View Full Version : Aussie internet porn crusade

08-12-2007, 03:09 AM
(Australin IT)
John Howard is going to spend $189 million on "cleaning up the internet" for Australian families, blocking pornography, upgrading the search for chat-room sex predators and cutting off terror sites. Every Australian family will be provided with a free internet filter and the federal Government will enter an unprecedented partnership with service providers to filter pornography at the source. Communications and Australian Federal Police resources will be boosted immediately to expand checks on internet chat rooms to detect child predators, and privacy laws masking sex offenders on the net will be altered.

08-12-2007, 10:46 AM
Thank you "Big Brother"

08-12-2007, 12:56 PM
I talked with an Aussie at Internext about this and asked him what he thought and he said they just tell the government to "fuck off".

Somehow I don't think $189 million is going to go far in this effort.

Personally I don't have a problem with providing better filters to parents and making sure they know about them and how to use them. We could all breathe a sigh of relief if there was a filter system that was effective and effectively promoted so most parents were aware of it. I'm not worried about losing a few bucks because some parents will be too stupid to figure out how to use the filters, but the government would have a hard time making a case against us if kids could effectively be blocked from our content in some way besides forcing us to put everything (including free sites), in password protected areas, like COPA proposes.

08-13-2007, 11:28 PM
Wow - I think we should send someone over there to get on this commission. This is very interesting but will they stop at filtering adult or will they consider all the other objectional stuff on the internet.

This takes me back to the scene in "The People vs Larry Flynt" when he does the slide show showing adult photos and war photos. to prove what he thought was objectionable.

08-14-2007, 02:09 AM
I talked with an Aussie at Internext about this and asked him what he thought and he said they just tell the government to "fuck off".

Somehow I don't think $189 million is going to go far in this effort.

Personally I don't have a problem with providing better filters to parents and making sure they know about them and how to use them. We could all breathe a sigh of relief if there was a filter system that was effective and effectively promoted so most parents were aware of it. I'm not worried about losing a few bucks because some parents will be too stupid to figure out how to use the filters, but the government would have a hard time making a case against us if kids could effectively be blocked from our content in some way besides forcing us to put everything (including free sites), in password protected areas, like COPA proposes.

Its an election year, its just to get the christian vote. May never happen as he possibly won't get back in.

I still don't understand why there hasn't been a 'kids internet' created by one of the super corporations by now - or oprah!! its so much easier to put all the 'approved' stuff in a section rather than trying to block everything objectionable.

In the same way they are trying to move porn onto .sex and .xxx why not move all approved kids sites to a .kids domain and then browsers can filter by domain. To register one of these domains you have to go through a screening process from a board of parents & sponsors.

So if any company markets to children, they have to meet the same standards online as they do in the rest of their business. You take your kids to a playground or a children friendly zone to play ... you wouldn't let them play in dirty streets around brothels, flashers, drug dealers, peddo scum at all so why would we expect 'the internet' is going to be a safe zone for kids?

Make a domain extension, or an intranet, make it safe, put all the kids in there and protect them properly ... and let us get on with our lives of sin!!

08-14-2007, 02:17 AM
Didn't you have some kind of online mag for girls? How did that go?

08-14-2007, 02:37 AM
Didn't you have some kind of online mag for girls? How did that go?

Not for a few years now!
It was great ... but I decided I don't like working so hard.

08-14-2007, 09:51 AM
I think the reason no one is pushing for putting the burden on kid approved sites is because there are far more companies (not necessarily websites) that have websites that are appropriate for kids and they would all need to register a .kids tld. So, instead, it makes a lot more sense for them to push to have the scumbag pornographers go to all the trouble, rather than the nice law abiding and decent companies. Also, if you're going to require someone to do something, do you require the decent law abiding companies to comply with something like moving their sites to a .kids tld, or do you force the scumbags to move to .xxx?

I still think filters are the easiest way to do it and have no problem tagging my sites so the filters work. The issue is making sure parents know about the filters and do something to force the deadbeats to use them. We're always talking about putting the burden on the parents and this is one way to do it.

