View Full Version : My experience with the industry so far; very positive

02-17-2008, 07:51 PM
This evening as I was settling in to do a bunch of my 'adult' work before I had some legal drafting to do, I took some time to reflect on my very brief time in the industry.

It's no secret that many people out there in society assume there is something dirty and shady about the adult business. A very few of my friends when I explained my latest endeavor made various comments along the lines of, "why would you want to work with those people." I never had such prejudices and one of my favorite all-time quotes was the person from the ACLU (when it was a 2 Billion a year industry) who said, "Look, it's not two really big perverts spending a billion dollars a year each."

Before coming into the industry I had the fortune via my legal education and business background to work in all kinds of various 'mainstream' businesses. And I can say without a doubt, that the handful of people I've worked with so far have been more honest, trustworthy, and ethical than any group of people in any other industry I've worked in. I've met some varied and interesting folk, thats for sure, but they all have been stand up people who were a pleasure to work with.

Ironically the only shadiness or lack of professionalism I've seen in the industry has been from other blog writers, who don't appreciate the competition or felt threatened. I think things have been so good for them, for so long with over inflated prices, they don't appreciate someone who will deliver quality work at rates cheaper than theirs. With the two new offers that I'm fixing to introduce I don't think it will get any better. The first is that I will match the price of any other Blog writer (who is located in the US and speaks English as their first language) and submit several custom samples for free before I begin the work. The second deal is that I am offering a %20 referral to anyone (including those I haven't worked with before) who refers me a client. The %20 is in free blog work, or if they don't have blogs they can opt for %12 via paypal.

But I really didn't want to start this thread to pitch anything. I just wanted to say a huge thanks to Pam for taking a chance with me and being an absolute joy to work with. I really work forward to continuing to do lots business with her. And the same goes for Toby. He was absolutely great to work with and completely professional. And thanks to everyone else who provided me with guidance.

I just wanted to take the time to reflect and let everyone know I appreciate the reception I've gotten in the industry, and I've been incredibly impressed at just about every turn I've taken. Thanks.

02-18-2008, 09:22 AM

there is someone looking for services like yours

also hit me up i may have some work for you

02-18-2008, 10:32 AM
This makes me smile when I rea elsewhere how Ive single handedly destroyed Oprano.


02-18-2008, 02:00 PM

there is someone looking for services like yours

also hit me up i may have some work for you

Thanks Forest, great looking out.

I'm not sure this technically counts as a 'referral' for my %20 free blog work promotion, but it's a good lead that I didn't see. If it works out you've got some free blog posts coming your way.

02-18-2008, 02:57 PM
This makes me smile when I rea elsewhere how Ive single handedly destroyed Oprano.


Well, see that? All that, and a donut hoarder as well.