View Full Version : Yahoo Scare: Hidden dangers in visiting porn sites

11-29-2007, 07:52 AM
Now here we have more quality reporting:


Now comes a scheme some researchers say amounts to extortion: One site's threat to disable visitors' computers with relentless pop-up ads if they don't pay for a subscription they were automatically signed up for after a free trial.

The threats, reported this week by researchers at security vendor McAfee Inc.'s Avert Labs, affect people who visit the Web site and download software to access a free three-day trial membership.

Visitors do get free access for three days, but the download includes code that then generates a stream of pop-up windows, when the user is online and offline, demanding payment of roughly $80 for 90 days' worth of additional access.

The windows stay open up to 10 minutes and appear once a day. They appear on top of any open windows and restore to their original size if shrunk or moved, making them impossible to ignore. They also reappear if the computer is rebooted.

The site actually warns visitors they will be billed as full members — and lose full use of their computers if they don't — unless they cancel the subscription within the trial period. But the warning appears in the full terms and conditions statement, which downloaders aren't required to read.

Once the fees are paid, the software can be removed with a special file.

Now, you'll notice they don't identify this magical site so we could verify the facts of the story.
Just "all porn sites are bad" seems to be the mantra for the day.

And what jackass pulls this kind of crap?
Nobody I know. Nobody here, I'm sure. Gee, I'm wondering what the chargeback level is gonna be on that?

11-29-2007, 08:36 AM
I particularly like where Mr. Robertson says "many porn sites" employ malicious code to "commandeer visitors' machines or steal personal data."

Really, Mr. Robertson? "Many porn sites" (emphasis mine) do that? I'd like to see the research on that, because while that may have been true ten years ago, I think you'd be hard pressed to find many companies that use those methods now.

11-29-2007, 09:25 AM
It appears as though there is no shortage of uninformed assholes willing to write out of it. Sounds to me like this guy or a friend of his wanted to jack and got smacked by 1 criminal and now they wants to label 'many porn sites' use these tactics.. what a numbnuts


11-29-2007, 09:58 AM
Porn is, and always will be an easy target for lazy, thought challenged hacks!

11-29-2007, 10:40 AM
Well, it's very shoddy journalism.

They should have mentioned at least one of the sites supposed to be guilty of this horrible crime.
But no, we'll just call it "porn" and leave it at that.

11-29-2007, 12:19 PM
So are you people seriously trying to say that adult sites haven't been one of the main causes for all sorts of trojans, hijacks, etc. etc fo computers and credit cards and such over the years? I love this industry, and sometimes it does get a bad rap on things. I have made some great friends in it and even think that there are people who I have always had great experiences with, and will happily say so, but others can't stand and rail against but let's face it folks there is a problem with exactly these types of isues in the adult world and I would say that it is likely a safe bet that it is more prevalent in the adult world than mainstream. Hell, just look at soem of the threads about our industry here lately.


I'm sorry to break it to you but the adult business is FAR from lily white. Seeing this being done by an adult site doesn't surprise me in the least. As a matter of fact I don't doubt the story one bit.

11-29-2007, 12:24 PM
This story is autmoated onto Yahoo - "it" probably doesn't know of its existence.

Actually I searched for the headline and found it quite a few places...

This is by JORDAN ROBERTSON, AP Technology Writer... so the Associated Press is really responsible for approving and mass-syndicating this decidedly yellow piece.

I'll go to http://www.ap.org/pages/contact/contact.html and send a request for the source of info and the site in question but somehow I doubt they'll respond to just one...

11-29-2007, 01:24 PM
I'm not saying it's NOT an adult site, or an adult oriented site.
But, like any other business, there are good people, and bad people.
The people I've met in this business are some of the nicest, greatest, and most accepting people anywhere.

Quite frankly, I prefer to hang out with them to non-adult people, BECAUSE they are decent people. They accept you for what you are, and who you are, and treat you with respect.

What I'm saying is, you can't tar "adult industry" all with the same brush.
When an automobile worker robs a bank, we don't say "automobile industry guy robs bank."

This, of course, doesn't include Gonzo, who WILL promise you a Krispy Kreme donut party, and when you arrive, he's eaten all the donuts. This, of course, being an inexcusable crime under any circumstances.

11-29-2007, 01:27 PM
So are you people seriously trying to say that adult sites haven't been one of the main causes for all sorts of trojans, hijacks, etc. etc fo computers and credit cards and such over the years? I love this industry, and sometimes it does get a bad rap on things. I have made some great friends in it and even think that there are people who I have always had great experiences with, and will happily say so, but others can't stand and rail against but let's face it folks there is a problem with exactly these types of isues in the adult world and I would say that it is likely a safe bet that it is more prevalent in the adult world than mainstream. Hell, just look at soem of the threads about our industry here lately.


