View Full Version : Explain to me why "Solo Teen" sells....

02-15-2008, 03:08 PM
It's not my niche, but I was looking at a bunch of these "Solo Teen" sites recently to see if I could sell them through my stuff. All I see is girls that look so much alike all doing the exact same things. No original posing, no real action, nothing at all interesting to grab my attention or make me want to open the wallet in the least. The girls all look vapid and empty, and while many are cute, very few are actually sexy. I don't understand how that stuff sells.

I see posts where people are talking about the amazing conversion and retention they get, and I have to put it all to hype with no substance. I brought this up on a few surfer boards to get feedback, and very few people were at all interested in those sites.

So who actually buys this stuff? The girls are a bit old to attract the paedophile, and the young boys who may be interested aren't the ones who pay. What am I missing?

02-15-2008, 03:53 PM
One word here:
I believe is the thriving seeking goal of most people who purchase teen porn.
So I guess that just leaves allot of dirty old bureaucrats with money who just can't get enough.

02-15-2008, 04:10 PM
Every guy has a "type" and when they see a solo girl that look that type it pull them in. Their is also the feeling of a more 'personal' connection with the model through live shows, etc that are often a part of a solo girl site.

My one big complaint, and I see it often, is the INSANELY stupid belife that models have to look a certain way to have a solo site. My first sentance blows that out fo the water. Women come in all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities and only a fool would think just because a girl doesn't look a certain way they can't be a solo model. There are definitely certain degrees of how broad their appeal might be but if you market a girl correctly it'll convert.

02-15-2008, 05:00 PM
I understand the concept that different people like different types, after all, we do make loads of money from the "Mature/MILF/Cougar" niche. But the sites we have and deal with have personality and interesting shoots.

Most of these "Solo Teen" sites are just clones of one another, all look the exact same, and the girls don't really display any personality at all. They all look like someone was just posing a Barbie doll. Keep in mind, I'm talking about the solo teen stuff and not the hard-core teen sites.

Other than cute pictures, I don't see any other "sell" on these sites. I also really can't see any sort of retention as the photo and video sets all seem to be very similar.

Again, it's not my thing, just trying to figure out the appeal and the reasons these things "may" sell. (Still think it's mainly hype)

02-15-2008, 06:01 PM
...just trying to figure out the appeal and the reasons these things "may" sell. (Still think it's mainly hype)
I tend to agree, the conversion and sales numbers you see posted from time to time aren't entirely legit.

02-15-2008, 06:54 PM
I guess I'm no help because 20 something’s with pigtails and braces hugging teddy bears just don’t do it for me.

02-16-2008, 02:00 AM
Danny, I think there is a combination of things at play here that, when they come together, makes a teen site a success.

First off, and let's not kid ourselves, is the pedo types. It is sad to say but let's be honest, there are some guys out there looking specifically for young girls. Many teen sites (solo and general) play the "just turned 18" card whenever they can. I am sure that some of the closet pedos out there are all over that.

Second thing I see is the "fresh and innocent" aspects. I often find for whatever reason that the teen solo sites that do the best have girls not doing hardcore or anything like that, but just getting naked, upskirts, and maybe some play with girlfriends. Lightspeed essentially played that card right to the hilt. Some guys like girls that aren't yet corrupted, so they can work on corrupting themselves.

Third (in successful sites) is a girl that is naturally attractive, nice body, and a certain charm or look that connects with the viewer. A good example there would be a girl like Dawson Miller (sadly she left the business before she got really big) because she was good looking and had a nice smile.

I will say that while I do promote some of the "teens with braces" styles sites, I personally don't find that super skinny white girls with ribs showing and braces to be appealing to me. If I want petite, I prefer asian, thank you very much. I think you will find too that if you look at the teen / solo sites that have done well long term, most of them are NOT in the braces and ribs department.

