View Full Version : OK Let's Start With The Basics

12-25-2007, 09:07 PM
I'm a gun totin, Libertarian, Pornographer

I believe in a strong first amendment AND a strong second amendment, matter of fact I believe in a strong constitution and I thank we have strayed way to far from it.

Government has stopped being about the limitation of what government can't do to being about what free people can't do.

The Bill of rights is specifically about limiting government, not citizens and somewhere along the line we have let those who we have chosen to rule us forget that.

If this country is such a bastion of freedom then explain to me why we have the highest per capita rate of people in jail of any country on earth?

About half of whom are incarcerated for nonviolent "war on drugs" crimes.

Splain to me why it's the governments business if I want to grow a cannibas plant and smoke it?

I don't even smoke weed (or even drink) but by God I should be able to if I want to.

BTW I whole heartedly support Ron Paul, The abolition of the 16th amendment, the end of all wars on "things" including drugs, crime, poverty, porn whatever you don't fight a war against an intangible thing.

12-27-2007, 02:32 AM
Damn you!!! Not even one statement to disagree with!!!


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01-02-2008, 08:41 PM
I'm a gun totin, Libertarian, Pornographer

I believe in a strong first amendment AND a strong second amendment, matter of fact I believe in a strong constitution and I thank we have strayed way to far from it.

Government has stopped being about the limitation of what government can't do to being about what free people can't do.

The Bill of rights is specifically about limiting government, not citizens and somewhere along the line we have let those who we have chosen to rule us forget that.

If this country is such a bastion of freedom then explain to me why we have the highest per capita rate of people in jail of any country on earth?

About half of whom are incarcerated for nonviolent "war on drugs" crimes.

Splain to me why it's the governments business if I want to grow a cannibas plant and smoke it?

I don't even smoke weed (or even drink) but by God I should be able to if I want to.

BTW I whole heartedly support Ron Paul, The abolition of the 16th amendment, the end of all wars on "things" including drugs, crime, poverty, porn whatever you don't fight a war against an intangible thing.
I spent a year preaching the LP mantra over on Ynot trying to convince people that Democrats, like Republicans, are political animals easily swayed by a loud minority!

Both parties will exchange your freedoms for a few votes if they think it will help keep their “cushy” jobs

By the way, I think it fell on mostly deaf ears.

01-03-2008, 09:58 PM
I spent a year preaching the LP mantra over on Ynot trying to convince people that Democrats, like Republicans, are political animals easily swayed by a loud minority!

Both parties will exchange your freedoms for a few votes if they think it will help keep their “cushy” jobs

By the way, I think it fell on mostly deaf ears.

Im sure it did. Believe me I have done th same thing and if everyone who said theyd vote libertarian if it wasnt a "wasted vote" would actually vote Libertarian we'd have a fucking libertarian president

01-03-2008, 11:38 PM
Im sure it did. Believe me I have done th same thing and if everyone who said theyd vote libertarian if it wasnt a "wasted vote" would actually vote Libertarian we'd have a fucking libertarian president
:okthumb: Harry Browne was my guy.