View Full Version : Bench pressing 400lbs easy...gettin' healthy!

Greg B
08-24-2007, 10:26 PM
Took me a while to get back to normal. Had an illness last year but even after that I was able to start off at 270lbs on the bench. Worked at it for several months and am now back to 400lbs on the bench press. Should be up to 500lbs and feeling just right by end of the year.

I had dropped close to 30lbs and even got down to 198lbs for the first time in years. Put on around 20lbs of muscle and am still growing. I'm about 6' 2" so it doesn't look fat on me. I do get lots of looks from the girls though :)

Eating a lot smarter. Only weakness is Haagan Daas ice cream.

Anyhow, the biggest diet change was NOT drinking soda and soft drinks. Those things are so loaded with sugar it's scary. Saw changes practically overnight. I'll have a soda once in a blue moon. Would rather make my own with Stevia sweetner than that artificial shit.

Now it's on to full blast iron pumpin'. Might even go into competition next year if I ain't too wore out.

Webmastering is a sit down job and I remember about 10 years ago many a fella ended up in the hospital for not exercising enough and putting on too much fat.

You owe it to yourself to be fit to enjoy life and enjoy family and friends.

08-25-2007, 12:30 AM
Congrats on your new PR. I know it's important to workout since we're expected to sit at the computer all day long. I don't really like lifting weights but I do go whenever I feel like it. I do cardio 3x a week though.

08-25-2007, 08:50 AM
Congrats on your new PR. I know it's important to workout since we're expected to sit at the computer all day long. I don't really like lifting weights but I do go whenever I feel like it. I do cardio 3x a week though.
DO NOT BELIEVE ScreaM. He lifts weights like a maniac and goes to the gym practically every day. He may do cardio but the lil bitch works out often :wnw:


08-25-2007, 09:33 AM
I just got cortozone shots into my sholders yesterday because i was lifting to heavey and blew out my shoulders

man those were some big fucking needles

and I HATE needles

08-25-2007, 09:35 AM
Congrat on working to get healthy & back in shape. For exercise, I like to swim laps in the pool...I also do a lot of walking.

Greg B
08-25-2007, 09:37 AM
I just got cortozone shots into my sholders yesterday because i was lifting to heavey and blew out my shoulders

man those were some big fucking needles

and I HATE needles

Oh that sucks!

I have to take it easy myself. I lift heavy too. I go for strength first so I can build up the connective tissue before going for sculpting which calls for precision control of the weights.

I've got the strength to hit 500lbs on the bench but the ligaments and tendons aren't ready and I can tell because of the soreness from my military press which is a piss ass 200lbs.

08-25-2007, 09:58 AM
Congrat on working to get healthy & back in shape. For exercise, I like to swim laps in the pool...I also do a lot of walking.
oh thats right, i'm your pool boy :D


Greg B
08-25-2007, 10:01 AM
Congrat on working to get healthy & back in shape. For exercise, I like to swim laps in the pool...I also do a lot of walking.

People often underestimate the value of swimming and walking. The two best exercises a person can do. Nothing beats them for cardio and fat loss.

08-25-2007, 10:19 AM
People often underestimate the value of swimming and walking. The two best exercises a person can do. Nothing beats them for cardio and fat loss.

I can't do regular exercising (aerobics & such) I have a high body metabolism, and tend to drop too much weight :( so I do what I can do to make me feel good. I also eat rather healthy, when I remember to eat anyways...but my downfall is fried green tomatoes :rolleyes:

08-25-2007, 01:16 PM
Took me a while to get back to normal. Had an illness last year but even after that I was able to start off at 270lbs on the bench. Worked at it for several months and am now back to 400lbs on the bench press. Should be up to 500lbs and feeling just right by end of the year.

I had dropped close to 30lbs and even got down to 198lbs for the first time in years. Put on around 20lbs of muscle and am still growing. I'm about 6' 2" so it doesn't look fat on me. I do get lots of looks from the girls though :)

Eating a lot smarter. Only weakness is Haagan Daas ice cream.

Anyhow, the biggest diet change was NOT drinking soda and soft drinks. Those things are so loaded with sugar it's scary. Saw changes practically overnight. I'll have a soda once in a blue moon. Would rather make my own with Stevia sweetner than that artificial shit.

Now it's on to full blast iron pumpin'. Might even go into competition next year if I ain't too wore out.

Webmastering is a sit down job and I remember about 10 years ago many a fella ended up in the hospital for not exercising enough and putting on too much fat.

You owe it to yourself to be fit to enjoy life and enjoy family and friends.

Whats your age please?

Greg B
08-25-2007, 02:01 PM
Whats your age please?

Mid 40's

08-25-2007, 02:35 PM
Mid 40's

I.C. My hats off to you, that some great work :okthumb:

Greg B
08-25-2007, 03:07 PM
I.C. My hats off to you, that some great work :okthumb:

Thanks. One thing I learned a long time ago, age has not really that much to do with physical fitness. One of my heroes is Albert Beckles. He was competing in the top Mr. Olympia ranks when he was in his 60's against guys who were in their 20's and kicked their asses. Not only that but he's a devout vegetarian.

One of my doctors is 72 and looks 50. He eats right and pumps iron and is as strong as a bull.

Lotsa people in my neighborhood in their 70s and 80s and outrun me and a bunch of pals who are ex jarheads. We couldn't believe it! Old ladies old enough to be our mothers and grandmothers outrunning us UPHILL in the California heat and smog!

It was so embarrassing it inspired us to work out.

08-25-2007, 04:43 PM
oh thats right, i'm your pool boy :D


I'm glad to see you finally remembered your job offer dear....

08-25-2007, 05:40 PM
Took me a while to get back to normal. Had an illness last year but even after that I was able to start off at 270lbs on the bench. Worked at it for several months and am now back to 400lbs on the bench press. Should be up to 500lbs and feeling just right by end of the year.

I had dropped close to 30lbs and even got down to 198lbs for the first time in years. Put on around 20lbs of muscle and am still growing. I'm about 6' 2" so it doesn't look fat on me. I do get lots of looks from the girls though :)

Eating a lot smarter. Only weakness is Haagan Daas ice cream.

Anyhow, the biggest diet change was NOT drinking soda and soft drinks. Those things are so loaded with sugar it's scary. Saw changes practically overnight. I'll have a soda once in a blue moon. Would rather make my own with Stevia sweetner than that artificial shit.

Now it's on to full blast iron pumpin'. Might even go into competition next year if I ain't too wore out.

Webmastering is a sit down job and I remember about 10 years ago many a fella ended up in the hospital for not exercising enough and putting on too much fat.

You owe it to yourself to be fit to enjoy life and enjoy family and friends.

Congrats on the new PR... I've stopped lifting for sometime and my bench is down to a woeful 225 for a few reps. Damn I have to get back into it soon, but I haven't found the motivation yet...

08-26-2007, 08:23 AM
DO NOT BELIEVE ScreaM. He lifts weights like a maniac and goes to the gym practically every day. He may do cardio but the lil bitch works out often :wnw:


Nah dude I don't lift regularly. I go to the gym only to hit on hot MILFS. :D

08-29-2007, 10:47 AM
post some pics, and show us this awesome feat you speak of sir.

08-29-2007, 10:54 AM
My football season starts soon.....

Here is a video of some bag work I am doing to work on my timing and cardio.


08-29-2007, 12:01 PM
My football season starts soon.....

Here is a video of some bag work I am doing to work on my timing and cardio.


That bag work is great... damn thing would give me a black eye for sure!

08-30-2007, 05:19 AM
Yes, but which weighs more....400 Lbs. of steel free weights, or 400 Lbs of stack weights?

Greg B
08-30-2007, 08:14 AM
post some pics, and show us this awesome feat you speak of sir.

I'd like to but don't think so. Too many weirdos out here in internet land. Besides, I have enough doe-eyed women suddenly following me all over.

Greg B
08-30-2007, 08:18 AM
Yes, but which weighs more....400 Lbs. of steel free weights, or 400 Lbs of stack weights?

Free weights or stack weights weigh the same. It depends on the universal machine you're working on. 400lbs is 400lbs.

With free weights you get the advantage of having to balance the weights. It's more dangerous but some guys like me feel you get something out of it. On a universal the advantage is you use the muscles intended, a bench press hits the pecs and no cheating.

Some universal gyms have a gradient on lifting. However you do max out at the weight intended difference again being you use the muscles intended.

I feel it's good to use both free and stack. That way you get the best of both worlds.

08-30-2007, 11:39 AM
Free weights or stack weights weigh the same. It depends on the universal machine you're working on. 400lbs is 400lbs.

Dude.....get out from behind the monitor.
It was a joke.....you know, a little take on the "Pound of feathers, or a pound of lead" joke?


08-30-2007, 01:19 PM
I'd like to but don't think so. Too many weirdos out here in internet land. Besides, I have enough doe-eyed women suddenly following me all over.

HAHAAH Ok man, whatever. :okthumb:

oh and the answer to the stack or free weights ..... is that by doing free weights you also use what are called stabalizer muscles for the balancing of the weight.

The total weight is the same but a system devised with pullys and leverage instead of dead weight pure balance is far from the same workout for the body.

(but you already knew that I suppose)

Look I am not being critical, I am just leary about someone claiming to bench 400lbs and then not willing to show it is all.

congratulations on your hard work and keep it up no matter what the REAL weight you are lifting is

I mean believe me if I was pushing 400lbs you all would be seeing it daily in my sig LOL

But to each his own I guess.

your own results is all that really matters to you anyway so no need to show me or anyone else as long as you believe it is true who cares what anyone of us think.

08-30-2007, 02:41 PM
I internet-bench 425