The braces and ribs girls seem to do well for a shorter period of time and then fade into the distance. I think it often comes down to not being able to produce more content. Look at a girl like Little April. Her newer picture sets show a girl that has matured and moved away from the skinny braces look, but it is hard for a site to move along with that.

02-16-2008, 09:22 AM
In some cases I think it's the interaction. If the model posts in a blog or a journal and talks to the surfers, they feel that connection.

I recently had to do some research and landed on many, MANY of this type of site, and my first thoughts were they all looked the same. Most seemed to promise the girls would play with themselves and with girlfriends, though how far that "play" goes is unknown to me.

I also saw some solo teen sites that were unique, though.

The one complaint I do get when talking to surfers is they don't join the solo girl sites (in my niche, of which there are just a few sites) because they want to see more than one model.

One of my favorite web girls is a site I can't sell much at all. I tried pushing another older woman in my niche who has a solo site (though appears with her man) and could not make more than one or two sales even though I threw a lot of traffic at it.

02-16-2008, 09:38 AM
...The one complaint I do get when talking to surfers is they don't join the solo girl sites (in my niche, of which there are just a few sites) because they want to see more than one model...
Hmmm, interesting... not something I've had an issue with. 7 of my top 10 sponsors are solo girl sites, although none are teens.

Hell Puppy
02-17-2008, 12:10 AM
What appeals to someone sexually is very very hard to figure out. We're all wired differently. Some guys dig tattoos, some hate 'em. Some like tits the size of basketballs, other guys prefer mosquito bites.

Here's my guess and observation as an amateur psychologist. ;)

Ever notice how most people tend to always love the type of music and songs that they were into when they were in their late teens early twenties? Those songs trigger memories of what is often the best time of your life. You're young, finding your way in the world for the first time, exploring things, and generally care free. You live kinda like Jace does today. ;)

My theory is girls of that age push those same buttons in us psychologically. Takes us back to those times. Let's us have the fantasy of being that young again.

Or half the world are closet pedophiles...

02-17-2008, 03:40 AM
What appeals to someone sexually is very very hard to figure out. We're all wired differently. Some guys dig tattoos, some hate 'em. Some like tits the size of basketballs, other guys prefer mosquito bites.

Here's my guess and observation as an amateur psychologist. ;)

Ever notice how most people tend to always love the type of music and songs that they were into when they were in their late teens early twenties? Those songs trigger memories of what is often the best time of your life. You're young, finding your way in the world for the first time, exploring things, and generally care free. You live kinda like Jace does today. ;)

My theory is girls of that age push those same buttons in us psychologically. Takes us back to those times. Let's us have the fantasy of being that young again.

Or half the world are closet pedophiles...

...and if this was a multiple choice question? I'd choose option #2

02-17-2008, 05:43 AM
What appeals to someone sexually is very very hard to figure out. We're all wired differently. Some guys dig tattoos, some hate 'em. Some like tits the size of basketballs, other guys prefer mosquito bites.

Here's my guess and observation as an amateur psychologist. ;)

Ever notice how most people tend to always love the type of music and songs that they were into when they were in their late teens early twenties? Those songs trigger memories of what is often the best time of your life. You're young, finding your way in the world for the first time, exploring things, and generally care free. You live kinda like Jace does today. ;)

My theory is girls of that age push those same buttons in us psychologically. Takes us back to those times. Let's us have the fantasy of being that young again.

Or half the world are closet pedophiles...

To some extent that "first experience" can really set a pattern, or at least that is an excuse often used to explain people who have specific desires, from older gals to other more kinky things. What may have gotten us excited first or been our first sexual memories can stay with you all your life.

02-17-2008, 06:31 AM
You guys are making this sound as if it's some sort of teenage rekindling
that we seem to have lusting inside from our past, and are reliving & express it through teenage porn???....:scratchin...? :g01:....?:scratchin ...?

...:lmao1: ...Forget that, I ain't fallin' for that crap.
They're just in the closet pervs is all....:wankit::cheer:

02-17-2008, 05:09 PM
Hmmm, interesting... not something I've had an issue with. 7 of my top 10 sponsors are solo girl sites, although none are teens.

Again, it's not my thing, just trying to figure out the appeal and the reasons these things "may" sell. (Still think it's mainly hype)

How could you possibly consider it as "hype"? when its demonstrating itself just by it's high demand & popularity that its sales would be far from that?
Now saturation of a product is anther story. But in my small time here I've aparently seen & learned that a majority of the people promoting any of they're specified niche don't even know where they're traffic is establishing from? or who they're average customer might even be for that matter?
So, for that fact then, What or how would they know about why people are attracted to teen porn then???
Unless your in actual contact with your purchasers then I don't believe a bunch of webmaster can reply to any certainty.

:yeahthat0 ...was the polite reply.

...but at anytime feel free to ask for my personal rcourt64 version of why teen porn sells ... :whistling hehehe

02-17-2008, 06:30 PM
Unless your in actual contact with your purchasers then I don't believe a bunch of webmaster can reply to any certainty.

But some of us DO have contact with their surfers on a daily basis. I know when they call I ask questions -- why do you like this, when did you discover your interest, what would you like to see in my next video, what would you like to see on X website.

Unfortunately I often become their psychiatrist (bartender?) as they unload more than I ever needed to know.

I don't think it's hype, though, because I see more and more solo teen girl sites coming up every single day, and if they didn't sell .....

Too bad more people don't realize that microniche sells well and put out more niche and microniche sites.

02-17-2008, 07:07 PM
...Too bad more people don't realize that microniche sells well and put out more niche and microniche sites. :clapping: :okthumb:

02-17-2008, 08:16 PM
:clapping: :okthumb:

yawn :yawn:

02-17-2008, 08:20 PM
yawn :yawn::waving: Y'know, I heard that Wal-Mart was running a 2 for 1 sale on clues. Perhaps you should go and stock up.

02-17-2008, 10:27 PM
:waving: Y'know, I heard that Wal-Mart was running a 2 for 1 sale on clues. Perhaps you should go and stock up.

Yea, I'm with Toby on this.....
Microniche for sure.
The closer you can get to that guy's ultimate fantasy, the better the customer...i.e. customer service.
And it's a big big world. Lots of people. Even feeding them through the microniche filter, you can strain out a few hundred/thousand from the millions in the world, if you are smart. The churn rate will be lower, and dedication will be there.

Or, you know, you could be a jackass, and think you know it all and keep slamming people with the same vanilla crap you've been doing for years......and we'll be picking through your assets to build microniche in a year or so.
Something like that

02-17-2008, 11:43 PM
But some of us DO have contact with their surfers on a daily basis. I know when they call I ask questions -- why do you like this, when did you discover your interest, what would you like to see in my next video, what would you like to see on X website.

Unfortunately I often become their psychiatrist (bartender?) as they unload more than I ever needed to know.

I don't think it's hype, though, because I see more and more solo teen girl sites coming up every single day, and if they didn't sell .....

Too bad more people don't realize that microniche sells well and put out more niche and microniche sites.

You guys all crack me up. Microniche...hmmmm....is that something that a lot of guys like? Sure is. I just had someone do about 750 dollars worth of sales today. I am sure that in your world this is no big whoop, but along with the other guys, this is pretty fine for me. As far as the question re: young girls all being the same old same old....well that is what sex in the straight world is all about. So why would it not sell. No offense, Danny, but Carol cox has always been about straight sex and has done well for you.

02-18-2008, 10:37 AM
After seeing the diversity of the videos in the VOD catalog I can honestly say that someone will buy anything that you photograph or video.

HOW MANY PEOPLE that will buy it and HOW MUCH THEY SPEND however is a different story.

Ive seen people pay to watch women in high heels crush bugs or in short skirts trying to get a flooded car started.

Not much straight sex in those niches but they do sell.
As long as you dont expect a fortune for each crazy idea then I think there is a good living to be earned.

