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View Full Version : The Amazing Dave Pounder wants to get paid

01-24-2008, 11:01 AM
Lousy Cheap Blowjobs - Understanding Male vs. Female Rate Structures in the Adult Industryby Dave Pounder (http://www.ynot.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Members_List&file=index&letter=Dave Pounder)http://www.ynot.com/images/ynot/g7.gifI am writing this opinion piece in an effort to help motivate male performers in the adult industry to demand higher rates for blowjob (BJ) and handjob (HJ) scenes. I believe there is a generally accepted rule in the adult industry that males should receive a lower rate for these types of scenes, but there is little data to help support this claim.

Let's begin by looking at the female talent rate structure. When a girl does a solo scene she gets a certain rate; when she does a BJ scene she gets a little more than her solo rate; when she does a boy/girl (B/G) scene she gets a little more than her BJ rate; when she does a boy/girl anal (BGA) scene she gets a little more than her regular BG rate, and so on. The reason the girl gets more money in each scenario is because she is required to do more work and is being 'penetrated' in a different area, which makes each 'jump' in scene type a little more difficult for her to do for two primary reasons. First, sex is more emotional for women, so taking a penis is the vagina is a little more involved emotionally than taking a penis in the mouth, most especially from a guy she does not know. Second, it is much more physically demanding for a woman to do an anal scene as opposed to a vaginal scene, and so on.

Now let's look at the male talent rate structure. When a guy does a BJ scene he gets a certain rate, let's say that rate is $300. When a guy does a B/G scene, the rate grows to let's say $600. Let's assume for a moment that this rate bump is due to the same factors as to why women are paid more money for increasing scene complexity ( e.g., going from a BJ to a B/G), even though we already know this is not the case. When a guy does a BGA scene with a girl, he still gets the same rate as if it were a non-anal scene. How is this possible? If we were to follow the earlier logic, the male talent's rate should now jump to something higher than $600 for an anal scene, but it doesn't.

Read more of Daves logic here (http://www.ynot.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=news_article&sid=42912)

01-24-2008, 01:47 PM
Dave needs to remember there is a lineup of guys taking viagra at the door more than willing to take his place. Supply and demand.

01-24-2008, 03:32 PM
Now Dave....let me get this right....

You are getting PAID to receive a blow job?
Or you have to PAY for a blowjob?

Here's the deal......whatever you are willing to accept?
Put me down for half of that, and tell me where to show up.

(As long as I don't have to have sex with Gonzo, or Gonzo is watching.)

OR......:yeahthat0 ......what he said above.

Hell Puppy
01-24-2008, 10:46 PM
Now Dave....let me get this right....

You are getting PAID to receive a blow job?
Or you have to PAY for a blowjob?

Here's the deal......whatever you are willing to accept?
Put me down for half of that, and tell me where to show up.

(As long as I don't have to have sex with Gonzo, or Gonzo is watching.)

OR......:yeahthat0 ......what he said above.

he's going by the old school thought that very few males are reliable enough to star in a porn.

there's still some truth to that i suppose. you see many of the studios using a girl of the day but with the same half dozen dicks. stage fright is powerful, and you gotta find someone who can get it hard with a bunch of other guys watching, keep it hard (viagra or not) and then pop on queue.

worm is turning though, lots of b/g scenes are now boyfriend/girlfriend, they're very comfortable together and turned on by the exposure.

01-25-2008, 10:13 AM
Nude= $50
Nude with masturbation= $100
Blowjob (with chicks boyfriend)= $150
(add 25 for each male talent if not boyfriend)
Vag sex (with boyfriend)= $150
Anal= $200
Group= Pays whatever they are doing (see above price list) + $25 per guy the girl is taking on
So lets say... "It's a Group Blowjob= $150 +$25 +25 +25 to the girl, & $25 to each guy"

Good thing robots don't need to be paid huh???? :whistling

01-25-2008, 01:35 PM
Nude= $50
Nude with masturbation= $100
Blowjob (with chicks boyfriend)= $150
(add 25 for each male talent if not boyfriend)
Vag sex (with boyfriend)= $150
Anal= $200
Group= Pays whatever they are doing (see above price list) + $25 per guy the girl is taking on
So lets say... "It's a Group Blowjob= $150 +$25 +25 +25 to the girl, & $25 to each guy"

Good thing robots don't need to be paid huh???? :whistling

Now, let's see.....is that the GIRL'S list....or yours?



01-25-2008, 03:15 PM
(As long as I don't have to have sex with Gonzo, or Gonzo is watching.)

Isn't Gonzo always watching?:scratchin

01-25-2008, 03:18 PM
Isn't Gonzo always watching?:scratchin
I told Nikki I had mounted a micro cam in her room at the Mirage and we were streaming potty cam over the net... for as little as .10 a minute.

I think she wondered a little.