View Full Version : Ask Larry Flynt ?

01-23-2008, 06:17 PM
Is there a question that is burning in you mind that you always wanted to ask the world famous Larry Flynt of Hustler Fame ? But due to one thing or another (his big burly body guards) you never got the chance?

Say No more, here is a golden opportunity, for a chance to have your question selected, to be included in an upcoming feature of "The F.U.B.A.R. Times", called what else, but "ASK Larry Flynt". Pretty clever isnt it ? :yowsa:

You can submit questions here, or send them to "webmaster at fubarwebmasters.com"
In order to be eligible, the question must be submitted by January 31 st, you have to be in the industry, include your name and firm pls.

01-23-2008, 09:01 PM
Can he still get a woody being paralyzed in a wheelchair?
Just wonderin' ??? ...if he could still ever enjoys any of his "Produced Art" in the physical manner anymore?
I mean that would be ironic now if he couldn't? wouldn't it??? :scratchin

Hell Puppy
01-23-2008, 09:16 PM
Is there a question that is burning in you mind that you always wanted to ask the world famous Larry Flynt of Hustler Fame ? But due to one thing or another (his big burly body guards) you never got the chance?

Say No more, here is a golden opportunity, for a chance to have your question selected, to be included in an upcoming feature of "The F.U.B.A.R. Times", called what else, but "ASK Larry Flynt". Pretty clever isnt it ? :yowsa:

You can submit questions here, or send them to "webmaster at fubarwebmasters.com"
In order to be eligible, the question must be submitted by January 31 st, you have to be in the industry, include your name and firm pls.

If he could do it all over again, what would he do differently?

01-23-2008, 10:10 PM
If he could do it all over again, what would he do differently?

I think he answered that at XBiz last year................. wear a bulletproof west:rolleyes:

01-23-2008, 10:46 PM
Yeah . . Ask him when I’m getting my goddamn wheelbarrows back!

He was gonna pay off some kind of fine in pennies or sum such shit while I got stoned with Dennis Hopper and went to the Ohio State Michigan game

That was about 30 sumpin years ago . . WTF?

Hell Puppy
01-24-2008, 10:53 PM
I think he answered that at XBiz last year................. wear a bulletproof west:rolleyes:

Good answer!

01-25-2008, 10:02 AM
And ask Mr. Flint when is he gonna try this crap again????


And if he does.., mention to him not to go so heavy on the eyeliner next time :okthumb: