View Full Version : Filtered Traffic??

02-18-2008, 05:22 PM
How do most promoting adult webmaster filter they're personal, purchased and obtained traffic?
Threw keywords? ..GEO targeting? ...Trades? (ABC or hard), SE's purchased or self build? or how?
and How does a webmaster determine its source of traffic has value? or is just trash traffic?

And if anyone uses the "G" word....:clubinhan I'll find out where you live and spray paint they're name on your house !!!!

02-19-2008, 12:11 AM
We used to do it with links to targetted pages.

Hell Puppy
02-19-2008, 01:23 AM
How do most promoting adult webmaster filter they're personal, purchased and obtained traffic?
Threw keywords? ..GEO targeting? ...Trades? (ABC or hard), SE's purchased or self build? or how?
and How does a webmaster determine its source of traffic has value? or is just trash traffic?

And if anyone uses the "G" word....:clubinhan I'll find out where you live and spray paint they're name on your house !!!!

Lots of ways to do it.

Gonzo named one easy one, different pages for different traffic.

You can also gleam all you need to know about most traffic from your server referrer logs.

The higher tech way to do it is use PHP and a small database and pass yourself either variables or cookies to track the source.

02-19-2008, 07:16 AM
How do most promoting adult webmaster filter they're personal, purchased and obtained traffic?
Threw keywords? ..GEO targeting? ...Trades? (ABC or hard), SE's purchased or self build? or how?
and How does a webmaster determine its source of traffic has value? or is just trash traffic?
Short answer:
All of the above

Long answer:
• Choosing sites with a similar focus for link trades in effect pre-filters the traffic. Also, the type and/or wording of that link can be very important for attracting the desired surfer.
• Geo targeting is useful but can be a double edged sword. If not handled well you can easily filter out good traffic.
• Purchasing keywords/phrases can be very fruitful, but can also be a money pit if the results are not analyzed and managed closely.
• Sometimes low tech Old School is still the most effective. Hubs and landing pges is still an effective method of filtering more general traffic.
• Trial and Error. It may be cliche, but the standard disclaimer of "what works well for me may not work well for you" still applies. Most that have had any measure of success in this business follow this fairly simple formula. Try different things. Analyze the results. Drop those that don't work. Repeat those that do. Try some more things.

02-19-2008, 08:11 PM
Short answer:
All of the above

Short reply?
Sure took you long enough for answer Fatboy:hmm:

Long answer:
• Choosing sites with a similar focus for link trades in effect pre-filters the traffic. Also, the type and/or wording of that link can be very important for attracting the desired surfer.

Long Reply?
I understand about similar site trades for targeting your niche
But key-wording your link? is it as effective to SE"s as they say?
and wouldn't this in a trade might possibly help partner site with S.E's rankings instead of your own sales?

• Geo targeting is useful but can be a double edged sword. If not handled well you can easily filter out good traffic.
More please about GEO Traffic.... "if your willing to say?":wnw:

• Purchasing keywords/phrases can be very fruitful, but can also be a money pit if the results are not analyzed and managed closely.
I can't manage whats not analyzed? :scratchin


Traffic in:
2500- Yahoo (self keyword generated)
2500- Google (self keyword generated)
1500- Site trades (However obtained)
3500- Purchased keywords/phrases (SE's, and other Internet selling resources)
Traffic Out:

35% Pocketed for business deals with other partner trades.
65% Sponsor gets for possible sale.
1. How do I determine where these generated traffic sales are coming from?
2. On rebills, Only sponsor gets to know where that traffic sale originated from, (...HURRY, HURRY FOR YOU & SPONSOR ON RECHARGE :okthumb:) ...But again they're also unaware from where did you obtain this traffic from either?
So then..."How is retention traffic obtained or kept?

• Sometimes low tech Old School is still the most effective. Hubs and landing pges is still an effective method of filtering more general traffic.

Did you know I learned HTML before those Google Guys existed..:whistlingI just felt that was important to point out here.

• Trial and Error. It may be cliche, but the standard disclaimer of "what works well for me may not work well for you" still applies. Most that have had any measure of success in this business follow this fairly simple formula. Try different things. Analyze the results. Drop those that don't work. Repeat those that do. Try some more things.

How can you determine this until you find the source of your sales traffic?

The Internet is still the wild wild west show, and affiliates are just Internet coached traveling salesmen.

I think Gasparilla is finally over:matey:

02-19-2008, 09:38 PM
I understand about similar site trades for targeting your niche
But key-wording your link? is it as effective to SE"s as they say?
and wouldn't this in a trade might possibly help partner site with S.E's rankings instead of your own sales?If it's a text link you want it worded such that it will attract the attention of the desired surfer. If you have a MILF Facials site something along the lines of Sexy Cumslut Mom's might be an effecting link. Understanding exactly what your target surfer is looking for is critical.

More please about GEO Traffic.... "if your willing to say?"Geo targetting can be as simple as filtering out Chinese traffic, or as complex as redirecting to alternate language versions of the site. Cost increases with complexity, so it make little sense to do a lot of geo filtering unless you have a large quantity of traffic that you can't otherwise convert.

I can't manage whats not analyzed?

