View Full Version : Shelleehale your site is screwed up in IE6

03-11-2008, 10:13 PM
just thought I would let you know...




03-11-2008, 10:22 PM
I just loaded it yesterday and am working on getting all the bugs worked out.. how did you even find it?

03-11-2008, 10:29 PM
Why are you using IE6 do you need the link to upgrade?

03-11-2008, 10:30 PM
I just loaded it yesterday and am working on getting all the bugs worked out.. how did you even find it?

Umm.. you posted a link to it in Nymphs thread?

(I didn't realize you were blond) :yowsa:

03-11-2008, 10:32 PM
Why are you using IE6 do you need the link to upgrade?

Why upgrade?? I stay pretty far away from the bleeding edge if I can. If I wanted to be a microsoft beta tester I would go fill in an application :yowsa:

03-11-2008, 10:35 PM
Why upgrade?? I stay pretty far away from the bleeding edge if I can. If I wanted to be a microsoft beta tester I would go fill in an application :yowsa:
Just buy VIsta

03-11-2008, 10:37 PM
Just buy VIsta


03-11-2008, 10:38 PM
Why upgrade?? I stay pretty far away from the bleeding edge if I can. If I wanted to be a microsoft beta tester I would go fill in an application :yowsa:
Well your talking to an x-microsoftee but its nice that your beta testing for me for free; thanks for the information I really appreciate it. :okthumb:

03-11-2008, 11:06 PM
Well your talking to an x-microsoftee

So, I can blame you for all the shit that got released untested and for the stupidity and obfuscation inherent in asp with vbscript ?

but its nice that your beta testing for me for free

It wasn't on purpose. I looked because Nymph complemented you on it. When I saw it in IE I just thought you would like to know.

thanks for the information I really appreciate it. :okthumb

You're welcome.

03-11-2008, 11:20 PM
You could if you wanted but paid users were used for beta testing for many years so blame them. But Obfuscation would not apply here and most of what you are saying is obsolete but since you are still using it let me sell you some old netscape hardware to complement what your running on.

03-11-2008, 11:27 PM
So, I can blame you for all the shit that got released untested and for the stupidity and obfuscation inherent in asp with vbscript ?

What are you doing using MicroShaft "technology" anyway?


03-11-2008, 11:33 PM
You could if you wanted but paid users were used for beta testing for many years so blame them. But Obfuscation would not apply here and most of what you are saying is obsolete but since you are still using it let me sell you some old netscape hardware to complement what your running on.

Just because MS calls something obsolete does not make it so.

There are plenty of places that have not gone to NET yet, there are many more running both NET and straight old ASP. Hell, there are still mainframes out there running COBOL and handling everything just fine. I saw 2 ads come across my monster the other day for fucking RPG and there are still plenty of places running DOS apps.

As far as what I run on, I have a myriad of hardware and software. I am a developer and have to be able to test in multitudes of environments. So, I have XP boxes both home and Pro, a Win98 install, a Media center install, an old NT install, a Linux with php4/mysql4, Linux with PHP5/mysql5, hell I even have access to a MacIntosh.

For browsers I have IE6, IE7 and an old IE5 install, FF 1, FF1.5 and I think I threw a new copy on one of the boes the other day so I might have 2. I have safari for Mac and Windows, I have IE for Mac (sucks beyond belief)

And obfuscation applies to many things when it comes to MS and it's products.

03-11-2008, 11:35 PM
What are you doing using MicroShaft "technology" anyway?


I use ASP at the day job. It wasn't my call...lol. Rick (our network admin) and I have been pushing for a nix server for a log time now.

03-11-2008, 11:36 PM
hahaha at first i thought it was made with frontpage but if you do a view source of the index page I get this

// (C) 2000 www.CodeLifter.com (http://www.CodeLifter.com)
// http://www.codelifter.com

and if you go to codelifter.com you see this

CodeLifter 5.0 is a source code viewer used to see
code on http:// html pages, including pages
blocked under no-right-click scripts, trapped in
windows without file menus or url boxes, and
'referrer' pages that cannot be seen in the browser.
Also see style .css and JavaScript .js files, etc. CodeLifter is ideal for viewing, studying, and copying http:// page and file code.

so great another thief in the adult world. i doubt you are ex microshaft. more like just another big talker. oh well. next time you steal shit you should remove the evidence before you start spamming yer shit

03-11-2008, 11:39 PM
wow there is worse shit in there.

a href="<A href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com">Kids</a></li">http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com">Kids</a></li>
<li class="gmen">

kids? kids? lady wtd what are you promoting anyway ??? teens is bad enuf clean yer code!

03-11-2008, 11:40 PM
You could if you wanted but paid users were used for beta testing for many years so blame them.

Has nothing to do with the paid testers. They don't decide when to release.

There is one way to tell for sure if an MS product will go to the street untested. If MS makes a big hoopla about it, it will be shit when it hits the street. I noticed that back at DOS4. They made all sorts of noise abut DOS4, when it ht the streets it was breaking peoples boxes. meanwhile, abot 3-4 months later they very quietly released DOS5.0 which was tremely stable and was the standard until everything went windows.

Win95, big hype, shitty product. Win98, not much hype, stable product. Winnt, no hype, stable product. etc etc etc Including Vista, lotsa hype, piece of shit product.

03-11-2008, 11:41 PM
wow there is worse shit in there.

a href="<A href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com">Kids</a></li">http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com">Kids</a></li>
<li class="gmen">

kids? kids? lady wtd what are you promoting anyway ??? teens is bad enuf clean yer code!

Which site is all that shit from?

03-11-2008, 11:47 PM
Which site is all that shit from?

Go to http://www.naughtyclicks.com/

then click on viewsource in ie. scroll down passed the Codelifter theft announcement and theres a link to kids. right now it looks just like a placeholder or sum shit but fucking still people you gotta be careful these days i mean fuck! anyway its just another link site to the same old shit we have all seen already so who cares. ha ha, owned.

03-11-2008, 11:54 PM
Go to http://www.naughtyclicks.com/

then click on viewsource in ie. scroll down passed the Codelifter theft announcement and theres a link to kids. right now it looks just like a placeholder or sum shit but fucking still people you gotta be careful these days i mean fuck! anyway its just another link site to the same old shit we have all seen already so who cares. ha ha, owned.

I went and looked. Yeah, saw that shit in there too. Makes you wonder don't it?

03-11-2008, 11:59 PM
it really does. kiddie porn is fucking sad and anyone who even jokes about it is a sick fuck. to be fair to the webmaster it just looks like he stole the code and called it his own but didn't look at it closely enough. theif? pedophile? both be twisted. any lawyers reading this :: what happens if you accidentally have this shit on your site?

03-12-2008, 12:05 AM
yo i just read more about codelifter. its free to download or they sell you a license for $20 or so but its truly for lazy mofos coz the code if gives you you could learn yourself easy. and even if youre a complete dumbass you still cant copy and run that code without knowing other things such as file permissions if the code was in perl for example. anyway shelleehale dont steal it makes baby jesus cry

03-12-2008, 12:57 AM
wow, you guys are talking freeking Swahili or something. I have no idea what all this shit means.

03-12-2008, 01:13 AM
>>>hahaha at first i thought it was made with frontpage but if you do a view source of the index page I get this

>>>// (C) 2000 www.CodeLifter.com (http://www.codelifter.com/)
>>>// http://www.codelifter.com (http://www.codelifter.com/)

What you are making reference to here is part of the free "Bookmark Us" script that the web designer used. But you know this. It is Obvious from looking at the code. Anyone reading this thread can go there and look for themselves and see that you are just being a malicious pathetic asshole . . .

>>>and if you go to codelifter.com (http://codelifter.com/) you see this

>>>CodeLifter 5.0 is a source code viewer used to see
>>>code on http:// html pages, including pages
>>>blocked under no-right-click scripts, trapped in
>>>windows without file menus or url boxes, and
>>>'referrer' pages that cannot be seen in the browser.
>>>Also see style .css and JavaScript .js files, etc. CodeLifter is ideal for viewing, studying, and copying http:// page and file code.

And you will also see several other tools on there, not just that one, but once again you know this, as it is obvious from reading the codelifter website . . . once again, anyone with half a brain can see that for his or herself by going to the site and reading about the tools on offer there.

>>>so great another thief in the adult world. i doubt you are ex microshaft. more like just another big talker. oh well. next time you >>>steal shit you should remove the evidence before you start spamming yer shit

What a pathetic, sorry little POS . . . insulting the intelligence of the ENTIRE board, as if people could not see for themselves that you are maliciously taking that markup out of context . . . how PATHETIC . . . is this the best you can do? You are truly laughable . . .

03-12-2008, 01:28 AM
>>>wow there is worse shit in there.

>>> a href="<A href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com (http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/)">Kids</a></li">http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com (http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/)">Kids</a></li>
>>> <li class="gmen">

>>> kids? kids? lady wtd what are you promoting anyway ??? teens is bad enuf clean yer code!

Low blow, and you know it, you pathetic little F Authority slime, how DARE you bring that into this, damn well knowing - AS IT IS OBVIOUS FROM READING THE CODE - that what happened was that a FREE TEMPLATE was used by a web designer, who inadvertently left a FEW SNIPPETS OF CODE in the new website, snippets that don't even show on the interpreted version of the website. The template used was:

http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/fashionhut/ (http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/fashionhut/)

Pathetic . . . once again, IS THIS THE BEST YOU CAN DO?

03-12-2008, 01:38 AM

03-12-2008, 01:40 AM
Ok Wise asses, The joke is over!!!!

This thread is completely absurd. Anyone who would look into the ranting would laugh at these clowns. But for those who want an explanation I will clear this up.

There is NO childporn on her site! With 4 children of her own and her concern with child protection on the net, Shellee would NEVER advocate such a disgusting exploitation of innocent children!

1.There is no-one under the age of 18 on the site,
2. there are no references to children on the site or ANYTHING of that nature not in any meta data or text!.

Heres the facts for those who gave this thread even a second glance:

She has not responsible for your so called accusations breaking the law, and I find your ranting quite insulting. But, if you are bored and want to fabricate stories, send your insults my way! I have tough skin and can take childish ranting :-) You see, I am the one who put the site together.

I am fairly new to the field of web design. I got my start in print design and love the challenge of learning to apply my designs to the web. Anything to lighten the load and make my life easier as I learn the ropes is fine by me.

We are working on a lot of projects right now and to save time, some of the code did come from a FREE CSS template and a snippit of code from the original template was not yet deleted and it contained the word kids. We were working on testing the site and completing it and still had some work to do.

In terms of codelifter, Its a shared open source codes to make a designers life easier if they are not familiar with JavaScript codes. They require you to leave the codelifter copy write notice in the script but allow you to use it on any site. I am wondering how this makes anyone a thief?

The only thing we are guilty of is using the resources out there to better our site. GASP. Shame on us!

So what’s your deal wise-asses? Do u have an issue with women trying to be successful in this business or need to flex your muscles to make up for your small dicks?

You must think you are pretty funny! The only reason to attack someone in this nature is because you feel threatened. Who the hell are you anyway and why do u have a bone to pick with Shellee Hale? Do you have nothing better to do with your time but to take things out of context and start shit? Your superior attitude impresses no one!

03-12-2008, 01:41 AM
I just loaded it yesterday and am working on getting all the bugs worked out.. how did you even find it?

Did you see this.... Only one person has a vendetta against me and he is the real thief and would not be suprised if you were him.

>>>then click on viewsource in ie. scroll down passed the Codelifter theft announcement

Theft announcement? Learn how to read imbecile, read:


// (C) 2000 www.CodeLifter.com (http://www.codelifter.com/)
// http://www.codelifter.com (http://www.codelifter.com/)
// Free for all users, but leave in this header
// message to show in non-IE browsers
var txt = "Bookmark this site"
// url you wish to have bookmarked
var url = "http://www.naughtyclicks.com (http://www.naughtyclicks.com/)";
// caption to appear with bookmark
var who = "XXX Directory – NaughtyClicks "
// do not edit below this line
// ===========================
var ver = navigator.appName
var num = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
if ((ver == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(num >= 4)) {
document.write('<A HREF="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(url,who);" ');
document.write('onMouseOver=" window.status=')
document.write("txt; return true ")
document.write('"onMouseOut=" window.status=')
document.write("' '; return true ")
document.write('">'+ txt + '</a>')
txt += " (Ctrl+D)"
</script>">>>and theres a link to kids.

A LINK TO KIDS? WHERE IS THERE A LINK TOP KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

right now it looks just like a placeholder or sum shit but fucking still people you gotta be careful these days i mean fuck! anyway its just another link >>>site to the same old shit we have all seen already so who cares. ha ha, owned.

Pathetic posting for someone who is claiming expertise... Once again what did I steal? Every accusation you made was false and deceptive - my question is what is your point or motive - unless you are **** ****** or **** *****?

03-12-2008, 02:26 AM
Ok Wise asses, The joke is over!!!!

This thread is completely absurd. Anyone who would look into the ranting would laugh at these clowns. But for those who want an explanation I will clear this up.

There is NO childporn on her site! With 4 children of her own and her concern with child protection on the net, Shellee would NEVER advocate such a disgusting exploitation of innocent children!

1.There is no-one under the age of 18 on the site,
2. there are no references to children on the site or ANYTHING of that nature not in any meta data or text!.

Heres the facts for those who gave this thread even a second glance:

She has not responsible for your so called accusations breaking the law, and I find your ranting quite insulting. But, if you are bored and want to fabricate stories, send your insults my way! I have tough skin and can take childish ranting :-) You see, I am the one who put the site together.

I am fairly new to the field of web design. I got my start in print design and love the challenge of learning to apply my designs to the web. Anything to lighten the load and make my life easier as I learn the ropes is fine by me.

We are working on a lot of projects right now and to save time, some of the code did come from a FREE CSS template and a snippit of code from the original template was not yet deleted and it contained the word kids. We were working on testing the site and completing it and still had some work to do.

In terms of codelifter, Its a shared open source codes to make a designers life easier if they are not familiar with JavaScript codes. They require you to leave the codelifter copy write notice in the script but allow you to use it on any site. I am wondering how this makes anyone a thief?

The only thing we are guilty of is using the resources out there to better our site. GASP. Shame on us!

So what’s your deal wise-asses? Do u have an issue with women trying to be successful in this business or need to flex your muscles to make up for your small dicks?

You must think you are pretty funny! The only reason to attack someone in this nature is because you feel threatened. Who the hell are you anyway and why do u have a bone to pick with Shellee Hale? Do you have nothing better to do with your time but to take things out of context and start shit? Your superior attitude impresses no one!

oprano is the new gfy, only with a bunch of fat old farts :whistling

03-12-2008, 06:01 AM
A LINK TO KIDS? WHERE IS THERE A LINK TOP KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

I know that is not directed at me but, at line 112 you do have an href that is labeled as kids. The style sheet makes it not show, however, searchengines will see it.

<div id="gallery">
<li class="gwomen"><a href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com">Women</a></li>
<li class="gkids"><a href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com">Kids</a></li>
<li class="gmen"><a href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com">Men</a></li>

03-12-2008, 06:12 AM
2. there are no references to children on the site or ANYTHING of that nature not in any meta data or text!.

Yes, there is. As I pointed out. Line 112. An Href with the text kids in it

I am fairly new to the field of web design. I got my start in print design and love the challenge of learning to apply my designs to the web. Anything to lighten the load and make my life easier as I learn the ropes is fine by me

Doesn't matter. At any adult board, if folks saw that code, they would not cut you any slack on it. Whether a newbie mistake or an experienced scammer, the link would bring ire down on you.

We are working on a lot of projects right now and to save time, some of the code did come from a FREE CSS template and a snippit of code from the original template was not yet deleted and it contained the word kids. We were working on testing the site and completing it and still had some work to do.

And 5 hours after someone posted about it, and 2.5 hours after you saw it, it is still there. That is unacceptable. Doesn't matter if you are working on it or not. If we can get to the site, then the SEs can get to the site. Once you knew about it it should have been top priority in getting it out of there.


03-12-2008, 08:16 AM
MArk Prince...I thought you left here becasue you were unwanted.

I think your a real candy ass hiding behind a fake nick showing the real pussy you are. You want to go after someone have the balls to do it under your real id.

soundslikebullshit tripped AE detector
soundslikebullshit seems to have multiple personalities using 2MuchMark (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/member.php?u=11741) and soundslikebullshit (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/member.php?u=12284) sharing the same computer.

This aint GFY...boy.

hahaha at first i thought it was made with frontpage but if you do a view source of the index page I get this

// (C) 2000 www.CodeLifter.com (http://www.CodeLifter.com)
// http://www.codelifter.com

and if you go to codelifter.com you see this

CodeLifter 5.0 is a source code viewer used to see
code on http:// html pages, including pages
blocked under no-right-click scripts, trapped in
windows without file menus or url boxes, and
'referrer' pages that cannot be seen in the browser.
Also see style .css and JavaScript .js files, etc. CodeLifter is ideal for viewing, studying, and copying http:// page and file code.

so great another thief in the adult world. i doubt you are ex microshaft. more like just another big talker. oh well. next time you steal shit you should remove the evidence before you start spamming yer shit

03-12-2008, 10:58 AM
like i said in a previous post i said it looks just like the webmaster forgot to remove some code with adult you need to keep far away from words like kids that is all peace.

03-12-2008, 11:05 AM
like i said in a previous post i said it looks just like the webmaster forgot to remove some code with adult you need to keep far away from words like kids that is all peace.

Why do you keep hiding behind this sock puppet Mark Prince?

Are you so small of a man that you cant bully someone with your own name?

03-12-2008, 12:20 PM
Where did you go Mark Prince?

You were liberally running that cocksucker of yours when you could hide like a little girl but play like the big bully.

Did you have to go lay off a few more people?

03-12-2008, 12:30 PM
Hello Everyone,

Nice try, Gonzo. I am not “soundslikebullshit”. I was about to blast you big time but now that I think of it I have a pretty good idea of who it is. We sold or gave away a bunch of old computers at our office and replaced them with shiny new ones (I have a brand new Core2 – woohoo!). All of our computers have “2Much” and other info in the Workgroup / Domain network settings. And as anyone who knows me can tell you, I ALWAYS use my real name on all forums either as my username, or as my signature. Anyone can bully behind a pseudonym.

Soundslikebullshit: If you are who I think you are, please take our name out of your workgroup settings. I don’t care what you do or where you post but I would appreciate it if this kind of thing not to be associated in any way with 2Much, thanks.

And besides Soundslikebullshit, you are wrong. I just took a look at Shelle’s site and the Codelifter code is a simple script to let people bookmark her page. You may want to read the the entire script next time before you make an ass of yourself. Here it is:

// (C) 2000 www.CodeLifter.com (http://www.CodeLifter.com)
// http://www.codelifter.com
// Free for all users, but leave in this header
// message to show in non-IE browsers
var txt = "Bookmark Us!"
// url you wish to have bookmarked
var url = "http://www.naughtyclicks.com";
// caption to appear with bookmark
var who = "XXX Directory – NaughtyClicks "
// do not edit below this line
// ===========================
var ver = navigator.appName
var num = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
if ((ver == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(num >= 4)) {
document.write('<A HREF="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(url,who);" ');
document.write('onMouseOver=" window.status=')
document.write("txt; return true ")
document.write('"onMouseOut=" window.status=')
document.write("' '; return true ")
document.write('">'+ txt + '</a>')
txt += " (Ctrl+D)"

All it does is create a bookmark for the user, and nothing else. No theft going on here sorry.

Shelleehale: I applaud you on your efforts to keep trying new things, but Mr Bullshit here is right about one thing. The word “kids” anywhere in your page is a huge mistake. Even if it links to nothing, crawlers will find it. If you ever decided to add billing to your site with CCBill for example, they would find this link and refuse your account.

Anyway if I were you Shellee, I would also drop the “Teen” stuff. Not technically illegal, but some companies avoid the teen market and those who promote this niche. Some of the companies that we work with also do not like the word “Lolita”. Technically and legally it has nothing to do with “Teens”, but the famous book written by author Vladimir Nabokov still makes some people nervous I guess.


Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 12:33 PM
Okay, let me wade through the bullshit a bit here.

Shelee & Pianogirl: You guys made a boo-boo, simply put. While there's nothing wrong with using free code, etc., it is indeed your responsibility to diligently check said code and make sure there's nothing undesirable contained in it. That being said, any reference to children in any way, shape, or form is a big party foul on an adult site. It doesn't matter if it's not displayed on the page itself and you have to go digging into the source code to find it. Like it was mentioned above, the search engines can still see it even if an end user can't. Soft launch or not, it's there, it can be seen, so you have to treat it as an end product.

Furthermore, after at least 10 some odd hours of being aware of this issue, neither of you have made the effort to change it. I only know this cause I went to view the source code not 10 minutes ago.

As an observer, this kind of thing doesn't bode well considering the topic of your other site, pornafia.com. Whether you actually are a hypocrite or not (and I have no reason to believe you are. It looks like you've just made a careless mistake and are too slow to correct it), it makes you look like a hypocrite.

Mark Prince, 2MuchMark, soundslikebullshit, or whatever the fuck your name is: It's obvious to everyone here that you're not interested in helping. If you were interested in actually pointing out a serious problem in an effort to get it changed you would have approached the topic in a much different way. Instead, it's obvious that you have something else in mind entirely. Folks like you exist in all realms of the adult industry and that's one of the reasons we have a hard time being taken seriously outside of the business.

Whatever you have against Shellee, take it offline. As Gonzo, said, this ain't GFY.

-Scott McGowan

03-12-2008, 12:42 PM
Did it take you an hour to come up with that lame assed excuse?

The plug in tracks your mac address not your workgroup name.

No only are you a pussy but your a fucking liar too!

And dont tell everyone you havent been logging in here so it couldnt have been tracked. I know for a fact that you have been logging into that "damned Oprano".

How else would you have congradulated my coworkers on how they were handling our buddy Rcourt?

Hello Everyone,

Nice try, Gonzo. I am not “soundslikebullshit”. I was about to blast you big time but now that I think of it I have a pretty good idea of who it is. We sold or gave away a bunch of old computers at our office and replaced them with shiny new ones (I have a brand new Core2 – woohoo!). All of our computers have “2Much” and other info in the Workgroup / Domain network settings. And as anyone who knows me can tell you, I ALWAYS use my real name on all forums either as my username, or as my signature. Anyone can bully behind a pseudonym.

Soundslikebullshit: If you are who I think you are, please take our name out of your workgroup settings. I don’t care what you do or where you post but I would appreciate it if this kind of thing not to be associated in any way with 2Much, thanks.

And besides Soundslikebullshit, you are wrong. I just took a look at Shelle’s site and the Codelifter code is a simple script to let people bookmark her page. You may want to read the the entire script next time before you make an ass of yourself. Here it is:

// (C) 2000 www.CodeLifter.com (http://www.CodeLifter.com)
// http://www.codelifter.com
// Free for all users, but leave in this header
// message to show in non-IE browsers
var txt = "Bookmark Us!"
// url you wish to have bookmarked
var url = "http://www.naughtyclicks.com";
// caption to appear with bookmark
var who = "XXX Directory – NaughtyClicks "
// do not edit below this line
// ===========================
var ver = navigator.appName
var num = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
if ((ver == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(num >= 4)) {
document.write('<A HREF="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(url,who);" ');
document.write('onMouseOver=" window.status=')
document.write("txt; return true ")
document.write('"onMouseOut=" window.status=')
document.write("' '; return true ")
document.write('">'+ txt + '</a>')
txt += " (Ctrl+D)"

All it does is create a bookmark for the user, and nothing else. No theft going on here sorry.

Shelleehale: I applaud you on your efforts to keep trying new things, but Mr Bullshit here is right about one thing. The word “kids” anywhere in your page is a huge mistake. Even if it links to nothing, crawlers will find it. If you ever decided to add billing to your site with CCBill for example, they would find this link and refuse your account.

Anyway if I were you Shellee, I would also drop the “Teen” stuff. Not technically illegal, but some companies avoid the teen market and those who promote this niche. Some of the companies that we work with also do not like the word “Lolita”. Technically and legally it has nothing to do with “Teens”, but the famous book written by author Vladimir Nabokov still makes some people nervous I guess.


Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 12:51 PM
Hello again,

Believe anything you like, Gonzo. I have no interest in trying to change your mind about anything at all.

03-12-2008, 12:56 PM
Hello again,

Believe anything you like, Gonzo. I have no interest in trying to change your mind about anything at all.

Why would anyone want to send their traffic to a program owner who is a liar and bullies women while he hides behind a sock puppet?

Tell me how far of a leap is it to go from liar to thief?

03-12-2008, 01:03 PM
The plug in tracks your mac address not your workgroup name.

No only are you a pussy but your a fucking liar too!

Actually Gonzo, you're wrong (and quite possibly a liar). MAC addresses are the unique addresses of any Network card in any pc, and are not transmitted in TCP/IP packets off of the local network to the Internet. You cannot obtain the MAC Address of a PC on the Internet unless that PC was running an application that would first obtain the mac address, and then publish it somehow. At any rate, you may want to re-read what I said earlier.

03-12-2008, 01:06 PM
Why would anyone want to send their traffic to a program owner who is a liar and bullies women while he hides behind a sock puppet?

Tell me how far of a leap is it to go from liar to thief?

I know! It must sure seem like a big mystery to you! Don't work too hard trying to figure this one out.

03-12-2008, 01:09 PM
Actually Gonzo, you're wrong (and quite possibly a liar). MAC addresses are the unique addresses of any Network card in any pc, and are not transmitted in TCP/IP packets off of the local network to the Internet. You cannot obtain the MAC Address of a PC on the Internet unless that PC was running an application that would first obtain the mac address, and then publish it somehow. At any rate, you may want to re-read what I said earlier.
Yeah everyone is wrong except for you Mark.

I guess now your going to tell me how probable it is that both IDs are in montreal as well.

You have a history of this shit with Shellee and I dont care either way. When you want to hide behind a sock puppet is when I do have a problem.

Take that shit to GFY. I wont have it here.

03-12-2008, 01:12 PM
I know! It must sure seem like a big mystery to you! Don't work too hard trying to figure this one out.
Im working on the next Playboy mansion party scam.

Im going buy a table for $1000 a seat and offer each of my affilaites the chance of a life time to sit with me at the same table for the price of $2000 a seat.

Did that work out pretty good when you did it?

03-12-2008, 01:18 PM
Well said ScottMcGowan. I don't care who the fake asshole is and I'm not interested in watching yet another Shellee Hale/Mark Prince shitfest, but the fact that after the references to children in the code was pointed out and yet Shellee chose to defend the reason it was there instead of thanking the person for pointing it out and removing it immediately, is disturbing. And I don't give a rat's ass how many kids she has, this is the kind of shit that can fuck our industry in the ass.


03-12-2008, 01:21 PM
Yeah everyone is wrong except for you Mark.

I guess now your going to tell me how probable it is that both IDs are in montreal as well.

You have a history of this shit with Shellee and I dont care either way. When you want to hide behind a sock puppet is when I do have a problem.

Take that shit to GFY. I wont have it here.

Our office is located in Monteral, Canada. The computers went to locals as I said earlier. No mystery there.

Shellee and I stopped doing business together months ago but it does not mean that I do not wish her well. You are the one who seems to want to stir stuff up.

You may want to stop the the "take it to GFY" thing. You only wish you had their popularity. You know as well as everyone else that a little drama here and there is good for any site because it attracts hits and therefore more banner impressions for you to brag to your advertisers about.

Anyway I have said my bit. I have emailed the person who I suspect needs to change their workgroup / domain (with a little Smarten-up message for good measure). I wish everyone a very nice day.

03-12-2008, 01:29 PM
Okay, let me wade through the bullshit a bit here.

Shelee & Pianogirl: You guys made a boo-boo, simply put. While there's nothing wrong with using free code, etc., it is indeed your responsibility to diligently check said code and make sure there's nothing undesirable contained in it. That being said, any reference to children in any way, shape, or form is a big party foul on an adult site. It doesn't matter if it's not displayed on the page itself and you have to go digging into the source code to find it. Like it was mentioned above, the search engines can still see it even if an end user can't. Soft launch or not, it's there, it can be seen, so you have to treat it as an end product.

Furthermore, after at least 10 some odd hours of being aware of this issue, neither of you have made the effort to change it. I only know this cause I went to view the source code not 10 minutes ago.

As an observer, this kind of thing doesn't bode well considering the topic of your other site, pornafia.com. Whether you actually are a hypocrite or not (and I have no reason to believe you are. It looks like you've just made a careless mistake and are too slow to correct it), it makes you look like a hypocrite.

Mark Prince, 2MuchMark, soundslikebullshit, or whatever the fuck your name is: It's obvious to everyone here that you're not interested in helping. If you were interested in actually pointing out a serious problem in an effort to get it changed you would have approached the topic in a much different way. Instead, it's obvious that you have something else in mind entirely. Folks like you exist in all realms of the adult industry and that's one of the reasons we have a hard time being taken seriously outside of the business.

Whatever you have against Shellee, take it offline. As Gonzo, said, this ain't GFY.

-Scott McGowan

We had already fixed this but I made an executive decision to leave it for now becuase of the inflamatory accusations as I don't have anything to hide nor am I involved in anything illegal or a thief. Although you may not agree with my not fixing this right away I wanted to remain transparent so it could be obvious what happened here.

In the last 9 months we have worked on over 19 sites and they aren't just porn walls. I am currently aquiring more sites and exclusive content as prices are dropping. Do any of you want to expose your first 9 months? I appreciate the help and support of 99.9% of you on here and am grateful for this experience as it has taught me a lot.

There are many people in this business making money off me with jobs, advertising and traffic and I am trying to have good products and weather the economic storm. Not one of them would say I was a thief or unethical. If anything I've been screwed a few times. Currently our sales are growing when most companies are down up to 35% or more. So, I must be doing something right.

All in all I think i will still be standing and the two bashers on here only time will tell (they don't even have reference to a site they own) but experts come in all shapes and sizes and even hide behind pseudonymn's.

Scott it is fixed.

03-12-2008, 01:30 PM
Our office is located in Monteral, Canada. The computers went to locals as I said earlier. No mystery there.

Shellee and I stopped doing business together months ago but it does not mean that I do not wish her well. You are the one who seems to want to stir stuff up.

You may want to stop the the "take it to GFY" thing. You only wish you had their popularity. You know as well as everyone else that a little drama here and there is good for any site because it attracts hits and therefore more banner impressions for you to brag to your advertisers about.

Anyway I have said my bit. I have emailed the person who I suspect needs to change their workgroup / domain (with a little Smarten-up message for good measure). I wish everyone a very nice day.

Hmmm you wish her well? How do you wish her well when you told her that you would do everything within your power to see that she didnt succeed?

Another lie.

As Ive told you on the mechanics of running this board.
I got this.
I dont need your advice.

Use that industry expert knowledge you tell your clients that you have to keep your webcam business rolling.

That way you wont have to lay off 3 more people.

03-12-2008, 01:33 PM
Im working on the next Playboy mansion party scam.

Im going buy a table for $1000 a seat and offer each of my affilaites the chance of a life time to sit with me at the same table for the price of $2000 a seat.

Did that work out pretty good when you did it?

Actually Gonzo, since you asked.

The cost of the Playboy spnsorship was $10,000. We were going to give away a free inviations to each of our customers to purchased a license within a certain time. We also offered the chance for previous customers to buy seat at our table for $2000 each.

The cost to us for each seat was $1000 + $250.00 for the show badge which was required, leaving us an $750.00 profit. In the end we partnered with another company for the table, sold several licenses thanks to the promotion, but only a couple to previous customers. Still, it worked out very well for everyone involved.

You have to understand that to someone like you who is already in the industry, going to Playboy is a nice party. But to new people the chance to go to Playboy means much more. Not only did we offer our clients Playboy, but lots of meetings with us and lots of introductions to important people during the entire course of the trade show. We provided our clients with a great entry into the world of adult, capped off with a great night at Playboy. Pardon me Gonzo if you don't think we deserve to make a $750.00 profit for that.


03-12-2008, 01:35 PM
If business is so good why are you using templates, and bad ones at that?

03-12-2008, 01:37 PM
Actually Gonzo, since you asked.

The cost of the Playboy spnsorship was $10,000. We were going to give away a free inviations to each of our customers to purchased a license within a certain time. We also offered the chance for previous customers to buy seat at our table for $2000 each.

The cost to us for each seat was $1000 + $250.00 for the show badge which was required, leaving us an $750.00 profit. In the end we partnered with another company for the table, sold several licenses thanks to the promotion, but only a couple to previous customers. Still, it worked out very well for everyone involved.

You have to understand that to someone like you who is already in the industry, going to Playboy is a nice party. But to new people the chance to go to Playboy means much more. Not only did we offer our clients Playboy, but lots of meetings with us and lots of introductions to important people during the entire course of the trade show. We provided our clients with a great entry into the world of adult, capped off with a great night at Playboy. Pardon me Gonzo if you don't think we deserve to make a $750.00 profit for that.

They werent checking for show badges. Lie 3.
Tony Morgan was at that party and I know he didnt have a show badge.

A thousand dollar profit. What a nice way to reward your affiliates and licensees.

Tell me the additional 5% hold back on top of the CCBill holdback... do you consider that a reward too?

03-12-2008, 01:40 PM
Hmmm you wish her well? How do you wish her well when you told her that you would do everything within your power to see that she didnt succeed?

Another lie.

As Ive told you on the mechanics of running this board.
I got this.
I dont need your advice.

Use that industry expert knowledge you tell your clients that you have to keep your webcam business rolling.

That way you wont have to lay off 3 more people.

Shellee, Did I ever say that to you?

Gonzo: 2Much is primarily an exporter. We sell our live streams to mostly Amercian end users. Running a business with 30 employees is tough to do, and when the US dollar drops from almost $1.40 to $.98 as it did in the last few years, companies with lots of people (read: lots of expenses) need to react.

I am happy to say that everyone here at 2Much are friends, and when lay offs have to occur as they did, it is not a pleasant thing. It is very very hard to do when you care for your employees as much as I do. You are a 1 man show so you will never have to worry about that, but trust me, it's not a position that anyone would like to be in.

03-12-2008, 01:44 PM
Shellee, Did I ever say that to you?

Gonzo: 2Much is primarily an exporter. We sell our live streams to mostly Amercian end users. Running a business with 30 employees is tough to do, and when the US dollar drops from almost $1.40 to $.98 as it did in the last few years, companies with lots of people (read: lots of expenses) need to react.

I am happy to say that everyone here at 2Much are friends, and when lay offs have to occur as they did, it is not a pleasant thing. It is very very hard to do when you care for your employees as much as I do. You are a 1 man show so you will never have to worry about that, but trust me, it's not a position that anyone would like to be in.

You didnt say it Mark... you emailed it.

03-12-2008, 01:47 PM
They werent checking for show badges. Lie 3.
Tony Morgan was at that party and I know he didnt have a show badge.

A thousand dollar profit. What a nice way to reward your affiliates and licensees.

Tell me the additional 5% hold back on top of the CCBill holdback... do you consider that a reward too?

In order to get a Bracelet which got you on the bus and then to the party, you needed to be a registered, paid attendee of the Webmaster Access West show. You did not need to wear your badge to the party, but you definately needed to be a registered attendee.

It was not a $1000 profit, it was a $750.00 profit, and I already answered your question in my previous post.

The 5% holdback is a company policy that we have had for years. It helps to protect us from any liabilities that customers using our MBase system may have from affecting us.

As our customers buy and sell from our mbase system, we payout to those customers every 2 weeks, exactly like any other billing company does. The 5% holdback protects us in the event that they have chargebacks, just like CCBill does. If a customer was hit with massive chargebacks and we paid out 100% to them, we would be in trouble and have a hard time recovering that money.

If the concept of holdbacks / chargebacks is alien to you Gonzo, there are plenty of billing companies with similar practices out there. Do some research.

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 01:48 PM
Well said ScottMcGowan. I don't care who the fake asshole is and I'm not interested in watching yet another Shellee Hale/Mark Prince shitfest, but the fact that after the references to children in the code was pointed out and yet Shellee chose to defend the reason it was there instead of thanking the person for pointing it out and removing it immediately, is disturbing. And I don't give a rat's ass how many kids she has, this is the kind of shit that can fuck our industry in the ass.


Hammer - Thanks for your advice; I am sorry you did not agree with my decision. Now, it seems you have some free time on your hands - I have a couple of projects if you are available and know php.

03-12-2008, 01:48 PM
You didnt say it Mark... you emailed it.

I would never say anything like that, to anyone. And besides Gonzo, the question wasn't to you, it was to Shellee. Why do you feel the need to butt-in?

03-12-2008, 01:50 PM
In order to get a Bracelet which got you on the bus and then to the party, you needed to be a registered, paid attendee of the Webmaster Access West show. You did not need to wear your badge to the party, but you definately needed to be a registered attendee.

It was not a $1000 profit, it was a $750.00 profit, and I already answered your question in my previous post.

The 5% holdback is a company policy that we have had for years. It helps to protect us from any liabilities that customers using our MBase system may have from affecting us.

As our customers buy and sell from our mbase system, we payout to those customers every 2 weeks, exactly like any other billing company does. The 5% holdback protects us in the event that they have chargebacks, just like CCBill does. If a customer was hit with massive chargebacks and we paid out 100% to them, we would be in trouble and have a hard time recovering that money.

If the concept of holdbacks / chargebacks is alien to you Gonzo, there are plenty of billing companies with similar practices out there. Do some research.

Mark Prince

I guess Tony Morgan was beamed in from outer space.

My ccbill account pays out direct to the affiliates.
You must have a new type that allows you to get an extra 5% off the top.

Or are you a billing company too now?

03-12-2008, 01:50 PM
All in all I think i will still be standing and the two bashers on here only time will tell (they don't even have reference to a site they own)

Just to make sure, are you including me as one of the 2 bashers?

I will withhold any further reply until you answer that.


03-12-2008, 01:57 PM
I would never say anything like that, to anyone. And besides Gonzo, the question wasn't to you, it was to Shellee. Why do you feel the need to butt-in?

Kinda like when your bullshit boy stuck his nose in this thread.
Besides Ill do what I want here and if you dont like it you can leave.

Like you said you were doing last time. Lie 4 or 5?

03-12-2008, 01:58 PM
Just to make sure, are you including me as one of the 2 bashers?

I will withhold any further reply until you answer that.


Hey youve bashed me before!

Spread the piss!!!

Butting in again... because I can.

03-12-2008, 01:59 PM
I guess Tony Morgan was beamed in from outer space.

My ccbill account pays out direct to the affiliates.
You must have a new type that allows you to get an extra 5% off the top.

Or are you a billing company too now?

I don't know who Tony Morgan is, and I can't speak for him or say if he had his badge or not, sorry.

No, we are not quite a billing company, but:

Each of our customers can sell and buy streams from each other when they share their streams with the common "pool", called Mbase. It is a way of populating sites with video chat streams and working together instead of competing against each other.

What 2Much does is gurantee that each client gets paid on time for any streams they sell to mbase. We guarantee it because we are the ones making the actual payment.

2Much takes a risk in doing this because it means that we have to collect on the customers who are doing the buying. How do we make sure that we get paid?

2 Ways. First, all new customers have to keep funds on account. Once we have established a healthy work relationship, credit may be possible, but we do so very carefully.

Next, as we payout to each customer who sells their streams to us, we impose a 5% holdback which, just like a billing company, is properly accounted for and paid out as a "returning holdback" 6 months later. All of this is carefully documented and includes detail as a part of our accounting system that we wrote as a part of the entire LiveCamNetwork 2.0 system.

I hope this answers your question.

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 01:59 PM
I would never say anything like that, to anyone. And besides Gonzo, the question wasn't to you, it was to Shellee. Why do you feel the need to butt-in?

And dont cry to me when she posts that email.
Ive already got a copy of it.

03-12-2008, 02:00 PM
Kinda like when your bullshit boy stuck his nose in this thread.
Besides Ill do what I want here and if you dont like it you can leave.

Like you said you were doing last time. Lie 4 or 5?

HAhahahahahaha... ok. Whatever you say, Gonzo. You're the king here.

03-12-2008, 02:01 PM
Actually Gonzo, since you asked.

The cost of the Playboy spnsorship was $10,000. We were going to give away a free inviations to each of our customers to purchased a license within a certain time. We also offered the chance for previous customers to buy seat at our table for $2000 each.

The cost to us for each seat was $1000 + $250.00 for the show badge which was required, leaving us an $750.00 profit. In the end we partnered with another company for the table, sold several licenses thanks to the promotion, but only a couple to previous customers. Still, it worked out very well for everyone involved.

You have to understand that to someone like you who is already in the industry, going to Playboy is a nice party. But to new people the chance to go to Playboy means much more. Not only did we offer our clients Playboy, but lots of meetings with us and lots of introductions to important people during the entire course of the trade show. We provided our clients with a great entry into the world of adult, capped off with a great night at Playboy. Pardon me Gonzo if you don't think we deserve to make a $750.00 profit for that.


Actually if I remember correctly you pretty much stood in the corners all night and hardly talked to anyone. Who are your contacts - I think I have better relationships than you do after only 9 months.

Here is the email you sent me....

Hi Shellee,

I forgot to tell you - we have finalized our plans with Playboy. If you would like to be involved here are the details below. You can also see some pictures located here: http://www.2much.net/playboy.html (http://www.2much.net/playboy.html)


Party with 2Much at the Playboy Mansion.

Dear Client,

2Much Internet Services Inc is pleased to invite you to join us at the word famous Playboy Mansion, in Beverly Hills California, for a unique networking Event on Friday Night November 16th 2007 at 8pm.

Celebrate your new business venture in style as you party at the Mansion, meet other business people, models, celebs, movers and shakers. Among the attendees will be other 2Much Customers, Top Models, Agencies and traffic driving companies, Top Billing and other vital to fast-tracking your business success. This is THE networking event of the year that YOU SHOULD NOT MISS.

Hugh Hefner (aka "Hef") is the supreme bachelor of our time and the ultimate "lifestyle entrepreneur". He has forever changed our world by breaking the boundaries related to sexuality, age, and gender. He created a revolutionary magazine with naked women and great articles in a time when sexuality was not even appropriate to talk about. Now, this is your chance to Party in his home.

2Much Internet Services Inc is very pleased to offer you this night that you will never forget. Delicious food, top-shelf drinks, in one of the most famous places on earth, High Hefner's Playboy Mansion. See the spectacular grounds, home, and of course, the infamous "Gotto" swimming pool.

The cost is $1900.00 Per Person. Availability is EXTREMELY LIMITED. Orders must be placed and paid for by FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30TH. All Sales are final. Transportation from downtown Los Angeles will be provided and mandatory. You will NOT be able to take your own transportation to this event. All non-recognized cars and limo's will be turned away at the gate. Only 1 pass per person will be available. Absolutely no invitations will be re-issued in the event you lose yours. Must be 18+. Proper Attire is required.

If you would like to attend please contact me, Mark Prince at xxxxxxxx or toll free xxxxxxxx , or by email at xxxxxxxxx.

See you at the Playboy Mansion!

Mark Prince, CEO
2Much Internet Services Inc.
http://www.2Much.net (http://www.2much.net/)

03-12-2008, 02:02 PM
I don't know who Tony Morgan is, and I can't speak for him or say if he had his badge or not, sorry.

No, we are not quite a billing company, but:

Each of our customers can sell and buy streams from each other when they share their streams with the common "pool", called Mbase. It is a way of populating sites with video chat streams and working together instead of competing against each other.

What 2Much does is gurantee that each client gets paid on time for any streams they sell to mbase. We guarantee it because we are the ones making the actual payment.

2Much takes a risk in doing this because it means that we have to collect on the customers who are doing the buying. How do we make sure that we get paid?

2 Ways. First, all new customers have to keep funds on account. Once we have established a healthy work relationship, credit may be possible, but we do so very carefully.

Next, as we payout to each customer who sells their streams to us, we impose a 5% holdback which, just like a billing company, is properly accounted for and paid out as a "returning holdback" 6 months later. All of this is carefully documented and includes detail as a part of our accounting system that we wrote as a part of the entire LiveCamNetwork 2.0 system.

I hope this answers your question.

Mark Prince

So cliff notes is... we scam an extra 5% on top of CCBill hold back and 17.5% processing fee.

Shit that doesnt leave much profit does it?

Guess that extra 5% is needed to "float".

03-12-2008, 02:02 PM
Hey youve bashed me before!

Spread the piss!!!

Butting in again... because I can.

Hmm. I was asking Shelee, but, you know better anyway. I am not a basher.

I am however, an asshole :okthumb:

03-12-2008, 02:04 PM
Just to make sure, are you including me as one of the 2 bashers?

I will withhold any further reply until you answer that.

Nope - I really am so lost in this whole thing as I have actual employees and work to do. So, thank you for the heads up so I could fix the error you noticed

03-12-2008, 02:07 PM
Hmm. I was asking Shelee, but, you know better anyway. I am not a basher.

I am however, an asshole :okthumb:
We are BOTH assholes!

03-12-2008, 02:07 PM
I have actual employees and work to do.

Try my method with them. Shock Collars :okthumb:

Increased the productivity around here about 200% :yowsa:

03-12-2008, 02:11 PM
And dont cry to me when she posts that email.
Ive already got a copy of it.

Gonzo you are the one accusing me, so why don't you post it here? (And don't forget the header information while you're at it).

And seriously, Shelle and I are no fans of each other but this is not something I would ever say to anyone. In fact I applaud Shellee for trying various new ideas to find something that works for her.

The adult business is full of "Amateurs" - I don't mean content, I mean people such as webmasters experimenting with new ideas and trying to make a buck. Everyone started the exact same way, you too, Gonzo, started with a computer and your very first line of HTML.

We as the adult community need to welcome people like that into this arena and help them any way we can, for the simple reason that someone reached out and helped us when we needed it.

I know you are going to bash me for saying this Gonzo, but this is what kills me about you and your board. There are very few helpful posts and threads here. It seems like nothing but drama (real or fake), and you seem way too eager to push people away for the wrong reasons. This is why I walked away from your board the last time. To me, the best board out there is http://www.ynot.com (http://www.ynot.com/). Helpful and smart, its where I send all new employees and all new customers too. It’s a great resource, and thankfully heavily moderated to keep the subjects on-track in any given thread. They take their board (and their chosen industry), seriously, and that’s why they are kings at least in my book.

Thankfully, the industry is evolving. Everyone is making lots of money and now we're looking for ways to protect our businesses, learn more from others, network and make friends. I think forums need to evolve in the same way otherwise the true moneymakers will start seeking other boards in hopes of having more serious discussions about things that really affect their business.

Mark Prince
http://www.2Much.net (http://www.2much.net/)

03-12-2008, 02:15 PM
Additionally in regards to the Playboy party this was a fundraiser so not only was Mark Prince increasing the price almost 100% you lost on the painted girls and other promotional add ons and missed out on the tax deduction by taking his offer which I did not. I guess I missed out on meeting all his great contacts which he values at as much as the original cost of a ticket.

03-12-2008, 02:16 PM
Shellee -

You're right, it was $1900.00, not $2000. That brings our profit to $650, not $750. My mistake.

Nice of you to notice me at the party. I didn't realize I was so interesting. And what can I say? I'm a shy person.



03-12-2008, 02:21 PM
Gee Mark then why do you log in here every day?

And I get along fine with the Ynot crew. I guess youve been too busy with your "contacts" to notice that Im good friends with Jay and Conner and have been for several years.

The indignant card doesnt work with me Mark. Its Shellee's email one and her choice to post it. Note shes already posted one.

Your the one laying off people and you constantly want to offer me advice on how to run this board.

The board runs fine as it has for several years. If anything its a much kinder and gentler board than it has been in the past. The people that complain usually are the ones caught in lies and scams.

I thought you were leaving?

Gonzo you are the one accusing me, so why don't you post it here? (And don't forget the header information while you're at it).

And seriously, Shelle and I are no fans of each other but this is not something I would ever say to anyone. In fact I applaud Shellee for trying various new ideas to find something that works for her.

The adult business is full of "Amateurs" - I don't mean content, I mean people such as webmasters experimenting with new ideas and trying to make a buck. Everyone started the exact same way, you too, Gonzo, started with a computer and your very first line of HTML.

We as the adult community need to welcome people like that into this arena and help them any way we can, for the simple reason that someone reached out and helped us when we needed it.

I know you are going to bash me for saying this Gonzo, but this is what kills me about you and your board. There are very few helpful posts and threads here. It seems like nothing but drama (real or fake), and you seem way too eager to push people away for the wrong reasons. This is why I walked away from your board the last time. To me, the best board out there is http://www.ynot.com (http://www.ynot.com/). Helpful and smart, its where I send all new employees and all new customers too. It’s a great resource, and thankfully heavily moderated to keep the subjects on-track in any given thread. They take their board (and their chosen industry), seriously, and that’s why they are kings at least in my book.

Thankfully, the industry is evolving. Everyone is making lots of money and now we're looking for ways to protect our businesses, learn more from others, network and make friends. I think forums need to evolve in the same way otherwise the true moneymakers will start seeking other boards in hopes of having more serious discussions about things that really affect their business.

Mark Prince
http://www.2Much.net (http://www.2much.net/)

03-12-2008, 02:23 PM
So cliff notes is... we scam an extra 5% on top of CCBill hold back and 17.5% processing fee.

Shit that doesnt leave much profit does it?

Guess that extra 5% is needed to "float".

No Gonzo, you are wrong again.

First CCBill charges us only 10.5%, not 17%.

Customers who have CCBill accounts are paid directly by ccbill, minus whatever per-transaction rate CCBill choses to charge them (usually its 14.5% I think). And as is industry standard, CCBill holds back 5%, and returns it 6 months later. Paycom, I think, has a 10% holdback but I'm not sure.

When 2Much pays out to its customers we also have a 5% holdback, and payout this 5% 6 months later. Again, industry standard.

I hope this clears it up for you.

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 02:24 PM
Try my method with them. Shock Collars :okthumb:

Increased the productivity around here about 200% :yowsa:

Hahahahaha... I like that idea. :)


03-12-2008, 02:27 PM
Additionally in regards to the Playboy party this was a fundraiser so not only was Mark Prince increasing the price almost 100% you lost on the painted girls and other promotional add ons and missed out on the tax deduction by taking his offer which I did not. I guess I missed out on meeting all his great contacts which he values at as much as the original cost of a ticket.

As I said, we partnered with someone else in the end so we did not get to have our name painted on the girls. But hey if the money you spent at it worked for you then congratulations.

I didn't know it was a fund raiser, Shellee. What charity was this for?

03-12-2008, 02:37 PM
Gee Mark then why do you log in here every day?

I don't log in every day. Sorry to burst your ego. However despite what I may think of your board as it currently stands I don't doubt that it serves a useful purpose, and will only get better as time goes by.

And I get along fine with the Ynot crew. I guess youve been too busy with your "contacts" to notice that Im good friends with Jay and Conner and have been for several years.

I didn't say you didn't! Where did that come from?

Gonzo, its normal to fight and argue on the boards, but its really not necessary to make those so personal. As you know there are lots of fights and drama at gfy.com, right? Did you also know that their warm-up parties at Internext are constantly the best? A fight online does not necessarily translate into face to face fight. We're all adults here for cryin' out loud... of course you're friends with Jay and Connor. They're nice people! Who wouldn't want to be friends with them?

The indignant card doesnt work with me Mark. Its Shellee's email one and her choice to post it. Note shes already posted one.


Your the one laying off people and you constantly want to offer me advice on how to run this board.

I'm sorry Gonzo, I thought you would appreciate the opinion of one of your board members. I'll try not to tell you what to do any longer because clearly you have a plan.

I thought you were leaving?

I was, but a little birdy told me I was mentioned here so I came to check it out.

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 02:38 PM
As I said, we partnered with someone else in the end so we did not get to have our name painted on the girls. But hey if the money you spent at it worked for you then congratulations.

I didn't know it was a fund raiser, Shellee. What charity was this for?

Free Speech Coalition

03-12-2008, 02:48 PM
Cool, thanks! I will contact them and see if we can't qualify. Since we're Canadian I doubt our idiot tax collectors will let us write it off but I'll try.

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 02:51 PM
You can leave anytime you want Mark. But we both know you will be back.

Food for thought. I was here before you started in this business and given your current course I will be here long afterwards.

Shouldnt you be trying to bolster up business so you can hire those laid off back?

Or maybe chasing down the "rogue computer user" that exists in charityland to change the workgroup?

Or maybe to relabel yourself as an import/export business when we all sell fucking porn.

Im paid to be here.

03-12-2008, 02:59 PM
You can leave anytime you want Mark. But we both know you will be back.

Somehow, Gonzo, I think you are right. I think we both have a deep, deep love for each other. Perhaps its sexual. My nether regions are tingling right now as I write this.

Food for thought. I was here before you started in this business and given your current course I will be here long afterwards..

Congrats. Personally I hope to expand and have lots of businesses in other industries including adult, but thats just me.

Shouldnt you be trying to bolster up business so you can hire those laid off back?.

No. Business is just fine and we're more profitable now, but THANK YOU FOR YOUR ADVICE. (Geeze!) :)

Or maybe chasing down the "rogue computer user" that exists in charityland to change the workgroup?

Nah. I already did my part. (read above!)

Or maybe to relabel yourself as an import/export business when we all sell fucking porn.

When you have a product or service in one country, and you sell it to consumers in another country, you are exporting it. Was I not clear enough the first time?

Im paid to be here.

What? You mean this is your JOB? All this time I thought you were the owner of this site. Oh well. Let's hope you don't get laid off!


Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 03:04 PM

Wow - http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=89512 This really does put the icing on the cake. She was your highest producer and your sales girl. How bad are things? I guess I really do have influence - anyboody else what to screw me over?

03-12-2008, 03:07 PM
Next you will be flinging french fries at mens assholes.
I guess you can raise the profits by firing asses.
Me - I wouldnt want to be in the sector of this business that your in. More so now than ever so I hope that expansion goes well for ya.

You should try working at your company though. When you treat it like a job like I do here... then you dont have to lay off people.

Camgirls dont jump ship to other networks and you down have to downsize your computer and open yourself up to rogue computer users that have the same mac address you do running on the same DSL segment in montreal.

I hope LAJ and Conner dont get too jealous.

Somehow, Gonzo, I think you are right. I think we both have a deep, deep love for each other. Perhaps its sexual. My nether regions are tingling right now as I write this.

Congrats. Personally I hope to expand and have lots of businesses in other industries including adult, but thats just me.

No. Business is just fine and we're more profitable now, but THANK YOU FOR YOUR ADVICE. (Geeze!) :)

Nah. I already did my part. (read above!)

When you have a product or service in one country, and you sell it to consumers in another country, you are exporting it. Was I not clear enough the first time?

What? You mean this is your JOB? All this time I thought you were the owner of this site. Oh well. Let's hope you don't get laid off!


Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 03:12 PM
Boy this is turning into a real pissing contest...

... I'm ashamed of you all.

03-12-2008, 03:15 PM
Boy this is turning into a real pissing contest...

... I'm ashamed of you all.
My bladder has been full a long time.

I think its being so close to your old office that brings out the bad in me.

03-12-2008, 03:16 PM
If I needed someone to introduce me to all the movers and shakers I sure wouldn't pay a shy person to do it. :whistling

03-12-2008, 03:19 PM
If I needed someone to introduce me to all the movers and shakers I sure wouldn't pay a shy person to do it. :whistling
Its not worth 2K to you?

03-12-2008, 03:23 PM

Wow - http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=89512 This really does put the icing on the cake. She was your highest producer and your sales girl. How bad are things? I guess I really do have influence - anyboody else what to screw me over?

No Shellee, you're wrong (and you're wrong again too, Gonzo. Wow this must be a record for you!)

That girl Bella looks a little like our girl Kedra, but its not her. And FYI, KEDRA is one of the very best converters here at LiveCamNetwork.com. And if it was her, I wouldnt mind. Unlike some companies we do not require exclusive contracts with our performers in a lame attempt to lock them in. They are completely free to work for any other companies they like. We instead work hard to earn their business. She has also been promoted to a sales agent at 2Much.net and is busy bringing in lots of new clients for us.

