View Full Version : aebn for dummies

02-05-2008, 04:33 AM
Hi, im new so my apologies if this sounds stupid. but do you have to have your own website first to sign up to be a AEBN webmaster affiliate! Help!!!!!!!!!!!


02-05-2008, 07:20 AM
Hi, im new so my apologies if this sounds stupid. but do you have to have your own website first to sign up to be a AEBN webmaster affiliate! Help!!!!!!!!!!!

Why else would you sign up?

02-05-2008, 08:24 AM
Hi, im new so my apologies if this sounds stupid. but do you have to have your own website first to sign up to be a AEBN webmaster affiliate! Help!!!!!!!!!!!


If you have a domain and a plan, we can help. Hit April or me up; we can answer any questions you have


02-05-2008, 10:18 AM
Why don't you just straight out answer they're question?
Is it required to own or have published a website or domain name to qualify for A.E.B.N's Webmaster Affiliate Program? Yes? or No?

02-05-2008, 10:25 AM
Why don't you just straight out answer they're question?
Is it required to own or have published a website or domain name to qualify for A.E.B.N's Webmaster Affiliate Program? Yes? or No?

Im not an account rep jack ass.

Webmaster affilaite program... how can you be a webmaster if you dont have a website?

02-05-2008, 10:39 AM
Im not an account rep jack ass.

Webmaster affilaite program... how can you be a webmaster if you dont have a website?

In that same reasoning then.., Where does it say that I'm required to provide credentials of any sort that I'm a certified Webmaster?
I can get a free account just about anywhere on the Internet now today, click a few options and check a few boxes and "WAH-LAAH" I got a webpage publised.
So... whats being a webmaster have anything to do with your question?

02-05-2008, 11:11 AM
Why don't you just straight out answer they're question?
Is it required to own or have published a website or domain name to qualify for A.E.B.N's Webmaster Affiliate Program? Yes? or No?

I actually DID answer that question with my response "If you have a domain..." and requested a one-on-one contact so I could help.

BUT. Since you want a more comprehensive answer for someone else's question:
There does have to be a webpage under your purview/ management so you have somewhere to put the resultant links. There are those who will put their affiliate links on their xpeeps or other networking pages - it can be done - but it doesn't usually prove to be very lucrative and works much better on a fully dedicated domain so traffic can be optimised.

02-05-2008, 11:29 AM
I actually DID answer that question with my response "If you have a domain..." and requested a one-on-one contact so I could help.

BUT. Since you want a more comprehensive answer for someone else's question:
There does have to be a webpage under your purview/ management so you have somewhere to put the resultant links. There are those who will put their affiliate links on their xpeeps or other networking pages - it can be done - but it doesn't usually prove to be very lucrative and works much better on a fully dedicated domain so traffic can be optimised.

The question wasn't about what is "lucrative" or not.
So basically with just an xpeeps profile I'm qualified for access to webmaters webshell & promotional products and material? correct?

02-05-2008, 11:35 AM
The question wasn't about what is "lucrative" or not.
So basically with just an xpeeps profile I'm qualified for access to webmaters webshell & promotional products and material? correct?

I don't make judgment calls about "qualified," but you can certainly create an account and access the sales tools. But without a destination page, they are fairly useless to the affiliate.

So, net/net: I had already answered the question as it was originally posed - there would have to be a page. Due to your additional questions, I fleshed it out a little more to resolve the most usual questions.

I am curious, though, as to what constitutes a "certified" webmaster. I haven't seen that certification before. Can I get it through University of Phoenix (http://Phoenix.edu)?

02-05-2008, 11:47 AM
Used to be most affiliate programs made you list a domain you owned as a requirement when signing up.

02-05-2008, 07:09 PM
I don't make judgment calls about "qualified," but you can certainly create an account and access the sales tools. But without a destination page, they are fairly useless to the affiliate.

So, net/net: I had already answered the question as it was originally posed - there would have to be a page. Due to your additional questions, I fleshed it out a little more to resolve the most usual questions.

I am curious, though, as to what constitutes a "certified" webmaster. I haven't seen that certification before. Can I get it through University of Phoenix (http://Phoenix.edu)?

So then why is everyone wondering and complaining about a saturated porn market? and why sales have dropped?
Aside from now having access to millions of free clips and photos and other "So-called" paid promotional material, then who the fuck needs to buy porn anymore??? :scratchin
Keep in mind this is referring to about 98% of sponsors offering so-called FREE promo material

As for certified? Besides a few Microsoft paid certification and possibly a school diploma. This is all I can think of as proof.

Your missing my point Madam Liz, it's not about being a QUALIFIED Webmaster, Just the point that this jaycuzzi character, "who hasn't returned yet" needed to even ask this question. should be proof enough that he is possibly not a webmaster. But now he probably has access to shitloads of free AEBN porn, So why would he even need to purchase anything anymore?
Now I'm sure you could probably come up with some sort of sponsor representative to say how great business is and sales are booming. But ask the little guy webmaster if he feels the same way, and tell me you get the same answer?

02-05-2008, 11:26 PM
I actually DID answer that question with my response "If you have a domain..." and requested a one-on-one contact so I could help.

BUT. Since you want a more comprehensive answer for someone else's question:
There does have to be a webpage under your purview/ management so you have somewhere to put the resultant links. There are those who will put their affiliate links on their xpeeps or other networking pages - it can be done - but it doesn't usually prove to be very lucrative and works much better on a fully dedicated domain so traffic can be optimised.




02-06-2008, 12:08 AM
So then why is everyone wondering and complaining about a saturated porn market? and why sales have dropped?
Aside from now having access to millions of free clips and photos and other "So-called" paid promotional material, then who the fuck needs to buy porn anymore??? :scratchin
Keep in mind this is referring to about 98% of sponsors offering so-called FREE promo material

As for certified? Besides a few Microsoft paid certification and possibly a school diploma. This is all I can think of as proof.

Your missing my point Madam Liz, it's not about being a QUALIFIED Webmaster, Just the point that this jaycuzzi character, "who hasn't returned yet" needed to even ask this question. should be proof enough that he is possibly not a webmaster. But now he probably has access to shitloads of free AEBN porn, So why would he even need to purchase anything anymore?
Now I'm sure you could probably come up with some sort of sponsor representative to say how great business is and sales are booming. But ask the little guy webmaster if he feels the same way, and tell me you get the same answer?
wow your pretty cynical. and im not a character im a real person. people using the barrier of the enternet to be rude when they would otherwise never talk to certain people that way in person . anyway thats another message board altogether. How else do you learn if you dont ask questions. How would anyone start and succeed if they listened to the rude cynical unhelpful remarks that some people spew on these boards.\


02-06-2008, 12:27 AM
...How would anyone start and succeed if they listened to the rude cynical unhelpful remarks that some people spew on these boards.That has to be one of the most astute observations ever posted here by a newbie. Bravo, and welcome to Oprano. :waving:

02-06-2008, 06:28 AM
wow your pretty cynical. and im not a character im a real person. people using the barrier of the enternet to be rude when they would otherwise never talk to certain people that way in person . anyway thats another message board altogether. How else do you learn if you dont ask questions. How would anyone start and succeed if they listened to the rude cynical unhelpful remarks that some people spew on these boards.\


1) Cynical is the person who paints pretty pictures with flowering words to impress.
Bluntness is just a straight out reply and to the point, no buttercup flavored sales pitch.

2) I'm in TampaBay, feel free to email me for my business number and I'll be more than happy to express my same exact thoughts and opinions either threw phone or in person.

3) In my eyes your just a character here, I don't know you from squat, you about has real as a wet dream to me right now.

4) I don't recall at any minute ever criticizing, oppressing, or shunning your question.
so I don't know where you got that idea.


5) Care to emphasize at what point my remark was unhelpful?

02-06-2008, 08:26 AM
So then why is everyone wondering and complaining about a saturated porn market? and why sales have dropped?
Aside from now having access to millions of free clips and photos and other "So-called" paid promotional material, then who the fuck needs to buy porn anymore??? :scratchin
Keep in mind this is referring to about 98% of sponsors offering so-called FREE promo material

As for certified? Besides a few Microsoft paid certification and possibly a school diploma. This is all I can think of as proof.

Your missing my point Madam Liz, it's not about being a QUALIFIED Webmaster, Just the point that this jaycuzzi character, "who hasn't returned yet" needed to even ask this question. should be proof enough that he is possibly not a webmaster. But now he probably has access to shitloads of free AEBN porn, So why would he even need to purchase anything anymore?
Now I'm sure you could probably come up with some sort of sponsor representative to say how great business is and sales are booming. But ask the little guy webmaster if he feels the same way, and tell me you get the same answer?

Thanks, rCourt, for your answer, although I don't think a certification in Microsoft is necessarily qualification for webmastering.

It's interesting to note that you comment that Jaycuzzi "probably has access to shitloads of free AEBN porn" - when he would have access to the same sales tools any of our affiliates do (such as yourself), but would not be provided with free minutes or similar.

I am curious, though, since you brought it up, what your solution is to the "
98% of sponsors offering so-called FREE promo material" - what is the solution, to your mind, to drive traffic if not through promotional material? I don't think the problem is the material itself, if it's constructed in such a way as to be a tease. But I would like to hear your solutions.

It's really easy to tar anyone with the big, nasty brush of ruining the industry, but harder to give credit to those who try to further it and provide constructive, useful suggestions.

02-06-2008, 09:59 AM
Thanks, rCourt, for your answer, although I don't think a certification in Microsoft is necessarily qualification for webmastering.

It's interesting to note that you comment that Jaycuzzi "probably has access to shitloads of free AEBN porn" - when he would have access to the same sales tools any of our affiliates do (such as yourself), but would not be provided with free minutes or similar.

I am curious, though, since you brought it up, what your solution is to the "
98% of sponsors offering so-called FREE promo material" - what is the solution, to your mind, to drive traffic if not through promotional material? I don't think the problem is the material itself, if it's constructed in such a way as to be a tease. But I would like to hear your solutions.

It's really easy to tar anyone with the big, nasty brush of ruining the industry, but harder to give credit to those who try to further it and provide constructive, useful suggestions.

02-06-2008, 12:56 PM
Hello -

You know, some of you in this thread should be really embarrassed right now.

Newcomer "Jaycuzzi" came to Orpano (with the tag line "The Business of Porn") and asked a very simple question (which you did not have to apologize for btw, Jaycuzzi). And instead of answering his question Gonzo (the WEBMASTER of this board), you spanked him with a "Why else would you sign up?" response. Did you happen to notice that this question wasn't even directed at you?

Next, LizAEBN gives him a perfect, professional answer. This thread should have ended right there.

But no. "RCourt64", who didn't seem to read Liz's response, has to spank Liz with a "Why don't you just straight out answer they're question?". Pretty rude.

The Gonzo spanks RCourt with a "Im not an account rep jack ass." !!!!

This is pretty unprofessional behavior from a site that touts itself to be "The Business of Porn" and to be honest, pretty embarrasing too. All Jaycuzzi wanted was a simple answer to a question, and it turned into a mud-sling.

Jaycuzzi: Please allow me to give you your first official Welcome to the Adult Internet Business. I promise you that there are plenty of solid, smart business people out there (Like Liz and APril of AEBN) that are willing to give you lots of GOOD advice.

There are also plenty of other boards out there with for you to explore. If you don't get the answers you need, please don't stop looking around.

Good luck,

Mark Prince

02-06-2008, 01:14 PM
Jaycuzzi: Please allow me to give you your first official Welcome to the Adult Internet Business.Ummm, scroll up about 5 posts. I think I see a welcome in there. :rolleyes:

02-06-2008, 01:21 PM
Hello -

You know, some of you in this thread should be really embarrassed right now.

Newcomer "Jaycuzzi" came to Orpano (with the tag line "The Business of Porn") and asked a very simple question (which you did not have to apologize for btw, Jaycuzzi). And instead of answering his question Gonzo (the WEBMASTER of this board), you spanked him with a "Why else would you sign up?" response. Did you happen to notice that this question wasn't even directed at you?

Next, LizAEBN gives him a perfect, professional answer. This thread should have ended right there.

But no. "RCourt64", who didn't seem to read Liz's response, has to spank Liz with a "Why don't you just straight out answer they're question?". Pretty rude.

The Gonzo spanks RCourt with a "Im not an account rep jack ass." !!!!

This is pretty unprofessional behavior from a site that touts itself to be "The Business of Porn" and to be honest, pretty embarrasing too. All Jaycuzzi wanted was a simple answer to a question, and it turned into a mud-sling.

Jaycuzzi: Please allow me to give you your first official Welcome to the Adult Internet Business. I promise you that there are plenty of solid, smart business people out there (Like Liz and APril of AEBN) that are willing to give you lots of GOOD advice.

There are also plenty of other boards out there with for you to explore. If you don't get the answers you need, please don't stop looking around.

Good luck,

Mark Prince

You really should get out more Mark.
Is this some more unsolicited advice?

Im still not interested.

02-06-2008, 01:46 PM
Hi, im new so my apologies if this sounds stupid. but do you have to have your own website first to sign up to be a AEBN webmaster affiliate! Help!!!!!!!!!!!



Welcome to Oprano....I think AEBN rocks! They have provided me with great theaters to compliment many of our sites and we are very new. We have had success despite all the free porn out there - people still pay. AEBN has been a really honest and safe affiliate program no scams or games going on behind the scenes and the traffic and clicks I have sent really end up there and convert.

I am very new but have seen some success and some failures as well - and without starting another thread on the negative I can tell you be careful who you do business with and whom you choose to affiliate yourself with. Search the affiliate programs for the complaints and check this board for some of the proof about those that skim and redirect and have so called "technical errors" that take your traffic and sales.

The terminology webmaster can be defined broadly and the TOS (terms of service) of most of the affiliate programs do not list credentials you must have to use the title. But to be successful at driving traffic and converting sales there is a lot to learn and some is trial and error. Keep asking questions and check cozyfrog they have some useful information to help get you started.

Good luck!

02-06-2008, 02:48 PM
Gonzo: You're right, sorry, I forgot. You don't appreciate my advice so I'll refrain from offering it to you again.

Shellee: Well said! It might also be good advice for newbies to look at companies who have built something, that have real products out there, and who have been in this business for years before considering anything they have to say. And moreso, Beware of those who are "experts on everything" but have nothing more than a string of domain names with placeholder pages as "proof" of their "expertise". There are lots of posers out there.

Cheers all!

Mark Prince

02-06-2008, 03:13 PM

Welcome to Oprano....I think AEBN rocks! They have provided me with great theaters to compliment many of our sites and we are very new. We have had success despite all the free porn out there - people still pay. AEBN has been a really honest and safe affiliate program no scams or games going on behind the scenes and the traffic and clicks I have sent really end up there and convert.

I am very new but have seen some success and some failures as well - and without starting another thread on the negative I can tell you be careful who you do business with and whom you choose to affiliate yourself with. Search the affiliate programs for the complaints and check this board for some of the proof about those that skim and redirect and have so called "technical errors" that take your traffic and sales.

The terminology webmaster can be defined broadly and the TOS (terms of service) of most of the affiliate programs do not list credentials you must have to use the title. But to be successful at driving traffic and converting sales there is a lot to learn and some is trial and error. Keep asking questions and check cozyfrog they have some useful information to help get you started.

Good luck!

Shellee - thank you so much for the kudos! We love you back.

02-06-2008, 04:54 PM

Welcome to Oprano....I think AEBN rocks! They have provided me with great theaters to compliment many of our sites and we are very new. We have had success despite all the free porn out there - people still pay. AEBN has been a really honest and safe affiliate program no scams or games going on behind the scenes and the traffic and clicks I have sent really end up there and convert.

I am very new but have seen some success and some failures as well - and without starting another thread on the negative I can tell you be careful who you do business with and whom you choose to affiliate yourself with. Search the affiliate programs for the complaints and check this board for some of the proof about those that skim and redirect and have so called "technical errors" that take your traffic and sales.

The terminology webmaster can be defined broadly and the TOS (terms of service) of most of the affiliate programs do not list credentials you must have to use the title. But to be successful at driving traffic and converting sales there is a lot to learn and some is trial and error. Keep asking questions and check cozyfrog they have some useful information to help get you started.

Good luck!
These are the people im looking for april liz prince and shell etc all of you positive webmasters thanks. marching on to success in a fun business hope to meet you all in frisco for cybernet expo june 10th thru 13th. thats actually how i came to this point. thru cozy frog then aebn then here. funny where life takes you. moving towards the top remembering all that helped!

02-06-2008, 05:51 PM
Thanks, rCourt, for your answer, although I don't think a certification in Microsoft is necessarily qualification for webmastering.

It's interesting to note that you comment that Jaycuzzi "probably has access to shitloads of free AEBN porn" - when he would have access to the same sales tools any of our affiliates do (such as yourself), but would not be provided with free minutes or similar.

I am curious, though, since you brought it up, what your solution is to the "
98% of sponsors offering so-called FREE promo material" - what is the solution, to your mind, to drive traffic if not through promotional material? I don't think the problem is the material itself, if it's constructed in such a way as to be a tease. But I would like to hear your solutions.

It's really easy to tar anyone with the big, nasty brush of ruining the industry, but harder to give credit to those who try to further it and provide constructive, useful suggestions.

Let me ask the Beautiful Liz a question before I answer to ALL of hers,
Can you show me an average account of how many of AEBN sales are obtained through retention? and what kind of percentage is from new customers?
Don't misunderstand me please Liz, I know your not in a position to divulge aebns financial income status, But I'm sure you could come up with some sort of general percentage stats for the public to back your answer please. If you don't know... "Go ask your boss" ;) what was that chess playing guys name again???

Hello -

You know, some of you in this thread should be really embarrassed right now.

Newcomer "Jaycuzzi" came to Orpano (with the tag line "The Business of Porn") and asked a very simple question (which you did not have to apologize for btw, Jaycuzzi). And instead of answering his question Gonzo (the WEBMASTER of this board), you spanked him with a "Why else would you sign up?" response. Did you happen to notice that this question wasn't even directed at you?

Next, LizAEBN gives him a perfect, professional answer. This thread should have ended right there.

But no. "RCourt64", who didn't seem to read Liz's response, has to spank Liz with a "Why don't you just straight out answer they're question?". Pretty rude.

The Gonzo spanks RCourt with a "Im not an account rep jack ass." !!!!

This is pretty unprofessional behavior from a site that touts itself to be "The Business of Porn" and to be honest, pretty embarrasing too. All Jaycuzzi wanted was a simple answer to a question, and it turned into a mud-sling.

Jaycuzzi: Please allow me to give you your first official Welcome to the Adult Internet Business. I promise you that there are plenty of solid, smart business people out there (Like Liz and APril of AEBN) that are willing to give you lots of GOOD advice.

There are also plenty of other boards out there with for you to explore. If you don't get the answers you need, please don't stop looking around.

She didn't answer his question, she threw him a sales pitch line.
and I ask for a more specific and clear form of an answer for this guys question, (reasoning already posted above)

Hey..? Your really into that spanking thing, huh?
you seem to enjoy this word allot ;)
Here maybe you might enjoy some FREE AEBN SPANKING PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL FOR WEBMASTERS ONLY (http://www.spankingpayperview.com)

and last, from what few comments & observation I've had with Mr. GonZo, he is very protective and careering when it comes to anything related to AEBN, so I expected a nasty comment like this from him. But he is never insulting and is very open arms to newbies & pros alike.
So don't judge a man from just one sentence.

These are the people im looking for april liz prince and shell thanks. marching on to success in a fun bizness hope to meet you all in frisco for cybernet expo jne 10th thru 13th. thats actually how i came to this point. thru cozy frog then aebn then here. funny where life takes you. moving towards the top remembering all that helped!

Oh shit, :unsure: Hammer should be making an appearance any minute now :unsure:

Hell Puppy
02-06-2008, 08:57 PM
What was the question again?

02-06-2008, 11:35 PM
These are the people im looking for april liz prince and shell etc all of you positive webmasters thanks. marching on to success in a fun business hope to meet you all in frisco for cybernet expo june 10th thru 13th. thats actually how i came to this point. thru cozy frog then aebn then here. funny where life takes you. moving towards the top remembering all that helped!

I will be in San Francisco supporting my friend Jay for sure.... SF is my old stomping grounds as well so I look forward to going back home for a few days.

Please hit me up on ICQ to chat sometime and I look forward to meeting you as well.

02-06-2008, 11:52 PM
Im still not ashamed.
How are you a webmaster if you dont have a website?

Its not a matter of being rude or protective. Its a simple quetion like how can you call yourself a driver if you dont have a car?

I will be in San Fran as well. Maybe you can explain it there.

You have 2 of the best reps in the company willing to give you some assistance as well. And Liz was honest in telling you that you will be disapoiinted if you are looking to be succesful with using Xpeeps as a promo tool.

Hell Puppy
02-07-2008, 12:40 AM
Im still not ashamed.
How are you a webmaster if you dont have a website?

Its not a matter of being rude or protective. Its a simple quetion like how can you call yourself a driver if you dont have a car?

I will be in San Fran as well. Maybe you can explain it there.

You have 2 of the best reps in the company willing to give you some assistance as well. And Liz was honest in telling you that you will be disapoiinted if you are looking to be succesful with using Xpeeps as a promo tool.

I guess they could link from blogger, myspace, wordpress.com, etc at least until they got shut down.

it's bad, cost of entry is already too low and now they dont even wanna have a website.

02-07-2008, 12:48 AM
I guess they could link from blogger, myspace, wordpress.com, etc at least until they got shut down.

it's bad, cost of entry is already too low and now they dont even wanna have a website.

I didnt think of that.
Mailing came to my mind too quick.

Those still would be considered websites of sorts...remember how I had that free host way back and grew that guys blowjob pay site out of it?

He started with a free host and tapped the bj market right in the beginning.

I never understood how he just shut everything down once Visa wanted the $750. I saw those checks.... hell those checks were coming to me.

It could be done way back then but I have my doubts of starting any site that could turn lucrative using any sort of free host.

Hes welcome to try though. Everyone here can have a free blog!

Hell Puppy
02-07-2008, 03:35 AM
I didnt think of that.
Mailing came to my mind too quick.

Those still would be considered websites of sorts...remember how I had that free host way back and grew that guys blowjob pay site out of it?

He started with a free host and tapped the bj market right in the beginning.

I never understood how he just shut everything down once Visa wanted the $750. I saw those checks.... hell those checks were coming to me.

It could be done way back then but I have my doubts of starting any site that could turn lucrative using any sort of free host.

Hes welcome to try though. Everyone here can have a free blog!

If AEBN supports CNAME, in theory you could buy a domain and just point it at that them. You'd need a GOOD domain to see any real returns though.

02-07-2008, 03:41 AM
If AEBN supports CNAME, in theory you could buy a domain and just point it at that them. You'd need a GOOD domain to see any real returns though.

A couple of the products support CNAME.
Contact your rep for some more information.

02-07-2008, 04:12 AM
What was the question again?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

02-07-2008, 09:02 AM
Let me ask the Beautiful Liz a question before I answer to ALL of hers,
Can you show me an average account of how many of AEBN sales are obtained through retention? and what kind of percentage is from new customers?
Don't misunderstand me please Liz, I know your not in a position to divulge aebns financial income status, But I'm sure you could come up with some sort of general percentage stats for the public to back your answer please. If you don't know... "Go ask your boss" ;) what was that chess playing guys name again???

