View Full Version : first plant porn theater

09-10-2007, 05:28 PM
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - An American artist has come up with a new form of movie -- pornography for plants featuring uncensored pollination.
Conceptual artist Jonathon Keats said he came to appreciate the impact of entertainment on non-human audiences while choreographing a ballet for honeybees last year, selectively planting flowers among hives to direct the bees' moves.
He decided to try to entertain plants, arguing that they were sensitive to light so cinema was "practically made for them." But rather than let them watch a film he decided to make a film to project on their leaves so they could absorb it.
Keats said he could not judge plants' mind-set so he decided to settle on the one thing that was bound to be a hit -- sex.
"I knew enough about their reproduction process to make an educated guess at what might titillate them and that was pollination," Keats told Reuters.
He filmed a six-minute long video of plants getting pollinated then edited his uncensored footage into a gritty black-and-white porn video. The result was what he claims to be the world's first plant porn movie, "Cinema Botanica."
"It is very boring but that is part of the essence of pornography, that it is very repetitive," he said.
During September his film will be projected onto an audience of 60 house plants lined in rows at the 1078 Gallery, an alternative arts space in Chico, California - a venue Keats has dubbed "the world's first porn theater for house plants."

09-10-2007, 05:34 PM
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - An American artist has come up with a new form of movie -- pornography for plants featuring uncensored pollination.
Conceptual artist Jonathon Keats said he came to appreciate the impact of entertainment on non-human audiences while choreographing a ballet for honeybees last year, selectively planting flowers among hives to direct the bees' moves.
He decided to try to entertain plants, arguing that they were sensitive to light so cinema was "practically made for them." But rather than let them watch a film he decided to make a film to project on their leaves so they could absorb it.
Keats said he could not judge plants' mind-set so he decided to settle on the one thing that was bound to be a hit -- sex.
"I knew enough about their reproduction process to make an educated guess at what might titillate them and that was pollination," Keats told Reuters.
He filmed a six-minute long video of plants getting pollinated then edited his uncensored footage into a gritty black-and-white porn video. The result was what he claims to be the world's first plant porn movie, "Cinema Botanica."
"It is very boring but that is part of the essence of pornography, that it is very repetitive," he said.
During September his film will be projected onto an audience of 60 house plants lined in rows at the 1078 Gallery, an alternative arts space in Chico, California - a venue Keats has dubbed "the world's first porn theater for house plants."

He better have his 2257 records of those plants in order!!

09-11-2007, 03:09 AM
new ideas to profit plants for all. Very good:okthumb::okthumb::okthumb:

09-12-2007, 04:06 AM
I think we should test those plants for potency..........
You know, for scientific reasons and all.
Gonzo? You got papers?

09-12-2007, 05:40 AM
I've heard of talking to your plants, or playing music for them, but this is just a bit on the extreme side....

I'd like to know how they are going to card the plants coming into the theater....I'm sure they wouldn't want to get busted for contributing to the delinquency of seedlings :blink: