View Full Version : Help a Poker Addict - Shop at Best Buy :)

12-02-2007, 11:30 AM
Who wants to help a poker addict ??

I have a $200 Best Buy card that I don't need right now but I could use some money in my Poker Stars account :) BTW, Yes you can use it just online, I just have to give you the number ....

Anyone interested in a trade ?? Stars money has to be transferred to my account ... Will obviously cut a discount for any trades ..

BTW, Interesting 'History of the net thread' seems like there is a new one EVERY time I stop by here ;) Since all I can do right now is live out the good old days and try to save my partner's failing B&M business ... I'll live in the memories of making $35,000 a week <sigh>

12-02-2007, 12:06 PM
Who wants to help a poker addict ??

I have a $200 Best Buy card that I don't need right now but I could use some money in my Poker Stars account :) BTW, Yes you can use it just online, I just have to give you the number ....

Anyone interested in a trade ?? Stars money has to be transferred to my account ... Will obviously cut a discount for any trades ..

BTW, Interesting 'History of the net thread' seems like there is a new one EVERY time I stop by here ;) Since all I can do right now is live out the good old days and try to save my partner's failing B&M business ... I'll live in the memories of making $35,000 a week <sigh>
Its an old thread that was moved to be read by new people.

I dont think you have been here in a year.

12-02-2007, 12:15 PM
Covers everything well except how the free trial damn near killed the business, dropped trial conversion rates (even on paid trials) by 40-50%, and decreased profit margins by about 60% when everything was said and done :mad:

Hell Puppy
12-02-2007, 06:29 PM
Covers everything well except how the free trial damn near killed the business, dropped trial conversion rates (even on paid trials) by 40-50%, and decreased profit margins by about 60% when everything was said and done :mad:

And got at least one company a thorough rectal examination by the FTC....

Hell Puppy
12-02-2007, 06:39 PM
BTW, Interesting 'History ofthe net thread' seems like there is a new one EVERY time I stop by here ;) Since all I can do right now is live out the good old days and try to save my partner's failing B&M business ... I'll live in the memories of making $35,000 a week <sigh>

We were discussing some of the old timers at dinner just the other day and were wondering where you had went after resurfacing and then disappearing again. $35K a week to basically doing whatever you have to in order to make ends meet, ya know, i'm betting that is a far more common story than most people will admit to.

I know a lot of people in this business from pre-2000 who made fortunes that most people could live the rest of their lives on but let it go their fingers and now have little to show for it.

The bitch of it is now, even those of us who are still here are basically now having to treat it like a job. You have to work 40+ hours a week, deal with contractors and employees, constantly adjust, pinch every penny out of traffic to continue to succeed.

Compared to 1997-2000, the fun is really gone. Back then, one good idea could make cash fall out of the sky for month after the month. Want a new Mercedes? Hell, spend a weekend working on a site, turn the traffic pump at it, and when the checks come in go buy it with cash.

Remember the thrills?

That first check?

The first check for several hundred dollars?

The first check for several thousand dollars?

Oh, and the first time you open a fedex envelope and find $30K in it for one weeks work on ONE site.