View Full Version : I'm Stumped! Can you figure it out?

10-24-2007, 01:58 PM
Ok, so I have word filter bots out there that trip whenever certain terms make their way around the web. That way, I look really smart, and know what's going on.

I keep tripping over pages like this one:


Always a cryptic name, and usually *.cn

I understand they are trying to get Google to notice the page as "relevant text on subjects(s.)"

But what's the end game? WHY are they doing it? It seems to be circular. the links on the page just go to other pages of the same ilk????

Where are they making the coin?

10-24-2007, 03:42 PM
Ok, so I have word filter bots out there that trip whenever certain terms make their way around the web. That way, I look really smart, and know what's going on.

I keep tripping over pages like this one:


Always a cryptic name, and usually *.cn

I understand they are trying to get Google to notice the page as "relevant text on subjects(s.)"

But what's the end game? WHY are they doing it? It seems to be circular. the links on the page just go to other pages of the same ilk????

Where are they making the coin?

I bet this is the Est*/Klik group doing some kind of seo stunt to support other seemingly "normal" sites. .cn domains are not among the cheapest and there are thousands and thousands of these sites.

10-24-2007, 03:48 PM
I am pretty sure they are stupidly basing their activities on incorrect beliefs or assumptions about how SEO works as well.

From other examples I have frequently seen it seems they are doing things they think will help them, when in fact the opposite is true.

10-24-2007, 03:49 PM
And btw, my ban list on my board includes

*@*.ru and *@*.cn since that is where most of the bots and spammers some from.

10-24-2007, 07:35 PM
it is a VERY old school way of creating doorway pages

i used to create thousands of those a day, probably still have a ton up somewhere

keywords and inbound links is that game

google is smarter now though, they will ban those in days

10-25-2007, 03:34 PM
it is a VERY old school way of creating doorway pages

i used to create thousands of those a day, probably still have a ton up somewhere

keywords and inbound links is that game

google is smarter now though, they will ban those in days

And now they've changed it already.
But here's the thing. all the links on the page were for just as cryptic links, just random strings of letters of pages that were the same.

The only way I see this doing anything is if they built up all this incoming link popularity, swapped it out for a valid sales item page, skating on the popularity, until google caught up to it?

That's the only thing I see? Seems like an awful lot of work for a small, questionble, return.

10-25-2007, 06:08 PM
And now they've changed it already.
But here's the thing. all the links on the page were for just as cryptic links, just random strings of letters of pages that were the same.

The only way I see this doing anything is if they built up all this incoming link popularity, swapped it out for a valid sales item page, skating on the popularity, until google caught up to it?

That's the only thing I see? Seems like an awful lot of work for a small, questionble, return.

heh, they did change it...funny....they are watching their referral logs pretty closely

but when it was up, if you checked the very bottom of the page you would see the real reason they put those pages up....every page has real links on the bottom...probably via some sort of php include, so they can change out those links on millions of pages by changing one php file. that way they can run a "your link on a million pages" services and sell links....which is why you have to be VERY careful when you buy links for your sites from those services

but awful lot of work? man, I have a program on my computer here that will create 10,000 of those pages a minute

10-25-2007, 08:58 PM
heh, they did change it...funny....they are watching their referral logs pretty closely

but when it was up, if you checked the very bottom of the page you would see the real reason they put those pages up....every page has real links on the bottom...probably via some sort of php include, so they can change out those links on millions of pages by changing one php file. that way they can run a "your link on a million pages" services and sell links....which is why you have to be VERY careful when you buy links for your sites from those services

but awful lot of work? man, I have a program on my computer here that will create 10,000 of those pages a minute

Yea, I saw those links.....
But I'm sorta seeing where you are going.
Who knows.
Just drives me nuts people spend so much time and effort trying to scam the system.
If they'd just join Amway, they'd be rich in a week.

10-25-2007, 09:39 PM
Yea, I saw those links.....
But I'm sorta seeing where you are going.
Who knows.
Just drives me nuts people spend so much time and effort trying to scam the system.
If they'd just join Amway, they'd be rich in a week.

back in the day before google got wise those types of pages worked insanely well, throw a couple of adsense banners up on there, pump out 100,000 of those a week and you would have $1-2k adsense checks a month

these days that shit don't fly though

10-26-2007, 06:43 AM
these days that shit don't fly though


10-26-2007, 06:41 PM

Oh, it'll fly, if it's who I suspect it is. They know what their doing and have vast resources. Their ultimate goal is to conduct click fraud. This registrant only have no less that 37.000 (give or take) similar dot cn's

10-27-2007, 03:22 PM
For several months, every time I did a non-porn search in Google it would show those .cn domains in the top and all throughout the rest of the results. Either it was an Ad Sense page or sometimes, it would supposedly download something.

It got to the point I began using Yahoo more and more for searches.

11-04-2007, 08:33 AM
Here is some interesting info on what we were speaking about by an informed authority, Bob Cringley:


AdWords customers are suffering from useless pages on unused and "parked" domain pages, or static pages simply filled with ads. The owners of these domains use AdSense participation to suck up more than 30 percent of the total AdWords market. This is one Google program working against another. Nerdtv.com is just such a parked page, owned by someone who won't even answer my e-mails and filled with AdSense ads that just sit there with no relevant page content to support them. And "content" is the issue here since AdWords advertisers have the choice of placing their ads on search pages (along the right side) or on content pages (on the top of the Google.com page, but also on other participating sites). But for some reason AdWords advertisers who opt out of doing content ads are still finding their listings on content sites, including parked domains and MySpace pages