do something that would be news THEN send us notification. Your new DJ mix CD or pictures from your latest drunken visit to a webmaster show are NOT news.

03-12-2008, 12:57 PM
I'm with Gonzo.

One of the biggest mistakes I've seen people make is sending out a newsletter for the sake of sending out a newsletter. In other words, it's just a bunch of garbage (especially the whole "new content newsletter") and it's deleted before it's even read.

You can send something monthly, semi-weekly, or whatever, but I'd suggest sending something out when you actually have something to talk about and not sticking to a set schedule. If you're debuting an entirely new product, great. Send something out. If you've noticed that a niche or particular service is doing better for some reason and would like to make sure your webmasters are savvy, send something out.

Don't set quotas on communication. It'll only come back to bite you in the ass in the end. Carpet bombing approaches to PR only works until people just stop paying attention to the bombs and go on about their regular routine. Make your words count.

03-12-2008, 03:14 PM
Agreed, all of the above. I don't mind a bi-weekly newsletter and the best ones tell me something I didn't know I wanted to know.

Good newsletters take time and deserve the same type of attention to innovation that we address with our other business efforts. There is so much posturing, I like to see a sincere real-life quote or mini-profile now and then on an expert we can respect, someone who has really created a great blog, or review site or whatever...

03-12-2008, 03:17 PM
Agreed, all of the above. I don't mind a bi-weekly newsletter and the best ones tell me something I didn't know I wanted to know.

Good newsletters take time and deserve the same type of attention to innovation that we address with our other business efforts. There is so much posturing, I like to see a sincere real-life quote or mini-profile now and then on an expert we can respect, someone who has really created a great blog, or review site or whatever...
That sounds like a great add in for that project we discussed in Vegas.

I want to interview.

1. Rogue Affiliate - THat bastard is bad!
2. Rogue Webmaster - He gets away with so much shit
3. Rogue Ex-Employee - Hes almost as bad as the affiliate!

and today I find the new kid on the block


03-12-2008, 03:23 PM
and today I find the new kid on the block


My old computer??

03-14-2008, 01:52 PM
I prefer to see a newsletter that tells me a new strategy on how to sell your product. Some information that shows me you are tracking trends to help me with better stratagies with my existing and future traffic.

I dont give a shit about your new promo and I could giuve a shit less about your new content if its not coupled with the above information.

I classify it as shit in my mailbox and I black list it.

I agree. One of the main reasons i submitted this thread is because I really haven't seen many posts regarding newsletters, but I do believe it is important. I want to make sure what we are sending out to our webmasters is something they WANT to read, and isn't viewed as spam. It's very important to me.:okthumb:

03-14-2008, 02:35 PM
Pretty much in line with everyone else. The information has got to be ueful to me. I diagree with Gonzo about promotions announcements not being useful. Telling me a program I use that converst nicely is paying more or oemhting like that for a time can certainly put more money in my pocket.

03-14-2008, 02:55 PM
I agree. One of the main reasons i submitted this thread is because I really haven't seen many posts regarding newsletters, but I do believe it is important. I want to make sure what we are sending out to our webmasters is something they WANT to read, and isn't viewed as spam. It's very important to me.:okthumb:
Ya got plenty of input!

03-14-2008, 03:51 PM
I think that with the number of programs (such as stats remote) out there, I think that many webmasters just don't visit program sites very often unless they are looking for something. Communicating with the webmasters with special offers, promotions, or major updates is probably a good idea.

Don't have a newsletter just to have a newsletter. There is a line in there somewhere that you go from pushing your sites to whoring yourself out instead, and that becomes counter to the idea of true promotion. You want people to read it.

03-14-2008, 04:15 PM
Ya got plenty of input!

Yes I did!!!! thank you guys so much. I really appreciate all the comments, and opinions. I think this not only helped me but possibly some other webmasters out there:rolleyes: