View Full Version : How many blogs do you need to be worth it?

02-20-2008, 09:01 PM
So with all the writing I've been doing I ended up learning everything it takes to put together and launch a blog. So if ya'll bloggers could answer a couple questions it would really help me out.

I was thinking of finding 6-8 programs and launching about 10 blogs to promote them. Of course I would write my own posts, and try to make real quality blogs. I'm not looking to support myself, rather just have a little extra cash, I'd really be happy with an extra $500 a month. For these questions, presuppose that I work dilligently and do what I need to get them listed at blog indexes, trade blog links etc.

1. What is the minimum amount of blogs that someone would need to start to make it worth it. i.e. after the mature in the S.E.'s and I linktrade and do all the promo work, will ten blogs be worth it?

2. What niches are doing well and which ones could I kind of integrate together. i.e. hardcore, and teen, and interacial, and blowjob. etc.

3. How long does it take for them to mature in the search engines before I start getting some traffic that will generate sales.

4. What would I expect to pay for hosting. Are there any other options? Will webmasters with extra hosting rent some out to me since I wouldn't be taking that much or trade for blogposts?

5. If I did everything right, what could I expect to make after 3 months, After 6? After a year?

02-20-2008, 09:50 PM
How much could a woodchuck chuck? ..if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Just repeat that 10 times really,really fast to yourself, and bloggin' will come to light..:whistling "ask anyone here if ya don't believe me"

Hell Puppy
02-21-2008, 03:40 AM
That's kinda like asking if you bought an old car, fixed it up and sold it, how much could you expect to make?

Way too many variables.

A big part of adult is throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. If you find something that sticks for you, do more of it. If it doesn't, know when to cut bait.

I suspect most of us have many more failures than successes. I try many many ideas year in and year out. One rainmaker makes it all worthwhile.

The plan you describe is swinging for singles instead of home runs though. Realistically unless you really catch lightning in a bottle, or get someone who can really help you with traffic, 10 blogs isn't going to create even what I would call walking around money. What it WILL do is get you some experience with programs, how they work and how to promote them. And you'll likely get a payout or three if you can scrounge any traffic at all.

02-21-2008, 06:14 AM
Hell Puppy hits it exactly. There is no magic number that makes anything go. I have a pile of blogs (many) and I had write for each of them on a regular basis. Some of them do well, some of them don't do shit. It depends on so many things, like links, content, the niche, time of day, background color of the blog, and about 1000 other things.

Throw something at the wall. If it sticks, do some more like it. Most of them won't stick, which is frustrating, but keep at it. Sooner or later, you will find something that makes some money and it's all good.

02-21-2008, 06:57 AM
A big part of adult is throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. If you find something that sticks for you, do more of it. If it doesn't, know when to cut bait.
Most that have had any measure of success in this business follow this fairly simple formula. Try different things. Analyze the results. Drop those that don't work. Repeat those that do. Try some more things.

I think I'm seeing a recurring theme here. :)

02-21-2008, 08:58 AM
How much could a woodchuck chuck? ..if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

The answer is 33.

02-21-2008, 10:57 AM
For a long as I can remember people in this biz have done the following:

Find soemthing that works and then build a shitload of them. Find something else that works and build a shit load of them a well. Rinse and repeat as often and as much as you like.

02-21-2008, 12:18 PM
For a long as I can remember people in this biz have done the following:

Find soemthing that works and then build a shitload of them. Find something else that works and build a shit load of them a well. Rinse and repeat as often and as much as you like.

Hmmmm...that sounds like a really good idea. I'm gonna have to give that a try!


Hell Puppy
02-21-2008, 10:59 PM
I think I'm seeing a recurring theme here. :)

If there was a recipe for "instant success", I'd be making millions selling it to people like Rcourt. ;)

Hmmm....i just had another idea for a business plan...hehehehe

02-21-2008, 11:00 PM