View Full Version : Help me come up with a name....win $50 and tons of inbound links

10-13-2007, 09:11 PM
Hey all

I know I haven't been around much, it is because I have been really working hard on getting my mobile dj setup done, along with also getting my mobile sound system built up at the same time

I am pretty much done and about to start moving into the marketing side of things, but with all the mobile dj's out there it seems that coming up with a name will be harder than I anticipated

so, while I think of a name I am also going to put it out there for you to come up with a name also, and if I use one of the names from here I will send you $50 paypal or epassporte and also add any site you wish into my hard link script, giving you a permanent rotating hard link on about 150 sites

some things the name has to signify

- this will be a mobile dj AND mobile sound system, so people can rent just the sound or they can also have a dj that comes along
- this is all state of the art equipment
- it will also have a karaoke option, with tv monitors for a true karaoke experience

so, post some shit here or email me jace at justjace dot com if you wanna keep it quiet

and don't be silly when coming up with the names

yeah, I could use stateoftheartmobiledj.com, but I want to get a little more creative than that

i wanted mobilemadness.com, but someone seems to have taken that already, mobile*****.com domains are hard to come by after the mobile rush a few years ago, so get creative!

10-13-2007, 10:53 PM
Hey all

I know I haven't been around much, it is because I have been really working hard on getting my mobile dj setup done, along with also getting my mobile sound system built up at the same time

I am pretty much done and about to start moving into the marketing side of things, but with all the mobile dj's out there it seems that coming up with a name will be harder than I anticipated

so, while I think of a name I am also going to put it out there for you to come up with a name also, and if I use one of the names from here I will send you $50 paypal or epassporte and also add any site you wish into my hard link script, giving you a permanent rotating hard link on about 150 sites

some things the name has to signify

- this will be a mobile dj AND mobile sound system, so people can rent just the sound or they can also have a dj that comes along
- this is all state of the art equipment
- it will also have a karaoke option, with tv monitors for a true karaoke experience

so, post some shit here or email me jace at justjace dot com if you wanna keep it quiet

and don't be silly when coming up with the names

yeah, I could use stateoftheartmobiledj.com, but I want to get a little more creative than that

i wanted mobilemadness.com, but someone seems to have taken that already, mobile*****.com domains are hard to come by after the mobile rush a few years ago, so get creative!

email sent. Good luck :)

10-14-2007, 07:32 AM
It's eaarly, and I'm not quite awake yet, but here are a few & they are all available in .com


10-16-2007, 07:32 PM

10-16-2007, 08:25 PM
Hmmm? :g01:

How bout HookerSmokingCaterpillar.com ?

10-16-2007, 09:37 PM
I prefer the Anders Manga cover.

10-16-2007, 11:37 PM

MUSICONTHEMOVE.COM is already taken

10-17-2007, 07:01 PM
MUSICONTHEMOVE.COM is already taken

Did I mention an Old School DJ can out turn, play, and thump you Easy Tech CD playing wanna be Ass, with a 3&1 player, a few '45 rpm's and a microphone. :hmm:



10-17-2007, 07:50 PM
Rappers Delight!

10-17-2007, 11:48 PM
thanks for getting back to me.

10-20-2007, 11:40 AM
sorry I haven't responded to anyone, been busy

nothing suggested so far has really caught my eye

my wife suggested PortaParty (hehe!), which I LOVE, but the domain is taken, but I am considering using it anyway and using another more generic domain