View Full Version : Jason Tucker....step inside...if you got the balls...

08-18-2007, 02:44 AM
So jason, you cost me over twenty grand. Are you at least going to apologize or are you just going to brush it off, blame it on everyone else, and pretend to be successful? Anyone that stiffs someone will never be successful, just another loser with money. You could at least buy me a camera. Ask me which one I want. It aint cheap. I can't believe these guys at Oprano actually let you off the hook when everyone knows you crashed a business and bailed and left us crawling from the wreckage.

08-18-2007, 06:48 AM
if someone scammed me 20G's I surely wouldn't be asking him on a board where my moneys at. :hmm:

08-18-2007, 08:27 AM
WHO is Jason Tucker?


08-18-2007, 10:23 PM
WHO is Jason Tucker?

Jason Tucker is a guy who seems to run a lot of businesses. He had a company that provided drm encoding and when everyone was set up, encoded, and running it, he had a spat with his partner and just folded the business. I had all my stuff backed up so was relatively unscathed, but I heard via the grapevine, that others who had thousands of hours of video tied up in this, did not fare so well. Then he had the audacity to still try and bill me for the last month of service. Lots of phone back and forth and empty promises to boot. The whole thing was messy as fuck and it cost a lot of money. This guy has even viewed this and other threads but is doing exactly what he did when he crashed his business....ducking and diving. This is a person that I would warn anyone about. So Jason, dude, you got anything to say about this? And where is my fucking camera????

08-18-2007, 11:38 PM
Jason Tucker is a guy who seems to run a lot of businesses. He had a company that provided drm encoding and when everyone was set up, encoded, and running it, he had a spat with his partner and just folded the business. I had all my stuff backed up so was relatively unscathed, but I heard via the grapevine, that others who had thousands of hours of video tied up in this, did not fare so well. Then he had the audacity to still try and bill me for the last month of service. Lots of phone back and forth and empty promises to boot. The whole thing was messy as fuck and it cost a lot of money. This guy has even viewed this and other threads but is doing exactly what he did when he crashed his business....ducking and diving. This is a person that I would warn anyone about. So Jason, dude, you got anything to say about this? And where is my fucking camera????
ouch man thats rough. Just closing the doors I sure would like to see what he has to say about this especially if he is continuing to do bidness

oh... and I gotta get out more


08-19-2007, 12:38 AM
ouch man thats rough. Just closing the doors I sure would like to see what he has to say about this especially if he is continuing to do bidness

oh... and I gotta get out more

Have I not given him the chance? Like I said, I know he has looked at the thread.
BTW, that was not rough. It was what happened. I might piss around here, but you have never ever seen me dump on someone's business like this. When you lose a ton of money after being sweet talked, you kind of feel like a moron. Tucker did that. But the fact is, he has never replied to shut me down. And now I hear he is a speaker at internext. So when people ask what is wrong with our business, this is it.

08-19-2007, 03:54 AM
I got locked out of Playa; that was on the front of AVN when it happened. Oystein and I settled our differences. The software that delivered the DRM solution was licensed and so when I got locked out, our programmer walked with it. I walked, as you put it, with nothing out of it.

I dont even know what you do, what company you own and moreover who you are other then a guy who has consistently posted about me.

IMHO you concocted this story about me supposedly doing a deal with you. I dont even know who you are or have any recollection of ever talking to you. Neither did Oystein by the way. If we had a deal it would have been with our company and not me personally.

Anyone who knows me, knows that if I say I am going to be somewhere I show up. If not, there is at the very least a call. You said ages ago in a post that we were supposed to come to Atlanta. I have never been to Atlanta and never talked to you about coming. Furthermore, for you to claim that you lost money is nuts. We had plenty of joint deals and all of those made sense and had paperwork behind them. If you banked an idea off of something you had going without consulting us well that is your own issue and has nothing to do with me or Oystein or Playa for that matter.

If you had a deal with us, there would have been an agreement, terms and a timetable. If you haven't noticed, I work off of agreements drafted by attorneys. Heck, I am surrounded by them and consult them on all deals.

I have made myself available over the last two years to talk to you about this, but you have been reluctant to call or email me. Again on you, not me. If you want to call me or discuss anything with me, I am in the office everyday of the week.

I am done posting about this. You continue to besmirch me rather then call to address whatever issues you think you have. I find that curious.

08-19-2007, 06:03 AM
I think Rhetorical is in Vancouver not Atlanta . . .

Hell Puppy
08-19-2007, 07:39 AM

08-19-2007, 08:38 AM
oh... and I gotta get out more

And you need to bring your fat ass over to this end of the country. :)

08-19-2007, 08:48 AM
I got locked out of Playa; that was on the front of AVN when it happened. Oystein and I settled our differences. The software that delivered the DRM solution was licensed and so when I got locked out, our programmer walked with it. I walked, as you put it, with nothing out of it.

I dont even know what you do, what company you own and moreover who you are other then a guy who has consistently posted about me.

IMHO you concocted this story about me supposedly doing a deal with you. I dont even know who you are or have any recollection of ever talking to you. Neither did Oystein by the way. If we had a deal it would have been with our company and not me personally.