Unfortunatly I thnk R is looking for someone to give him a detailed roadmap to fame and fortune.

Good luck and best wishes.

02-18-2008, 01:35 PM
After seeing the diversity of the videos in the VOD catalog I can honestly say that someone will buy anything that you photograph or video.

HOW MANY PEOPLE that will buy it and HOW MUCH THEY SPEND however is a different story.

Ive seen people pay to watch women in high heels crush bugs or in short skirts trying to get a flooded car started.

Not much straight sex in those niches but they do sell.
As long as you dont expect a fortune for each crazy idea then I think there is a good living to be earned.

Unfortunatly I thnk R is looking for someone to give him a detailed roadmap to fame and fortune.

Good luck and best wishes.

Never underestimate the popularity of pedal pushing. Back in the day, those gas peddle honeys did well. I am sure many still do.....lol.
Sounds like r is in need of a gps. You have to be able unfold a road map to make it work.

02-18-2008, 02:04 PM
Never underestimate the popularity of pedal pushing. Back in the day, those gas peddle honeys did well. I am sure many still do.....lol.
Sounds like r is in need of a gps. You have to be able unfold a road map to make it work.

One of the oddest microniches Ive seen.
Looks GREEN to me though!

02-18-2008, 02:23 PM
I have a pedal pumping blog. I remember back when I began publishing how the fetish surprised me at how popular it was. I talked to one customer and asked him why he liked it and what turned him on so I could learn.

For every guy (and girl) who thinks they are the ONLY one into something, there are tens of thousands of others thinking the same thing about the same fetish.

02-18-2008, 02:32 PM
I have a pedal pumping blog. I remember back when I began publishing how the fetish surprised me at how popular it was. I talked to one customer and asked him why he liked it and what turned him on so I could learn.

For every guy (and girl) who thinks they are the ONLY one into something, there are tens of thousands of others thinking the same thing about the same fetish.
My theory is that if you can even think about it, someone will love it.

02-18-2008, 02:57 PM
After seeing the diversity of the videos in the VOD catalog I can honestly say that someone will buy anything that you photograph or video.

HOW MANY PEOPLE that will buy it and HOW MUCH THEY SPEND however is a different story.

Ive seen people pay to watch women in high heels crush bugs or in short skirts trying to get a flooded car started.

Not much straight sex in those niches but they do sell.
As long as you dont expect a fortune for each crazy idea then I think there is a good living to be earned.

Unfortunatly I thnk R is looking for someone to give him a detailed roadmap to fame and fortune.

Good luck and best wishes.

[Begin rational quote here]
No Mr. GonZo, Not my intension at all, just the opposite, I'm looking & learning at whats been done already is all,
I don't wish to roam thru the same channels has the majority of marketers are doing now in adult. None of the monkey see, monkey do maketing & traffic gimmicks. (whether they work or not)
I'm not trying to insulting or degrading whats been proven to work already, no.
Just wishing to understand why this works, and why that didn't is all?
Ya, I know.. I analize it too much.:idontknow who cares?
I have ideas, and a few good ones at that. :okthumb: But I must ask & see whats been tried, and whats not yet is all. besides im sitting on a little personal microniche right now thats proven to be very lucrative. (but I ain't tellin')
[End rationality here]

And thats besides the fact that have of yous are truly clueless what works & what doesn't.... You can't lock into whats good retention traffic & whats not.
Most of you dump websites on the internet and play customers like if ya'll was deep sea fishing in the middle of the atlantic for worms. Fuck that gamblin sales bullshit. :thumbdown
[End Rcourt64]


02-18-2008, 03:10 PM
Ill cling to those clueless bucks while you continue to analyse it

02-18-2008, 03:22 PM
Ill cling to those clueless bucks while you continue to analyse it

:lol: Ya..., You do that, cha-ching-cha-ching for yous all :okthumb:

"...for nows at least"...:whistling