View Full Version : Successful tool I use to promote

Greg B
10-21-2007, 09:43 AM
I'm a ratio nut. I look at how much I expenditure in ratio to ROI. I don't do pornmeistering full time or on a global basis like Gonzo or Jace or Hammer but I do get a high profit return around 98% at worst.

All I pay for is bandwidth. No staff, no models, no content providers.

I've really been hitting the books the past several months studying this business to get better returns. I needed just an additional $1,500 per month extra to settle down with this business model.

I looked back at all the successful things I've done and the dumb things. Listened to Hammer and got better at SEO. Read more of the various boards and realized I'd been doing great in comparison to most but didn't know it. I could just draw toons, post em' on my site and walk away and it made money by default. Like Jace said in another thread about "all from my fucking couch.". I have only a handful of sites but in retrospect ratio wise I was doing fantastic for a part-part time thing.

This year I got into some rough water because of an illness I had to battle. Had to regroup and study. Am making headway now that I've studied more on what traffic is and how it's obtained, retained, and converted. I never worried about traffic before but kept holding off because of bandwidth costs. Now that I can get affordable hosting I can expand. Been studying TGPs, Blogs, etc. I see now how it's supposed to be done. I've always been a marketing genius having worked for most of the major communications companies out here.

I did notice after checking my stats that my conversion rates were better than most on certain pages. Then I remembered why, it's because on those pages I put up serialized types of cartoons that led the customer into the site. I triple checked my stats and sure enough, from wayyyyy back when I even first met Gonzo, I had some conversion toons up and those pages converted. My stats programs were off a bit but when they got fixed I noticed the source. I also would do toons for affiliate programs I felt were unique. I would give the toons to the company so that other webmasters could use them for promo.

The first one I did was for the old Adult Check company. That toon converted like a mofo. I put it up on my website for other webmasters to use and that page got more hits than a blonde at japanese bar.

So when I switched to CyberAge I used another toon, the pages where that toon is placed all had the same ratios of conversion! I realize now I should have done more toons like these.

Anyway, here are some examples of what I'm talking about and you can bet I'll be doing some big time promo and marketing with these from now on.


An affiliate ad for the old Mob Bucks program:


Often on the boards more guys talk more shit than a stuttering proctologist with a ventriloquist's dummy, and I fell for that. I was doing smart all along, just not enough of it.

Shoulda paid more attention to Gonzo back in the day.

10-21-2007, 01:00 PM
It's clear you are an incredibly talented cartoonist. (Is that the proper term?)

I can certainly see how a serialized story can bring people back. Used to be a Sez guy chasing me around to put his series on my website, but it just wasn't the right thing for us.

I think you have an excellent idea. I have officially logged you as the guy to come to as soon as I can figure out a way to capitalize on our ventures by using your art.


Greg B
10-21-2007, 01:39 PM
It's clear you are an incredibly talented cartoonist. (Is that the proper term?)

I can certainly see how a serialized story can bring people back. Used to be a Sez guy chasing me around to put his series on my website, but it just wasn't the right thing for us.

I think you have an excellent idea. I have officially logged you as the guy to come to as soon as I can figure out a way to capitalize on our ventures by using your art.


Thanks EJ! I appreciate the compliments!

I've been working away at the drafting table to come up with the hottest looking chicks yet in toons. I'll post my new campaign ads here as well. There are a handful of affiliate programs that really have that over-the-top yet coooooolness quality that I feel warrants a toon and now that I'm learning more about the value of and quality of traffic and traffic brokering I'm sure to get more signups. Will also be doing something I tried many years ago by embedding secret links in the toons for the surfers to search for ( easy just mouseover but if you call it a 'secret link' they'll be more inclined to click them ) and each link goes to an affiliate's goodies or mini-website or some such for promotion.

Lotsa possibilities!

10-21-2007, 02:01 PM
Thanks EJ! I appreciate the compliments!

I've been working away at the drafting table to come up with the hottest looking chicks yet in toons. I'll post my new campaign ads here as well. There are a handful of affiliate programs that really have that over-the-top yet coooooolness quality that I feel warrants a toon and now that I'm learning more about the value of and quality of traffic and traffic brokering I'm sure to get more signups. Will also be doing something I tried many years ago by embedding secret links in the toons for the surfers to search for ( easy just mouseover but if you call it a 'secret link' they'll be more inclined to click them ) and each link goes to an affiliate's goodies or mini-website or some such for promotion.

Lotsa possibilities!

Now that's the cool type of innovations I like to hear about.
please keep me informed.

10-23-2007, 09:03 AM
Very cool Greg.

Thanks for sharing.

10-23-2007, 09:51 AM
Very cool.. good stuff...

Greg B
10-24-2007, 12:15 PM
Thanks Fellas!

Now for the hypnosis:

hire me...hire me...hire me....

10-24-2007, 12:27 PM
Shoulda paid more attention to Gonzo back in the day.
Its a new day. Dont let anyone tell you that you cant make a good living in this business. ESPECIALLY since you can create your own content on a whim.

10-24-2007, 01:52 PM
Thanks Fellas!

Now for the hypnosis:

hire me...hire me...hire me....

Hey Boone, I was just thinking I wanted to hire you for some reason........

Stop THAT!

Greg B
10-26-2007, 08:45 AM
Its a new day. Dont let anyone tell you that you cant make a good living in this business. ESPECIALLY since you can create your own content on a whim.

Thanks Gonzo.

I had to learn I'd been listening to the wrong people and hanging around too many wrong people.

After doing extensive analysis and testing I realize I was doing many things right but needed to go back and do some new design, presentation work. I have far more content than I realized and my problems were basically, design presentation, better trade/traffic. Before I re-launch my affiliate program I'm doing a temporary new tour while doing the redesigning. Good thing KevinG and Shemp are helping out.

10-26-2007, 10:18 AM
Thanks Gonzo.

I had to learn I'd been listening to the wrong people and hanging around too many wrong people.

After doing extensive analysis and testing I realize I was doing many things right but needed to go back and do some new design, presentation work. I have far more content than I realized and my problems were basically, design presentation, better trade/traffic. Before I re-launch my affiliate program I'm doing a temporary new tour while doing the redesigning. Good thing KevinG and Shemp are helping out.
You live on the West Coast man.
Its hard to avoid the cool kids with the homie hookups.

Kevin and Shemp are 2 honest guys without a massive ego. Im certain both can help.

10-26-2007, 10:25 AM
You live on the West Coast man.
Its hard to avoid the cool kids with the homie hookups.

LOL and True!

10-26-2007, 10:53 AM
LOL and True!
You know what I mean.
Its these guys that hang out at the Zoo posting their latent homosexual desires or a picture of their cell phones!

You ask what they do and all you get is BRO has his stuff on the ball. His eye on the game.


Or they post a pic of them "spinning the hot tunes" pool side at the Xbiz show!