08-14-2007, 11:02 AM
Not for a few years now!
It was great ... but I decided I don't like working so hard.

A great plan. That is what I love about this business.

08-14-2007, 01:00 PM
i dont get why people are so sensitive to porn...it swings both ways and the people who work at it are in no way abused or exploited..its a biz

www.theasss.com (http://www.theasss.com/)

www.footfetishsexy.com (http://www.footfetishsexy.com/)

www.gimmetranny.com (http://www.gimmetranny.com/)

08-14-2007, 01:02 PM
there are so many countries who hate to admit that their citizens are darn horny... it actually keeps the population populating..,..so maybe ban it in china..but aussie? hmmm

www.theasss.com (http://www.theasss.com/)

www.footfetishsexy.com (http://www.footfetishsexy.com/)

www.gimmetranny.com (http://www.gimmetranny.com/)

08-14-2007, 06:31 PM
I think the reason no one is pushing for putting the burden on kid approved sites is because there are far more companies (not necessarily websites) that have websites that are appropriate for kids and they would all need to register a .kids tld. So, instead, it makes a lot more sense for them to push to have the scumbag pornographers go to all the trouble, rather than the nice law abiding and decent companies. Also, if you're going to require someone to do something, do you require the decent law abiding companies to comply with something like moving their sites to a .kids tld, or do you force the scumbags to move to .xxx?

I still think filters are the easiest way to do it and have no problem tagging my sites so the filters work. The issue is making sure parents know about the filters and do something to force the deadbeats to use them. We're always talking about putting the burden on the parents and this is one way to do it.

This is the interesting part ... don't offline businesses already have to meet many approvals before they can service children? A child care centre can't just pop up, neither can a theme park or a video can't be released without a classification. Saying we can clean up the porn and move it to another location only solves keeping kids away from porn, not all the other crap online. There are other things that concern me far more where kids and the internet are concerned than porn, so why not leave all of the 'objectionable' material where it is and create a safe zone ...

Its not about who should have to pay for it or whose responsibility it is or who has to move, at the end of the day the only issue that needs to be resolved is the safety of children and by gathering them together we can protect them properly from MOST of the shit that's online.

I'm taking it to oprah!! LOL

08-14-2007, 06:36 PM
This is the interesting part ... don't offline businesses already have to meet many approvals before they can service children? A child care centre can't just pop up, neither can a theme park or a video can't be released without a classification. Saying we can clean up the porn and move it to another location only solves keeping kids away from porn, not all the other crap online. There are other things that concern me far more where kids and the internet are concerned than porn, so why not leave all of the 'objectionable' material where it is and create a safe zone ...

Its not about who should have to pay for it or whose responsibility it is or who has to move, at the end of the day the only issue that needs to be resolved is the safety of children and by gathering them together we can protect them properly from MOST of the shit that's online.

I'm taking it to oprah!! LOL

I think this is a good message why doesnt Joan and Helmy persue this instead of badgering companies for large donations?

I often wonder where all that money goes. Same kiddie porn sites out there that Ive seen for years. Doesnt look like shes being too effective to me.

Add up the donations from the page alone and you will see that there is a lot of money being donated yet NOTHING is being done about it.

08-14-2007, 07:07 PM
Good points CJ and Gonzo.

Now that you put it that way CJ, I agree and that's an excellent point. Looking forward to seeing you on Oprah. ;)

Gonzo, I wonder the same thing and agree that ASACP doesn't seem to accomplish much although I see Joan and Brandon at every show and I'm pretty sure that donations are paying their ways. Now they're touting their own tagging system and asking us to abandon ICRA's. How many sites have you run across with the RTA symbol?

08-14-2007, 07:20 PM
Now they're touting their own tagging system and asking us to abandon ICRA's. How many sites have you run across with the RTA symbol?I see the RTA logo on quite a few sites. And for the record, ICRA is now FOSI.

08-14-2007, 07:29 PM
I see the RTA logo on quite a few sites. And for the record, ICRA is now FOSI.
By quite a few you mean like 20?

08-14-2007, 07:30 PM
Good points CJ and Gonzo.