She didn't answer his question, she threw him a sales pitch line.
and I ask for a more specific and clear form of an answer for this guys question, (reasoning already posted above)

Actually, the entirety of his question was "do I have to have a website?"

I responded with "If you have a domain..." Which is an answer to the question he actually asked.

Because different webmasters have differnt goals, visions, and requirements, I am loathe to delinate them at length on a board just in case I hit on the right one -- so I asked him to contact either me or April directly. It seems to me HAD I gone to lengths to describe the myraid ways AEBN can work with a site, that would've been a sales pitch - saying "I'm happy to talk to you" hardly qualifies.

Should you like to discuss retention, I would be happy to do so at greater length off-board. However, the short answer is this: there are any number of webmasters who never make any money at all, simply because they do not promote their own site, refresh their galleries, use tools available to them, or other factors. There are other webmasters who make several thousand dollars a month in new and recurring revenues because they make their dites a priority. Much depends on the webmaster's approach.

As for "chess-playing guy," I really couldn't say - I've never known Jerry to play chess, but I will happily admit if I am mistaken.

02-07-2008, 09:03 AM
If AEBN supports CNAME, in theory you could buy a domain and just point it at that them. You'd need a GOOD domain to see any real returns though.

We can, do, and the domain is key.

I would caution, however, that we are not positioned to create branding if it doesn't already exisit.

02-07-2008, 09:43 AM
Liz and I are always happy to help! To answer the question again, yes you do have to have your own website. Both of us have our ICQ's listed in our signature so you can get in touch with us at anytime for help. :)

Rcourt: It seems you like getting Liz all fired up, lol, for some reason. Is this a fetish of yours?? :scratchin

02-07-2008, 09:58 AM
Rcourt: It seems you like getting Liz all fired up, lol, for some reason. Is this a fetish of yours?? :scratchin

He wants to smell her hair.

02-07-2008, 10:58 AM
He wants to smell her hair.
Or maybe he would like Liz to trample him at a show :blink:

02-07-2008, 11:21 AM
Or maybe he would like Liz to trample him at a show :blink:
Bear trampoline?

02-07-2008, 12:16 PM
He wants to smell her hair.

I thought she kept it shaved?

02-07-2008, 12:20 PM
Actually, the entirety of his question was "do I have to have a website?"

I responded with "If you have a domain..." Which is an answer to the question he actually asked.

Because different webmasters have differnt goals, visions, and requirements, I am loathe to delinate them at length on a board just in case I hit on the right one -- so I asked him to contact either me or April directly. It seems to me HAD I gone to lengths to describe the myraid ways AEBN can work with a site, that would've been a sales pitch - saying "I'm happy to talk to you" hardly qualifies.

Should you like to discuss retention, I would be happy to do so at greater length off-board. However, the short answer is this: there are any number of webmasters who never make any money at all, simply because they do not promote their own site, refresh their galleries, use tools available to them, or other factors. There are other webmasters who make several thousand dollars a month in new and recurring revenues because they make their dites a priority. Much depends on the webmaster's approach.

As for "chess-playing guy," I really couldn't say - I've never known Jerry to play chess, but I will happily admit if I am mistaken.

Either show me some % number, or show me your boobs?
Which is it gonna be ??? :whistling

02-07-2008, 12:30 PM
Either show me some % number, or show me your boobs?
Which is it gonna be ??? :whistling


Also, it occurs to me you never actually answered my questions. :P

02-08-2008, 04:22 PM

Also, it occurs to me you never actually answered my questions. :P

It's seems you don't have to reply to my question, But I'm required to yours?? "Your are such a typical chick" :hmm:

02-11-2008, 08:37 AM
It's seems you don't have to reply to my question, But I'm required to yours?? "Your are such a typical chick" :hmm:

rCourt, I actually did answer your questions - every question you've asked in this thread, I've answered. And yet, though you said you were going to answer mine, you never did.

Typical male... ;)

02-12-2008, 11:23 AM
rCourt, I actually did answer your questions - every question you've asked in this thread, I've answered. And yet, though you said you were going to answer mine, you never did.

Typical male... ;)

he wants me to take pictures of how yall are dressed today.

02-12-2008, 06:03 PM
he wants me to take pictures of how yall are dressed today.
Geee, Since you bumped it Mr. GonZo,
rCourt, I actually did answer your questions - every question you've asked in this thread, I've answered. And yet, though you said you were going to answer mine, you never did.

Typical male... ;)

You call those diversions of a reply "answers"?????:blink:
And then expect a direct straight forward answer from me???:hmm:

...I hope I was able to answer your question just a bluntly as you provided an answer to mine :hmm:

02-12-2008, 06:14 PM
Geee, Since you bumped it Mr. GonZo,

You call those diversions of a reply "answers"?????:blink:
And then expect a direct straight forward answer from me???:hmm:

...I hope I was able to answer your question just a bluntly as you provided an answer to mine :hmm:

That pic is just too much! :hehehe9:

02-12-2008, 06:31 PM
DOS TIP: Annoying the holy hell out of her is not considered foreplay.

*appropriate royalty paid to Gonzo for use of gimmick

02-12-2008, 07:11 PM
DOS TIP: Annoying the holy hell out of her is not considered foreplay.
Ya can't induce in a woman what already exists in her (Holy Hell)

02-12-2008, 11:33 PM
DOS TIP: Annoying the holy hell out of her is not considered foreplay.

*appropriate royalty paid to Gonzo for use of gimmick
I left her and april shooting craps to win the rights to trample him.

As far as I know they are still in that long hallway battling it out.

Yall dont be banking the dice off my office door!

02-13-2008, 09:07 AM
I left her and april shooting craps to win the rights to trample him.

As far as I know they are still in that long hallway battling it out.

Yall dont be banking the dice off my office door!

Liz won last night and she is going to wear her spiked metal heels and trample all over Rcourt. I just hope she doesnt break the flesh too much :blink:

02-13-2008, 09:43 AM
Geee, Since you bumped it Mr. GonZo,

You call those diversions of a reply "answers"?????:blink:
And then expect a direct straight forward answer from me???:hmm:

...I hope I was able to answer your question just a bluntly as you provided an answer to mine :hmm:

.... awww. It's like being in third grade again :blush:
You know a boy really, really likes you when he pulls your hair! [or spends time making web graphics for/ of you]

You're such a softie, rCourt... 's ok, I won't tell


02-13-2008, 11:17 AM
Here is a picture of the heels, are you ready RCOURT??:okthumb:

02-13-2008, 11:28 AM
.... awww. It's like being in third grade again :blush:
You know a boy really, really likes you when he pulls your hair! [or spends time making web graphics for/ of you]

You're such a softie, rCourt... 's ok, I won't tell


The Gonzos aebn Sick'em Girls :lmao1: ...do well as a team duo.

So are u gonna show some numbers? or you gonna flash the Tata's????

whats with it Liz... "dude" ????

02-13-2008, 11:54 AM
The Gonzos aebn Sick'em Girls :lmao1: ...do well as a team duo.

So are u gonna show some numbers? or you gonna flash the Tata's????

whats with it Liz... "dude" ????

I will simply copy and paste the response I posted on the 6th for you:

"Should you like to discuss retention, I would be happy to do so at greater length off-board. However, the short answer is this: there are any number of webmasters who never make any money at all, simply because they do not promote their own site, refresh their galleries, use tools available to them, or other factors. There are other webmasters who make several thousand dollars a month in new and recurring revenues because they make their dites a priority. Much depends on the webmaster's approach."

Feel free to ICQ me should you need further clarification. Thanks!

02-13-2008, 11:59 AM
Here is a picture of the heels...
Double ankle strap, good choice, and the fishnet hose are a nice added touch. :okthumb:

02-13-2008, 02:01 PM
Double ankle strap, good choice, and the fishnet hose are a nice added touch. :okthumb:
Thanks :)

02-13-2008, 02:45 PM
I will simply copy and paste the response I posted on the 6th for you:

"Should you like to discuss retention, I would be happy to do so at greater length off-board. However, the short answer is this: there are any number of webmasters who never make any money at all, simply because they do not promote their own site, refresh their galleries, use tools available to them, or other factors. There are other webmasters who make several thousand dollars a month in new and recurring revenues because they make their dites a priority. Much depends on the webmaster's approach."

Feel free to ICQ me should you need further clarification. Thanks!

R u 4 fuckin real????
1- Why do you feel the need to continue conversation off board?
and 2-... AGAIN!!! Your beat around the bush answers about what a fucking webmasters does or doesn't do to update or refresh. :thumbdown
How 'bout show figures of your best 10 webmasters who are able to obtain a steady revenue from retension sales??
Now I ask this similar question a week ago, and we seem to continue a "around the rosie" answers from Liz???
If the question is beyond your capable answering needs maybe a nice BOOB Shoot would also be accepted as a very profitble answer.
But even that seem out of your mental IQ capacity reach.
ain't that right dude??? :waving: or should I say "Pre-Madona-Dude"...:whistling

02-13-2008, 03:00 PM
How 'bout show figures of your best 10 webmasters who are able to obtain a steady revenue from retension sales??
I dare you to find any sponsor that will post such numbers on a public forum. Besides, what someone else makes has little or no bearing on what you or anyone else may make from the same program.

I'm sure if you had specific questions about promotion on a particular site you'd get a specific reply. I contacted Liz yesterday about something new I was adding to my blog and she had some observations that were very helpful.

Time to either fish or cut bait. :hmm:

02-13-2008, 04:15 PM
I've never had any problems just picking up the phone and calling AEBN with my random questions.

02-13-2008, 04:47 PM
I've never had any problems just picking up the phone and calling AEBN with my random questions.

Plenty of staff here to help you.
However I dont think any of them are going to hand feed you and prechew up your food.

R dude.... Li aint gonna do your work.

02-13-2008, 05:39 PM
R u 4 fuckin real????
1- Why do you feel the need to continue conversation off board?
2-... AGAIN!!! Your beat around the bush answers about what a fucking webmasters does or doesn't do to update or refresh. :thumbdown

How 'bout show figures of your best 10 webmasters who are able to obtain a steady revenue from retension sales??
Now I ask this similar question a week ago, and we seem to continue a "around the rosie" answers from Liz???
If the question is beyond your capable answering needs maybe a nice BOOB Shoot would also be accepted as a very profitble answer.
But even that seem out of your mental IQ capacity reach.
ain't that right dude??? :waving: or should I say "Pre-Madona-Dude"...:whistling

I have numbers.

I am not putting them on a public forum.

While I appreciate your desire to get hard numbers, I am certain you can likewise appreciate that I am unwilling to post numbers such as those you request for various reasons - not the least of which is the number of webmasters who would then feel that I was providing a "guarantee" of what their income should look like, instead of recognising the sheer number of facors that come into play.

I am always pleased to work with webmasters in a one-on-one basis, and I have offered to discuss hard numbers with you on a personal level... But you continue to post ridiculous requests for "boob shots" which are completely immaterial to the conversation at hand, and not germane to the manner in which I conduct my business relationships.

And I am really not sure why you feel compelled to take continued potshots at my intelligence, when I have made every effort to maintain a level of discourse through the entirety of this conversation that you seem obliged to drag back to third grade.

Thanks, though, for entertaining me :)

02-13-2008, 10:01 PM
I have numbers.

I am not putting them on a public forum.

While I appreciate your desire to get hard numbers, I am certain you can likewise appreciate that I am unwilling to post numbers such as those you request for various reasons - not the least of which is the number of webmasters who would then feel that I was providing a "guarantee" of what their income should look like, instead of recognising the sheer number of facors that come into play.

I am always pleased to work with webmasters in a one-on-one basis, and I have offered to discuss hard numbers with you on a personal level... But you continue to post ridiculous requests for "boob shots" which are completely immaterial to the conversation at hand, and not germane to the manner in which I conduct my business relationships.

