View Full Version : Wow, my first ccbill sale of the year...LOL

09-26-2007, 04:07 PM
granted, I usually stay the fuck away from ccbill only programs, and this year in total I have only sent 50,000 or so hits to all of them combined, with 8 programs getting the bulk of that

but something is seriously wrong when it is now September and I have my first sale of the year...haha

www.otcash.com btw was the sponsor, who I JUST started promoting last month

my all time ccbill ratio would kill you all, so sad...

09-26-2007, 04:17 PM
I'm also one of those people who can't make a sale with ccbill. Ever. :scratchin

09-26-2007, 04:26 PM
...my all time ccbill ratio would kill you all, so sad...My CCBill numbers in StatsRemote include data back to Oct '03 with an overall conversion ratio of 1:771

What works for me may not work for you, or in this case, what doesn't work for you works very well for me.

09-26-2007, 04:30 PM
My CCBill numbers in StatsRemote include data back to Oct '03 with a overall conversion ratio of 1:771

What works for me may not work for you, or in this case, what doesn't work for you works very well for me.

well, the weird part is that the MINUTE people switch to nats and I change links, everything is perfect, but using the ccbill link codes I barely ever get sales

I even have split promotions up, meaning programs that switched and I still have ccbill links up and also the new nats links up, ccbill never sells AT ALL, but with nats I almost always have sales

09-26-2007, 04:34 PM
well, the weird part is that the MINUTE people switch to nats and I change links, everything is perfect, but using the ccbill link codes I barely ever get sales

I even have split promotions up, meaning programs that switched and I still have ccbill links up and also the new nats links up, ccbill never sells AT ALL, but with nats I almost always have salesAnd I find almost exactly the opposite. When a CCBill program I'm promoting switches to NATS, my sales almost always drop off significantly. T'is a funny biz we work in. :scratchin

09-26-2007, 04:40 PM
And I find almost exactly the opposite. When a CCBill program I'm promoting switches to NATS, my sales almost always drop off significantly. T'is a funny biz we work in. :scratchin

man, tell me about it

let me ask you this, what niches do you primarily push?

I am almost always hardcore/porn star type stuff, otcash was just because they had rss feeds so I threw them on a softcore/teen blog I had

09-26-2007, 04:49 PM
...let me ask you this, what niches do you primarily push?I push sites that have content to match the fetish wear niche TGPs in my sig. Mostly solo girls.

09-26-2007, 04:54 PM
I push sites that have content to match the fetish wear niche TGPs in my sig. Mostly solo girls.

hmmm...i wonder if, and I know this is a longshot, there is a connection between the ccbill sales/ratios and the type of sites that are being pushed

I dont' see how, but I have rarely met anyone pushing hardcore/porn stars solely on ccbill that does well

but amateurs and fetish stuff always seems to do well from what people say

09-26-2007, 05:01 PM
hmmm...i wonder if, and I know this is a longshot, there is a connection between the ccbill sales/ratios and the type of sites that are being pushed

I dont' see how, but I have rarely met anyone pushing hardcore/porn stars solely on ccbill that does well

but amateurs and fetish stuff always seems to do well from what people say
I think there could most certainly be a connection there.

09-26-2007, 06:15 PM
I do well with CCBill Idies like Toby . . . . However I do think their are some milf's out there that "love the Tobester"

09-26-2007, 08:01 PM
no sales with ccbill sponsors especially with otcash, nope not with movies :(

09-26-2007, 11:39 PM
I gave up on ccbill sites a long time ago, they have never converted well for me either. nice to hear it's not just me :)

09-29-2007, 09:31 AM
Between my review sites and my top 4 sponsors in my niche, I push a lot of traffic to CCBill sponsors. With a couple my ratios are so-so but I'd say overall my stats are the same as Toby at around 1:700 -- but with some I'm 1:5000 and with others, 1:25 ... no rhyme or reason.

