View Full Version : Next President Does It Matter

02-14-2008, 04:31 PM
Does it really matter? Well looking back to the Reagan era there have been only 2 last names represented in one of the highest 2 offices in the land. Bush or Clinton.

Take a minute to think about that

Reagan - Bush 8 years
Bush - Quale 4 years
Clinton - Gore 8 years
Bush - Cheany 8 years

Thats 28 years, not sure who is the answer but I guess if clinton wins again we know what to expect


02-14-2008, 04:58 PM
big old signature.

02-14-2008, 09:43 PM
Billary wins: Pissed off public, republican Congress returns mid-term.
Obamma Wins: several years later, everyone wanders why they voted for a green kid.
McCain wins: Everybody is pissed, more of the same, nobody wins.

Ron Paul wins: Country implodes, we start over.

Choice: Ron Paul.

Hell Puppy
02-14-2008, 09:54 PM
Well, in general terms....

Hildebeast -- if Congress cant keep her in check, we land someplace to the left of socialism nearing communism. Big government, wealth redistribtion, attacks on individualism and freedom. The solution to every problem is more government. She's the scariest candidate with an actual shot at winning that I can remember in my lifespan.

Obama -- Best thing he has going for him is he's not Hillary. But the fact of the matter is he's really not done much in either private industry or government so his performance is tough to gauge. Definitely liberal, likely also more big government, social programs, etc. The scary thing with Obama is Congress will have their hands full because anyone who opposes any programs he proposes that moves money from the rich to the poor will immediately be colored as a racist.

Both democratic candidates are scary in terms of protection of our borders and handling of terrorism and other threats.

Mccain -- Indeed pretty much more of the same. Keeps terrorists in check, likely would continue some work on shoring up the borders. But he is not a fiscal conservative either.

There's not a Reagan style conservative in the bunch who would actually have the balls to kill some government spending and programs and put the responsibility back on the states where it belongs.

Whoever is elected likely is a disaster in this term as they're walking into a recession and a ton of problems. It's inevitable at this point and nothing they do or do not do will impact it for at least 2-3 years, so they're going to get blamed.

As for impacts on our industry, all 3 are scary there too. You'd think the liberals would be good for us in that you likely get an AG who is not from the religious right. But the reality is the liberals want government control of everything in place of individual responsibility. Might be a grab there for them to "protect our children".

02-14-2008, 10:26 PM
Well, in general terms....

..................... Might be a grab there for them to "protect our children".

Oh yes, let us not forget, we must "SAVE THE CHILDREN!"

I can't tell you how tired I am of saving other people's kids because they obviate the responsibility of taking care of their children themselves.

02-14-2008, 11:03 PM
Billary wins: Pissed off public, republican Congress returns mid-term.
Obamma Wins: several years later, everyone wanders why they voted for a green kid.
McCain wins: Everybody is pissed, more of the same, nobody wins.

Ron Paul wins: Country implodes, we start over.

Choice: Ron Paul.

I say we vote for Richard Pryor ie none of the above from Brewsters Million.

I do like the idea of starting over