And I am really not sure why you feel compelled to take continued potshots at my intelligence, when I have made every effort to maintain a level of discourse through the entirety of this conversation that you seem obliged to drag back to third grade.

Thanks, though, for entertaining me :)

You don't have a decent retention level? ..do you now? :hmm: "if any at all"
Not even your pro-affiliates can maintain a decent retention from a novelty idea has the P.O.V? ...can they???? :thumbdown
This is why I get all the fucking run around replies & piss ass answers from yourself and others.
Porn's still feeding off the novelty of the Internet being NEW to a still generation of middle and lower class people, (who now find pc's and ISP's at affordable prices).
And as long has theres new comers, "The porn still sell". <--(Someone should buy that, thepornstillsell.com) ...right?
But retaining is all trashed once they get off? :wankit: HUH?
Possibly a 35% buy more? ...if that much.

But wait a minute..? Could it be possibly that a low retention might be due to ALL THE FUCKING FREE PORN offered by all our wonderful and honest sponsors. :okthumb:
So now what???
Well... I need NEW traffic now i guess? :scratchin, cuz my customers don't come back, even though I might update my silly sites just like the other hundred million new websites promoting the same updated FREE content. right Liz?

Now can we discuss those boobs you keep offering to show???
:whistling I'm ready....Dude ;)

02-13-2008, 10:10 PM
I dare you to find any sponsor that will post such numbers on a public forum. Besides, what someone else makes has little or no bearing on what you or anyone else may make from the same program.

I'm sure if you had specific questions about promotion on a particular site you'd get a specific reply. I contacted Liz yesterday about something new I was adding to my blog and she had some observations that were very helpful.

Time to either fish or cut bait. :hmm:


02-13-2008, 11:05 PM
SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BLOW ME TOBY :double-fiSave your breath, I'm not interested either.

02-13-2008, 11:09 PM
Save your breath, I'm not interested either.
if your not interested then save your little girly snoody one liners for the show man.

02-13-2008, 11:24 PM
if your not interested then save your little girly snoody one liners for the show man.
"little girly snoody" :lmao1:

02-13-2008, 11:27 PM
"little girly snoody" :lmao1::burn:

Greg B
02-14-2008, 12:11 AM
AEBN gave me the biggest tickle today when they presented me with a customized movie page. They even went to my site and used graphics from the front page to incorporate into their design.

I got the biggest tickle and giggle because it actually looks great!

I'll add a link to it on my galleries and sites and see what happens.

02-14-2008, 06:04 PM
You don't have a decent retention level? ..do you now? :hmm: "if any at all"
Not even your pro-affiliates can maintain a decent retention from a novelty idea has the P.O.V? ...can they???? :thumbdown
This is why I get all the fucking run around replies & piss ass answers from yourself and others.
Porn's still feeding off the novelty of the Internet being NEW to a still generation of middle and lower class people, (who now find pc's and ISP's at affordable prices).
And as long has theres new comers, "The porn still sell". <--(Someone should buy that, thepornstillsell.com) ...right?
But retaining is all trashed once they get off? :wankit: HUH?
Possibly a 35% buy more? ...if that much.

But wait a minute..? Could it be possibly that a low retention might be due to ALL THE FUCKING FREE PORN offered by all our wonderful and honest sponsors. :okthumb:
So now what???
Well... I need NEW traffic now i guess? :scratchin, cuz my customers don't come back, even though I might update my silly sites just like the other hundred million new websites promoting the same updated FREE content. right Liz?

Now can we discuss those boobs you keep offering to show???
:whistling I'm ready....Dude ;)

Ya ...that what i thought Liz :tumblewee

02-14-2008, 09:37 PM
However I dont think any of them are going to hand feed you and prechew up your food.

That's why ya' gotta go to pre-chewed charlie's......

Hell Puppy
02-14-2008, 10:04 PM
You don't have a decent retention level? ..do you now? :hmm: "if any at all"
Not even your pro-affiliates can maintain a decent retention from a novelty idea has the P.O.V? ...can they???? :thumbdown
This is why I get all the fucking run around replies & piss ass answers from yourself and others.
Porn's still feeding off the novelty of the Internet being NEW to a still generation of middle and lower class people, (who now find pc's and ISP's at affordable prices).
And as long has theres new comers, "The porn still sell". <--(Someone should buy that, thepornstillsell.com) ...right?
But retaining is all trashed once they get off? :wankit: HUH?
Possibly a 35% buy more? ...if that much.

But wait a minute..? Could it be possibly that a low retention might be due to ALL THE FUCKING FREE PORN offered by all our wonderful and honest sponsors. :okthumb:
So now what???
Well... I need NEW traffic now i guess? :scratchin, cuz my customers don't come back, even though I might update my silly sites just like the other hundred million new websites promoting the same updated FREE content. right Liz?

Now can we discuss those boobs you keep offering to show???
:whistling I'm ready....Dude ;)

You're in the weeds here man.

Novelty, depending on new rubes as customers, etc, that describes 90% of the adult internet, but not AEBN. Typical paysite's game is get the user to enter his credit card and then charge absolutely as much as you possibly can do it with cross sells, upsells, etc. And the recur it and hope he would rather pay it one more month than hassle with cancelling it or charging it back. Or better yet he forgets it all together and you get to charge him til it expires.

Typical site is a cookie cutter tour with same back end that is on the 50-100 other paysites in their given portfolio. Now this isn't everyone, the amateurs and many of the solo girls for instance actually do deliver what's promised.

Same is true of AEBN. No tricks, they give you exactly what is advertised. It's pay per minute, you pay for what you use, what could be more clean than that? And they have all of the top studios and pretty much any title you can find at your local video store is available in their library along with tens of thousands long since forgotten or too small to get good distribution.

Have you tried it either as a surfer or as a webmaster sending traffic? You ask them for their data, share your's. What have you got? What have you sent? How did it do?