Now that you put it that way CJ, I agree and that's an excellent point. Looking forward to seeing you on Oprah. ;)

Gonzo, I wonder the same thing and agree that ASACP doesn't seem to accomplish much although I see Joan and Brandon at every show and I'm pretty sure that donations are paying their ways. Now they're touting their own tagging system and asking us to abandon ICRA's. How many sites have you run across with the RTA symbol?

Nobody said they were stupid. Sooner or later everyone was going to figure out that their contribution to the war on kiddie porn was worthless. It was a nice move for Helmy...and lets not forget both of their involvement early on with .XXX . Even though they would like for us to.

08-14-2007, 07:36 PM
By quite a few you mean like 20?No, I mean more often than I see the ICRA logo.

Hell Puppy
08-14-2007, 09:07 PM
No, I mean more often than I see the ICRA logo.

ICRA doesn't require a logo, just have to put the right stuff in meta. I put ICRA on all of my sites. Works with every blocking program or content control method I'm aware of.

I dont know about this other one from ASACP, how does it work? Do I have to fly their logo? Cost? Does everything support it?

Hell Puppy
08-14-2007, 09:08 PM
Good points CJ and Gonzo.

Now that you put it that way CJ, I agree and that's an excellent point. Looking forward to seeing you on Oprah. ;)

Gonzo, I wonder the same thing and agree that ASACP doesn't seem to accomplish much although I see Joan and Brandon at every show and I'm pretty sure that donations are paying their ways. Now they're touting their own tagging system and asking us to abandon ICRA's. How many sites have you run across with the RTA symbol?

Ever submit a kiddie porn site to them?

Did they get it taken down?

08-14-2007, 10:16 PM
Ever submit a kiddie porn site to them?

Did they get it taken down?
No, but I've submtted cp sites to the FBI and they got them taken down with no donation required. My tax dollars at work.

08-14-2007, 10:26 PM
I dont know about this other one from ASACP, how does it work? Do I have to fly their logo? Cost? Does everything support it?
It works the same as ICRA's. It's a meta tag and it's free. http://www.rtalabel.org/howto.php

Why it's better than ICRA's, I'm not sure.

08-14-2007, 10:28 PM
It works the same as ICRA's. It's a meta tag and it's free. http://www.rtalabel.org/howto.php

Why it's better than ICRA's, I'm not sure.
Why they need donations for it escapes me as well.

08-14-2007, 10:38 PM
ICRA doesn't require a logo, just have to put the right stuff in meta. I put ICRA on all of my sites. Works with every blocking program or content control method I'm aware of.

I dont know about this other one from ASACP, how does it work? Do I have to fly their logo? Cost? Does everything support it?RTA doesn't require a logo either and it's just a simple META tag that is the same on every site and page you put it on. I only put the logo on my warning pages, and that is completely voluntary.

I've been through this whole discussion already, when RTA went live last November. So I'm going to cheat a little a quote myself...

The difference between RTA and ICRA is in the complexity. ICRA requires a complex customized tag for each domain. RTA is a simple meta tag that is the same for every site you use it on, and you don't need to register or fill in any forms to use the tag.
<meta name="RATING" content="RTA-5042-1996-1400-1577-RTA">

Now, you could argue that ICRA and the Rating Meta are already in place (content="restricted"), as defined by W3C years ago, why do we need another? Those tags have existed for some time, and the Government is still saying, "...we’ll mandate it, if you don’t." ICRA and W3C are not going to spend any time or effort trying to get the adult webmaster community to voluntarily self-label. When is the last time you saw any kind of press release from ICRA (now FOSI) directed at webmasters?

Sure ASACP could have just used the existing W3C rating meta label, but a new specific label of their own lets them create a Terms and Conditions (http://www.rtalabel.org/terms.php) of Use.

If ASACP can get the SE's involved, then it levels the playing field by providing incentive for ALL webmasters to self-label, not just those of us in the good ol' U.S.A.

Hell Puppy
08-15-2007, 03:42 AM
Or if you dont wanna fuss with either, just do this:

<META NAME="Rating" CONTENT="Restricted">