View Full Version : Are you observing National Porn Sunday ?

10-07-2007, 05:12 PM
They are two topics that you don't usually think mix, but National Porn Sunday is bringing a discussion about sex to a local church this weekend. It's part of a national effort to help millions of christians with an addiction to pornography.

In this developing story alert, Local 12's Larry Davis talked to a Butler County pastor about what he hopes to accomplish.

Some refer to it as the pornification of America. People like Larry Flynt and his Hustler empire have made millions off of it, and millions of people have become addicted to pornography. This Sunday, churches want to help those who they say may be "trapped." "We just want to help those people find their way out, if that's what they want to do."

Pastor Ben Hodges will be preaching on porn Sunday at his Four Corners Church in West Chester. He's already heard from couples whose families have been impacted by pornography.

Pastor Ben Hodges: "My husband couldn't get a handle on this or my wife couldn't get a handle on this and it became, not a source of pleasure and satisfaction and freedom, it became just the opposite, bondage, the destruction of intimacy and ultimately the destruction of our marriage."

Used to be, pornography was only available on video or in magazines, but now it's all over the internet and much of it is free. It's a growing business and it's attracting more and more customers.

Ryan Hartsock, Four Corners Church: "When we take something God made in sex and we act like pornography is the best we can get, we're missing something, we're missing what God's best is."

Ryan Hartsock is the Creative Director at Four Corners. He says the church is going to make the topic as comfortable as possible for the congregation.

"God is not against sex, but God is all about helping us understand his boundaries, what it is between one man and one woman for eternity and helping people understand within that confine, hey, its an awesome thing."

Pastor Hodges says this is not the first time, sex has been a topic in church. It may raise some eyebrows, but he says the pay off is more important.

"It's hits we're willing to take because if people are being helped, the conversation about how uncomfortable it is worth it."

According to the Triple X church group, who is behind the National Porn Sunday, there are more than four million pornographic web sites. Men make up about 65 percent of people who visit those sites. 47 percent of christians say pornography is a problem in their home.

10-07-2007, 05:19 PM
nope, its Thanksgiving and I am observing national eat way too much turkey and drink way too much booze and fall face first into a pumpkin pie day.

10-07-2007, 07:37 PM
Dang, if I would have known earlier I would have gone ;)

10-07-2007, 08:15 PM
Dang, if I would have known earlier I would have gone ;)

To which one?...
The Canadian senior center free turkey giveaway?
or the Blind leads the blind Christian faith church?

10-07-2007, 08:20 PM
To which one?...
The Canadian senior center free turkey giveaway?
or the Blind leads the blind Christian faith church?

To the church thing of course...if there are that many Christain men that look at porn, I probably could have made a little pocket change from it ;)