09-29-2007, 10:10 AM
Between my review sites and my top 4 sponsors in my niche, I push a lot of traffic to CCBill sponsors. With a couple my ratios are so-so but I'd say overall my stats are the same as Toby at around 1:700 -- but with some I'm 1:5000 and with others, 1:25 ... no rhyme or reason.

on a side note, I love that I can enter الرجل بلا شنب كالقط بلا into google and it finds you everywhere

09-29-2007, 10:19 AM
on a side note, I love that I can enter الرجل بلا شنب كالقط بلا into google and it finds you everywhere
ya that is cool I tried it also a few days ago, and it shows her all over the places she been to, I also thought that was awesome pam :okthumb:

09-29-2007, 12:09 PM
I do well with CCBill Idies like Toby . . . . However I do think their are some milf's out there that "love the Tobester"
I don't push traffic, but use ccbill. I think most smaller sited use ccbill because nats is a pain in the ass. I have been told over and over that people in our end of the game like ccbill because they know they will be paid.
And hen I hear all the complaints on boards about missed payments I can understand that. My only issue is they scrub too hard. That is why I don't use them for my primary.

Greg B
09-30-2007, 10:42 AM
For me, it doesn't matter ccbill or not. It's the site itself. It either is attractive enough to convert or it isn't.

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

A site has drawing power to convert or it doesn't.

Two targets here: People with money able to buy, people with little money unwilling to spend.

Two actions: Convince the able and unwilling.

The site's sales pitch and previews should do that at a glance.

You know they're horny, you know they're curious, as an affiliate all you can do is point them in that direction.

We affiliates can bring the customers, it's up to the webmaster to keep em' there.

09-30-2007, 12:47 PM
For me, it doesn't matter ccbill or not. It's the site itself. It either is attractive enough to convert or it isn't.

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

A site has drawing power to convert or it doesn't.

Two targets here: People with money able to buy, people with little money unwilling to spend.

Two actions: Convince the able and unwilling.

The site's sales pitch and previews should do that at a glance.

You know they're horny, you know they're curious, as an affiliate all you can do is point them in that direction.

We affiliates can bring the customers, it's up to the webmaster to keep em' there.
Well said. It would also be a good idea to sometimes write the webmasters with suggestions. I find that I never hear from affiliates. Those that do well are content. Those who don't do well prolly never will.

09-30-2007, 05:42 PM
For me, it doesn't matter ccbill or not. It's the site itself. It either is attractive enough to convert or it isn't.

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

A site has drawing power to convert or it doesn't.

Two targets here: People with money able to buy, people with little money unwilling to spend.

Two actions: Convince the able and unwilling.

The site's sales pitch and previews should do that at a glance.

You know they're horny, you know they're curious, as an affiliate all you can do is point them in that direction.

We affiliates can bring the customers, it's up to the webmaster to keep em' there.

thanks captain obvious ;) LOL.....but we are discussing something else here

09-30-2007, 06:58 PM
thanks captain obvious ;) LOL.....but we are discussing something else here
really? What exactly was that something else? Seemed on message to me.

Greg B
09-30-2007, 07:21 PM
thanks captain obvious ;) LOL.....but we are discussing something else here

Sure I see what you're saying but with ccbill I haven't sent enough traffic recently to see a problem. I'm 1:180 with them with the program I'm posting most of. It's niche so it figures. If I was smart enough to bring in more traffic then I'd really see what the program does.

CCBill seems like and efficient program, it's the sponsors who drive me crazy with half ass content, incompetent content, bad admin etc.

I just had a new guy start an affiliate program. Niche stuff, super hero babes in undress. Soft core but very attractive. In one day he was able to get his program up and running with very nice content for promo. We're waiting on traffic to build but ccbill took him right then and there. I'm sure the program will take off as traffic builds.

Some programs using CCBill work and others don't.

09-30-2007, 07:25 PM
really? What exactly was that something else? Seemed on message to me.

Monkey see....money do :okthumb:


ain't that right there rhectomrical????

09-30-2007, 11:28 PM
on a side note, I love that I can enter الرجل بلا شنب كالقط بلا into google and it finds you everywhere
Interesting angle!

Im cetain google and yahoo find all of her posts here hahaha.