View Full Version : WordPress + Subscription sites

09-03-2007, 10:34 PM
Hey Guys,

My real name is Dan, aka Mufasa on most boards.

I'm a WordPress fanatic by trade.

I have created a plugin called for WordPress called WP e-Commerce, it is designed for selling digital goods online - like images, mp3 files, pdf files, and videos.

Recently we created a Members Only module which can be used to setup any type of paid subscription site - I think there is a niche for this type of solution in this industry because of how easy it is to use WordPress and because of how feature packed WordPress is.

I have already posted about this on the Main Board but the member Hammer nailed me because I did not introduce myself (and I think he may already do work in this space) and Jace suggested that I post in this forum instead because WordPress is first and foremost a blogging tool.

I'm just interested in getting involved with the scene. I googled and this site came tops - so here I am trying to get a foot in the door.

If you want to see this in action let me know and I'd only be too glad to share.

