View Full Version : Justice Dept Grant to Stop Porn Brings Zero Prosecutions

08-12-2007, 03:06 AM
From NYTimes.com: Tom Rogers, a retired Indianapolis detective, toils away most days in his suburban home office reviewing sexual Web sites and other Internet traffic to see whether they qualify as obscene material whose purveyors should be prosecuted by the Justice Department.

His work is financed by a Justice Department grant initially provided through a Congressional earmark inserted into a spending bill by Representative Frank R. Wolf, Republican of Virginia.

The grant, about $150,000 a year, has helped pay for Mr. Rogers and another retired law enforcement officer in Reno, Nev., to harvest and review complaints about obscene matter on the Internet that citizens register on the Justice Department Web site.

In the last few years, 67,000 citizens’ complaints have been deemed legitimate under the program and passed on to the Justice Department and federal prosecutors.

The number of prosecutions resulting from those referrals is zero.
That may help explain why no one — not Justice Department officials, not Mr. Wolf, not even the religious antipornography crusader who runs the program — seems eager to call the project a shining success. Rest of Article. . . (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/10/us/10obscene.html?_r=1&oref=slogin)

08-12-2007, 09:34 AM
"Mr. Wolf would not comment. Over several days, his aides said he was too busy to do so."

Because he's addicted to porn.