Nice Try Gonzo (and Shellee). Is this the best that you can do?

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 03:25 PM
Next you will be flinging french fries at mens assholes.
Hey, if thats what you like... I'd be happy to oblidge.



03-12-2008, 03:26 PM
Boy this is turning into a real pissing contest...

... I'm ashamed of you all.

Agreed. Time to put this puppy to rest.

It's been real, and its been fun, but it hasn't been real fun.



03-12-2008, 03:27 PM
No Shellee, you're wrong (and you're wrong again too, Gonzo. Wow this must be a record for you!)

That girl Bella looks a little like our girl Kedra, but its not her. And FYI, KEDRA is one of the very best converters here at LiveCamNetwork.com. And if it was her, I wouldnt mind. Unlike some companies we do not require exclusive contracts with our performers in a lame attempt to lock them in. They are completely free to work for any other companies they like. We instead work hard to earn their business. She has also been promoted to a sales agent at 2Much.net and is busy bringing in lots of new clients for us.

Nice Try Gonzo (and Shellee). Is this the best that you can do?

Mark Prince

That is Kedra and now this is really strange why would you lie about that? You can ask Camsturbate they will verify.

03-12-2008, 03:30 PM
Its not worth 2K to you?
Let's just say I can think of better ways to spend $2k.

03-12-2008, 03:34 PM
Scott it is fixed.

Probably the smartest decision you've made in the past 24 hours.

03-12-2008, 03:37 PM
If I needed someone to introduce me to all the movers and shakers I sure wouldn't pay a shy person to do it. :whistling

Very true. In hindsight it wasn't my best idea, but oh well, it still worked out in the end.


03-12-2008, 03:40 PM
Actually Gonzo, you're wrong (and quite possibly a liar). MAC addresses are the unique addresses of any Network card in any pc, and are not transmitted in TCP/IP packets off of the local network to the Internet. You cannot obtain the MAC Address of a PC on the Internet unless that PC was running an application that would first obtain the mac address, and then publish it somehow. At any rate, you may want to re-read what I said earlier.

You are full of shit or have no clue what you are talking about. MAC address tracking is COMMON - and don't even come back with some idiotic play-on-words-sidestep-the-issue-bullshit . . . anyone who has it together KNOWS that MAC address tracking is common . . . please . . .

03-12-2008, 03:41 PM
That is Kedra and now this is really strange why would you lie about that? You can ask Camsturbate they will verify.

Yeah right. Do you really think that Camturbate would give up personal information? And besides, Kedra is standing right here Shellee and she's reading this. Would you like proof of this?



03-12-2008, 03:44 PM
My bladder has been full a long time.

I think its being so close to your old office that brings out the bad in me.

I know of a few excellent places for relieving yourself.

03-12-2008, 03:45 PM
Yeah right. Do you really think that Camturbate would give up personal information? And besides, Kedra is standing right here Shellee and she's reading this. Would you like proof of this?



yeah! Take a fan sign type picture with the two of you and the date and shit! Let's keep this drama going! WOOooOOOoOoOo!

03-12-2008, 03:47 PM
You are full of shit or have no clue what you are talking about. MAC address tracking is COMMON - and don't even come back with some idiotic play-on-words-sidestep-the-issue-bullshit . . . anyone who has it together KNOWS that MAC address tracking is common . . . please . . .

MAC Addresses are known in a LAN (Local Area Network) environment. For example, you can tell your wireless router to accept a connection from your wireless computer by allowing only its MAC address to connect. However this MAC address is not available via a WAN, or Wide Area Network because it is simply not transmitted as a part of any tcp/ip packet.

You can read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_address

03-12-2008, 03:51 PM
No Shellee, you're wrong (and you're wrong again too, Gonzo. Wow this must be a record for you!)

That girl Bella looks a little like our girl Kedra, but its not her. And FYI, KEDRA is one of the very best converters here at LiveCamNetwork.com. And if it was her, I wouldnt mind. Unlike some companies we do not require exclusive contracts with our performers in a lame attempt to lock them in. They are completely free to work for any other companies they like. We instead work hard to earn their business. She has also been promoted to a sales agent at 2Much.net and is busy bringing in lots of new clients for us.

Nice Try Gonzo (and Shellee). Is this the best that you can do?

Mark Prince


You really do believe your bullshit.
Please keep running your signature so everyone can decide for themselves.
Maybe you can give us some more side step on the ROGUE MAC ADDRESS.

03-12-2008, 03:53 PM
I know of a few excellent places for relieving yourself.
Ive already heard about the summer sewerfest!

But Ive visted your stool at Sir Eds and Im going back to the Penguin tonight.

03-12-2008, 04:01 PM
yeah! Take a fan sign type picture with the two of you and the date and shit! Let's keep this drama going! WOOooOOOoOoOo!

Oh yeah, Mark, I expect tits in this pic, btw.

03-12-2008, 04:06 PM
Shouldn't take Mark long to post a snap of Kedra and himself with this thread open on his monitor.

03-12-2008, 04:08 PM
Shouldn't take Mark long to post a snap of Kedra and himself with this thread open on his monitor.
Hes in the import export business...what do you think he sells ??? porn?

add pompous asshole to his list of credentials.

03-12-2008, 04:10 PM
Okay, a snap of Kedra crying with Mark consoling her standing next to his monitor with this thread on it will be even better.

03-12-2008, 04:10 PM
Right now, Kedra is talking to Shelle, and Shellee's doing a great job of making Kedra cry.

Nice going, Shellee. Hope you're proud of yourself. Nice going to you too Gonzo. You should both pat yourselves on the back now.

I'm gone.

No reason to cry if it isnt her.
But its a good excuse to bail when your busted again!

03-12-2008, 04:13 PM
hmmm... wonder why Mark deleted his post about Kedra crying right after I posted?

03-12-2008, 04:14 PM
hmmm... wonder why Mark deleted his post about Kedra crying right after I posted?
He had to go import a webcam I guess.

Maybe the Rogue Charity Computer user with the Rogue MAC address has one.

03-12-2008, 04:17 PM
Mark why is your cam girl pleading with Shelle Hale to say that the girl is a look alike?

Is this why shes crying?

03-12-2008, 04:21 PM
MAC Addresses are known in a LAN (Local Area Network) environment. For example, you can tell your wireless router to accept a connection from your wireless computer by allowing only its MAC address to connect. However this MAC address is not available via a WAN, or Wide Area Network because it is simply not transmitted as a part of any tcp/ip packet.

You can read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_address

I did not go read the article but I do know that a Mac Address can be read through a packet sniffer. So, they may not show in the tcp transaction received, they are part of the tcp packet.

03-12-2008, 04:21 PM
MAC Addresses are known in a LAN (Local Area Network) environment. For example, you can tell your wireless router to accept a connection from your wireless computer by allowing only its MAC address to connect. However this MAC address is not available via a WAN, or Wide Area Network because it is simply not transmitted as a part of any tcp/ip packet.

You can read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_address

You read WIKIPEDIA articles for your info?

The MAC address does not need to be available on a WAN . . . all that is needed is the IP address. Once that is available, only a SECURE system would prevent someone (or someone's software) from obtaining the MAC address.

This is common knowledge.

03-12-2008, 04:21 PM
Shouldn't take Mark long to post a snap of Kedra and himself with this thread open on his monitor.

Here you go Hammer! (Note that we included your post in the left-hand monitor)





Once again, Shellee, Where is your PROOF? Oh and nice job talking to Kedra on the phone just now. You said you had PROOF, so Where is it?

Gonzo, I think you need to point your LIAR rants in a new direction.

OWNED, Shellee. OWNED, Gonzo. :)

Oh and everyone, Kedra is a GREAT Converter and makes webmasters lots of money. You really need to send her your traffic. (Hey - at least someone can beniifit from the shitfest that this thread has become!)

Cheers all!

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 04:27 PM
Dude you have no idea the ICQs Im getting.

Whats your paypal address?
I feel sorry for you.

Please dont stop.

Rcourt youve been bested!

03-12-2008, 04:28 PM
hmmm... wonder why Mark deleted his post about Kedra crying right after I posted?

I made a mistake - I thought she was crying, but she was only laughing at Shellee Hale.

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 04:31 PM
Mark why is your cam girl pleading with Shelle Hale to say that the girl is a look alike?

Is this why shes crying?

Kedra has informed me personally that the cam girl Bella is not her!

Wow that is a great likeness; I told Kedra I would reserve judgement until Bella got back online and I could see for myself.

03-12-2008, 04:33 PM
All this MAC address debate reminded me that we have a security advisor on staff here ....

The O signal has been ignited.

Would someone from Mitnick Security Consulting (http://www.mitnicksecurity.com/) please answer a support call from your friends her at Oprano?

03-12-2008, 04:37 PM
Kedra has informed me personally that the cam girl Bella is not her!

Wow that is a great likeness; I told Kedra I would reserve judgement until Bella got back online and I could see for myself.

Until then, Shellee, I guess she's guilty until proven innocent? Oh well. Whatever makes you happy. If the pictures above weren't proof enough then I guess you win. We have nothing more to prove to you. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Cheers all!

Mark Prince
http://www.2Much.net (http://www.2much.net/)
http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com (http://www.livecamnetwork.com/)

03-12-2008, 04:38 PM
All this MAC address debate reminded me that we have a security advisor on staff here ....

The O signal has been ignited.

Would someone from Mitnick Security Consulting (http://www.mitnicksecurity.com/) please answer a support call from your friends her at Oprano?

Oh SHIT Gonzo! You have THEM on YOUR SIDE? :clapping:

My respects, Don Gonzo, my respects :)



03-12-2008, 04:42 PM
I thought I made it clear that we expected tits in the photos.

Sheesh. It's like trying to talk to a manhole cover.

03-12-2008, 04:42 PM
Shouldn't take Mark long to post a snap of Kedra and himself with this thread open on his monitor.

Shellee, Gonzo: Now who's a liar? Read....

Hammer: I have been instructed to inform you that there is a special message waiting for you here:




03-12-2008, 04:43 PM
Oh SHIT Gonzo! You have THEM on YOUR SIDE? :clapping:

My respects, Don Gonzo, my respects :)



Kevin and Darci Wood are both friends of Oprano.

If you dont know the history of how that came about remind me to link you to the boards most popular thread of all time when you have a weekend to kill....

If you dont know Darci shes was one of those lab techie chicks on G4 with Leo Laporte etc.

You can check her blog out at http://www.agirlandhermac.com

Im sure they will be wrong too though.

03-12-2008, 04:53 PM
Kevin and Darci Wood are both friends of Oprano.

If you dont know the history of how that came about remind me to link you to the boards most popular thread of all time when you have a weekend to kill....

If you dont know Darci shes was one of those lab techie chicks on G4 with Leo Laporte etc.

You can check her blog out at http://www.agirlandhermac.com

Im sure they will be wrong too though.

Sheez man, we don't need to be bothering Kevin and Darci (however Darci can show her cute little face anytime she wants as far as I'm concerned) We can solve the MAC Address debate real easy:

An http protocol packet has 5 layers:

The physical layer (actual computers)
The ethernet layers (this contains the MAC address of the two machines that are talking to each other - sender and reciever)
The IP layer - contains the destination ip
The TCP layer which contains the port info
and the http layer whc\ich contains the actual request

So, like I said, even though we normally do not see the ethernet layer (the MAC addresses) when we are doing our every day processing, it is there and can be detected by a packet sniffer.

here is the breakdown on a packet: from http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/03/21/FreeBSD_Basics.html

Packet 10
TIME: 10:25:36.854420 (6.232947)
LINK: 00:00:B4:3C:56:40 -> 00:50:BA:DE:36:33 type=IP
IP: biko -> genisis hlen=20 TOS=10 dgramlen=44 id=0013
MF/DF=0/1 frag=0 TTL=64 proto=TCP cksum=26A7
TCP: port blackjack -> telnet seq=3205630181 ack=0000000000
hlen=24 (data=0) UAPRSF=000010 wnd=16384 cksum=7814 urg=0
DATA: <No data>
---------------------------------------------------------------Not counting the TIME heading, there are four parts to this packet. The LINK heading represents the Layer 2 frame. Normally, this is the portion of the packet that is monitored by the NIC; you'll note that it contains the MAC address of the sending computer and the MAC address of the destination computer. There are several different types of Ethernet frames; I can tell this is an Ethernet_II frame since it contains a "type" field.

More here http://www.newartisans.com/blog_files/life.and.times.tcp.packet.php

03-12-2008, 04:56 PM
Here you go Hammer! (Note that we included your post in the left-hand monitor)

Once again, Shellee, Where is your PROOF? Oh and nice job talking to Kedra on the phone just now. You said you had PROOF, so Where is it?

Gonzo, I think you need to point your LIAR rants in a new direction.

OWNED, Shellee. OWNED, Gonzo. :)

Oh and everyone, Kedra is a GREAT Converter and makes webmasters lots of money. You really need to send her your traffic. (Hey - at least someone can beniifit from the shitfest that this thread has become!)

Cheers all!

Mark Prince

Well Mark as you might be aware I don't show all my cards at once. Some cards I am waiting to use in a more appropriate forum.. Now if you were recording the call or something then why don't you just post it for everyone to hear I pretty much laid out your whole scam to Kedra which is why she was crying. She has been selling this for you and I don't think she felt very good about selling a license to people for you to have a venue to steal from them.

All I can say is at my second conference I was warned in detail about you from another victim and since then they have come out of the wood work one by one, I hung on as long as could to gather as much evidence as possible and will use it as I please.

For anyone that is going to say then take legal action... let me reply with this suing Mark Prince who doesn't even own a home would be like walking to the toilet and tearing up the cash to flush away - He is worthless and he has so many victims a class action suit which is warranted would net me nothing but headaches a lot like these little rants that waste my time.

03-12-2008, 05:02 PM
Kevin and Darci Wood are both friends of Oprano.

If you dont know the history of how that came about remind me to link you to the boards most popular thread of all time when you have a weekend to kill....

If you dont know Darci shes was one of those lab techie chicks on G4 with Leo Laporte etc.

You can check her blog out at http://www.agirlandhermac.com

Im sure they will be wrong too though.


Yes, please post the link, I don't have a weekend to kill but it sounds interesting . . .

And no, I didn't know Darci . . . checking out her blog right now.

03-12-2008, 05:02 PM
Hahaha I think I can afford to call in a few favors from them.
You know as well as I do they both hate liars as much as I do.

Should we call the new show LieBusters?

Sheez man, we don't need to be bothering Kevin and Darci (however Darci can show her cute little face anytime she wants as far as I'm concerned) We can solve the MAC Address debate real easy:

An http protocol packet has 5 layers:

The physical layer (actual computers)
The ethernet layers (this contains the MAC address of the two machines that are talking to each other - sender and reciever)
The IP layer - contains the destination ip
The TCP layer which contains the port info
and the http layer whc\ich contains the actual request

So, like I said, even though we normally do not see the ethernet layer (the MAC addresses) when we are doing our every day processing, it is there and can be detected by a packet sniffer.

here is the breakdown on a packet: from http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/03/21/FreeBSD_Basics.html

Packet 10
TIME: 10:25:36.854420 (6.232947)
LINK: 00:00:B4:3C:56:40 -> 00:50:BA:DE:36:33 type=IP
IP: biko -> genisis hlen=20 TOS=10 dgramlen=44 id=0013
MF/DF=0/1 frag=0 TTL=64 proto=TCP cksum=26A7
TCP: port blackjack -> telnet seq=3205630181 ack=0000000000
hlen=24 (data=0) UAPRSF=000010 wnd=16384 cksum=7814 urg=0
DATA: <No data>
---------------------------------------------------------------Not counting the TIME heading, there are four parts to this packet. The LINK heading represents the Layer 2 frame. Normally, this is the portion of the packet that is monitored by the NIC; you'll note that it contains the MAC address of the sending computer and the MAC address of the destination computer. There are several different types of Ethernet frames; I can tell this is an Ethernet_II frame since it contains a "type" field.

More here http://www.newartisans.com/blog_files/life.and.times.tcp.packet.php

03-12-2008, 05:07 PM
I thought I made it clear that we expected tits in the photos.

Sheesh. It's like trying to talk to a manhole cover.

Very sorry, Scott!

I will ask Kedra for a Tit shot and get back to you.

In the mean time, here's a picture of another chat girl that works for us that may help you out.



Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 05:09 PM
Shellee, Gonzo: Now who's a liar? Read....

Hammer: I have been instructed to inform you that there is a special message waiting for you here:





What did I lie about? Be specific and when I proove you wrong and you go back under your rock maybe we can all go another couple months without you trying to take down me and Rachel to deflect from what your guilty of.

03-12-2008, 05:16 PM
Sheez man, we don't need to be bothering Kevin and Darci (however Darci can show her cute little face anytime she wants as far as I'm concerned) We can solve the MAC Address debate real easy:

An http protocol packet has 5 layers:

The physical layer (actual computers)
The ethernet layers (this contains the MAC address of the two machines that are talking to each other - sender and reciever)
The IP layer - contains the destination ip
The TCP layer which contains the port info
and the http layer whc\ich contains the actual request

So, like I said, even though we normally do not see the ethernet layer (the MAC addresses) when we are doing our every day processing, it is there and can be detected by a packet sniffer.

here is the breakdown on a packet: from http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/03/21/FreeBSD_Basics.html

Packet 10
TIME: 10:25:36.854420 (6.232947)
LINK: 00:00:B4:3C:56:40 -> 00:50:BA:DE:36:33 type=IP
IP: biko -> genisis hlen=20 TOS=10 dgramlen=44 id=0013
MF/DF=0/1 frag=0 TTL=64 proto=TCP cksum=26A7
TCP: port blackjack -> telnet seq=3205630181 ack=0000000000
hlen=24 (data=0) UAPRSF=000010 wnd=16384 cksum=7814 urg=0
DATA: <No data>
---------------------------------------------------------------Not counting the TIME heading, there are four parts to this packet. The LINK heading represents the Layer 2 frame. Normally, this is the portion of the packet that is monitored by the NIC; you'll note that it contains the MAC address of the sending computer and the MAC address of the destination computer. There are several different types of Ethernet frames; I can tell this is an Ethernet_II frame since it contains a "type" field.

More here http://www.newartisans.com/blog_files/life.and.times.tcp.packet.php

Very interesting.

According to what I had read on the subject, the only reliable way to obtain the MAC addy is to either enter Layer 2 and get it yourself or (preferably) have software go there, grab it, and send it back to you . . .

Either way though, I agree that it is settled, insofar as my original point went: you can be tracked by MAC address on the internet.

Disclaimer: I am a Larval stage ;) Pythonista/Rubyist . . . not into networking/security that much at all . . .

03-12-2008, 05:25 PM
Very interesting.

According to what I had read on the subject, the only reliable way to obtain the MAC addy is to either enter Layer 2 and get it yourself or (preferably) have software go there, grab it, and send it back to you . . .

Either way though, I agree that it is settled, insofar as my original point went: you can be tracked by MAC address on the internet.

Disclaimer: I am a Larval stage ;) Pythonista/Rubyist . . . not into networking/security that much at all . . .

And my orignal post the hes a lying pussy trying to bully a woman while hiding under a sock puppet.

But running his cocksucker all day has been more enlightnening with information on
1. Company lay offs
2. Trying to buttfuck his clients and affiliates by double charging for a Playboy Mansion ticket so they could hang out with him in the corner next to the ice statues to be introduced to more players like him.
3. How he charges you an addition 5% hold back on top the the 5% CCBill holdback and calls it an export fee.

We didnt even get into the other parts like rebill skimming.

03-12-2008, 05:26 PM
Does Corinne have eyeballs?

03-12-2008, 05:27 PM
Does Corinne have eyeballs?
I think they are with Kendra's mole thats missing from Camsturbation.

03-12-2008, 05:35 PM

What did I lie about? Be specific and when I proove you wrong and you go back under your rock maybe we can all go another couple months without you trying to take down me and Rachel to deflect from what your guilty of.

Oye..... on this thread


you said

It is Kedra and it was verified... So, why lie about it if you don't care?

You LIED because it was NOT verified. Once again you just thought it would be fun to stir up shit about a woman you are obviously intimidated by.

So Shelleehale, if it was not "Verified", then you LIED not just to me, but to everyone else on here.


03-12-2008, 05:45 PM
And my orignal post the hes a lying pussy trying to bully a woman while hiding under a sock puppet.

But running his cocksucker all day has been more enlightnening with information on
1. Company lay offs
2. Trying to buttfuck his clients and affiliates by double charging for a Playboy Mansion ticket so they could hang out with him in the corner next to the ice statues to be introduced to more players like him.
3. How he charges you an addition 5% hold back on top the the 5% CCBill holdback and calls it an export fee.

We didnt even get into the other parts like rebill skimming.

Try all you want Gonzo, you won't win this lame argument of yours. You know what though, if you would only ask me these questions instead of assuming shit like you always do, you (and your readers here) would learn a hell of alot. I have learned alot (and continue to learn) from all kinds of people and companies in this business. If you continue to be close-minded and just assume shit, you will never learn anything, and your members here will go elsewhere.

Did we lay off people in 2007?
Of course! Re-read the previous post on this subject. When revenues are down, any company has to do whats best and trim the fat. Even though sales remained constant, the US dollar forced us to do lots of changes. If anyone wants to learn from us about what we did, please don't be shy to ask me personally. Making a company more lean helps to be more effecient and helps reduce costs. If you don't understand this very basic concept Gonzo, I feel sorry for you.


03-12-2008, 05:54 PM
Did we lay off people in 2007?
Of course! Re-read the previous post on this subject. When revenues are down, any company has to do whats best and trim the fat. Even though sales remained constant, the US dollar forced us to do lots of changes. If anyone wants to learn from us about what we did, please don't be shy to ask me personally. Making a company more lean helps to be more effecient and helps reduce costs.

Layoffs (reducing labor) is used very often by businesses to save money because it is the EASIEST method of doing so. Labor is usually the most expensive part of a business so of course reducing that expense makes the profits go up. Unfortunately, it is also the method that causes the most stress for those involved and creates the most bad publicity because people often feel betrayed. But like I say, it is the easiest method so many Non-creative managers who don't want to have to think go this route.

There are many creative ways to raise that profit number but they require out of the box thinking and hard work and planning to implement.

just my 2 cents :okthumb:

03-12-2008, 05:58 PM
Nice tits on Corinne. I'd take those nipples and.... sorry, got a little carried away there.

Nice personal message on YNOT Kedra, even though Mark ended up using it for promotion. ;)

03-12-2008, 06:01 PM
Nice tits on Corinne. I'd take those nipples and.... sorry, got a little carried away there.

Nice personal message on YNOT Kedra, even though Mark ended up using it for promotion. ;)

Sorry Hammer! I learned how to be a publicity whore from MEDIAGUY. (He da man!)


03-12-2008, 06:11 PM
Well, you can all be the judge . . .

03-12-2008, 06:18 PM
Well, you can all be the judge . . .

Whoever she is, she's almost as hawt as Kedra!


03-12-2008, 06:52 PM
Am I the only one who hasn't a clue who Mark or Shellee is? I've never even heard of his program but then again, I do very very little with cams since I work in niche and microniche.

03-12-2008, 06:55 PM
Am I the only one who hasn't a clue who Mark or Shellee is? I've never even heard of his program but then again, I do very very little with cams since I work in niche and microniche.

Hi Pam,

My name is Mark Prince, and I'm the owner of 2Much Internet. (http://www.2Much.net). We make a program called LiveCamNetwork.com, and you can see it operate at http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com.

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Mark Prince

03-12-2008, 07:08 PM
Mark is being generous, I feel... but the obvious doesn't need more than simple ocular verification:

Note the differences in boobs, in tongue piercing, and in mole... just to point out the obvious that seems to have remained unspoken here.


Anhow, I want to thank everyone for what a great thread this was, very entertaining... and hey maybe the people from Camsturbator will end up over here too, pissing all over everyone... well, not me, I prefer to watch...

Gonzo (and I guess you too Pam - welcome to Oprano :) ) - Mark hasn't been explicit in telling what we do, and it's annoying to see. You refer to our "affiliates", which we don't have as 2much.net is a hosted software and services provider and not a consumer site. We refer to the people we do B2B with as clients or customers, site operators or owners, not affiliates.

One of the services we offer to webcam sites on our software is the opportunity to share out their models or enable those from different sites, even though they're basically independant. They can share content.

That's not "exporting". I guess you'd call it brokering...

2much buys from one and sells to the other "on the fly" as it were; this reseller system features the additional 5% holdback due to the risk we take transacting for others - 2much pays you the minutes bought from you, but there's no guarantee we get paid on the resale.

The software we sell however is what I think Mark meatn as an export.

(I know it's not a very dramatic contribution, just wanted to clear up a few things; carry on!)

03-12-2008, 07:12 PM
And my orignal post the hes a lying pussy trying to bully a woman while hiding under a sock puppet.

But running his cocksucker all day has been more enlightnening with information on
1. Company lay offs
2. Trying to buttfuck his clients and affiliates by double charging for a Playboy Mansion ticket so they could hang out with him in the corner next to the ice statues to be introduced to more players like him.
3. How he charges you an addition 5% hold back on top the the 5% CCBill holdback and calls it an export fee.

We didnt even get into the other parts like rebill skimming.

And you have certainly proved your point Gonzo.

The way you say "running his cocksucker" is pretty funny.

Notice how he backed off from the MAC address debate?

I still want Mr. Mitnick to come on here and give us his opinion though (just because I'm a geek) :)

I have a lot of respect for the guy. Among the reasons are:

8 fucking years in Lompoc was it? And a white guy? And he made it out in one piece? That's balls.


03-12-2008, 07:16 PM

Isn't it time to come back as "Soundslikebullshit" ? Or did you scare that guy who lives near you using your old computer logging into oprano and posting from the same IP/MAC or whatever to go away with those good ole scare tactics of yours.

03-12-2008, 07:24 PM
Mark is being generous, I feel... but the obvious doesn't need more than simple ocular verification:

Note the differences in boobs, in tongue piercing, and in mole... just to point out the obvious that seems to have remained unspoken here.


Anhow, I want to thank everyone for what a great thread this was, very entertaining... and hey maybe the people from Camsturbator will end up over here too, pissing all over everyone... well, not me, I prefer to watch...

Gonzo (and I guess you too Pam - welcome to Oprano :) ) - Mark hasn't been explicit in telling what we do, and it's annoying to see. You refer to our "affiliates", which we don't have as 2much.net is a hosted software and services provider and not a consumer site. We refer to the people we do B2B with as clients or customers, site operators or owners, not affiliates.

One of the services we offer to webcam sites on our software is the opportunity to share out their models or enable those from different sites, even though they're basically independant. They can share content.

That's not "exporting". I guess you'd call it brokering...

2much buys from one and sells to the other "on the fly" as it were; this reseller system features the additional 5% holdback due to the risk we take transacting for others - 2much pays you the minutes bought from you, but there's no guarantee we get paid on the resale.

The software we sell however is what I think Mark meatn as an export.

(I know it's not a very dramatic contribution, just wanted to clear up a few things; carry on!)
Omg take a photo of her in the same position you might have a different result - but don't worry we will soon have the proof we have all been waiting for..

By the way you don't call them affiliates well looky here http://www.lcncash.com/

and some of my affiliates that signed up claim they were spammed with LCNcash following their sign-up on ccbill you want that proof on here as well?

03-12-2008, 07:25 PM
Shellee. The href with the kids is still there in your front page code. In addition, Google has it indexed from when it was on the celebrity page of the site (I looked and it is not there now) and it looks to me like it is indexed on your main page.

You really need to get that out of there and the sooner the better.

Just my 2 cents.


Look at the text under the second result.

edited in: in fact, Google has picked up the kids ref on at least 4 of your pages


Hit the link to show omitted results.

03-12-2008, 07:44 PM
Shellee. The href with the kids is still there in your front page code. In addition, Google has it indexed from when it was on the celebrity page of the site (I looked and it is not there now) and it looks to me like it is indexed on your main page.

You really need to get that out of there and the sooner the better.

Just my 2 cents.


Look at the text under the second result.

edited in: in fact, Google has picked up the kids ref on at least 4 of your pages


Hit the link to show omitted results.
Well damn - all in 24 hours anyone else that successful with indexing a site overnight?

03-12-2008, 07:56 PM
Well damn - all in 24 hours anyone else that successful with indexing a site overnight?

lolol...I've had them go in that quick before. Google knows all :yowsa:

03-12-2008, 08:05 PM
Well damn - all in 24 hours anyone else that successful with indexing a site overnight?It's easy really, just post a link on Oprano...

...and I'm not just trying to be funny, I'm dead serious. :okthumb:

03-12-2008, 08:06 PM

Isn't it time to come back as "Soundslikebullshit" ? Or did you scare that guy who lives near you using your old computer logging into oprano and posting from the same IP/MAC or whatever to go away with those good ole scare tactics of yours.

Just keep grasping at those straws, Shellee. Do anything you can do to cling on to anything that brings you happiness.

Why don't you spend your time fixing your site and removing the KIDS link from your website instead? Or don't you know how?

03-12-2008, 08:12 PM
Omg take a photo of her in the same position you might have a different result - but don't worry we will soon have the proof we have all been waiting for..

By the way you don't call them affiliates well looky here http://www.lcncash.com/

and some of my affiliates that signed up claim they were spammed with LCNcash following their sign-up on ccbill you want that proof on here as well?


Read the message that Greg posted. He said 2Much.net has no affiliates, not LiveCamNetwork.com.

And sure Shellee, go ahead and send us more of your "Proof" that we spam people. Whatever floats your boat.

We're all going out for a few beers now. I suggest you do the same. Or just go drink alone, I don't care.

03-12-2008, 08:13 PM
Well damn - all in 24 hours anyone else that successful with indexing a site overnight?

almost always

03-12-2008, 08:30 PM
I think someone owes someone an apology because those are obviously two different women.

03-12-2008, 08:34 PM
Omg take a photo of her in the same position you might have a different result - but don't worry we will soon have the proof we have all been waiting for..

You're kidding? You know Kedra, you've met her, you're putting me on... Pierced tongues, different nasolabs... what's the point? She works here...

For the benefit of those who DON'T know Kedra yet here's two more shots:


ENJOY THE FULL GALLERY lol : http://camsturbate.com/performers/gallery/sexy_bella.htm

By the way you don't call them affiliates well looky here http://www.lcncash.com/

LCNCash is the affiliate program for www.LiveCamNetwork.com (http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com), which is an example of the type of site we build & host and power. It's not the affiliate program for 2much.net, which doesn't have an affiliate program.

2much.net is a software provider, a B2B service provider.

LiveCamNetwork.com is a consumer-oriented site, for which you weren't an affiliate, except perhaps indirectly if or when you chose to resell LiveCamNetwork.com content to your customers on your site.

You were a client of 2much.net.

So, No, we don't call users of our software affiliates.

and some of my affiliates that signed up claim they were spammed with LCNcash following their sign-up on ccbill you want that proof on here as well?

No I don't need it. I have an email a concerned webmaster sent me that showed the CCBill email list was sending across sub-accounts. The problem was fixed promptly, as soon as we were aware of it.

Thanks, though.

03-12-2008, 08:36 PM
Omg take a photo of her in the same position you might have a different result - but don't worry we will soon have the proof we have all been waiting for..

You're kidding? You know Kedra, you've met her, you're putting me on... Pierced tongues, different nasolabs... what's the point? She works here...

For the benefit of those who DON'T know Kedra yet here's two more shots:


ENJOY THE FULL GALLERY lol : http://camsturbate.com/performers/gallery/sexy_bella.htm

By the way you don't call them affiliates well looky here http://www.lcncash.com/

LCNCash is the affiliate program for www.LiveCamNetwork.com (http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com), which is an example of the type of site we build & host and power. It's not the affiliate program for 2much.net, which doesn't have an affiliate program.

2much.net is a software provider, a B2B service provider.

LiveCamNetwork.com is a consumer-oriented site, for which you weren't an affiliate, except perhaps indirectly if or when you chose to resell LiveCamNetwork.com content to your customers on your site.

You were a client of 2much.net.

So, No, we don't call users of our software affiliates.

and some of my affiliates that signed up claim they were spammed with LCNcash following their sign-up on ccbill you want that proof on here as well?

No I don't need it. I have an email a concerned webmaster sent me that showed the CCBill email list was sending across sub-accounts. The problem was fixed promptly, as soon as we were aware of it.

Thanks, though. But I'm just about done my day here, this was a fun run, too, between jobs, but now it's post-office-activity so... CHEERS! gotta run!

03-12-2008, 09:58 PM
Gonzo (and I guess you too Pam - welcome to Oprano :) ) [/quote]

Thanks, though I've been here for a few years and have known Gonzo for about 3.5 years from another board.


03-12-2008, 10:25 PM
Gonzo (and I guess you too Pam - welcome to Oprano :) )

Thanks, though I've been here for a few years and have known Gonzo for about 3.5 years from another board.


mouhahah sorry i'm embarassed... oh well I like to think we're ALL newbs on some level :P - so I hope the intro to us was at least understandable...

03-12-2008, 10:48 PM

The next time you accuse someone,
The next time you have "Proof" of anything
The next time you shoot your fucking mouth off, remember this image:


This picture was taken TONIGHT, lady, TONIGHT.

And just in case you were "too proud" to click this link over to this Ynot page:


Kedra said : "I'm quite happy where I am and I wanted to share this one with you because you have always been great to me around here. Thank you! 2Much and LCN are my home and I'll be here as long as the customers will have me! "

So the next fucking time you open your TRAP you had better have some real proof otherwise you are just digging your own ditch a little deeper every time.


Just so you know, ShelleeHale, there are no hard feelings. As someone who you know pointed out to us tonight that you are probably "just a depressed Avon lady looking for the next big thing". You are welcome to keep looking, and keep trying new web ideas and I am sure you will hit a magic one. Until then, we all wish you the best of luck. CHEERS TO YOU!

(Mark, Kedra, Mediaguy)

Just please stop pretending to be an expert on anything, and leave Kedra (and all of us) alone. Get it? Got it? Good! (And OWNED once again!)

Thank you and God Bless.

03-12-2008, 10:58 PM
I think someone owes someone an apology because those are obviously two different women.

I think so too Hammer, but I really doubt it will ever happen. Oh well.



03-12-2008, 11:17 PM
Well it looks like sexy_bella and soundslikebullshit have run off together. It nice to see you out celebrating because it won't be long until your in a 9x9 cell so enjoy....

Greg, thanks for the confirmation on your spamming and oh yes I guess with all your expertise and years in the business mistakingly spamming all your licensees affiliates can't just be called a mistake and that a lame attempt to blame ccbill?

Let's add this one in there as well here is another one of your "This is not spam" emails that you had in my backend... how many of these inadvertantly went out?

03-12-2008, 11:18 PM
wow, i can't believe I read this whole thread

this has GOT to be the worst thread in the history of oprano, almost up there with fighting with trolls on gfy...yeah, that bad

a bunch of people fighting over absolutely nothing that matters

03-12-2008, 11:21 PM
It wasn't on purpose. I looked because Nymph complemented you on it. When I saw it in IE I just thought you would like to know.

Why'd you even look at it in IE?

How's it look in firefox?
That's what inquiring minds wanna know.

03-12-2008, 11:21 PM
wow, i can't believe I read this whole thread

this has GOT to be the worst thread in the history of oprano, almost up there with fighting with trolls on gfy...yeah, that bad

a bunch of people fighting over absolutely nothing that matters

Dude, that is your specialty. You either fight over something useless, or you spam. I know, you are ignoring me, but others aren't. You got your old lady workin' yet? tick, tick, tick.

03-12-2008, 11:23 PM
a bunch of people fighting over absolutely nothing that matters

Yeah. Let's just call it white space.
Some place to put more stuff. That's what I do.

03-12-2008, 11:27 PM
Why'd you even look at it in IE?

How's it look in firefox?
That's what inquiring minds wanna know.

Because I had IE open at the time I was reading the thread. lololol. This thread has taken so many turns.

03-12-2008, 11:46 PM
Well it looks like sexy_bella and soundslikebullshit have run off together. It nice to see you out celebrating because it won't be long until your in a 9x9 cell so enjoy....

Greg, thanks for the confirmation on your spamming and oh yes I guess with all your expertise and years in the business mistakingly spamming all your licensees affiliates can't just be called a mistake and that a lame attempt to blame ccbill?

Let's add this one in there as well here is another one of your "This is not spam" emails that you had in my backend... how many of these inadvertantly went out?

Once again Shellee, you haven't bothered to read anything. You just post whatever the hell you want to post as long as it fits "your" version of the truth. Pretty lame.

Anyway if anyone wants to talk to KEDRA and get the REAL truth, she is online right now at http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com. She will video chat with you and answer all of your questions and silly non-provable accusations.

Goodnight Shellee. Try not to dream about me. And if you can't sleep, be sure to spend all night comparing pictures of KEDRA to BELLA, because, hey, YOU need to know the "truth", right? Lame (and owned yet again.) And congrats on finally removing the KIDS link from your website. Dumbass.


03-12-2008, 11:48 PM
This thread has taken so many turns.

I certainly couldn't keep up with it.
Maybe it's cause I'm new here.

I do understand using IE. That's what most people use. 84% at my site.
and I couldn't care less how it looks.
I used to care, but ... times have changed.

Only thing that bothers me now is no money.
and ... mostly I don't care a whole lot about that either.

03-12-2008, 11:55 PM
No I don't need it. I have an email a concerned webmaster sent me that showed the CCBill email list was sending across sub-accounts. The problem was fixed promptly, as soon as we were aware of it.

well how did I mis-interpret this?

03-13-2008, 12:05 AM
Once again Shellee, you haven't bothered to read anything. You just post whatever the hell you want to post as long as it fits "your" version of the truth. Pretty lame.

Yep the world according to Shellee.... But, this is always your response when I show you a card from my deck. This little text file which you surely ran off to come up with a lame excuse for - is like a 2 out of 10 on the scale. I got so much more.

03-13-2008, 01:24 AM
Yep the world according to Shellee.... But, this is always your response when I show you a card from my deck. This little text file which you surely ran off to come up with a lame excuse for - is like a 2 out of 10 on the scale. I got so much more.

Knock yourself out then.


03-13-2008, 01:53 AM
Yep the world according to Shellee.... But, this is always your response when I show you a card from my deck. This little text file which you surely ran off to come up with a lame excuse for - is like a 2 out of 10 on the scale. I got so much more.

Shellee you are a GAS!

You've managed to show no cards in your deck, even when you claimed verification of that other camgirl as being LCN Kedra - but you talk a good-sounding spiel even when you don't know anything about the subject. This talent must really aid in your "life coach" field (along with all the expertise you offer) in much the same way as such intuition might help a so-called "psychic" let me know there was someone important to my life that i lost recently.

It's getting more and more obvious to me you have no real hold on reality and I still Iook forward to your each and every post as the next source of amusement and levity in my daily grind. Your lack of attention and obvious blind-luck "expertise" might help you out in the "real" world but really posts like this one: http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/search.php?searchid=33338 as well as your comments here just make you look like a newb trying too hard.

Just wait. Read. Take advice before you give it for gawd's sake... I always admired your energy and ambition, but your impatience and urge to act NOW always made treadmills out of your plans... with us or other potential business associates.

I've been really polite, and diplomatic, in any dealings I have and had with you (and I have to point out here I tried to be your rep whenever you let me be here at 2much) and I always want to leave everyone their opinion and attitudes about things... but you never had the social etiquette or the aptitude to understand when you were out of your depth, and just kept ploughing ahead with your rhinoceros energy.

There's something to be commended in that, but your denial and inattention, and need-for-speed compulsions, really work against you having an open dialogue and understandiing with anyone but those who can understand this about you, ignore it and finally profit from at least taking the money you offer for services when they're capable of rendering them.

I found this out too late; and you really make me wish I could set up pyschological evaluations for people before they became customers of 2much...

03-13-2008, 02:06 AM
Well it looks like sexy_bella and soundslikebullshit have run off together. It nice to see you out celebrating because it won't be long until your in a 9x9 cell so enjoy....

Greg, thanks for the confirmation on your spamming and oh yes I guess with all your expertise and years in the business mistakingly spamming all your licensees affiliates can't just be called a mistake and that a lame attempt to blame ccbill?

Let's add this one in there as well here is another one of your "This is not spam" emails that you had in my backend... how many of these inadvertantly went out?

Just to clear you out, soundslikebullshit is someone you or Gonzo probably know better than we do... but this is just conjecture.

Your implication of small, asylum-sized cellls bears no weight or meaning...

I only confirmed an inadvertent technical glitch... it's happened to the best of us (recently a veteran in the biz "spammed" us all with an important announcement with his whole bcc list in the cc list... accidents happen).

I'm sorry you felt that was a "lame attempt to blame CCBill" and will attempt to get our rep at the company to post his explanation of the situation; at any rate if it happened more than once or twice before I became aware of the situation, I apologize... as none of the affiliate programs who accidentally "spammed' our members did to me.

To answer your question, though I don't remember because the specific number of ex- and current affiliates wasn't important at the time, I'd say it was between six and seven hundred.

How many affiliates of your site did we inadvertently hit, btw?

03-13-2008, 02:10 AM
well how did I mis-interpret this?

OK your 'mis-intepration' lies in the fact that from your words and tone apparently you believe this is a deliberate attempt to subvert your own affiliate program, which I assure you and anyone who's interested in our (software) program is not the case.

How could we maintain respect and a business at all if we tried to take out our own clients?

03-13-2008, 02:38 AM
Let's add this one in there as well here is another one of your "This is not spam" emails that you had in my backend... how many of these inadvertantly went out?

You had an attachment that you mysteriously or through inexperience just left as a file in this message that i thought I'd help you with by opening up here:

This is not spam. Someone from LiveCamNetwork.com has placed some funds in your e-wallet as a gift to you!

