View Full Version : Show off the excellent tours

Greg B
10-31-2007, 12:43 AM
I've had to go back and re-study tours. I was doing old school tours and was making things too hard on myself. I went to some of the successfully converting sites and noticed that their tours are one or two pages and then the join page.

I had like 12 tour pages. Overkill is an understatement.

With solving the traffic problem over I'm getting delicious targeted traffic and growing each day. Just cut a deal with a major site to do more toons and a couple of the guys there showed me the ropes.

I'm so worn out from drawing, editing, programming, more drawing, editing, programming. I must've been asleep at the wheel.

So a good tour is it's own reward I hear!

10-31-2007, 01:17 AM
I've had to go back and re-study tours. I was doing old school tours and was making things too hard on myself. I went to some of the successfully converting sites and noticed that their tours are one or two pages and then the join page.

I had like 12 tour pages. Overkill is an understatement.

With solving the traffic problem over I'm getting delicious targeted traffic and growing each day. Just cut a deal with a major site to do more toons and a couple of the guys there showed me the ropes.

I'm so worn out from drawing, editing, programming, more drawing, editing, programming. I must've been asleep at the wheel.

So a good tour is it's own reward I hear!

The old one page Flashcash tours were the best. maybe Dragon King has them around.

Greg B
10-31-2007, 01:20 AM
The old one page Flashcash tours were the best. maybe Dragon King has them around.

You lost me there. Any links maybe at Internetarchive.org ?

10-31-2007, 11:27 AM
IMO, 2 to 3 pages is good and anything more is overkill. If the surfer isn't ready to join your site after the 3rd page, he ain't gonna, even if you show him 10 more pages. The fact that he made it to the bottom of the 2nd or 3rd page indicates to me that the tour isn't bad but if he's still looking for more, that's all he's doing, looking. In the real estate business, we call them lookieloos.

10-31-2007, 12:23 PM
2-3 pages are pretty standard and especially these days anything more does seem to be overkill. The old Flash cash one page tours were quite good to be sure.... :okthumb:

Greg B
10-31-2007, 04:17 PM
Well this is good news for me! Makes life simpler. My original tour worked the best. How I got so convoluted is due to me listening to somebody's two cents I shouldn't have but I still made good sales anyhow.

Made another awesome hook up yesterday with a huge webmaster and things went easy and I realized again I was making things too complicated.

I'm glad I spent so much time drawing content and storing it because when we looked at it all I had enough for multiple sites and then some covering a dozen niches. I'm always one for spending that extra time for a rainy day.

11-02-2007, 12:11 PM
I agree and disagree.

I am not fond of the very long tours that came about from the reality sites where it is a long scrolling page that has a more link at the bottom to ten more really long scrolling pages.

However, from an SEO perspective, the more "spiderable" pages you have, the more chances to get rankings, sales and traffic.

There is a way to achieve having a standard short tour and also having lots of pages, each of which can be optimized for different terms in your niche.

Are you not doing SEO on your tour pages? Don't worry. Nobody else is either except me. LOL.

Greg B
11-02-2007, 11:15 PM
What I've decided to do is an entry page, a nice sized menu page with a block graphic of that particular niche. When one clicks that pic they go to the niche page with a few graphics and the join menu there.

That way they get the overall view of the site and if they want further give them a wee taste and the big ass JOIN button.

Now, to whet their whistles more there are other websites in the network that are irresistable. I'll have links to those as well as it's all the same sale and rebill.

Any page with a big ass on it lookin' all delicious will get a sign up.

11-05-2007, 10:35 AM
in any industry, marketing will make or break your company. Simple as that.
If you cant sell your product, your webmaster wont promote it..its a trickle effect.

There is some truth, throw enuf shit at anything and some is bound to stick.
That's why some sites get TGP signups..just a shit load of crap traffic and every once in a while something sticks.

That being said.. Tours, selling, marketing is not only an art form but an actual science.
A great converting tour is no fluke. There are things happening on those pages
sublimely and actually working the human behavior process.

The old Flash Cash one page tours were really fucking good. We retained really fucking good as well using the same formulas. I remember having members over a year! I swear!

In fact i think up to just recently, Sex Spy had the original design I did from 98/99.
I doubt theres any of those lying around..
It's still all up in here tho!