View Full Version : Non porn blog out pacing porn blog by mega wide margin?

Greg B
08-29-2007, 11:20 AM
I don't know if I should be happy but I'm pissed.

I spent so much time on my porn blog and it doesn't do anywhere near the traffic my non porn blog does and I have no link trades on my non porn blog!

I didn't even advertise my non porn blog and it's getting indexed, linked to, rss'd to within an inch of it's life.

It's just an alternative news site with me blathering on about news of the day but it's rising in popularity for some reason and I don't have anything to sell on the site! I gotta get adsense I figure.

Anyway, what I'm noticing is how blogs work and why you can get these huge spikes in traffic and attention. Never knew this before. This blog as I mentioned is an alternative news blog and I ran some old editorial cartoons on it I drew. It's only a few weeks old and I neglected to post on it til the past few days and then BOOM, stats started rising and ain't stopping.

Now if I could get my porn blogs to do this kind of traffic and convert!

I also got three offers to write for other people's blogs yesterday. Don't know what to charge but I'll figure something out.

Do you guys have mainstream blogs and what do you sell?

my blog is at www.startshit.com/blog