I'm sorry to break it to you but the adult business is FAR from lily white. Seeing this being done by an adult site doesn't surprise me in the least. As a matter of fact I don't doubt the story one bit.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't think anyone's trying to say the industry hasn't made mistakes in the past. However, I can say from personal experience that I've had more problems with jacks and trojans and whatnot from mainstream sites than from watching porn on any of my computers - one of the worst system bugs I ever had came from The Weather Channel.

The thing that's frustrating about so-called journalism of this nature is that it perpetuates - without verifying or allowing for the provision to verify - the idea that the majority of adult sites are damaging, and that Joe Websurfer should avoid porn to keep his computer files clean.

11-29-2007, 01:54 PM
I'm sorry to break it to you but the adult business is FAR from lily white. Seeing this being done by an adult site doesn't surprise me in the least. As a matter of fact I don't doubt the story one bit.

LOL yeah in fact adult probably pioneered a lot of the most hated techniques out there.

But I troll, surf, scan and generally research sites quite a bit, and I don't get as much spam, hijack attempts, spyware and general malware from that activity as I get from mainstream sites. Even tracking cookies are 99% mainstream.

I get some pron spam. Sucks, but that's life. But mostly the spam I get is all about fake vuiton bags and Rolex watches, viagra, and I don't notice what else anymore... There's some dating site stuff too, which comes close to adult I guess, and dog treats (serious) and contest winner stuff...

11-29-2007, 02:12 PM
I'm not saying it's NOT an adult site, or an adult oriented site.
But, like any other business, there are good people, and bad people.
The people I've met in this business are some of the nicest, greatest, and most accepting people anywhere.

I agree. I have lifelong friends from this business and have found a TON of greta people. That said, I've seen my share of not so great oens as well over the years.

Quite frankly, I prefer to hang out with them to non-adult people, BECAUSE they are decent people. They accept you for what you are, and who you are, and treat you with respect.

I ahve no problem hanging out with either types of people as either my friends accept me or they don't no matter what they do. That isn't the issue though.

What I'm saying is, you can't tar "adult industry" all with the same brush.
When an automobile worker robs a bank, we don't say "automobile industry guy robs bank."

This is different to me than the content issues as this is BUSINESS PRACTICES and quite frankly this industry has proven over and over that it will find new and better ways to screw people. There is a LEGITIMATE REASON the credit card comapnies, the FCC and others have problems with this industry BEYOND the content on the sites.

This, of course, doesn't include Gonzo, who WILL promise you a Krispy Kreme donut party, and when you arrive, he's eaten all the donuts. This, of course, being an inexcusable crime under any circumstances.

Well, of course. LOL

11-29-2007, 02:18 PM
LOL yeah in fact adult probably pioneered a lot of the most hated techniques out there.

But I troll, surf, scan and generally research sites quite a bit, and I don't get as much spam, hijack attempts, spyware and general malware from that activity as I get from mainstream sites. Even tracking cookies are 99% mainstream.

I get some pron spam. Sucks, but that's life. But mostly the spam I get is all about fake vuiton bags and Rolex watches, viagra, and I don't notice what else anymore... There's some dating site stuff too, which comes close to adult I guess, and dog treats (serious) and contest winner stuff...

Maintream certainly isn't lily white either. :>)) I just happen to think that in terms of business related stuff the industry has no one to blame but itself for the perception about it as far as business practices. Adult is often the trendetter for both good and bad stuff in this area.

11-29-2007, 03:22 PM
Matt is right.

This industry brings a lot of the bad press it gets on itself!

I dont think many people are aware of all the crap that sextracker spread loading its trojans/spyware as well as our friends with Isearch and the shit they pulled with pornotracker.

I wont get into the scamming with pay per sign up or the proliferation of traffic leaks on rev share.

This industry survives on the fact that people are too lazy to cancel a rebill.

Columbia House Music club should be proud.

11-29-2007, 03:46 PM
This is different to me than the content issues as this is BUSINESS PRACTICES and quite frankly this industry has proven over and over that it will find new and better ways to screw people. There is a LEGITIMATE REASON the credit card comapnies, the FCC and others have problems with this industry BEYOND the content on the sites.

A, as in One legitimate reason......
I don't doubt there are scammers in the industry. Is it worse than many other, including Gambling? Timeshare, etc? Now, before you start nodding your head, filter out all the limp dick men that say, "I don't know where that charge came from Hon, it must be a scam."

But it's not the ONLY reasons....
More importantly is the STATED reason they oppose the industry...BECAUSE we are adult.

Was I the only one remembering ten years ago? It made all the papers, and all the TV news talking heads. The government made it very clear they would cut the legs out from the adult industry by attacking it's payment methods. they openly said they were gonna do it, then proceeded to do so.
Here we are, saying Huh?

There is a very real war on adult financial industry by the do-gooders, and the credit card industry is their shill.

11-29-2007, 06:00 PM
I have had the same opinion for years:

The porn business (honest part) has failed over and over again to distance itself from the less than honest parts of the business. Toolbars, spammers, viruses, credit card hoaxes and all sorts of shit have happened, and few people lift a finger.

Is anyone surprised that the general public dumps us with all of the shit that we turn a blind eye to? Most of the major companies in the business have at one time or another knowingly profited from pretty much every one of those things, so why would we suddenly be upset because Yahoo is telling everyone the truth.

The distrust and general disdain for porn site operators has been earned, not given.

11-29-2007, 10:59 PM
I have had the same opinion for years:

The porn business (honest part) has failed over and over again to distance itself from the less than honest parts of the business. Toolbars, spammers, viruses, credit card hoaxes and all sorts of shit have happened, and few people lift a finger.

And what exactly were we supposed to do? Call the porn police? Gonzo is busy, so who's left?

I also didn't chase down the guys from Enron, (because I bought electric,) or Martha Stewart (cause I don't think she should have been prosecuted AND I bought stock too....,) So, which ones was I supposed to take care of?

I didn't get the memo.

11-29-2007, 11:26 PM
And what exactly were we supposed to do? Call the porn police? Gonzo is busy, so who's left?

I also didn't chase down the guys from Enron, (because I bought electric,) or Martha Stewart (cause I don't think she should have been prosecuted AND I bought stock too....,) So, which ones was I supposed to take care of?

I didn't get the memo.
GonZo has gotten help.

I had a chance to meet some of the folks at Verisign while in LA.
Knowledge is power.

Check out Shellee Hale's Pornafia how you can get informed on this and fight back...


12-06-2007, 02:24 PM
Check it out: actual information (http://www.avn.com/index.cfm?objectID=AC7F5184-F603-0A03-4BE74D0C88823D8D) about this story.

12-06-2007, 06:44 PM
Check it out: actual information (http://www.avn.com/index.cfm?objectID=AC7F5184-F603-0A03-4BE74D0C88823D8D) about this story.

Here's a good part:

I paid but I still receive invoices.
When you paid, a "member number" or '”access code" was listed which should have been listed on your payment. If your payment was recently sent, you need to allow approximately one week for processing. If you believe enough time has passed, you may contact the company directly using the customer service support number or e-mail. It is also possible that a partial payment was made and a balance is still due. Please check your records to assure that the amount was paid in full.

TOS You gotta love this:

12.5 If You choose to ignore the payment reminders and do not pay the Membership Fee, You hereby understand and acknowledge that the prompt reminders may become more frequent and that You may lose the ability to use Your computer until You have submitted payment. The payment reminders will be active while your computer is online or offline.

These jackasses use a computer extortion method of collecting payment. They should be smashed, drummed out of the industry.

12-06-2007, 06:50 PM
As much as I hate to wave the flag.......


I would point out this is a british company.....and oh, BTW? The billing company and the actual company seem to be one in the same.

12-07-2007, 07:38 AM
Purdy reported that SexxxPassport's three-day trial requires downloading and executing "Authenticator" software

Although I agree with everyone and think that these guys are total assholes giving the rest of us a bad name, anyone that joins a site that requires some special software be downloaded is a freakin' idiot. (My opinion does not apply to "normal" software, like if you need to install Quicktime to watch a movie.)

Once again, I say the stupid people deserve what they get and don't need to be saved from themselves, even though these guys are assholes for preying on them.

Does anyone know where I can get some free cookies?

12-07-2007, 08:57 AM

12-07-2007, 12:40 PM
What I found most interesting about this story was that the day it came out, of course Drudge ran with it (with a headline like "Visiting porn sites breaks your PC security" or some nonsense). However, on that same day, one of Drudge's advertisers was using the flash vunerability to redirect people to a fake virus scan site, to install a "virus blocker" that is nothing more thana total back door that turns your system into a botnet zombie.