From: <!--gift sender-->
to: <!--gift recepient-->
Amount: $<!--gift amount-->

<!--gift sender--> has included the following message to you:
<!--gift message-->

These funds are in your account right now. You may use these funds to video-chat with any performer on LiveCamNetwork.com you like. To do so, simply go to http://www.LiveCamNetwork.com and log-in as usual, and you will see your new E-Wallet Balance.

Thank you for choosing LiveCamNetwork.com!

The 2Much Crew
Toll Free Technical Support: 1-866-662-6824


This is what recipients of the experimental "gift-giving" form at LiveCamNetwork.com received when another member of the LCN community sent them e-wallet cash to spend on the camgirl of their choice.

Now if one of "your" members received this it was because he was signed up at LiveCamNetwork.com before he ever signed up at your site; we all know that surfers and members can be forgetful at times...

But the <codes> in there are meant t be replaced by what they obviously indicate... the system has worked well with our members and *only* our members for a while now...

Of course since lack of communication is forever the curse of good relations, I find this out months and months after the event... I find it hard to make a comment.

Regardless of any other observations you might have about this email your member received, supposedly (first I hear of it btw), can you answer one simple focussed and easy question:

How come you never told or emailed us about this?

03-13-2008, 02:49 AM
This shit is sooooooooo boring. At least good piss is interesting. When Serge Oprano, Mike AI, Trev, and the famous nick@ilnyx were here it was heated and interesting. This is as much fun as a grade ten math exam. At least do some ass kicking instead of hurling freeking code. Wow, I have just been hammered by From: <!--gift sender-->
to: <!--gift recepient-->
Amount: $<!--gift amount-->

<!--gift sender--> has included the following message to you:
<!--gift message-->

and pictures of a fat girl. What the fuck is this all about?
No offense to the interested participants, but holy cow, this is boring.

03-13-2008, 03:37 AM
This shit is sooooooooo boring. At least good piss is interesting. When Serge Oprano, Mike AI, Trev, and the famous nick@ilnyx were here it was heated and interesting. This is as much fun as a grade ten math exam. At least do some ass kicking instead of hurling freeking code.

and pictures of a fat girl. What the fuck is this all about?
No offense to the interested participants, but holy cow, this is boring.

LOL yeah I know... it's just not my way to piss or accuse where there isn't even just cause or need... as I said in my first post in this thread, I'm not very dramatic,just clearing up a few details, which got a little thicker and cloudier the longer this thread became...

Despite the appearance of a few fine boobs and a fat girl (that's not perjorative to me; in this business it's an observation), this has been pretty dry... all I can tell you is that as usual some posters on this board have jumped in on a thread posted to by Mark from 2much and completely obfuscated the initial point (and Mark was even backing the thread's subject's position), helping (with our assistance it's admitted) to turn it all into another pissing match..

Nonetheless, it seems to have worked to someone's advantage, since you (and others :P ) have read long enough to realize this is just a long boring urine swimfest...

03-13-2008, 06:58 AM
mouhahah sorry i'm embarassed... oh well I like to think we're ALL newbs on some level :P - so I hope the intro to us was at least understandable...

'sokay, been here in the industry longer than most but am pretty low-key.

I'll end this with spam and say if anyone wants their site reviewed, PM me and I'll review your site -- review site has been up 4 years next month.

(Hey, everyone else is spamming a program, why not me?)


03-13-2008, 07:52 AM
all I can tell you is that as usual some posters on this board have jumped in on a thread posted to by Mark from 2much and completely obfuscated the initial point

Wha wha wha ??????

If i remember correctly, this thread was started by me to let someone on the board know that there was a problem with their site.

Just who is obfuscating what here ???


03-13-2008, 07:54 AM
MediaGuy looks surprisingly sober in that picture. Is that an NA beer?

Personally, as someone that has no vested interest in this argument and speaking completely objectively, I can honestly say that I've just added Shelleehale to my list of people to never do business with. She's done everything but threaten to kill someone in this thread and so far has refused to remove child porn references from her site even though it was pointed out quite some time ago and it was also pointed out how bad a thing it is, even if it wasn't intentional and she has also accused someone of being someone they weren't and has refused to apologize even after she was proven wrong.

03-13-2008, 07:57 AM
I hate you all.

03-13-2008, 08:18 AM
I can honestly say that I've just added Shelleehale to my list of people to never do business with. She's done everything but threaten to kill someone in this thread and so far has refused to remove child porn references from her site even though it was pointed out quite some time ago and it was also pointed out how bad a thing it is, even if it wasn't intentional and she has also accused someone of being someone they weren't and has refused to apologize even after she was proven wrong.

Well, the kid ref is out of her front page now, so hopefully that issue is dead.

Personally, I had reached that conclusion before any of the shit happened. Her replys to my initial post I found quite insuting:

I just loaded it yesterday and am working on getting all the bugs worked out.. how did you even find it?

Why are you using IE6 do you need the link to upgrade?

The proper response when someone helps you out, whether you requsted help or not is very simple "Thank You".

Assuming that a programmer/webmaster does not have the technical expertise to manage an upgrade if they wanted to is beyond insulting actually. And to assume that everyone must want to upgrade is, sheez, I don't even know the word. belligerent comes to mind though.

The thank you from her did come until 8 posts into the tread and then she was (imho) more insulting to me with her MS shit, whether trying to be cute or not. It did not impress me in the least.

03-13-2008, 08:43 AM
Just to clear you out, soundslikebullshit is someone you or Gonzo probably know better than we do... but this is just conjecture.

Dude you are a fucking idiot. I knew that the first time I saw you stumbling around drunk then passing out and pissing your pants.

I said early on in the thread that it was your lay off buddy Mark Prince. His excuse was poor and laughable.

However if you think your going to come on this board and convince people that I am unethical then you have proven that your a fool.

03-13-2008, 11:47 AM
Wha wha wha ??????

If i remember correctly, this thread was started by me to let someone on the board know that there was a problem with their site.

Just who is obfuscating what here ???


I said that Mark "posted to" your thread.

And actually Mark didn't throw the thread off track by his presence, it was thrown off by the posts calling user soundslikebullshit a fake nick created by him.

03-13-2008, 11:53 AM
I said that Mark "posted to" your thread.

And actually Mark didn't throw the thread off track by his presence, it was thrown off by the posts calling user soundslikebullshit a fake nick created by him.

Originally Posted by Mediaguy
all I can tell you is that as usual some posters on this board have jumped in on a thread posted to by Mark from 2much and completely obfuscated the initial point

in·i·tial /ɪˈnɪʃəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-nish-uhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, noun, verb, -tialed, -tial·ing or (especially British) -tialled, -tial·ling.

–adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or occurring at the beginning; first: the initial step in a process.


03-13-2008, 12:08 PM
....................Thread tension breaker......................

Anyone want to buy advertising? Mark? Shelleehale? Six great sites to choose from including Oprano!!! ;)

-------------End thread tension breaker...................

03-13-2008, 12:17 PM
Dude you are a fucking idiot. I knew that the first time I saw you stumbling around drunk then passing out and pissing your pants.

I said early on in the thread that it was your lay off buddy Mark Prince. His excuse was poor and laughable.

However if you think your going to come on this board and convince people that I am unethical then you have proven that your a fool.

I know what you said.

If your software reports his MAC and IP and such as being the same as soundslikebullshit, then it's in error.

Your suspicion that Mark was soundslikebullshit was strong enough that you accused him of it, so it was either well-founded or a strong hunch.

But Mark Prince was in Florida when username soundlikebullshit was created and first posted; he only got back recently. His computer was powered down for a little under ten days at that point.

The posts made in that account name in this thread couldn't have been made by Mark because he wasn't at his computer at the time, since we were fixing some sound issue in a studio at that time (well, he was).

I didn't check in detail the remainder of the 9 posts made by soundslikebullshit at this point, but I'm sure your security logs could do so; I can't vouch for Mark on those occasions.

Besides, Mark's grasp of English is fundamental, he couldn't write so convincingly "as" another persona.

Gonzo, I've never had reason to doubt your ethics or intelligence and wouldn't try to convince anyone of my opinion on that even if I had one.

If you're not wrong about soundslikebullshit, then it's your tracking/security program. Have it checked.

03-13-2008, 12:18 PM
(and owned yet again.)

Dude - are you like 5 or something?? :huh:

03-13-2008, 12:20 PM
If your software reports his MAC and IP and such as being the same as soundslikebullshit, then it's in error.

Do you know the scripting behind VBulletin at all? The only error it makes with IP's and stuff is allowing morons with them to post...

03-13-2008, 12:43 PM
Do you know the scripting behind VBulletin at all? The only error it makes with IP's and stuff is allowing morons with them to post...
Trev these 2 fuck nuts are always right on every point and every one of us is in error along with Vbulletin... Nat Net... and Bob Metcalfe. Its not an IP address but a mac address and it doesnt matter how many stories or deflections or people they come here with to deflect from that fact. The facts are the facts.

The guy is a liar and a pussy to hide behind a sock puppet to bully a woman.
I dont give a shit about anyone making a beef public on Oprano but when you have to hide behind a assumed name to do so... take that shit to GFY.

Too bad they dont talk to each other as Mark claims to have called the rogue computer operator and told him to remove some workgroup setting.

And you know Catsup Head here is another industry expert. If you dont think so just ask him.

Youll remember him a while back posting drive by spam here asking for sponsors for the fabulous boat cruise that got turned around 15 minutes into the voyage.

Times must have been tight back then too. But I guess you can always post pictures for free advertising on Ynot when your in a tight eh?

03-13-2008, 01:00 PM
Hello Everyone,

I think its finally time to close this thread. I forget who said it earlier, but they're right - it has become boring now.

Sarettah: Kudos for pointing out the errors in Shelle's site and at least trying to help her out.

Shellee Hale: Any Sexually Explicit Website with the word KIDS in it can be flagged as Child Porn, which is why everyone freaked on you and tried to help you out. Besides having your name associated with CP, it can be bad for the industry as a whole. I just checked and it looks like the CP references are now gone. You really need to jump on this kind of thing right away next time. Good luck with your new site. I sincerely hope you do well with it.

Mediaguy: Love your posts, baby. Come over to my desk and give me a big wet kiss.

Gonzo: Thanks for the traffic!

We even had 2 serious inquiries.

There's one thing I would like to leave with you all. Clearly everyone is making lots of money in this business, but we can make so much more if everyone takes the time to learn from each other and work together. (Thank god for face-to-face meetings at trade shows!) The mud slinging and TMZ.com -style sensationalism / rumourmill that seems to crowd this message board is "fun" but hardly good use of anyone's time. Let's hope that the next thread is more educational for all.

Finally, a shameless plug!

If anyone is looking for a good video chat solution for their website, why not consider us! http://www.2Much.net. You can offer exceptional video quality to your end users, charge them anything you want per second (microbilling!), payout your own performers anything you want per minute, and even network with other chat studios. Check out http://www.2Much.net or better still, call us at 514-285-9325.


Mark Prince

03-13-2008, 01:07 PM
these 2 fuck nuts...
The guy is a liar and a pussy to hide behind a sock puppet to bully a woman...

That's all the info this thread needs to have... Summed up in two lines...

03-13-2008, 01:17 PM
Hello Everyone,

I think its finally time to close this thread. I forget who said it earlier, but they're right - it has become boring now.

Sarettah: Kudos for pointing out the errors in Shelle's site and at least trying to help her out.

Shellee Hale: Any Sexually Explicit Website with the word KIDS in it can be flagged as Child Porn, which is why everyone freaked on you and tried to help you out. Besides having your name associated with CP, it can be bad for the industry as a whole. I just checked and it looks like the CP references are now gone. You really need to jump on this kind of thing right away next time. Good luck with your new site. I sincerely hope you do well with it.

Mediaguy: Love your posts, baby. Come over to my desk and give me a big wet kiss.

Gonzo: Thanks for the traffic!

We even had 2 serious inquiries.

There's one thing I would like to leave with you all. Clearly everyone is making lots of money in this business, but we can make so much more if everyone takes the time to learn from each other and work together. (Thank god for face-to-face meetings at trade shows!) The mud slinging and TMZ.com -style sensationalism / rumourmill that seems to crowd this message board is "fun" but hardly good use of anyone's time. Let's hope that the next thread is more educational for all.

Finally, a shameless plug!

If anyone is looking for a good video chat solution for their website, why not consider us! http://www.2Much.net. You can offer exceptional video quality to your end users, charge them anything you want per second (microbilling!), payout your own performers anything you want per minute, and even network with other chat studios. Check out http://www.2Much.net or better still, call us at 514-285-9325.


Mark Prince

Like I said.. anyone want to do soem advertising deals?? :okthumb:

03-13-2008, 01:41 PM
Like I said.. anyone want to do soem advertising deals?? :okthumb:



03-13-2008, 01:52 PM


Yup. And damn proud of it too. :>)) I ain't cheap either. LOL I'm not a $100 wham, bam thank you maam streetwalker but rather like the high class escorts Charlie Sheen and Elliot Spitzer used to pay for. ;)

03-13-2008, 03:15 PM
Yup. And damn proud of it too. :>)) I ain't cheap either. LOL I'm not a $100 wham, bam thank you maam streetwalker but rather like the high class escorts Charlie Sheen and Elliot Spitzer used to pay for. ;)

Harry says you ain't that good ;p

03-13-2008, 03:26 PM
Harry says you ain't that good ;p


BTW, Give Harry mine and my Mrs best, tell him to take it easy ;-)

Hell Puppy
03-13-2008, 09:08 PM
Can someone post the cliff notes version of this?

On a quick skim, looks like ketchup head's friend got caught red handed and is making like dope fiend nailed on the COPS tv show. It's on video, 2 cops witness it, and he's still lying and saying he didn't do it.

That's essentially the case here. I know how the tool that detects sock puppets here works. It doesn't lie, it's deadly accurate. I looked at the logs for this instance, these guys weren't even smart enough to do anything more than use a different IP. Looks like they grabbed a nearby open wirelsss connection for a second IP and figured that would do the job.

03-13-2008, 09:42 PM

BTW, Give Harry mine and my Mrs best, tell him to take it easy ;-)

Yeah I emailed him a bit ago to see if he is up for a call. Don't want to call him if he is sleeping.