02-15-2008, 11:18 AM
You're in the weeds here man.

I love being in the weeds man, :smokein01 cuz then I can see for miles & miles...

Novelty, depending on new rubes as customers, etc, that describes 90% of the adult internet, but not AEBN. Typical paysite's game is get the user to enter his credit card and then charge absolutely as much as you possibly can do it with cross sells, upsells, etc. And the recur it and hope he would rather pay it one more month than hassle with cancelling it or charging it back. Or better yet he forgets it all together and you get to charge him til it expires.

Adult Internet Marketing 101 "Quick Ways to retain a Buck",
..since the novelty probably gets burned once the horniness expires. :(
And does anyone ever ask why...? :scratchin
..What or How? Can an industry do to find ways to retain the customers besides petty marketing tactic acts like: "Ohhh, Maybe he'll forget to cancel" :huh:

Typical site is a cookie cutter tour with same back end that is on the 50-100 other paysites in their given portfolio. Now this isn't everyone, the amateurs and many of the solo girls for instance actually do deliver what's promised.

Absolutely, but only lasting till enough product and content is produced, then this changes. Now you've created a cut, copy & paste selling porn website of the same 998 pictures & clips and your so called Amateur beauty is only a novelty to only the new Internet comers.
Nothings been retained besides maybe a few perved out weirdos, who have a possible mental connection crush with the model/performer.

Same is true of AEBN. No tricks, they give you exactly what is advertised. It's pay per minute, you pay for what you use, what could be more clean than that? And they have all of the top studios and pretty much any title you can find at your local video store is available in their library along with tens of thousands long since forgotten or too small to get good distribution.

For that same matter, offering pay per minute porn would be a great way to distribute adult clips since your average male last about 2 + 4 minutes till hes done. But now your in a advertising dilemma, Since AEBN (only being used has an example here) offers so much (millions&millions) hours of footage and clips to promote and since pretty much nothing is truly required to become a sales person (affiliate) to "so call" ..access & promote they're content,
well then I bet a good number of sales come from they're own webmaster affiliates who purchase they're own promo product. :wankit:
Tis being an excellent marketing strategy? correct?
...Find yourself a bunch of horny nerds on the Internet, make it has easy as possible for them to build pretty webpages and tell them not only can they view all the FREE PORN they want, But now they can try to sell it also :blink: WOO HOO!!!!!! what an excellent way to make a living RIGHT? :okthumb::okthumb::okthumb:

Ya know...
...for a guy who rights boring music, he sure does come up with creative marketing ideas. http://groups.xpeeps.com/main_logo.php ...:whistling

Have you tried it either as a surfer or as a webmaster sending traffic? You ask them for their data, share your's. What have you got? What have you sent? How did it do?

I've work this adult thing in a different way & format than I've seen most of the people in the adult marketing function and perform. Call me lazy or whatever,
But the system used today and yesteryear: "The monkey see, monkey do" sales stratedy don't attract me, sorry.
I don't reinvest time or money into marketing or promoting websites, since I leave that to the site sponsors marketing team and they're so called affiliate webmaster to do.
Now, I'm not stating that my ways are correct or in anyway better? "and I'm sure Mr. Forest has a few opinions to say on that"
And if anything I probably have taken a few wrong turns with the 6 years doing this porn stuff. And I'm far from attempting to compete or demonstrate any stats with a top distributing company like AEBN.
So my numbers probably won't demonstrate anything your looking for. Due to retention sales are obtained totally different than a porn websites are done. being the Live Cam Industry is on a more personal standard with customers that just a quick bust a nut movie clip.

..By the way? Would u possibly be interested in showing your BOOBS???
I can't seem to get anyone else to show theres. :(

02-15-2008, 12:32 PM
Dude you are coming off as a real headcase here.

NO PROGRAM is going to post the numbers your looking for and Id be pissed if I was one of the webmasters that was on the list that were posted.

Heres a Boob Shot

http://pic.xpeeps.com/xpeeps/images/usergallerypics/671529/0/671529-157fcc11157fc_m.jpg (http://www.xpeeps.com/member.php?u=671529)

02-15-2008, 12:58 PM
Dude you are coming off as a real headcase here.

NO PROGRAM is going to post the numbers your looking for and Id be pissed if I was one of the webmasters that was on the list that were posted.

Heres a Boob Shot

http://pic.xpeeps.com/xpeeps/images/usergallerypics/671529/0/671529-157fcc11157fc_m.jpg (http://www.xpeeps.com/member.php?u=671529)

Gonzo, I'm not asking for names and addresses here man, :hmm:
These are simply figures provided to intrigued interest in marketing a product. Lets say I'm interested in investing into the adult movie internet industry? as an investor, i want a few samples aside from a view marketing ideas used and proved to be successful of what my money is going to turn? fuck which webmaster sells more than another. I don't giva a crap.

you got hairy nipples man :KongBeat

02-15-2008, 01:08 PM
Gonzo, I'm not asking for names and addresses here man, :hmm:
These are simply figures provided to intrigued interest in marketing a product. Lets say I'm interested in investing into the adult movie internet industry? as an investor, i want a few samples aside from a view marketing ideas used and proved to be successful of what my money is going to turn? fuck which webmaster sells more than another. I don't giva a crap.

you got hairy nipples man :KongBeat

I can tell you from what little I see from my payout that VOD will make you more money over the longhaul and consistantly.

These arent company numbers they are mine.

From a studio or producers standpoint you dont need to be asking any of us on the web where the future is. Look at all the studios whining that DVD sales are down.

VOD sales are not.

Apply that as you will.

02-15-2008, 03:46 PM
I can tell you from what little I see from my payout that VOD will make you more money over the longhaul and consistantly.

These arent company numbers they are mine.

From a studio or producers standpoint you dont need to be asking any of us on the web where the future is. Look at all the studios whining that DVD sales are down.

VOD sales are not.

Apply that as you will.

I wish to apply & compare this to live feed porn, I don't believe this would be compared the same with VOD either.

Now go shave your chest :huh: