View Full Version : [Blog Tip] What are you doing with your blog 404 traffic?

08-08-2007, 05:50 PM
One of the things I really try and do when setting up my new blogs is monetize every aspect of the blog, if someone is going to turn their head and look to the side, there needs to be something there to sell them. It can get tricky doing this while at the same time maintaining a stylish appearance.

One of my favorite pages to work with is the 404 page, when is the last time you set up your 404 page to sell anything? Judging from some of the blogs I have seen around while surfing, most of you have no clue. So, he is what I do….

First log into your wordpress admin and navigate to the Presentation>Theme Editor. Now click on “404 Template”, if you don’t see it there you will have to create one on your own, if you need help on that just leave me a comment and I will tell you how. Look for something along these lines:
<h2><?php _e(’Not Found’); ?></h2>
This is the code telling the blog to display “Not Found” when someone comes to the blog 404 page. Every blog theme is different, so you might have to play around, but look under it and you will probably see something along the lines of:
<div class=”entry”></div>
there might be something in there already, you can leave it there if you like it or replace it with something to sell

One of my favorite things to do is use the SpaCash (http://www.spacash.com/?account=fuckingb&fee=comission) Fake TGP Generator, but instead of just throwing the thumbs in there, letting the surfers hitting that 404 page know that the ALL the sites in the thumbs are $1 to join.

Here is an example of my 404 on Best Babes Blog (http://www.bestbabesblog.com/csdcsdcsd). I use the php include because I found it loads much faster.
Some other great products to sell are:
WEGCash Join4Free (http://www.wegcash.com/?wm=fuckingb)
CECash $25 Per Free Trial Program (http://www.cecash.com/New_Cecash2/?affiliate=2482133:VMI4)

My Blog 404 Traffic Article (http://www.justjace.com/2007/08/08/what-are-you-doing-with-your-blog-404-traffic/)
My Blog About Blogging (http://www.justjace.com/)

08-08-2007, 06:09 PM
Digg IT! (http://www.digg.com/software/Just_Jace_What_are_you_doing_with_your_blog_404_tr affic)