Anyone who knows me, knows that if I say I am going to be somewhere I show up. If not, there is at the very least a call. You said ages ago in a post that we were supposed to come to Atlanta. I have never been to Atlanta and never talked to you about coming. Furthermore, for you to claim that you lost money is nuts. We had plenty of joint deals and all of those made sense and had paperwork behind them. If you banked an idea off of something you had going without consulting us well that is your own issue and has nothing to do with me or Oystein or Playa for that matter.

If you had a deal with us, there would have been an agreement, terms and a timetable. If you haven't noticed, I work off of agreements drafted by attorneys. Heck, I am surrounded by them and consult them on all deals.

I have made myself available over the last two years to talk to you about this, but you have been reluctant to call or email me. Again on you, not me. If you want to call me or discuss anything with me, I am in the office everyday of the week.

I am done posting about this. You continue to besmirch me rather then call to address whatever issues you think you have. I find that curious.

OK Rhetorical..???
Your ass just got called out. :-popcorn: So????

08-19-2007, 10:10 AM
I got locked out of Playa; that was on the front of AVN when it happened. Oystein and I settled our differences. The software that delivered the DRM solution was licensed and so when I got locked out, our programmer walked with it. I walked, as you put it, with nothing out of it.

I dont even know what you do, what company you own and moreover who you are other then a guy who has consistently posted about me.

IMHO you concocted this story about me supposedly doing a deal with you. I dont even know who you are or have any recollection of ever talking to you. Neither did Oystein by the way. If we had a deal it would have been with our company and not me personally.

Anyone who knows me, knows that if I say I am going to be somewhere I show up. If not, there is at the very least a call. You said ages ago in a post that we were supposed to come to Atlanta. I have never been to Atlanta and never talked to you about coming. Furthermore, for you to claim that you lost money is nuts. We had plenty of joint deals and all of those made sense and had paperwork behind them. If you banked an idea off of something you had going without consulting us well that is your own issue and has nothing to do with me or Oystein or Playa for that matter.

If you had a deal with us, there would have been an agreement, terms and a timetable. If you haven't noticed, I work off of agreements drafted by attorneys. Heck, I am surrounded by them and consult them on all deals.

I have made myself available over the last two years to talk to you about this, but you have been reluctant to call or email me. Again on you, not me. If you want to call me or discuss anything with me, I am in the office everyday of the week.

I am done posting about this. You continue to besmirch me rather then call to address whatever issues you think you have. I find that curious.
I think you are getting me mixed up with someone of a more southern persuasion. I am happy that you and Oystein settled your differences over Playa. None of that helped me. You may consult attorneys on all deals, but then you drive the company, not them. I believe OJ consulted a couple of attorneys as well, and he won his case, is not guilty, and leads a happy life as a respected citizen. If I did a deal with you. Companies are people and just because it is an LLC, it is still the person that sells the company and is ulitmately responsible for its actions. Honourable people stand behind their companies and take responsibility for its performance, as I am sure you would have had it been a success. Dude, I just wanted to hear what you had to say, and it was like pulling teeth to get even this out of you. But I gotta say, the buck never stopped on your desk, just the finger pointing. However and why ever you guys turtled that company is of no concern. The way you handled the result was very unprofessional. As for being available, you were.....sometimes.....on your freeking moblie in traffic somewhere. But that availability ran out. BTW, I have never consistently posted about you. This is the first time because I saw you were actually preaching to newbies at a convention. Hell I wrote off that disaster years ago. But the fact is, it happened. So you can hold your breath until all your lawyer allow you to breath again, or you turn blue. It might shake up your memory.

08-19-2007, 12:53 PM
I could see this one going back and forth for a while....

08-19-2007, 01:58 PM

08-19-2007, 03:12 PM
I think he's confusing Rhetorical with Jace, who was the one that started the other thread about Chris speaking at an Internext seminar, not Jason.

08-19-2007, 03:49 PM
ok...ok?....Let's me get this straight?

So Jace is raggin' at Chris? But Rhetorical is raggin' at Jason? of which Jason things rhetorical is Jace? But realizing that Jace really meant his about Chris?
Jason things Jace is Rhetorical thats raggin' on Jason? or does he know it's about Chris? but then where's Chris at in all this? and why is Jason not telling this to Chris? And is Rhetorical also raggin' at Chris? Does Chris even know Jason? Because if that was the case, Jace doesn't like Rhetorical anyway? So are Jason and Chris tight? And does Chris even know rhetorical?

08-19-2007, 06:59 PM
I think he's confusing Rhetorical with Jace, who was the one that started the other thread about Chris speaking at an Internext seminar, not Jason.
Its all smoke and mirrors I guess.

Hell Puppy
08-19-2007, 07:31 PM
I could see this one going back and forth for a while....

Nah....if Jason Tucker is true to form, he'll just ignore it and hope it goes away.

See a pattern with him?

08-19-2007, 07:37 PM
Nah....if Jason Tucker is true to form, he'll just ignore it and hope it goes away.

See a pattern with him?

At a recent Saturday morning shoot at the ranch -- where a petite 23-year-old wriggles out of her bikini under a waterfall -- Tucker is livid after learning that a Falcon-owned photo appeared in a magazine without authorization, having been downloaded from the Internet. "We're getting ripped off again," he fumes, swatting at a copy of the pirated photo

Poor boy fumes with self righteous indignation when he gets ripped off. He has an army of lawyers, he says. I guess he needs them.