1. How do I determine where these generated traffic sales are coming from?
2. On rebills, Only sponsor gets to know where that traffic sale originated from, (...HURRY, HURRY FOR YOU & SPONSOR ON RECHARGE ) ...But again they're also unaware from where did you obtain this traffic from either?
So then..."How is retention traffic obtained or kept?1. The best you can do is get the referring URL's from your sponsor stats, and unless you can include a code that identifies the specific traffic source it's pretty tough to track back from the sale to the traffic source. I'm not so concerned about analyzing all of my sources to that degree. I'm more concerned with how adding/removing/changing things effect total traffic in, total traffic out, and number of clicks to the sponsor tours.
2. Unless you're promoting a sponsor site as being something that it is not, there is little you can do to to effect retention. That's really up to the sponsor. Over a period of months lets say sponsor A and sponsor B both generate an average of 100 new sales per month, but sponsor A rebills 65 sales a month and sponsor B rebills only 20. I'll probably start sending more traffic to sponsor A and a little less to sponsor B.

Don't get overly caught up in the details, or short term fluctuations, you're really looking more for trends.

Did you know I learned HTML before those Google Guys existed..I just felt that was important to point out here.OK, and I took my first programming course before many of the guys working for Google were even born. Your point?

How can you determine this until you find the source of your sales traffic?If traffic from source A increases significantly and sales also increase it's reasonable to conclude that the additional traffic from source A was the primary reason. If you also increase traffic from sources B, C & D at the same time then it's a more complex problem. Unless you have control of the surfer through the entire transaction from arriving at your site until he/she has purchased there is no way to consistently know the specific traffic source for each of your sales.

02-20-2008, 12:46 PM
Geo targetting can be as simple as filtering out Chinese traffic, or as complex as redirecting to alternate language versions of the site. Cost increases with complexity, so it make little sense to do a lot of geo filtering unless you have a large quantity of traffic that you can't otherwise convert.
When generating traffic, are sponsors able to track affiliates referral thru ip of customer sale? and is GEO script able to keep stats from zip code % to compare against % of sales?
(...Dang :okthumb: I still think thats one of the best creations ever)

02-20-2008, 01:48 PM
I'm not aware of any sponsors that display any IP related referral info in their affiliate stats. Some software packages do use IP as one of several factors for fuzzy logic tracking of users as a backup when other methods fail, but on it's own an IP address isn't a completely reliable way to track individual users.

The GEO scripts I was speaking of redirect users based on either IP address or Browser Language. A sales report based on zip code might be available to the pay site owner depending on the billing software they're using, but again, that's not info that will be available to affiliates.

When generating traffic, are sponsors able to track affiliates referral thru ip of customer sale? and is GEO script able to keep stats from zip code % to compare against % of sales?
(...Dang :okthumb: I still think thats one of the best creations ever)

02-20-2008, 04:56 PM
So basically you receive only the money for the sale & at the most? The info on what product they purchased?
Sponsor DB's all the remaining valued info for they're own future use?..
Hmm :g01:
So pretty much webmasters are at the mercy of sponsors, since webmaster don't have a shit say so either.
Now under the assumption that all your valuable traffic is USA related, cuz foreign traffic is mostly rubbish except for general U.K area?
well how do you know this then? since your traffic is very broadly inserted through websites?
If you where able to narrow down your most populated porn purchasing state? or city? would this serve any value to a webmaster?
Who's idea was this affiliate promoting idea originated from anyway...:scratchin

02-20-2008, 06:59 PM
you give most program owners too much crdit by assuming they collect this information for the purposes of data mining.

those scripts are used a lot by dating sites with a degree of success.

they display shit like... get laid tonight in YOURCITY and then display the girls that are close by and lots of time use seeded stolen content so women like carol cox and raven riley magically live in acworth ga.

02-20-2008, 08:04 PM
I just can't help myself....



02-20-2008, 08:24 PM
...so women like carol cox and raven riley magically live in acworth ga.and the late Trinity Loren currently resides in Houston, TX. :scratchin

02-20-2008, 09:17 PM

02-20-2008, 09:35 PM
you give most program owners too much crdit by assuming they collect this information for the purposes of data mining.

those scripts are used a lot by dating sites with a degree of success.

they display shit like... get laid tonight in YOURCITY and then display the girls that are close by and lots of time use seeded stolen content so women like carol cox and raven riley magically live in acworth ga.

Now maybe smaller sponsor don't deserve this sort of credit,
But I can't believe a major adult content distributors doesn't DB this form of data for future marketing sales attempts,tactics, or strategies.
... Shame on you man.:nono2: ...Next your gonna tell me no one will ever sell my email addy either?

Dating sites are awesome next to live cams. :)
Fling site has to be one of my favorite and fascinated structured GEO selling concept ever.
...and yes Mr. GonZo, I've read all the post about what shit rich ass scamming success they have become.
But that doesn't make they're concept of dating site idea ingenious.
it just needs to be brought to light & reality is all. ;)

I thought Mrs.Cox was in Canada?...:huh: "...She's got sexy feet" :wankit:

I just can't help myself....



How Mid-Westerners buy advertising on Google...

huh? Country Girl...:whistling

02-21-2008, 04:34 PM
How Mid-Westerners buy advertising on Google...

huh? Country Girl...:whistling

Yes, that's right, I'm a country girl...got a problem with that city slicker? :p

You're still mad cuz you've never had the pleasures of a "farmer's daughter" aren't ya? :rolleyes:

My daddy only had to threaten one guy I dated that if he ever stepped foot on our property again, he'd blow his head off. Funny how one little threat tends to scare off guys.